
  • In this episode from The Peace Room, guest Elizabeth Blake-Thomas shares her mission to transform lives daily through various creative mediums.

    Recognizing the power of words as medicine, she emphasizes the importance of intentionality in communication. Elizabeth introduces the concept of a "cabinet cleanse" to prioritize tasks and advocates for monotasking over multitasking for clarity and productivity. Drawing inspiration from butterflies, she reflects on the stages of metamorphosis and resilience in the face of setbacks. Elizabeth discusses her upcoming retreat focused on personal reset, offering practical tools for holistic well-being.

    Embracing organic growth, she invites listeners to connect with her through her website and social media platforms.


  • Welcome to another episode of 5 Minutes of Peace, your moment to reflect, recharge, and renew. Today, we explore a reading from "The Book of Qualities" by J. Ruth Gendler, delving into the personified qualities of Intuition and Wisdom.

    In this excerpt, Gendler invites us to imagine Intuition as a houseguest who transforms her surroundings. Intuition, despite a spotty employment record, brings beauty and order, filling the home with unique, cherished items and nourishing, beautiful foods. This presence turns the narrator’s life inside out, highlighting the transformative power of embracing our intuitive side.

    Next, we meet Wisdom, who wears an indigo jacket and takes contemplative walks. Wisdom's quiet mind and reflective nature allow her to understand the world’s dualities, contemplating the edges where things become their opposites. Through these vivid characterizations, Jendler bridges literature and psychology, encouraging us to see our emotions in new and inspiring ways.

    Thank you for spending these moments of peace with us. Remember, we are all connected on this path of love, service, and peace.

    For more about The Peace Room and our offerings, visit

    Join us anytime you need five minutes of peace.

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  • In this episode for The Peace Room, Carina Marshall invites listeners to explore their consciousness and embrace their innate power.

    Carina's Website

    @imwithcarina on Instagram

    Carina on YouTube

    Carina's Facebook page

    Amidst global turmoil, she emphasizes the importance of understanding one's vibrational energy and its impact on reality. Carina encourages tuning into the frequency of peace and connecting with one's higher self to manifest positive change. She offers metaphysical tools and prompts for self-reflection, urging listeners to practice compassion and ask meaningful questions for personal growth. By choosing love, empowerment, and unity, listeners embark on a journey of self-realization and transformation.

    Join Carina Marshall on this empowering path to discovering your greatest superpower and unlocking inner peace.

    Carina Marhsall is a vibrational transformation coach, passionate about serving others on the deepest level through promoting "vibrational living." She is a certified Master Life Coach (MLC), Life & Spiritual Mentor (LSM), and meditation teacher, having practiced Kriya Yoga for decades. Her website is and she shares 16 metaphysical tools for self-empowerment in her book, 𝘋𝘪𝘴𝘤𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳 & 𝘜𝘴𝘦 𝘠𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘎𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘚𝘶𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘱𝘰𝘸𝘦𝘳: 𝘔𝘦𝘵𝘢𝘱𝘩𝘺𝘴𝘪𝘤𝘴, 𝘚𝘱𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘶𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘺, & 𝘉𝘶𝘣𝘣𝘭𝘦𝘨𝘶𝘮!

  • In this episode from The Peace Room, Nidhu B. Kapoor introduces the transformative power of a two-word manifesto: "What if."

    Nidhu explains how shifting from negative questions to positive statements can change body chemistry and brain neuroplasticity. By envisioning positive outcomes, listeners open themselves to greater possibilities in life, health, wealth, and relationships. Nidhu provides examples of empowering "What if" statements, encouraging listeners to embrace positivity and trust in the universe. With simple yet powerful language techniques, Nidhu offers listeners a pathway to a more open and positive mindset. Look into Nidhu's programs for more word medicine and transformative insights.

    And come back to our podcast, whenever you need five minutes of peace.

    Nidhu's Links:







    Get to know Nidhu: Original Master, Creator & Sharer of The Decrees (Word Medicine)

    If it is simple and empowering, gentle but powerful, Nidhu will have it in her toolkit because her promise is - shifts within 10 seconds and results showing in the world within 24 to 72 hours. In fact, she is the only practitioner in the world doing 5 mins and 10 mins Speedster one-on-one personal sessions!

    This unique blend of words and body processes take you from pain to Peace in the shortest time possible (depending on the negative Karma). Expect results instantaneously!!

    Her work is as scientific as it is spiritual and uses both eastern medicine (like in the principles of acupressure, pranayama, Qi Gong, Jin Shin Jyutsu, visualisation, Ho'oponopono, the Vedas and mudras) and western philosophy (like in talk therapy, transactional analysis, the laws of attraction & allowing & manifesting, multidimensional work, understandings of the subconscious and conscious mind, the shadow self and the power of limiting beliefs). She has used all of these to create and develop Word Medicine aka The Decrees, which is hands down, the fastest healing process in the world - it actually works instantaneously!

    You have the right to be healthy and happy and with The Decrees, this goal is now closer than ever! Working for everyone at all ages as well animals and plants, computers and phones, this is a game changer for life!

  • In this episode from The Peace Room, discover 5 benefits of embracing imperfection in life.

    Amidst societal pressures for perfection, the host advocates for happiness, reduced stress, and enhanced relationships through acceptance of flaws. By embracing imperfection, fear of failure diminishes, fostering personal growth and resilience. Moreover, it promotes kindness and empathy towards others, fostering harmonious relationships.

    Embracing imperfection nurtures self-esteem, fostering self-compassion and inspiring others through authentic human connection.

    Through relatable anecdotes and insightful reflections, listeners are encouraged to value imperfection as a pathway to fulfillment and meaningful connections.

  • In this episode of 5 Minutes of Peace by ThePeaceRoom, our special guest Luanne Hunt shares a powerful message of unity and love.

    Through her heartfelt lyrics, listeners are reminded of the importance of finding peace amidst chaos and embracing love in all its forms. Her evocative words call for harmony and understanding, urging us to let go of fear and divisiveness.

    Acclaimed singer-songwriter Luanne Hunt has released her 24th studio album, “Miles & Memories,” a modern country and folk project that infuses traditional sounds with timeless themes and heartfelt sentiments. The album features seven tracks, including the song we feature today, “IF YOU SEE PEACE.”

    Hunt, an Independent Superstars Hall of Fame recording artist and five-time Josie Music Awards nominee, has been in the music industry for three decades.

    The enchanting “Solace in The Wind” reached No.1 on the European Country Music Association’s chart (Belgium )in July, 2010. Additionally, the song landed on the 2009 Grammy ballot in two categories: Best Country Song and Best Female Country Performance.

    With her roots in folk music, she wanted to return to the genre and create something unique and authentic.

    “The challenge for every recording artist is to create music inspired by your influences but at the same time bring something fresh and wonderful to the table,” said Hunt.

    Her latest album showcases her talent as a songwriter and musician, with “Miles & Memories” being called a stand-out among the plethora of music being released today. 

    For those seeking further solace and healing, ThePeaceRoom offers Reiki treatments, crystal healings, and workshops. Visit our website to discover more about their offerings and join in the journey toward inner peace.

  • In today's episode of 5 Minutes of Peace by ThePeaceRoom, Kelly Jean guides listeners through a meditation on embracing positive attitudes amidst life's uncertainties.

    The message emphasizes the wisdom in accepting what fate brings while maintaining control over one's reactions. By cultivating positive expectations, each circumstance holds potential for growth and fulfillment.

    The Serenity Prayer serves as a beacon of insight, urging listeners to inventory and adjust their attitudes. With a commitment to positivity, the day unfolds with grace and harmony.

    Join ThePeaceRoom on the journey of love, service, and peace, and explore our offerings for Reiki healing and spiritual growth. At

  • Dr. Eleanor Haspel-Portner guides listeners through a transformative meditation, "Balancing the Four Worlds," aimed at balancing emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual realms.

    With feet shoulder-width apart, weight shifts between heels and toes symbolize transitions between these worlds. Fluid movements foster equilibrium within the psyche and brain hemispheres, aligning with the spine's energy flow. As breaths release tension, the figure-eight motion integrates the worlds, culminating in a gradual slowdown.

    Dr. Haspel-Portner invites practitioners to embrace peace and harmony, offering her expertise at

    Tune in again whenever you need five minutes of peace.

  • In this episode of 5 Minutes of Peace by ThePeaceRoom, Kelly Jean reflects on behavior change.

    Highlighting the power of small actions in transforming our lives.

    Recognizing imperfections as human

    The episode emphasizes the potential for minor adjustments to have a profound impact on our outlook and attitudes. By embracing change and supporting each other, listeners are encouraged to take small steps towards personal growth and self-improvement. The episode concludes with a reminder of interconnectedness on the path of love and peace.

    Visit ThePeaceRoom's website for more on healing treatments and workshops.

    Join us when you need five minutes of peace.

  • In this episode, we hear about "The Healing Journey" with Wendy Bjork.

    Wendy emphasizes the holistic nature of our health journey, highlighting the importance of mindset and self-care practices. Wendy stresses the significance of surrounding ourselves with supportive individuals and viewing challenges as opportunities for growth. Drawing from her personal experience with MS, she advocates for resilience, advocating for oneself, and reframing the narrative from one of battle to one of navigation. Wendy encourages listeners to show themselves grace, patience, and kindness, both in their health journey and in their interactions with others.

    For more about Wendy, visit Remember, every act of kindness can make a difference.

  • In today's episode of 5 Minutes of Peace by ThePeaceRoom, a passage from "The Heart Aroused" by David Whyte.

    This reflects on the transformative journey of midlife. As the body changes, so do the mind and heart, altering perceptions and priorities. The narrator explores the inner conflict between professional duties and personal desires, urging listeners to heed the call for a more authentic life. Through vivid imagery and introspective narration, the passage resonates with those navigating the complexities of midlife transitions.

    Join ThePeaceRoom on the path of love, service, and peace, and visit our website for more information on Reiki treatments and healing sessions.

  • Today's guest is Toni Suko, a certified medical Reiki master. Toni shares a guided healing meditation for anyone having a medical condition or "dis-ease."

    In this session, listeners are encouraged to connect with their bodies, acknowledging any tension or discomfort. Imagining bubbles of light surrounding them, they are invited to breathe deeply, allowing the healing energy to flow in and out. The visualization aims to support healing, releasing illness and disease.

    Listeners are prompted to affirm their wellness and express gratitude. Toni's gentle guidance offers a moment of solace and empowerment.

    To learn more or book a session, visit her website at Take a moment to nurture your body, mind, and spirit with this transformative practice.

    Usui Holy Fire Reiki MasterCertified Medical Reiki MasterWebsite is

    Toni's Website

  • Enjoy Good Health by Managing Your Energy

     When you’re not managing your energy properly, you’re likely to experience emotions such as anger, frustration, exhaustion and other emotions that can compromise your health.

    When you know how to manage your energy and enjoy an abundance of it your emotions will be connected, passionate, peaceful and positive. The outlook you get when you have energy to be productive and enjoy life can make a world of difference in your present and future health.

    There never seems to be enough time to get things done, so we exist by multi-tasking on the run. For example, you may be eating a sandwich, driving a car and talking on the telephone all at once at any given time of the day. You may have gotten done what you had on your ‘list’, but you’re probably exhausted at the end of the day.

    Personal energy management techniques can help produce a more natural energy and one that’s healthier for you. When you focus on the physical ways to produce energy, it serves you better than trying to get things done using ways that leave you mentally and physically depleted.

    Here are some simple ways to enjoy better health by managing your personal energy:

    1.   Get rid of energy drainers. An energy drainer might be in the form of a person or a task. Assess the people around you and distance yourself from those who leave you exhausted when you leave their presence.

    2.   Dance. Take a lesion from children -- move your body to some funky rhythms and reenergize your body and mind. Just a few minutes of dancing around the room will give you some much needed positive energy.

    3.   Learn and practice a ‘healing’ art. Energy healing sessions such as Tai Chi and Reiki are especially great for renewing the energy levels of your mind, body and spirit so that you feel better and enjoy a healthier lifestyle.

    4.   Discover what makes you happy. You may not be able to do what makes you happy 24/7, but you can rejuvenate your body and mind by engaging in those activities on a regular basis. You may enjoy crafts, cooking, reading, watching or playing sports. Do what makes you happy and enjoy better health.

    5.   Nourish your spiritual side. Take some time out of every day to nourish your spirit by a number of ways. You can commune with nature by gardening or walking or even just sitting in a garden listening to the sounds of nature. Take time to meditate and search through your soul until you feel rejuvenated.

    Many times we forget that keeping healthy isn’t just about diet and exercise. A positive outlook and surrounding ourselves with positive energy by managing our energy wisely can do wonders for our health.

  • Amanda Creasey, an accomplished educator, author, and outdoors writer, shares a poignant excerpt from her debut novel, "An Expected End."

    The novel is a piece of literary speculative fiction set in a near future where individuals can learn the precise moment of their death. However, Amanda emphasizes that the narrative isn't about death but centers on life, exploring themes of time, love, acceptance, and family. The excerpt takes us to the epilogue, where Marshall, the protagonist, reflects on life's transient beauty after celebrating his daughter Eden's birthday. Through Marshall's contemplation, the narrative beautifully intertwines memories of his past, the enduring impact of Penelope, and the significance of quality over quantity in the measurement of time.

    Amanda's writing captures the essence of being human, cherishing fleeting moments, and finding profound meaning in the ordinary.

    Amanda's Website:

    Her Newsletter

    Her Instagram Account: Amanda_Sue_Creasey

    Links to the book:


    Barnes and Noble

    Get to Know Amanda:

    Amanda is a high school English teacher and the Outdoors Writer for Cooperative Living Magazine. She holds an undergraduate degree in German, English, and Secondary Education from Michigan State University, and a graduate degree in Creative Writing from the University of Denver.

    Her work appears in three Chicken Soup for the Soul books, and her poetry, outdoor journalism, and nature photography have earned recognition from The Poetry Society of Virginia and Virginia Outdoor Writers Association.

    When she isn’t writing, she enjoys hiking, walking, and standup paddleboarding with her dogs, as well as running and reading. A member of James River Writers, the Poetry Society of Virginia, and Virginia Outdoor Writers Association, she resides in Virginia, with her husband; Archie the rescue parrot; and two rescue dogs, Nacho and Soda, chihuahua mix littermates who rule the house. Her debut novel, An Expected End, launched in October.

  • Welcome to 5 Minutes of Peace, a time for you to reflect, recharge, and renew. Five minutes to awaken something within yourself, created by ThePeaceRoom. Love.

    Today's book passage is from "Thoughts and Meditations" by Kahlil Gibran.

    Thank you for listening and thank yourself for taking five minutes of peace. We are all connected on a path of love, service, and peace for ourselves and others. We're glad to be together with you on this path. And if you would like to know more about The Peace Room and our Reiki treatments, crystal healings, training sessions, and workshops, go to www.thepeaceroom. love.

    Join us here again whenever you need five minutes of peace.

  • On this episode, we share a meditation from David Lawson, a life coach from Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

    David says, "I've been there too. I know the joys and nightmares of life's journey through hard knocks, grief, trauma, and experience. My long list of triumphs and rock bottoms are my clients’ greatest assets. If you know you have to create a new reality for yourself and how you live your life, I can help you. Trust me, you’re headed somewhere great."

    This meditation, guided by David, aims to help listeners retrain their minds and break free from old patterns that no longer serve them. The process begins with deep, intentional breaths, drawing energy from feet to head, creating a gentle vibration throughout the body. Participants are encouraged to envision a serene place, invoking sensory experiences to induce calmness. David emphasizes the power of the conscious mind to reshape thought patterns and beliefs, urging listeners to recognize, cancel, clear, and delete old patterns of anxiety. The meditation progresses to seeking liberation from emotional chains, visualizing a new, empowered self, and setting intentions for change. David underscores the transformative ability of visualization, guiding participants to embody the envisioned new self and anchor it with a deep breath. The meditation concludes with a gradual return to awareness, encouraging participants to carry the positive energy into their day.

  • The podcast, "5 Minutes of Peace," created by ThePeaceRoom, offers a brief moment for self-reflection and renewal.

    In this episode, Kelly Jean reads a passage from "Sacred Geometry, Language of the Angels" by Richard Heath. (

    The book explores the concept of angels beyond religious confines, emphasizing their role in the planetary destiny of humanity. Angels, with a deep understanding of numbers and universal patterns, contributed to Earth's evolution. The human mind, emerging from the framework conditions set by angels, serves the purpose of the universe knowing itself. Heath contrasts angelic and human minds, highlighting the top-down harmony of angels and the bottom-up contingency of humans. Ancient angelic number science, transmitted through astronomy, influenced early human civilizations, leading to the development of measures and geometrical forms.

    We invite listeners to explore more about ThePeaceRoom's offerings, promoting love, service, and peace on the shared path of self-discovery.

  • Tina Huynh, a food freedom coach, guides a body appreciation meditation to address pain and self-resentment.

    Beginning with deep breaths, she encourages grounding, feeling the earth's support, and tuning into the breath's natural rhythm. The meditation progresses to a body scan, expressing gratitude for each body part—from feet to head. Tina prompts acknowledgment of the body's incredible daily feats often unnoticed.

    Participants send warmth and energy to various body regions, appreciating strength, support, and vital functions. The meditation concludes with a return to breath awareness, fostering a deeper connection with oneself and the world.

    Tina invites listeners to revisit this practice for a profound sense of peace and gratitude. She also shares her website and Instagram for those interested in her intuitive eating and body love programs.


    Get to know Tina:

    Tina has spent most of her life as a people pleaser and lost her identity somewhere along the way. Life felt dull and pointless for a long time. She suffered through bulimia for almost a decade, but finally began healing herself through education and self-discovery. She has since been dedicated to teaching others what she’s learnt along the way. Tina is a certified Sound Healer, Meditation Teacher, and Mind-Body Eating Coach working to help women heal their destructive emotional eating patterns. She is always looking for new ways to push past her limitations to live an energetic and abundant life, and hopes to inspire others to live their fullest lives as well.

  • Welcome to "5 Minutes of Peace" by ThePeaceRoom, your sanctuary for self-reflection and renewal. Today, Kelly Jean shares a profound passage from Florence Scovel Shinn's "The Magic Path of Intuition."

    Florence invites us to awaken our inner eye, emphasizing that what we envision internally manifests externally. Through the affirmation of our divine power, we sweep away negativity and align with our spiritual purpose. Florence beautifully illustrates the transformative nature of our words, urging us to baptize failures with the affirmation of success.

    The passage guides us to see beyond the fog of adverse appearances and boldly affirm the clarity of our desires. Florence unveils the law of nature—use what you have wisely, and abundance will flow effortlessly. Embracing perfect peace and poise, we become immune to hurts and frustrations.

    Thank yourself for taking this 5-minute journey of peace. Explore more about The Peace Room and its offerings at

    Join us on this path of love, service, and peace.

  • Welcome to "5 Minutes of Peace" by ThePeaceRoom, your sanctuary for reflection and rejuvenation.

    In today's session, Kim Beam guides you through a transformative meditation on decision-making.

    Take a moment to focus on your breath, observing its rhythm in your body.

    Envision the decision at hand, and, with intention, step into one choice. Feel the nuances of this imagined life: your routine, encounters, and overall well-being. Explore worries and excitements associated with this path. Then, gracefully step back and contemplate the alternative decision. Delve into the details of this alternate reality, exploring emotions, concerns, and joys.

    As you oscillate between these two perspectives, gain valuable insights. What stirs within as you navigate each choice? With this newfound awareness, pause, and let the reflections settle.

    Kim Beam encourages you to visit for more.

    Thank you for joining "5 Minutes of Peace," where decisions unfold in the gentle embrace of meditation.