
  • Building or renovating the home of your dreams is exhilarating - and overwhelming. Even as a Building and Interior Designer, I’m no stranger to the feeling of walking into a store stocking everything from fixtures to furniture and being flooded by choices.

    For me, I could spend hours there fully in my element. For others, it might be hours spent feeling lost, confused, or frustrated. And that’s exactly the scenario I experienced recently.

    It’s this very experience that makes me so passionate about providing a different way of supporting homeowners. That’s why I created Guiding You Home - Ask Em.

    It’s having me as your soul-led design best friend, who’ll be by your side throughout the journey of your dream home renovation or build. Together, we’ll create and travel the roadmap for your vision, talk through the pros and cons, celebrate the wins, and even shop for materials.

    I’ll be that support, that guide, that listening ear to bounce ideas and explore options - not because you need someone to give you the solution, but because you know it’s through conversation and connection that your creativity is supercharged.

    With me by your side, you’ll walk into that store ready to make decisions with ease, clarity, and confidence.

    To have an experience where you love the journey as much as you love the home you create, then Ask Em.

    Let’s connect on Instagram at @emilynair_design.

    Do you dream of creating a soul-nourishing home that aligns with & supports your heart’s true calling? Let me support you through 1:1 Home Design Mentorship and full end-to-end Home Design Services.

  • Expression comes in so many different forms. Whether consciously chosen or predetermined for us, our expressions are uniquely ours.

    Rightly or wrongly, expression can come with weighty consequences. We may be judged or treated differently by others because of the different filters that each of us sees the world through.

    Recently, I have come to realise how passionately I feel about the injustice of someone’s expression being shut down or denied. It’s something that stirs memories of past life experiences and lights a fire in my soul.

    Yes, we all process things through our own filters, but we also all have a choice to have integrity, and courage, and to support those whose expression and voice are being denied.

    So, what does this have to do with creating a soul-filled home?

    Our homes are our greatest expression of who we are. They’re our beautiful place of refuge where we can be our fullest selves in our fullest expression, a safe haven in moments when the outside world may not feel welcoming in expressing ourselves.

    To create a home that is a true expression of who you are is to have courage - the courage to take a stand for what you truly believe in, the courage to dive deeper than what you can see on the surface.

    To be free to express yourself, you must be in tune with who you are on a soul and human level. It’s from that deep, foundational place that you will be able to create a beautiful, soul-filled home that is your greatest expression.

    Let’s connect on Instagram at @emilynair_design

    Do you dream of creating a soul-nourishing home that aligns with & supports your heart’s true calling? Let me support you through 1:1 Home Design Mentorship and full end-to-end Home Design Services.

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  • On the journey to create a soul-filled home, it matters that we first understand ourselves on a soul and human level.

    In these last few episodes, we’ve explored what that means and how we can achieve it.

    It’s about being open to seeing, receiving, and hearing your vision. It’s about nourishing that vision, understanding it, playing with it, dancing with it. And finally, it’s about creating that vision and bringing it to life.

    In this creation phase, new elements and nuances come into play as this dream of yours transforms into reality.

    Before now, your vision was a seed, gifted to you, then planted and tended to. Now, in this creation phase, that seed has roots. It’s broken through the earth and out into the world, where it will continue to grow and flourish.

    There’s an indescribably powerful feeling in creating your vision in true alignment with your soul, with your heart, with your purpose. It’s you realising that you can grow and expand in ways you never thought possible.

    Most importantly, it’s you showing up for life in the fullest, most potent expression of your soul’s calling.

    To do that, to receive your vision, nourish it, and create it - you have to know who you are on a soul and human level. It’s the non-negotiable, must-have ingredient.

    It’s not always easy, and it most certainly isn’t a quick fix. But I promise you, it is so worth it to live in alignment with your soul as the empowered, sovereign woman that you are.

    Let’s connect on Instagram at @emilynair_design

    Imagine what it would feel like to have an Intuitive Building and Interior Designer as your Design BFF.

    Someone you can call and text to bounce ideas off of. Asking questions about all things Building & Interior Design, creating your team, working with trades, etc. Who will guide you in creating a home that's aligned with your soul.

    But most of all, who will empower you to make decisions with ease, clarity, and conviction, from a place of sovereignty.

    Ask Em is not about me telling you the answers. It's about guiding you home to the all-knowing, sovereign woman that you are. Because that woman, with the right support, can access the answers that are already within.

  • Last episode, we talked about how to see, receive and hear your vision. It’s an incredibly important step in the journey to create a soul filled home - but it’s only the beginning.

    Once your vision or dream has revealed itself to you and you are energetically ready to receive it, it’s time now to nourish that vision so you can bring it to life.

    To share with you what it means to nourish your vision, I’d like to talk from the heart about my own personal experiences. In my own journey, I’ve lived a life of safety where I’ve stuck to the logical dreams I thought I was supposed to dream, dreams that others could understand, dreams that wouldn’t rock the boat.

    Over the years, I’ve realised that truthfully, that’s a life half-lived.

    To go all in with life and stay true to myself on a human and soul level, I’ve learned to let all that go and claim my big, audacious soul-led dream. With that comes openness, curiosity, new connections, and a whole new level of clarity.

    In this episode, we’ll be talking about both the practical and spiritual sides of nourishing your vision. I want to help you connect with yourself on a soul level, understand what will nourish and support your dream and not deplete it, and learn how to expand your energetic field.

    There is always room for curiosity and exploration. Once you see, receive, and hear your vision, it’s time to expand into playing and dancing with it, feeling its edges, and opening your heart and mind to it.

    When you build and understand this practice, you’ll be open to all the energy you’ll need to nourish your soul-led vision and experience it in a way you’ve never felt before.

    Let’s connect on Instagram at @emilynair_design.

    Do you dream of creating a soul-nourishing home that aligns with & supports your heart’s true calling? Let me support you through 1:1 Home Design Mentorship and full end-to-end Home Design Services.

  • To create a soul-filled home, we have to understand what our soul desires.

    And the first part of achieving that is in being able to see, hear and receive your vision.

    We all have visions and dreams, but the power here is in calling in a vision that is in true alignment with your soul’s purpose. These are the dreams that excite you, drive you, and feel effortlessly synchronous with you as you move through each day.

    That soul-led vision won’t just reveal itself to you if you aren’t inviting it in. So how do you see, receive and hear that vision that is waiting for you to claim it?

    Today, let’s explore the answer to that question, and the energetic and practical sides to seeing, hearing, and receiving your visions. We’ll talk about the many subtle and unsubtle ways your vision can reveal itself to you - sometimes through small sparks or senses, sometimes like being powerfully and unexpectedly hit out of the blue.

    Ultimately, you have to invite your vision and be open and ready to receive it. It comes from intentionally connecting with yourself, through physical and spiritual practice, and understanding what that connection looks like for you.

    There is no right and wrong way to connect with your soul - but it’s only through taking that time to be present that you’ll start to hear your soul’s whispers.

    Have fun, experiment, and play with it - and you’ll start to understand how you see, receive, and hear your visions and dreams.

    Let’s connect on Instagram at @emilynair_design

    Do you dream of creating a soul-nourishing home that aligns with & supports your heart’s true calling? Let me support you through 1:1 Home Design Mentorship and full end-to-end Home Design Services.

  • Creating a home where you feel truly safe, inspired, supported, and nourished. That’s the dream, right?

    And it’s a dream that’s only possible if you are in tune with who you are on a soul and human level.

    I believe that’s what it truly means to be soul-led - to follow your intuition and be guided by what lights you up, and to design a home and a life aligned with your soul’s why.

    For me, my soul’s calling is to guide you there. It’s to help you connect with your soul’s purpose, and your heart’s calling, and to attune to your natural forces of creation that are in alignment with the legacy of your soul.

    Today, I’m going to introduce you to exactly how I’m doing that and welcome you to the space that I’ve been playing in. Together, we’ll start to explore the world of embodied energetics, what it’s meant for me - and what it can mean for you too.

    In this episode, I also invite you to come along for the journey as I begin to claim my soul’s bigger dream. Over the coming months, I’ll be breathing life and love back into the new unit I’m moving into, finding the home’s true soul, and connecting it with a beautiful new future vision.

    Today is only the beginning. In the coming three episodes, we’ll be exploring how to see, hear and receive our visions in order to know ourselves on a soul and human level.

    So grab a tea, coffee, hot chocolate, or even a wine, curl up in your favourite nourishing space, and let’s talk about how we can find your soul’s flavour.

    Behind the scenes of breathing life and love back into @7.47_balwyn. Join me to follow the renovation journey.

    If this episode connected with you, let me know by sharing your favourite snippet on Instagram and tagging me at @emilynair_design.

  • A soul-filled home is something that we all deserve.

    Whether you own your home - or not.

    Creating a home that aligns with your soul’s why and your heart’s calling is relevant for both homeowners AND renters.

    In fact, my boys and I have been renting for many years now. All of the experiences, practices, and concepts that I share with you here, I’m sharing as a renter.

    To be fully truthful and transparent, it took me so much time to get to this point. For so long, I held onto the belief that to be able to call somewhere home, I had to be the owner. I believed that if I was renting, then it wasn’t truly my home.

    I felt like I couldn’t settle in emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically. I convinced myself that we couldn’t live life the way I wanted us to. And so boxes stayed unpacked and we stayed living life on edge.

    When you’re in that place, how can you possibly be connected to yourself, let alone your loved ones?

    If this is a story that resonates with you, then this episode is for you.

    Whether you’re a renter or a homeowner, today I’ll show you how to take an intentional look at how you move through your day and live life in your home. We’ll be going through it together, as the experiences I’m sharing are exactly what I’ve just been going through as I look for a new rental.

    When you take this time to connect and explore, you’ll be empowered to make conscious, creative choices to create a soul-filled home that nourishes and fulfills you - and to know that you don’t have to be the owner to call it home.

  • When I talk about soul-intentional design - what does that actually mean?

    We’re probably all at least a little bit familiar with the practical steps of designing a home. The layout, the location of certain rooms, how they’re put together, and what goes where. But when it comes to soul-intentional design, the question isn’t ‘what’ and ‘where’ - it’s ‘why’?

    It’s design that is intentionally aligned with your soul. It’s the foundation formed from the values that will give you your ‘why’ to guide the ‘what’, ‘where’, and ‘how’ of your home’s design.

    We’ve talked before about the many moving parts of constructing or designing a home. With endless decisions to be made, the process can be made all the more intentional, soul-led, fulfilling, and easier when you take the time to connect with your vision, your values and set that foundation as your guiding star.

    It can be tempting to dive right in - trust me, I know all too well. But there is so much power in embracing the dance between the giddy excitement of the journey and pacing yourself, trusting that there is something bigger at play.

    To show you just how impactful that connection with your vision is, I’d like to share a personal story. It’s one that has simmered quietly in the background for the past couple of years, only to rise up in just the last few days.

    When you take the time to build that deep, authentic connection with your vision, your values, and your heart’s calling, you can create a home that is uniquely yours, aligned with your soul’s purpose. And when you do - it’s a truly magical feeling like no other.

    If you want to experience this first step of connecting your soul’s purpose with your unique design style, then let me support you with Guiding You Home. It’s like having a home design best friend on speed dial - I’ll be there to support and co-create with you so that you’re able to confidently share your vision and make decisions with ease, clarity, and conviction.

    I’d love to know what resonated with you from today's episode 🖤 Reach out to me over on Instagram @emilynair_design and say hi.

  • What is your dream? The big, audacious dream that your heart truly desires?

    Not your head’s dream. Not a dream that plays small.

    I’m talking about the heart-driven dream for your life, your home, and your future that is undeniably your soul’s truth.

    The thing is, it’s one thing to hold a dream. It’s a whole other experience to take inspired action and make the step from dreaming to physically creating.

    Suddenly, excitement can turn to fear, to pressure, to overwhelm.

    When our mind is struggling to see how that big beautiful dream is possible, it adjusts and makes compromises. Over time, that dream is watered down until it’s not even the same dream anymore.

    Today, I want to challenge you to stop playing it safe and holding your dream in your head. Dream with your heart, dream audaciously, and think about how your home can support you in keeping that dream alive and birthing it into reality.

    Your home is your sanctuary. It reminds you who you are, who you want to be, and connects you to the potency of your dreams.

    Let me be your guide to a home created with soul, that leads you to filled with reminders to dream audaciously and lights the spark within your heart that desires to be birthed into being.

    Don’t let your head hold you back. This is your sign that you have permission to be bold, dream big, and dream audaciously.

    If this episode connected with you, let me know by sharing your favourite snippet over on Instagram and tagging me at @emilynair_design.

  • “The time you want the map is before you enter the woods.”

    Today, I’d like to talk to you about this beautiful piece of wisdom from Brendon Burchard, an author and high-performance coach.

    Metaphorically speaking, how often do we run headfirst into the woods, only to become lost, distracted, scared, and turned around, before eventually realising we’re no closer to where we’d wanted to be?

    Well, the experience and the outcome could be so different if only we started by being fully resourced.

    Building or renovating the design of your home is a major commitment on so many levels with 1001 decisions to be made and so many different moving parts to navigate. Often, clients will look to save money by taking on parts of the process themselves.

    But here’s the thing - if you’re going to take on the work of a trained professional, then you need the map before you enter the woods.

    You can find that map here in this episode. I’ll guide you through the questions you need to ask yourself to truly understand your choices and make sure they lead to the best possible outcome for you.

    If you choose to go into the woods, do it with your eyes wide open, full of confidence, and guided by the clarity of your map.

    Interested in understanding more about your map? Then I’d love to hear from you so we can explore it together.

    I’d love to connect with you on Instagram at @emilynair_design + you can explore more about who I am and what I do on my website.

  • As a creative, it can be easy to lose yourself down a rabbit hole.

    It’s something that I say from experience. Over the years, I’ve realised how easy it is to slip further and further down until you lose connection with what’s around you before you even realise it’s happening.

    The lesson I’ve learned is that connection is so, so powerful - both with other people and with ourselves. Connection grounds us, opens us, gives us intention, and helps us to share and receive.

    In this quest for connection, I have built routines, habits, and flow into the space where I live and work. Today, I’d like to share this journey to show you how to build a home that connects you to yourself, your daily life, and those that matter the most.

    In this episode, let’s explore how even the smallest of things can have the most beautiful impact - whether that’s the habits that help us connect with our day, or the design of a home that allows conversation and connection to flow.

    When you strengthen these bonds with yourself and others, you can show up in life as the best, most authentic version of yourself, and the design of your home can support you - a home that reminds you of who you are and who you desire to be.

    I’d love to know what resonates with you from today's episode 🖤 Reach out to me over on Instagram @emilynair_design and say hi.

  • What does it truly mean to design in a soul-filled way?

    Well, it’s far too big an answer for one podcast episode, but this is the purpose of A Soul Filled Home. As we go on this journey, I hope to plant a seed in you and start a conversation where we can unpack and explore how our spaces and environments impact how we feel, respond, and move through our day-to-day lives.

    To begin, I’d like to share a personal story close to my heart of a time when design impacted and shaped my life in an unbelievably powerful way during an incredibly difficult time.

    It can be so easy to overlook, but the spaces in which we live our daily lives can profoundly shape the experiences we have. It’s something that goes far deeper than functionality and aesthetics and instead grounds itself in real human experience.

    As a designer, this experience cracked me wide open and gave me the most powerful gift of being shown firsthand how the spaces we live in, move through, and visit directly influence the human experience that we have.

    In this episode, I invite you to listen to my story, open your eyes to the impact of our environment, and challenge you to slow down and take the time to experience and appreciate the spaces in your day-to-day life and the depth of their influence.

    I’d love to connect with you on Instagram at @emilynair_design + you can explore more about who I am and what I do on my website.

  • Your home is a place that holds incredible power. It’s a place that should feed, nourish and connect with your soul.

    I’m Emily Nair, a heart-led Mentor, intuitive building and interior designer, and a passionate advocate for home design that connects us with who we are in our very soul. It’s that very passion and belief that brings us together here.

    Welcome to A Soul Filled Home, the podcast for designers, homeowners, custodians of period homes, and all those who have a curiosity about the incredible soul potential that comes when our homes are in alignment with our heart’s purpose.

    A home that reminds you of who you are and who you desire to be.

    A home that connects you to yourself and those that matter the most.

    A home that holds you and a life that fulfills you.

    If that’s the home you dream of, then you are right where you need to be.

    Join me each fortnight as I share my own journey and how my lived experiences filter my design, and opening you to the impact and fulfillment of a home intentionally designed to shape your daily life.

    Let’s explore that soul-led space together.

    New episodes released on Wednesday 10th of May 2023.

    In the meantime, you can connect with me on Instagram at @emilynair_design or over on my website.