From modern quilt pattern designs to web-based design software, from creating an exchange for unwanted fabric to “local” online fabric shops, the quilting community is a vibrant place of ingenuity, entrepreneurship, and incredible creativity. Quilt Buzz aims to create a platform to learn more about the “every” quilters’ stories from across the global quilting community, focusing on up-and-coming projects and people that are pushing the boundaries.
The 7L ‘Off-Piste’ Podcast is a platform for hosts and guests to dive ‘into the unknown’ and uncover topics of mutual interest that have led them to have a connection with the brand.
Our hosts Nigel ‘Wingman’ Clucas and Oli ‘The Choc’ Dunn sit down and mix it up in the mothership which is our very own Flagship Store.
In an industry which is surrounded by white noise and traffic, we aim to deliver an hour of honesty and reality. It’s important for us to check in on ourselves and check in with each other. We have developed this platform with a sole purpose of informing the masses and building a 7L community. Over the coming weeks, months, and years, we will be joined by a wide selection of guests that wish to share their story and share their love for the brand.
We will uncover the reasons behind the individual’s thought processes, creative decision making, upcoming events and product launches, as well as the surrounding influences that aid the brand’s growth like music, architecture, sport, and art.
In the age of data and information, it can be refreshing to listen to a relatable story and personal anecdote from someone of potential interest, and that is what we aim to deliver.
If you want to join us for a discussion, hit up the contact page and drop us an email. -
Het Container Paleis is een podcast waarin hobby klusser George-Paul Henneberke leert hoe je een zeecontainer moet ombouwen tot woning en dit hele proces van A tot Z vastlegt en deelt. Het Container Paleis wordt mede mogelijk gemaakt door Bolk Transport en Milwaukee Tools.
A weekly conversation about design process and culture. Hosted by Marshall Bock and Brian Lovin.
Are you ready to take control of your home and your life? You are in the right place! Clutterbug shares home organizing tips, tricks and advice to help you kick clutter to the curb for good. This podcast is pure motivation and inspiration, with simple and real-life tips for improving your home and transforming your entire life. Cas provides her expertise as the host of HGTV’s Hot Mess House, through her YouTube channel Clutterbug, and in her best-selling books. Join Cas‘ top top-rated podcast to show you how to get rid of clutter, learn how to organize your home and simplify your life! Learn all about the Clutterbug™ Organizing styles @ http://clutterbug.com #Productivity #Motivation #ADHD
The Futur Podcast is a show that explores the interesting overlap between design, marketing, and business. Our host (and CEO of The Futur), Chris Do, hold candid conversations with inspirational people from the worlds of design, technology, marketing, business, philosophy and personal development. These conversations go deep. With the aim of understanding who these incredible people are, what drives them to do what they do, and what can we--the listener--learn from it all. Visit thefutur.com/podcast for show notes and additional information from each episode.
In deze superlekkere podcast kookt Samuel Levie in zijn eigen keuken, samen met zijn vrienden, een gerecht met een heel bijzonder verhaal. Om je vingers bij af te likken!
☕️ Alle recepten zijn te vinden op vriendvandeshow.nl/laatsteavondmaal
💼 Deze podcast is onderdeel van het podcastnetwerk Dag en Nacht Media. Heb je interesse om te adverteren in deze podcast? Neem dan contact op met Dag en Nacht Media via adverteren@dagennacht.nl
In de podcast Boeken FM vertellen dichter en recensent Ellen Deckwitz, schrijver en recensent Joost de Vries en recensent en essayist Charlotte Remarque welk boek je moet lezen. Om beurten dragen zij een boek aan — actueel, relevant of gewoon ijzersterk.
Boeken FM is een podcast van Das Mag in samenwerking met De Groene Amsterdammer en Dag en Nacht Media.
For the last few decades there's been a revolution in the knitting world, and we go behind the scenes to gain insight into what inspired and motivated the knitting superstars who were part of this exciting time.
Join us every two weeks on Vogue Knitting Knitterviews as we interview the influencers who contributed to making the knitosphere what it is today. Brought to you by Penguin Random House Audio: “Listen while you knit." -
Deze podcast gaat over lekker eten en drinken, zelf koken en buiten de deur eten. Elke 2 weken ontdekken Jonas Nouwen en Jeroen Doucet culinaire classics en tongstrelende trends. Recepten en shownotes staan op onze site: watschaftdepodcast.com.
An interview show from your friends at Smashing Magazine. Drew McLellan and Vitaly Friedman talk to design and development experts about their work on the web, as well as catching you up with the latest news and articles at Smashing Magazine. Suitable for cats.
Have you ever looked at potters smiling from their booth at the farmers’ market and wondered: “what’s their deal?” Have you ever considered whose hands are behind the wooden chair you're sitting on? How about those fancy kitchen knives you admire?
Cut the Craft is a podcast that brings stories of handcraft and its makers to you. Perhaps you are a craftsperson looking for a fresh perspective, or a newcomer to handmade things; no matter your starting point, your hosts Amy Umbel and Brien Beidler are here to cut the craft. -
There are thousands of models and photographers creating adult content using digital platforms and taking control of their own creative lives. We sit down and interview them to help aspiring models, performers and photographers continuously improve their own content and grow their audience.
In Moestuin Advies de Podcast, gaan jeugdvrienden Ruud & Joris iedere week in gesprek met elkaar over hun (moes)tuinen. Van tomaten tot composteren, en van fruitbomen tot luizen. Luister gezellig mee naar deze Brabantse gezelligheid terwijl je bezig bent in de tuin!
In de wintermaanden laten Joris en Ruud de moestuin even voor wat het is, maar stilzitten? Dat kennen ze niet! Om toch een goed excuus te hebben om elkaar iedere week te zien én lekker door te kletsen, bedachten ze een winterpodcast. Geen moestuintips, maar gezellig geklets over alles wat hen bezighoudt. En alsof dat nog niet leuk genoeg is: Merel en Rene schuiven ook aan! -
Are you tired of doing everything around the house and not having any time for yourself?
Do you wish your house would stay organized, where you didn’t have to clean up rooms full of toys and clutter, and fold laundry every night?
Are you looking for an easier way to keep track of activities, schedules and school calendars?
You desire simple systems that MAKE YOUR DAYS EASIER! If you’re dreaming of how to simplify and not feel overwhelmed with basic household tasks and mom duties all the time, you are in the right place!
In this podcast, you will break free from comparison of perfection that is all over social media and be empowered to create custom routines that will enhance your life so that you can enjoy more and stress less. Every episode is full of actionable steps that you can implement in your home. It’s time to STOP doing it all yourself and get the kids involved with daily cleanup and chores to bring some sanity back to you.
I’m Lauren from Intentional Edit and I’m happy to have you here! I know all about the struggles of trying to do it all and feel like there isn’t time left over for yourself or anything that you really want to be doing! Working hard and running out of energy midday is exhausting! It doesn’t have to be that way and busy moms really can turn it all around.
You deserve to stop the feelings of being overwhelmed, burned out and exhausted by implementing the systems and solutions I use for simplicity in my home and with clients. As a mom, former teacher, turned professional home organizer and lifestyle coach, I’m here to share simple solutions that work for busy families.
The Intentional Edit Podcast includes decluttering and purging strategies to eliminate the clutter in your home, easy meal planning, how to manage family schedules, getting kids on board with organizing and so much more! Join me for engaging episodes, Tip Tuesday segments, and guest interviews with organizing, simplification and home experts to make your home and life function and flow.
Every episode is designed to help you create systems that remove the overwhelming, unorganized parts of life and allow you to live a life of intention. If you are at the end of your rope, don’t know where to start, but want solutions that stick, you are in the right place!
It’s time to declutter, simplify, and organize your home and keep it that way! Learn how to implement systems and routines and take actionable tips and tricks that bring simplicity to your life and home.
I’m here to help you say goodbye to overwhelm, chaos and an unorganized lifestyle. Join me for the Intentional Edit Podcast and start living a life that you love!
Ask Your Question for a Future Tip Tuesday Episode – www.intentionaledit.com & Click the RECORD NOW Button!
Sign up for Intentional Edit emails here
Simplified Home Masterclass - A self-paced program that takes you through every step of decluttering and organizing your home and setting up systems and routines that allow for long term organization and simplicity for everything!
Meal Planning - The only meal plan you need to simplify dinners and get dinner on the table most nights. Learn how to make a reusable meal plan and grocery list that is custom to your life. Save time and money with this meal planning system.
1:1 coaching with Lauren – A custom plan just for you! Topics include decluttering, organizing, time management, home routines & systems, daily/weekly schedules and more.
Join the Facebook group for The Intentional Edit Podcast Listeners
Connect with me...
Website - www.intentionaledit.com
Instagram @intentionaledit
Pinterest @intentionaledit
Facebook @intentionaledit
TikTok @intentionaledit -
De Interieur Club is hét inspiratieplatform voor interieurprofessionals en interieurondernemers. Bij De Interieur Club hebben wij de wekelijkse interieurpodcast, De Interieur Business Club, De Interieur Club Academie met cursussen, netwerkborrels en interieurnieuws zodat jij jezelf kan ontwikkelen. Iedere week een inspirerend en informatief gesprek voor de interieurprofessional. Kijk voor meer informatie en de agenda onze website: www.deinterieurclub.com
Voor meer informatie www.deinterieurclub.com -
The #1 podcast for designers who animate, animators who design, and anyone who is 3D-curious. We interview Designers, Animators, 3D Artists, Producers, Studio Owners and other folks related to motion design and creativity. We get deep into the geeky world of Adobe After Effects, Cinema 4D, Photoshop and Illustrator. We talk about the business and art of Motion Design. Dig in.
Stephen Lacey and Andrew Leyland are your guide to Marvel's First Family, The Fantastic Four. Starting at the very beginning of the Marvel Age of Comics, they cover every issue of The Fantastic Four, every spinoff title (Strange Tales, Marvel Two-In-One, FF, and more), every guest appearance and every cameo, all in order of publication.
In "So Many Bits", Bill Nielsen chats with game developers across the world in order to find out more about their craft. They talk about the technical and business side of the gaming business, but have a bit of fun along the way. Each episode also features Bill and a friend reviewing different scenes about video games from TV and film during their "Screenwatching", along with periodic check-ins on games we're playing.