
  • Sometimes your character wins the favor of onlookers without you even knowing of their admiration. This was certainly my take on Michael Kasprowicz, a mighty fine Australian cricketer who played 38 Test Matches for his country and a further 45 games in the shorter forms of cricket. In his career, there were two qualities that defined Michael Kasprowicz. Firstly, the contribution he made to his team environment, be it at national, state or club level was outstanding. The good of the team always came before the good of the individual ... every time with Michael Kasprowicz! Secondly, his resilience and persistence, over 10 seasons was legendary. Michael was recalled to the Australian side no fewer than 12 times. His determination and ability to prove himself regularly outweighing the selectorsā€™ preparedness to write him off. Michael Kasprowicz never gave up. Consequently, his grit and determination created game possibilities that should never have arisen.

    The drama of Michael's courageous 59-run last wicket partnership with Brett Lee against England is folklore. After incredible fight and fortitude, it stunningly ended just three runs short of what would have been a memorable victory. Viewers will never forget the sight of England's Andrew Flintoff generously consoling the stunned Kasprowicz amidst English celebration. But life too can be generous, for not long after their Birmingham nightmare, Michael and Brett Lee courageously led Australia to a nail-biting two-wicket victory against South Africa with a tension filled 19-run partnership.

    However, as one of Australia's most reliable bowlers, Michael Kasprowicz is honored. You just knew you were going to get 150% effort every time he had the ball in hand! For that reason, Michael shone in the harshest conditions, excelling in the heat, humidity and hot Sub-continent environment. He rightfully became Australia's workhorse. It is a label that may appear at first to be unflattering, but it is a title that reflects the character and principles of the man. It his values that you will hear most loudly in this episode. Michael's views and perspectives on creating community, the power of transparency and vulnerability and how to create belief and confidence in your teams is first-class education, and his lessons are not just sport inspired. With an MBA from the University of Queensland Michael has an eye for international trade. He is an active member of the Australian India Business Council and the founder of the consultancy firm Venture India, which beautifully assimilates the principles of elite performance into the world of commerce and business.

    You are about to hear from a sporting icon. More importantly, you are about to receive valuable lessons and awarenesses that just aren't available from 'the person next door'. Welcome to an hour with Michael Kasprowicz.

  • THE POWER OF BOOKS and PODCASTS .... Wherever I go, I take my book. It is amazing how many times in one day, a meeting is delayed. Someone is running late. You arrive early. The dentist is behind time. There are so many opportunities, even in a single day to take out your book and read 5 pages. If that happens 3 times a day, then you have just read 15 of a 240-page book. That means, you will read it in 16 days and that means you read 20 books per year!

    One of my clearly defined values is THIRST FOR WISDOM. Living that value means I choose books that can teach me. When I travel in my car, I listen to podcasts. I am always searching for a learning opportunity. Growing, evolving, becoming more aware of better mindsets is a not only a joy for me. It fuels new possibilities.

    When two such books are The Happiness Trap : Harris, Russ: Books and THE TOP FIVE REGRETS OF THE DYING by Bronnie Ware, then you are going to receive new ways of seeing self, life and people. Do yourself a favour and order both on Amazon now and read them before Christmas, then your festive season will bring you greater joy for sure!!

    For example, just imagine what you would learn from someone who for years worked in palliative care with patients who had gone home to die. Bronnie Ware loved them for the last 3 to 12 weeks of their lives. Special times were shared. People see new things ... they grow quickly when faced with their own mortality. This was hammered home to A JOURNEY WITH BERNIE in Episode # 8 with Joel Staite, who was told he had 3 months to live but found greater life to last 6 years. When faced with death, change in so many dimensions can be phenomenal. Such change often brings greater awareness and peace before departure.

    So, I'll give you a taste of what is to come for you. Here is one of the 5 regrets of those reflecting on life as they approach their passing ... I wish Iā€™d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.

    How many dreams have gone because of one's lack of courage to stop compromising. Why wouldn't you favour your own fulfilment so that you have more to give self, life and others?

    This is where The Happiness Trap by Russ Harris ... ... adds so much value, because it focuses on how to create a meaningful life by living your values not compromising them, which Bronnie noticed was at the core of people's regrets as they approached life's end.

    THE HAPPINESS TRAP is devoted to effective strategies that can help us unhook from thoughts and feelings that do not serve us.

    It addresses the difference between values and goals and admirably suggests we redefine success as living by our values.

    You will find this episode loaded with actions and strategies for your contemplation, but perhaps the most obvious message is simply this ... VALUE LEARNING ... READ MORE ... THIRST FOR GROWTH ... SEEK NEW EXPERIENCES. It is a habit that will fuel your life.

    Bernie K ... +61 412 982 444

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  • This is A JOURNEY WITH BERNIE best!

    Jeff Horn's journey from a timid, bullied teenager to an international lord of the boxing ring reads like the script of a feel-good Hollywood blockbuster. His unlikely transformation from a nervous, "nerdy little kid" into a World Boxing Welterweight Champion is legendary in Australian sport. On a winter's day in Brisbane in 2017 the man dubbed 'the baby-faced assassin' beat one of the greatest professional boxers of all time ... Manny Pacquiao ... who was the only boxer in history to have won 12 major world titles. However, on July 2, in what was hailed the 'Battle of Brisbane', Horn became his nemesis by winning a controversial point decision. It wasn't controversial at all, because as you will hear in this outstanding episode, 7 judges have declared Jeff Horn as clear winner. I was there. Jeff Horn won. Jeff will explain why it suits a sometimes corrupt industry to call it 'controversial' when the unexpected disrupts plans for future bigger paydays.

    The upset victory made ā€œThe Hornetā€ a household name in Australia and captured peopleā€™s imaginations. Here was a mild-mannered schoolteacher, a Clark Kent-type character, who had become superman in the ring.

    At the time, Horn says, his new fame was hard to get used too. He couldn't go for a reflective walk in a rainforest without being recognised. "I just wanted to be a hermit and close myself in. I didn't like the constant barrage that I would get. Thank God, things have changed. I'm much more comfortable these days just being a dad. I'm just like everyone else. I don't feel like I'm different. I just had an extraordinary moment or two, but that is in the past now."

    What this episode will reveal is Jeff's incredible journey nearly didn't happen. There were dark days as a teenager where constant bullying had him sitting alone in his bedroom reflecting on how little value he could see in himself. In a frank admission, he even considered the ultimate escape from life. Maybe, it was the support of girlfriend Joanna, his wife to be, or maybe it was the day he stepped into a martial arts gym and met Geoff Rushton that brought light. Such pivotal moments are referred to in this absorbing chat, which includes the day Geoff Rushton painted the vision that became Jeff's pathway ... 'I can get you to the Olympics in 4 years and 4 years later, you will become World Champion'. Jeff accepted the journey.

    With every incredible victory, there was always one thing that stood out about a post-fight Jeff Horn interview. In contrast to many egotistical pugilists of his industry, Jeff would frequently reference his love for Joanna and his growing family. It became synonymous with his branding. Jeff claims being a dad brings him unlimited happiness. Receiving his children's kisses and cuddles and reading bedtime stories is definitely his new knockout punch. The beauty of Jeff Horn is that his love for life and people now flows into schools where as an ambassador for Bullyproof Australia | Every Student, Every School, Everywhere!, Jeff coaches resilience and understanding. Of course, when Jeff teaches, students listen. Afterall, he is the living embodiment of a person who was a Victim and found a way to become Champion of the World and in a many people's eyes ... He still is!!

  • Zoe Slater is a master coach. She understands the possibilities of life. She is fully aware of the options. She knows what is available to each and every one of us to manufacture happiness and success, but she also knows what needs to be done to ignite your inner joy. She believes it is possible to attain both. Her breadth of awareness is what makes her one of the most sought-after human performance coaches in this country. You know that because it was your feedback from Episode 84, that recognised her wisdoms and the value of her innate guidance. If by chance you haven't heard that episode, then maybe you might turn today into a profound session with Zoe Slater. I guarantee it will add exceptional value to your life.

    In this second episode with Zoe, you will explore how inner and sometimes unconscious pains manifest themselves in so many different ways. Often, they lead to poor choices that just create more problems. You will hear Zoe advocate that this pathway is not healthy and is avoidable if you prioritise daily routines or what Zoe calls 'the maintenance work'. Let me not spoil her profound suggestions by mentioning them here. May I suggest that you join Zoe for this less than 50-minute ride which will lead you to a beautiful space of awareness that will go a long way to helping you feel authentic, solid, and stable, from which greater love for self, life and people will emanate.

    There is a chance that after listening to this wonderful discussion, that you may want to contact Zoe directly which you can most certainly do by contacting her through ... ECR & EAP Counsellor Brisbane, Victoria Point, Thornlands (

    Of course, your feedback on what you thought of this episode is so valuable for me.
    Drop me a line on +61 412 982 444 or an email at ... [email protected] ... is always greatly appreciated.

    Next week ... Jeff Horn !

  • Imagine the solitude.
    Imagine what thoughts would tease you ... torment you ... as you ran up to 70 klms per day for 576 days.
    What would you learn about your body ... your physical capability and how to fuel it adequately?
    What type of mindset would be necessary, to be able to cope and to handle such a massive assignment?
    What would you learn from touching base with nearly every country upon the planet in slow motion?
    And what if you were on track to become the fastest man to run around the globe after 150 plus days, when your stride comes to a standstill with then news, 'that your father is in his last days'. What would you do?

    This is Episode 91 ... The incredible TIM FRANKLIN story!!

    Please don't put Tim in the 'gifted' or 'the unusual' category ... you may even want to give him 'a weirdo' tag, but to do so would be ignorant of the potential that Tim advocates lives in YOU. We all have 'an Everest' within us. We all are capable of setting a BHAG ... A Big Hairy Audacious Goal!! And furthermore, the drive and motivation is there too depending on what you listen too !! if you listen to your intervening mind of the past, then are likely to be blocked. If you listen to Tim Franklin, then you will hear of action and strategies that will empower you to believe that YOU CAN! He is proof that you can. From a 120 kg major 'dumpling' with a diet fueled by terrible eating habits, alcohol, frequent parties and the rush and hustle of a fast corporate life as a lawyer, Tim went to become only the 8th human ever to circumnavigate the globe by foot.

    The moment of change came when lawyer Tim came across a quote written by a parent that had lost their child. The quote read, ā€œthe hardest thing a parent has to do is bury their own childā€. At this point, it dawned on him that his life choices were likely to give his parents that same fatal outcome. The next day, Tim laced up and ran an extremely painful 2.2km. It was the game changer! With that decision to run a slow arduous 28 minutes Tim Franklin changed his life forever. Whoever he was, was now in the process of changing. It's safe to say that Tim has virtually rewired himself from his past.

    The job as a lawyer has been left behind. The task of coaching and creating running communities is his gift and his mission is to 'get the world moving'. What a remarkable transformation!

    Needless to say, if you listen to this episode, you will be inspired, encouraged, given hope, educated, see new possibilities and in part, you will be given signals and signs on how to become a better version of yourself. That's guaranteed in this Episode#91 with Tim Franklin ... the man who ran around the world ... Tim Runs the World | Tim Franklin

    These books were mentioned during the podcast. Best you read them !!

    You Are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter : Dispenza, Dr. Joe: Books
    The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson

  • A VISION BOARD is a pictorial LIFE PLAN. My Vision Board summarises ALL that is currently important to me in a single colorful page of clarified values, bold goals and even personal pictures and quotes inspiring achievements to come. Today's incredible guest, Lara Arden took one look at it and politely stated that she had not met anyone who so clearly saw in advance the life they were creating. Then she went silent ... thinking silent ... wisdom silent. What she said next changed my life.

    "You know Bernie, I've been through 4 marriages. I am certain that the first two marriages failed because I was too young to know what true love even looked like and because tight religious frameworks told me how life should be. That was misleading. The fourth marriage ended when he tried to kill me. He was charged for arson ... a fire that was also meant to reduce me to ashes as well. As a result of these experiences I have been tormented by deep traumas. I tell you this so that you know I have been through a bit. Life has spoken to me."

    "When one creates the best-intentioned plans, the Gods start laughing. They hear you but for certain unexpected interventions will dint, possibly wreck your creative vision. For certain, you will stumble across encounters that you ignore, simply because they are not congruent with your Vision Board. This is unwise, because some of those foreign opportunities were sent to you to take you to even higher places. Your Vision Board is commendable. I just hope that you are still open to the vagrancies of life, because in 'the unexpected' there is profound opportunity to maximize your experience of life."

    "I hope your plans always swim in the ocean of flexibility, otherwise you may drown in broken dreams".

    It took Lara Arden one minute to deliver to me what I now call 'The Lara Principle'.
    My response was simple, "You b____h, you just nailed me". We laughed.

    You will laugh in this episode too because Lara is walking joy, but your face is more likely to be illuminated by enlightened thoughts and wisdoms born out of tragedy, recovery and redemption. Such is the power of Lara's story, the raw take was over 2 hours and it has taken Chip and I, 3 months to identify what we were prepared to release. What is left is a powerful episode that will move your soul. If you are listening while driving or cooking expect you and your meal to arrive late!

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
    But please don't delay in giving us feedback about any episode of A JOURNEY WITH BERNIE. We love it and we learn from it.
    Why not contact Bernie direct on +61 412982444. I loved the call last week that I received from Kansas ... What a blast!
    Email feedback or comment on ... [email protected]

  • Imagine you were born in Sudan, but no-one remembers when? You have no recorded birthdate, so when you flee your war-torn country, you give the receiving authorities a made-up date of Sept 1st. The year you guess.
    Your Father is unknown. He was in your mother's life for a short time. He will never be known to you.
    Sudan becomes Egypt, but life is really day to day ... just survival. No time for education.
    At the age of 12, your mother decides there will be opportunity for you and your mentally handicapped brother in Australia. You arrive without knowing a word of English and without any formal education.
    Grade one starts at 12 and your classmates can scarcely believe 'how tall is the African girl in their class'.
    Education authorities decide that the social repercussions of 6 years of primary school finishing at 18 is not healthy. You move through Years 1 to 6 in two and a bit years.
    At last, Secondary School and kids your own age ... well almost ... now there is only 2 years difference.
    A schoolteacher becomes your mentor and constantly reminds you that it doesn't matter when and where you start, your dreams are always waiting for your commitment, your focus and your action. That wisdom is never lost on you. Secondary study is tough, but the opportunity to rise above one's humble if not humiliating beginnings is always there. You pass school. You choose a tertiary pathway of nursing but decide to work along throughout the 4-year degree, so that you can feed your household here in Australia and also support family members trapped in Sudan.

    Akon Deng is now 32, she has purchased and now owns her home in Brisbane, Australia. Her mother and brother live with her. Her second investment property will settle within weeks supported by the revenues raised by her two businesses in which Akon is a director. Together the businesses turn over 1.8 million dollars by bringing wholistic nursing care to those war veterans who have fought for country in the last 50 years. They love her.

    Dear listeners, this is a rare story ... a story, you will not believe but as any listener to this podcast knows ... pain, chaos and hardship are 'the North Road' to a life of wisdom, awareness and self-love. This is why you will listen to this episode in awe of Akon Deng a humble Sudanese girl who found hope and made life happen. You will be astounded by Akon's story. It will teach you about life and true love.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Be sure to let me know how you felt about this podcast by contacting me, Bernie K, directly on 0412982444 or by email ... [email protected]

    Oh! And don't forget to press the SUBSCRIBER or FOLLOWER button!

  • The meeting was about to start when in walked the brightest, most joyful face you could imagine. I simply commented to this man of Indian origin that 'You look so happy! How come?'. His reply was, 'You'd be happy too, if you just finished an 84 hour fast!'. This podcast reveals that Sujit Menon only eats in a four-hour window each day. It might be from breakfast to midday or from lunch to 5 pm, but only during a 4-hour period per day is Sujit's body offered sustenance, and this is his habit EVERYDAY.

    Sujit explains the science of AUTOPHAGY ... A process by which our 'good' cells during extended fasting periods break down and destroy old, damaged, or abnormal cells. The breakdown fragments are then either recycled for other important cell functions or released from the body as toxins. AUTOPHAGY may well be the strongest detox cleansing process available to humankind and some say it even impedes the development of cancerous cells.

    But Sujit has other reasons for adopting his comfortable but strict routine. Coupled with regular 'mini' mind meditations each day, Sujit feels that his existence is less distracted than others. He is still a busy man ... a productive man as his working life at ... Premium Zcrm Digital Business Card App - Boost Networking ( ... would suggest, but his mind has clarity. It is uncluttered and moves through the day efficiently and with ease. His routines driven by mature mindfulness are born from his rich connection with Indian history, culture, and Hindu Philosophy. They appear to guarantee him a deep well of constant entrenched joy. Sujit has much to teach.

    Through this podcast, Sujit will teach you about the importance of focusing on efforts rather than outcomes.
    Through Sujit, you will come to understand that nothing in life is permanent. Therefore, stay adaptable, be flexible and maximise the opportunity that change inevitably brings. Move with change.
    Finally, let Sujit explain that only through an existence of minimal attachments can one really find deeper capacities to love. Sujit will suggest that 'Even one's attachment to food can be a distraction from being your innate loving core'.

    Wow, this episode is inspiring. It will stimulate a lot of questions with perhaps the leading question being 'Do you have the courage to answer them?'

    Proceed if you want to see new possibilities.


    I tell you what we find stimulating! Your feedback. Your followship. When you subscribe, we tap dance, because that simple press of the button means that we are getting closer and closer to making this a global podcast that penetrates and makes difference all over the world and that afterall fulfills our mission.

    If you have any thoughts for us drop me a text ... +61 412982444 ... or an email to ... [email protected]
    Your feedback is so so so so ... valuable!

  • Diane and Michelle are ... Those2Sisters | Life Coach | Soul Healer | Brisbane ... and as you will hear in this truly outstanding episode, they are on a mission to inspire change and shift within those who seek to maximise their lives. Importantly, these two exceptional women have the right to coach as both have been 'in the quicksand' during their own life's journeys.

    Diane was a former athlete with a National identity, but in her own words suffered from the need to overachieve.
    Michelle was an ex-Police Officer who never quite found the right environment within 'The Force' to be her true self. When she refused to be vaccinated this single mother lost her job after 22 years. At the same time Dianne's husband lost his job as a pilot with an International airline. Finances went amiss.

    Both girls have had to make life changing decisions that required unlearning, letting go and courageous epiphany moments requiring dramatic change. The girls describe those moments in dramatic detail. It is riveting story telling that asks you as to whether you have answered your 'Moment of Truth'

    In this episode they will teach you how to lose your BUT ā€“ those things that hold you back from living the fullness of life.
    They will teach you how to identify your WHY ... your purpose ... and to surrender to your instinctive possibilities. In the process, those limiting beliefs will be shed and you will see clearly the beautiful and powerful human that you have always been.

    Diane and Michelle have charisma. They have loads of it. They have energy. You will hear it in their voices. Most of all they are master coaches who have answered their calling to teach, to advise and guide you towards your greater self. Yep, it is compulsory listening.

    Your feedback is also compulsory. We would love it ... [email protected]
    Or why not text me directly ... +61 412982444

  • Neville Stone, together with his precious partner Justine Baker are foster parents to 4 siblings giving them foundation, life and purpose. Their incredible story was captured in Episode 52. The JOURNEY WITH BERNIE community was in awe of their generosity and servitude. Their story gave us multiple messages and reminders of what it means to live with loving hearts.

    Then came last week's phone call and threatening news.

    Justine was diagnosed with Breast Cancer and no guarantees. This is why Neville reached out to us. He felt lost. In his own words, he was crumbling under the pressure. He felt Fear ... Fear of loss ... Fear of the future. He felt hopeless, not knowing where to turn. We are so fortunate that he turned to A JOURNEY WITH BERNIE, for in doing so he has inspired this riveting podcast focusing on Men's Wellbeing.

    We needed some expertise, and we were well aware of Tony Groom's passion and concern from Episode #3, for Men's Health issues. He has long been an advocate of numerous Wellbeing Retreats run by men for men and sees transparent mateship as crucial for men's mental and spiritual strength. His presence on this podcast was so valuable.

    Join Neville Stone, Tony Groom and host Bernie K for an exploration of what men need to do to ensure their mental and spiritual health is strong ... that they can cope with the pressures and strains of life ... and why it is perfectly ok to let go of one's machoism and present as vulnerable and human.

    You will find this podcast different. It is a live example of how two mates came together for their friend to help him in his time of need. It is a case study and a real time example of how men can support men. The real-life counsel and dialogue make this a riveting episode.

    Women who care for their struggling men will gain so much from the wisdoms that are captured over the next 50 minutes.

    Please remember, your thoughts and feedback are so valuable.
    Please share with us by contacting Bernie direct ... +61 412982444
    For more information about Men's Wellbeing Retreats in Australia, Tony Groom will welcome your interest ...
    ... +61 418 182 995
    And do reference the book that Tony Groom was so keen to recommend ... "Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway" by Susan Jeffers ... Books ā€“ Susan Jeffers ... I have read it. It is a ripper.

  • If LOVE is measured by dedication, commitment, the desire to enhance and to create life, then Paula Burgess just might win this year's PROFOUND LOVE AWARD. She wasn't drawn to having children in the first place, but life had other ideas and at the age of 30, Paula gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. They named him Jessie, whose developing years revealed a diagnosis of ADHD.

    In Paula's own words, society and people don't seek to understand 'naughtiness'. They just label the child and assume poor parenting. Coping with that stigma was only part of Paula's challenge. Teaching Jessie to adapt, to fit in, to develop and share emotional intelligence has been Paula's constant journey, which has transformed her as a human being.

    Her levels of patience have skyrocketed.
    Her capacity to tolerate and love has escalated.
    Her openness and transparency with the boy she adores has deepened.

    You will hear her claim that if one surrenders to the challenge then there is every possibility that your life will be enriched beyond your expectations. Mind you, it helps if you surround yourself with a valued environment of support. To that end, Paula praises the way St Patrick's College, Shorncliffe, here in Brisbane, has embraced the challenge of a sometimes difficult to manage, ADHD child. Together, they have worked to sedate Jessie with love, kindness and understanding and the rewards are obvious. They have even made Jessie's tendency to hyperfocus into his super strength, that can bring enormous value to those working in Jessie's areas of interest.

    The impact on Paula has been so profound that she now dedicates her life to teaching, coaching, and guiding those in similar situations to her own. Her business called BEYOND THE MAZE raises awareness in society and supports parents in their coping with children who have similar neurodevelopment disorders.

    This is an incredible story of a career driven, qualified, financial planner who became a devoted mother determined to help her son be the best person he can be. This is a story about the courage to change purpose. This is a story about love overflowing. It is now time for you to allow Paula Burgess to become your teacher.

    Before finishing this podcast make sure you look up Paula's Business and Book ... Beyond the ADHD Label - Beyond the Maze ... and The Official Website of Dr Joe Dispenza

  • This episode is one of our best. We actually downloaded 90 minutes with Zoe Slater, but in our promise to deliver less than an hour to you, our listeners, we have 35 minutes of Zoe still in the bank. Expect to hear more. We won't be wasting opportunity to hear more from this qualified Counsellor and CEO of Freedom Choice Academy ... ECR & EAP Counsellor Brisbane, Victoria Point, Thornlands ( She has too much to offer.

    So, what is Zoe? What does she do? Is she an experienced Facilitator? Is she a qualified Guide or an expert teacher?
    Her clients would say she is all of the above.

    Put it this way, after listening to this episode, you will understand how Zoe Slater, can help you clean up your past, so that your entrenched limiting beliefs are replaced by innate faith and confidence. Zoe can help you clarify your future too, so that you live each day with purpose and focus. Zoe Slater can lead you to the awarenesses, actions and strategies that can transform your life from past entrenched stress to present day success. She is a master coach.

    So, if you are a workplace leader or manager and struggling to connect with your people's hearts, then you must listen to this episode. Zoe will help you to sacrifice need for power and status and replace it with heart, loving assertion and authentic connection.
    If you are struggling to develop momentum in your life ... If you are feeling stagnant, then this episode will offer you holistic strategies to rediscover energy and purpose.
    If you feel that traumas of the past are holding you back, then Zoe will offer you a transformational pathway to discover greater self-love and happiness.
    If your personal and professional lives are feeling meshed and cluttered, then this professional will teach you to clear the fog and see clearer pathways.

    Yeah, I know, she sounds too good to be true! It is her ability to communicate in simplest terms what most people find complex that is Zoe's richest talent, but to do that, you really have to 'know your stuff'. Zoe not only knows what she coaches, she IS what she coaches. She lives what you will hear. She knows life intimately.

    She has actually saved people from the brink of suicide and enabled them to find joy and happiness again.
    She has worked with countless, unbalanced, out of control, confused individuals suffering in their own minds and guided them to clarity and peace.
    She has learnt from all and operates not from Maslow, Freud or Carl Rogers. She operates from her own model inspired by real experiences with thousands of clients.

    Enjoy the ride dear people. Make sure you are taking notes. This one is a ripper.

    Yes, Zoe would love to hear from you, Call her on +61 414 778 476 ... and so would I ... +61 412 982 444 (Bernie K)

  • If there is one thing that great sport coaches seem to have in common, it is the view of their players, that 'coach' was more like a parent figure then a skills or strategy master. When current Brisbane Lions coach, Chris Fagan was once asked 'what was his secret to inspiring his players to lofty heights', he calmly said, 'that at the end of the day, it is all about RELATIONSHIPS'. The great Alfie Langer and present Broncos Coach, Kevin Walters, once spoke of Wayne Bennet as more like A FATHER FIGURE, then a Rugby League Guru and current Carlton coach, Michael Voss, once said to a Radio reporter 'That if you can't connect with players HEARTS then you cannot take them anywhere'. The thousands of players who have experienced 'the way' of today's guest, Lee Addison, would say the same of this funny, connectable, loveable, rogue from England. Lee coaches LIFE thru FOOTBALL.

    This episode actually reminds us that we are all coaches to someone. Therefore, this episode with Lee Addison, asks you some serious in your face questions.
    What are you doing to strengthen the relationship with those you guide and love?
    How do you as COACH, enhance the wellbeing of those who are dearest to you?
    What do you do to lift the esteem, worth and value of friends and family, so that they can perform better in the game of life?
    And finally, what are you doing and saying to elevate the life of the one person over whom you have total control ... the person of self ... YOU!!

    For all of the above, you must have a listen to this rugby league teaching guru, who has coached junior, senior, and National rugby league teams all over the world. Imagine, what Lee learnt when he coached an undefeated Poland to victory in the Emerging Nations World Trophy of 2018.
    Absorb the lessons he learnt as an assistant coach at NRL clubs, Manly Sea Eagles and Penrith Panthers.
    Value the learnings, he offers after taking Ipswich State High School, a school with a 'disreputable brand', to becoming the top Rugby League school in this nation. Through sport, Lee Addison changed that school's identity from which all students benefited, then and now.

    Look in the mirror dear listener and remind yourself that you are COACH and therefore you must discover ways to add value to those you cherish. Lee Addison, has some outstanding suggestions for you. Suggestions that if you apply will have your players remembering you with gratitude and fondness for the rest of their days.

    Do you want to contact Lee? ...

    And of course, if you want to have a chat with Bernie then call +61 412 982 444 or email him at ...
    ... [email protected]

  • You never know who you will meet at a coffee shop! I could tell by her accent that she was from Europe, but I would never have guessed her native country as Slovakia. Neither was it possible for me to know that the young lady serving me a 'Flat White with Oat Milk' was a graduate in Genetics from Liverpool's John Moores University. There was also no clue that she could speak 4 languages or had lived in 10 different countries, including Vietnam, Cambodia, Cypress, Greece and now Australia. The only thing that did not surprise was that she was only 31. That she looked.

    More impressive than Jana Lipinska's vagabond lifestyle is the incredible paradigms and perceptions Jana has accumulated from her wide range of different experiences. In this regard, Jana is mature beyond her years. In fact, I would say that she has superior spiritually awareness and is uniquely gifted. Her abilities to take what most would find complex and talk with such clarity and understanding is truly remarkable. Whether you are seeking it or not, you are about to learn more than you anticipated. Jana's capacity to communicate clearly will penetrate.

    You will be asking yourself ... "How did she become this self-aware being"?

    Well imagine if you too left your native land with the equivalent of just 350AUD to live in another country.
    Now that takes faith and courage. For sure that is going to deliver new and valuable experiences and it did.
    What would you do if you ran out of money after 3 months exploring Cambodia and Vietnam?
    Jana decided to stay, work and live there for the next 5 years!
    In fact, she became a model and an actress while living in Asia. She was very good at both.
    And when misfortune came your way, would you choose to retreat and live alone in the jungles of Bali in order to emotionally heal?
    And upon healing might you think that would be a good time to choose a stint at home!
    Not for Jana, she chooses Australia, which she says now feels like HOME.

    Dear listeners, you are in for a treat. You are meeting one of the rare ones. In this single hour, it is possible to see self, people and life with greater clarity. That is not Jana's hope. That is her gift.

    Please contact Jana directly. She would so welcome your feedback as I do ...
    Jana Lipinska ... [email protected] ... +61 412 366 787
    Bernie Kelly ... [email protected] ... +61 412 982 444

  • A JOURNEY WITH BERNIE has always advocated that 'it is difficult to turn your back completely on society's paradigms of success, the need for money, work for 45 years, build your castle etc etc. Even if you sensed it as a formula for stress, strains and headaches, perhaps even a pathway to habitual unhappiness, we have always suggested that the search is for a MODIFIED EXISTENCE only. However, there are some rare individuals who are prepared to have so much faith in their journey for sustainable inner joy, that A MODIFICATION is simply not enough. I think in our two-year existence, this podcast has met three such people, one of them being today's guest ... BRENDAN RAMNATH.

    The first however, was Matthew Barber Episode 33 who was quite happy to announce that the pathway to liberation is his choice and his episode is exactly that ... enlightening ! ...

    The second is Louise Bennet, the only person to appear on our podcast 3 times. Louise is 'the beautiful', who discovered her uncompromising pathway to a greater joyful life, through embracing a mastectomy while combating her breast cancer. Her story is beautifully told in Episodes 60, 63 and 64. You should not miss them ...

    Louise returns in this podcast as my co-host and joyfully announces that she is now in remission and is going to Nepal with us this November to trek the Himalayas. Yes, you read that correctly. Just months after being medically informed that her cancer was in decline, Louise continues to choose greater life. This time, by retreating to the most powerful forces of nature upon our planet. There is a profound message here about how greater life can be found in those who truly understand death.

    It is not surprising that Louise's remarkable journey has led her to beautiful companionship with today's guest ... BRENDAN RAMNATH. Like Louise he is in his early 30's, but this young man is courage personified. Many people hear their calling but only few are fearless enough to ardently follow it. As Brendan describes, he too is climbing a life ladder, but his rungs are steps along the way that only lead to greater inner joy and an enhanced capacity to love self, life and people. The rungs of his ladder, he calls virtues. His first is AWARENESS. It is high level AWARENESS that allows him to choose his experience in most given moments. He rarely falls victim to 'monkey mind' and its continuous bombardment of distracting messages. Living his virtues of HONESTY and AWARENESS simultaneously, means it is not possible for Brendan to be false, fake, ego in that moment. BRENDAN RAMNATH is walking AUTHENTICITY.

    Of course, you will be challenged in this episode, but isn't that what A JOURNEY WITH BERNIE is all about?
    Wait until he explains the value of living without time metrics by turning off the clock on your iPhone or getting rid of your watches. BRENDAN sleeps without alarms and rarely misses an appointment!

    Heh, this Episode is a thought provoker. It will make you consider that, of which you may not have even been aware.
    Embrace it. Listen and consider, and you will leave this episode a richer human being. You might even find the time to read two books, so strongly recommended by Louise and Brendan.

    The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel Van Der Kolk, and Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. Like this episode, both are game changers!

    Do you want to speak to Brendan and/or Louise directly?
    Brendan ... +61 481 868 742
    Louise Bennet ... +61 406 512 389
    I want to speak to you for sure! I want your feedback!
    Bernie Kelly ... + 61 412 982 444

  • A JOURNEY WITH BERNIE met Brendon Nilsson on the trail to Everest Base Camp in Nepal. At first, there was a silent frown or two as to why this robust young 34-year-old Aussie and his mate Beau, were walking the Himalayas without a Nepalese Guide. Then we discovered that Brendon is a National Park Ranger, a beloved member of the RSPCA wildlife team, been looking after the wellbeing of Koalas for 13 years, a three-time trekker of Nepal's mountainous terrains, an explorer of Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, India, Japan and New Zealand's natural environments and a proud member of Gundungurra Nation. The man is nature personified. So, you can imagine what this episode is going to ask of you?

    What should you be learning from nature that can bring you greater peace, calm, and joy to your life?
    How often should you be seeking Nature's gifts?
    How does the space and chill time that nature offers impact one's life?
    What don't we see in country that is known by our indigenous brothers and sisters?
    What might our lives look like if we too lived by instinct as does the animal kingdom, rather than by laws, policies and perspectives of what is right and wrong bestowed upon us by governance, council and religious frameworks?

    If answers to the above questions are not flowing for you, then you simply must listen to this episode with Brendon Nilsson. Apply Brendon's suggestions and I can promise you that life will take on a whole different feel and flow.

    Thanks to Brandon, a new segment was introduced to the show. 'Book of the Episode' introduces you to two great reads Book of Man by Osho who was once described by an American reporter as the most dangerous man since Jesus Christ. Now that means he was making some interesting and challenging noises !!! Our guest Brandon was a bit of a fan!
    The other book is an absolute classic ... Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom ... It's not often you will hear me advocate to you our listeners that any book is compulsory but imagine me looking you in the eyes right now and quietly mouthing this C word ... COMPULSORY!! Well, it's a COMPULSORY read if you like our guest just loves the journey of discovering more, exploring your possibilities and becoming that joyful lover of life.

    Brendon is contactable on +61 407 511 820, and of course I, Bernie Kelly, welcome your call, your feedback, your interest in Nepal anytime. Please ring me on +61 412 982 444.

  • Over the last year, your feedback told us here at A JOURNEY WITH BERNIE, just how much value the additional presence of Lachlan 'Chip' Huddy has brought to this podcast. Who else would have greeted our listeners with a turn of phrase like, "Greetings, you hungry Grizzly Bears feasting on the Salmon of Enlightenment".
    Who else could call upon his breadth of reading, research and realizations to add informed wisdom beyond comparison. Who else could humbly turn his role of co-host into one in which he joyfully became 'the listener's ears', questioning and clarifying our guests into actions that truly added value to all of our lives.
    Who else could take a amateur local audio product and through masterful editing and productions skills turn it into a truly global offering valued by listeners from 52 countries.
    This is why in this episode we celebrate Chip's move to become the author and director of a monumental feature film, which means his temporary absence from our weekly show. This is why we have asked him for all of his learnings over the last 2 years, and why we must humbly honor the contributions of Lachlan 'Chip' Huddy to this global offering.

    So here in Episode 79, Chip leaves us with a description of his own journey, identifying those lessons that have greatly influenced his life over the last few years. As usual, he describes the complex with simplicity in the most masterful of ways. If ever you wondered what the collective influence of all of these wise thoughts, ideas and actions offered by our guests could be, then this is the episode that will 'rid you of your bloopers, open up your lens and reveal a magical world of possibilities'.

    And as a finale, if ever you wanted to hear what love actually sounds and feels like between two heterosexual great mates, who despite 25 years of difference, were blessed to find each other than the ending of this podcast will enlighten you.

    So, to Lachlan 'Chip' Huddy, I on behalf of our near 10000 listeners simply say, "Go forth, you masterful Yoda of the Lens. Snap your camera. Call for 'Action' and brighten the globe with your smorgasbord of wisdom, truths and cinematic enlightenment" ... for this is what you have brought to us in different forms over the last two years.

    We salute you.

    To give your own personal thanks to 'Chip', text him on ... +61 410 603 336
    Do you have some feedback for Bernie about how to add even more value to the Podcast.
    You know how I would love to hear from you ... +61 412 982 444

  • Meet Yvonne Haeaefke, who grew up in Communist East Germany where the authority was accepted as providers of safety, guarantors of comfort and instigators of an equanimous community. However, under such governance, the concept of creating a life driven by ambition and exciting dreams was suppressed. Conformity was the better call, but not if you were born into the Haeaefke family. Fueled by encouraging parents, their only daughter was privately taught to ask 'why' and to be curious about the world. However, it was sensible that Yvonne also be careful about passionately displaying her thirst for learning and articulating creative dreams in public. The regime were not in favour !
    It was hardly surprising, when the opportunity finally arose, Yvonne joined the chorus who forced the wall between the East and the West to come tumbling down on 9 November 1989. The floodgates of possibilities were now open to Yvonne's love of life. While keen to explore opportunities outside of Germany, one must realise the courage required to even consider going abroad. First, education had taught no other language than German. The world outside was new, daunting and strange. Even to cross the Channel and live in England required a lifestyle foreign to an East German girl who only knew socialism.

    Wind the clock on 20 plus years and Yvonne Haeaefke is living her second life. This time there is no suppression or cofusion. Yvonne is living her dream in alignment with values and her true self. Her home is Australia whereas a qualified Registered Nurse and Allied Health Professional, Yvonne has experienced a taste of her childhood. So many people battling mental health challenges such as addiction, anxiety, and depression reminded her of her formative years. These encounters spoke strongly and inspired her to recently open up her own private practice. Her mission is to empower people to overcome their self-sabotaging habits so they can live a peaceful, loving and fulfilled life. She seeks to help others break free from their conditioned past just like she had too. She assists them to break the cycle of feeling overwhelmed by life's forces and challenges, just as she had too all those years ago. It's as if the lessons of Yvonne Haeaefke in East Germany is now the therapy and process by which her troubled clients can find a pathway to a greater happiness, joy and love for self ... just like Yvonne found in her incredible journey, which you are now blessed to embrace in this extraordinary episode of A JOURNEY WITH BERNIE ... and CHIP.

    YVONNE HAEAEFKE šŸ“ž. +61 411 891 402 ... Insightful Out
    BERNIE KELLY šŸ“ž. +61 412 982 444 ... [email protected]

  • In many ways this EPISODE 77 with the sensationally enthusiastic, passionate, nutrition expert, SAMMY BARNETT, should be regarded as a cornerstone to the joyful and loving mission of A JOURNEY WITH BERNIE ... and CHIP.

    Is it possible to develop a solid love for self without an almost sacred respect for our body?

    While not said precisely in those words, Sammy and this highly informative discussion certainly advocates the value in first learning to be in awe of our most incredible machine. Through her own painful uncertain journey and most powerful discoveries, Sammy Barnett is clear that the way you treat your body is one of the greater determinants of your wellbeing and happiness.

    Sammy was 11, when she first experienced signs of Generalised Anxiety and Panic Disorder. Social Anxiety, Depression and plummeting self-value were her constant companions throughout school life and early adulthood. Her road to greater health led to the discovery of how food and lifestyle choices impact wellbeing, moods and relationships. Consequently, her passion for Nutritional Medicine was inspired and now drives her daily mission to revolutionize nutrition education, particular in our schools. This is why you are going to hear and understand gem after gem from this International expert. Here is a taste (if you'll excuse the pun) ...

    It's not just what you eat that is important, it's more about what you ABSORB. Did you know that the trillion plus bacteria in our microbiome, far outnumber the amount of cells in our body?When you consider that intermittent fasting and intuitive eating allow these trillion bacteria to ignite a cleansing detox of damaged and potentially pre-cancerous cells, then maybe it is the healthy balance of bacteria families in our gut that are actually core to our overall health and wellbeing.Therefore, beware of certain anti-biotics, which have the capacity to destroy gut bacteria. There maybe other ways.Value natural food sources rather than processed vitamin and probiotic pills to build a strong, fully functioning microbiome. Afterall, we too are a natural being.

    The volume of advices that this episode offers are immense.

    In fact, may I suggest that you have a note pad and pen and maybe the first message you should write down is simply this ... Respect for my body is your foundation for greatest self-love.
    And for that profound message, you can thank Sammy Barnett.

    Call Sammy to share your own wellbeing journey ... +61 421 665 889
    Catch Sammy on Instagram too ... nutritionwithsammy
    Don't forget A JOURNEY WITH BERNIE ... and CHIP on Instagram either ... berniekelly103
    And for feedback about this episode, contact Bernie K on +61 412 982 444 or [email protected]
    Chip wants to say 'hello' too ... +61 410 603 336 ... [email protected]

    PS Chip mentioned a terrific highly recommended app ... make sure you download it ... THE MINDFUL EATING COACH

  • Janeen Vosper is a born coach but in this episode, we also discovered that Janeen is a natural explorer. Yes, we celebrate her expertise, clearly on display as author of Good Girls Do Sell: The Modern Businesswoman's Guide to Authentic Selling: Vosper. We salute her 30 years of international training and speaking experience, and we recommend you listen to her superb weekly podcast We Are Women, but most of all we introduce you to a woman who just loves to learn, grow and then fulfil her daily mission of inspiring people to start doing what they first believed was not possible. Janeen is a master coach, because she is an extension of her own profound exploration.

    Janeen advocates that you raise your children as if they were your grandchildren. She suggests parents dilute the heavy-handed guidance, the directing, the demanding, that conditions the child to only see life according to their parentā€™s shaping. She suggests we give the child more space to discover their true self by offering less influence, in the same way that most grandparents enjoy their grandchild, without taking full responsibility for them. (Consider that in light of the lessons from Hilary Langford and the Enneagram in episodes 71-73.)

    And how about this for a thought! Janeen suggests we are part of our own ā€˜ancestral chainā€™ with traceable scientific evidence that seven preceding generations genetically live within us. Accepting this as truth, it also means that we therefore influence the 7 generations to come. Given that each generation spans 20 to 30 years, Jeneen presents the value of seeing our life with a sense of responsibility for the next two centuries.

    Maybe our life isnā€™t as fleeting as we thought? Maybe, our decisions today do carry weight for generations to come? Is anybody thinking Climate Change?

    Thank you, Janeen, for reminding us that our personal brand can only be seen as solid when we act consistently. We must minimise the surprises when it comes to our behaviour. The stronger your brand the more consistent you have to be!

    Thank you, Janeen, for teaching us first to see ourselves as human and not as a product of our Australian, European or American cultural CONDITIONING.

    This woman is a master coach making this episode so very profound. Gee, you will enjoy Janeen Vosper!

    Also enjoy talking directly to Janeen on +61 413 940 117 or by emailing her: [email protected]

    Donā€™t forget to take up her reading recommendations too: The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, and Patient 71 by Julie Randall.

    Chip's Take Home Pay

    Global Variation in Subjective Well-Being Predicts Seven Forms of Altruism - Shawn A. Rhoads, Devon Gunter, Rebecca M. Ryan, Abigail A. Marsh, 2021 (

    Finally, we too love hearing from you
    Bernie K: +61 412982444, [email protected]
    Lachlan 'Chip' Huddy: +61 410 603 336, [email protected]