
  • Stepping off the corporate ladder and scaling the heights of self-employment can be a daunting leap, but not for Cyril Thomas.

    Join us as we explore his extraordinary transformation from a university student to an entrepreneurial powerhouse in the property event industry.

    Cyril's tale begins with the Essex Entrepreneurship Society, a testament to the pivotal role of networking and influence, and spans to innovative property investments that would make even the most seasoned tycoons take notes.

    His story isn't just about financial triumphs; it's a blueprint for success that resonates with the tenacity and foresight necessary for anyone looking to carve their own path.

    Education plays a starring role in the entrepreneurial odyssey, and Cyril's academic pivot to accounting and management is no exception.

    We discuss how real-world business acumen can turn a traditional degree into an entrepreneurial playground, and ponder whether bypassing the conventional job market hurdles has impacted his success.

    Our conversation also veers into the personal influences that shape an entrepreneurial mindset, from the early exposure to financial literacy to the decisions that steer us toward our professional fates.

    The discussion rounds off with a visionary look at the property industry's future, where Cyril's commitment to community and knowledge-sharing takes centre stage. As he shares his strategy behind the Essex Property Network and the annual Property Investor Awards, we get a glimpse of how Cyril's endeavours go beyond just business—they're about creating a supportive ecosystem for investors.

    Tune in and be inspired by Cyril's journey

    --------- EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS ---------

    (0:00:10) - Entrepreneurial Journey of Cyril Thomas

    (0:09:59) - Entrepreneurial Journey Through Education

    (0:15:43) - Personal Journey to Entrepreneurship

    (0:31:00) - Property Investor Awards and Bureau

    (0:49:59) - Property Investment Trends and Strategies

    (0:56:41) - Decentralising the Property Industry

    To watch this episode on YouTube:

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    Has this podcast started you thinking about what A Wealthy Life might look and feel like for you?

    Why not spend another 3 minutes and take my online audit called Readiness to Retire Wealthy based on the five principles discussed in The Wealthy Retirement Plan book and episodes of this podcast?

    The assessment provides you with a personal score and report to help you take back control of your financial future – something business owners and employees both forget – but for different reasons.

    Browse Books by Vicki:

    Using Other People’s Money: How to invest in property 4th edition

    Make More Money from Property: From investor thinking to a business mindset 2nd Edition

    Property for the Next Generation: Securing your future in uncertain times 2nd Edition

    The New Estate: Insights from the 22nd century

    The Wealthy Retirement Plan: A revolutionary guide to living the rest of your in style

    Or read the following Ebooks on

    9 Critical Property Principles

    The De-Job Yourself Manual: Break your reliance on a monthly wage

    The Values Manual: Understand what your values are and how they can be key to a successful business

    The Goal Setting Manual: Create meaningful and practical goals then achieve them

  • Imagine stepping into the complex world of property investment, armed with expert financial insights that could pivot your success.

    That's exactly what unfolds when Craig Hopkins, a seasoned property accountant and fellow investor, joins us to impart wisdom gleaned from the trenches of real estate's financial battleground.

    Craig explains the transformation of accountancy within the property sphere, the intricacies of tax legislation like Section 24, and why a bespoke financial guide isn't just beneficial—it's essential for thriving in this nuanced market.

    Our conversation also covers the landscape of property investment strategies, revealing the contrast between buy-to-let properties and Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs).

    We swap stories from the early days, reflecting on the seismic shifts within the industry and how adapting investment tactics to one's personal strengths and ever-changing market conditions isn't just shrewd—it's necessary.

    Drawing from personal stories and valuable lessons, we underscore the rewards of effective financial management, from sidestepping the chaos of self-management to celebrating the triumphs of a well-oiled property machine.

    Remember to subscribe to join our ongoing discussions of property investment as a cornerstone for crafting the wealthy life you envision

    --------- EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS ---------

    (0:00:10) - Property Accountancy and Investing Insights

    Property accountant Craig Hopkins emphasizes the importance of specialised financial guidance in managing tax changes and company structures in property investment.

    (0:12:14) - Navigating Property Investment Strategies

    Property investment strategies, HMO legislation changes, and forming a reliable power team for management are discussed in uncertain markets.

    (0:24:21) - Property Management Challenges and Solutions

    Nature's challenges and experiences in managing property investments, building a strong team, and delegating to experts for long-term success.

    (0:28:10) - Property Management Challenges and Solutions

    Managing property portfolios requires accurate accounting, cash flow management, and progressive improvement over time.

    (0:32:51) - Managing Cashflow and Data Protection

    Consolidating expenses, timely organisation, proactive outreach, digital storage, and consequences of neglecting financial planning.

    (0:41:29) - Mistakes in Property Investment and Management

    Compulsory education for business owners covers roles, financial responsibilities, pitfalls of advice, and complexities of property investment.

    (0:50:15) - Value of Property Investment Advice

    The importance of being prepared, understanding personal attributes, having a specialised team, and cohesive financial management.

    To watch this episode on YouTube:

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    Has this podcast started you thinking about what A Wealthy Life might look and feel like for you?

    Why not spend another 3 minutes and take my online audit called Readiness to Retire Wealthy based on the five principles discussed in The Wealthy Retirement Plan book and episodes of this podcast?

    The assessment provides you with a personal score and report to help you take back control of your financial future – something business owners and employees both forget – but for different reasons.

    Browse Books by Vicki:

    Using Other People’s Money: How to invest in property 4th edition

    Make More Money from Property: From investor thinking to a business mindset 2nd Edition

    Property for the Next Generation: Securing your future in uncertain times 2nd Edition

    The New Estate: Insights from the 22nd century

    The Wealthy Retirement Plan: A revolutionary guide to living the rest of your in style

    Or read the following Ebooks on

    9 Critical Property Principles

    The De-Job Yourself Manual: Break your reliance on a monthly wage

    The Values Manual: Understand what your values are and how they can be key to a successful business

    The Goal Setting Manual: Create meaningful and practical goals then achieve them

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  • Ever wondered what it's like to handle the unpredictable and often wild world of property management?

    Join me, as I welcome back the ever-inspiring Stephanie Taylor for a candid exploration of the gritty realities of property management.

    We share the floor to discuss the complexities of managing HMOs, recounting tales that range from the amusing escapades of tenants to alarming discoveries, like the curious case of a pink ribbon marking more than just decor.

    The gritty reality of property investment isn't just about balance sheets; it's about the unexpected roles we take on—therapist, mediator, detective.

    This episode peels back the curtain on the transformative power of landlord horror stories.

    Our discussion takes an emotional turn as we reflect on past tenant horror stories, and how these experiences have honed our property management skills

    As we wrap up, Stephanie and I dive into the transformative aspects of property investment, celebrating not only the financial benefits but also the profound impact it can have on the lives it touches.

    Stories of providing homes for single mothers and the importance of recognising your own journey in this field underscore our chat.

    Together, we look at the bigger picture of wealth planning and personal development in the property realm, inviting you to join us on this path of growth and success.

    Ready to be inspired? Don't miss this opportunity to gain a fresh perspective on the highs and lows of the property business, and maybe find a spark of inspiration for your own ventures.

    --------- EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS ---------

    (0:00:10) - Property Management Challenges and Solutions

    Stephanie Taylor discusses managing HMOs, practical strategies for non-paying tenants, and the importance of proactive problem-solving in property management.

    (0:12:55) - Lessons Learned From Landlord Horror Stories

    Lessons learned from challenging tenants, adapting strategies, and wearing multiple hats as landlords.

    (0:18:27) - Management and Growth in Property Business

    Tenant's struggles with mental health, property cleanup, and business lessons from a property management anecdote.

    (0:29:26) - The Value of Reflection in Property

    Property investment brings financial gains and positive impact, while promoting mental resilience and personal growth.

    (0:35:45) - Wealthy Life Planning and Property Investment

    Acknowledging the challenges and rewards of property investment, building relationships, and promoting a wealthy life through education and management.

    To watch this episode on YouTube:

    Find Stephanie on:




    Get a free copy of the Rent 2 Rent Success Book

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    Has this podcast started you thinking about what A Wealthy Life might look and feel like for you?

    Why not spend another 3 minutes and take my online audit called Readiness to Retire Wealthy based on the five principles discussed in The Wealthy Retirement Plan book and episodes of this podcast?

    The assessment provides you with a personal score and report to help you take back control of your financial future – something business owners and employees both forget – but for different reasons.

    Browse Books by Vicki:

    Using Other People’s Money: How to invest in property 4th edition

    Make More Money from Property: From investor thinking to a business mindset 2nd Edition

    Property for the Next Generation: Securing your future in uncertain times 2nd Edition

    The New Estate: Insights from the 22nd century

    The Wealthy Retirement Plan: A revolutionary guide to living the rest of your in style

    Or read the following Ebooks on

    9 Critical Property Principles

    The De-Job Yourself Manual: Break your reliance on a monthly wage

    The Values Manual: Understand what your values are and how they can be key to a successful business

    The Goal Setting Manual: Create meaningful and practical goals then achieve them

  • In today’s episode I am joined by Lisa Oliver, a property investor and renovation wizard whose journey from a classically trained musician to a real estate powerhouse is nothing short of inspirational.

    Lisa's story, which she humbly shares, is a testament to the magic that happens when creativity meets investment savvy.

    Listen in as we learn of her accidental start as a landlord and how a significant life event propelled her to make property investment a cornerstone of her future.

    This discussion is sure to resonate with anyone looking to find that spark to transform their passions into a profitable venture.

    Hear about how saying "yes" to opportunities can lead to unexpected adventures and valuable lessons.

    We also touch on the importance of resilience, leveraging networks, and expressing goals to find the right support.

    Lisa's story is a prime example of how openly pursuing one's aspirations in property investment can lead to a truly wealthy life.

    Don't miss this engaging discussion, and if you're eager to take the next step in your property journey, reach out for a personalised chat on leveraging your resources for prosperity.

    --------- EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS ---------

    (0:14:37) - Property Investment Challenges and Gender Bias

    (0:19:47) - Overcoming Challenges and Embracing Opportunities

    (0:28:42) - Leveraging Networks and Overcoming Challenges

    (0:39:47) - Wealthy Life Through Property Investment

    To watch this episode on YouTube:

    Follow Lisa:

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    Has this podcast started you thinking about what A Wealthy Life might look and feel like for you?

    Why not spend another 3 minutes and take my online audit called Readiness to Retire Wealthy based on the five principles discussed in The Wealthy Retirement Plan book and episodes of this podcast?

    The assessment provides you with a personal score and report to help you take back control of your financial future – something business owners and employees both forget – but for different reasons.

    Browse Books by Vicki:

    Using Other People’s Money: How to invest in property 4th edition

    Make More Money from Property: From investor thinking to a business mindset 2nd Edition

    Property for the Next Generation: Securing your future in uncertain times 2nd Edition

    The New Estate: Insights from the 22nd century

    The Wealthy Retirement Plan: A revolutionary guide to living the rest of your in style

    Or read the following Ebooks on

    9 Critical Property Principles

    The De-Job Yourself Manual: Break your reliance on a monthly wage

    The Values Manual: Understand what your values are and how they can be key to a successful business

    The Goal Setting Manual: Create meaningful and practical goals then achieve them

  • Join me for this episode as we reflect on the intricate tapestry of history to understand the evolution of gender roles and their impact on our lives today and how significant events like wars have necessitated shifts in responsibilities, altering the perceptions of men and women in society

    I discuss the temporary empowerment of women during the Second World War and the subsequent societal push back to traditional roles, examining how these historical patterns influence the modern workforce and the complex balance between professional aspirations and family obligations.

    In this thought-provoking episode , I turn the attention to the modern landscape of gender roles and financial equality. I share a revealing anecdote that sparks a conversation about the importance of financial literacy and the shifting paradigms of men's and women's roles in contemporary society.

    The discussion also looks into the profound influence of the internet on social structures and encourages listeners to embrace innovative thinking, challenging the entrenched stereotypes that have long defined us.

    Concluding with a powerful argument for financial resilience, this episode implores both men and women to embrace fiscal independence as a form of empowerment.

    Discover how financial autonomy can reduce strain in relationships, challenge the traditional breadwinner model, and contribute to a healthier, more inclusive society.

    I leave you with strategies to examine your own money habits and inspire a shift towards a future where financial resilience paves the way for a wealthy and fulfilling life.

    --------- EPISODE CHAPTERS ---------

    (0:00:09) - Historical Lessons on Gender Roles

    (0:10:17) - Redefining Gender Roles and Financial Equality

    (0:19:51) - Financial Resilience for Men and Women

    (0:26:17) - Building Financial Resilience and Wealth

    To watch this episode on YouTube:

    Connect with Vicki:

    Visit my website to learn more

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    Access the free resources:

    Has this podcast started you thinking about what A Wealthy Life might look and feel like for you?

    Why not spend another 3 minutes and take my online audit called Readiness to Retire Wealthy based on the five principles discussed in The Wealthy Retirement Plan book and episodes of this podcast?

    The assessment provides you with a personal score and report to help you take back control of your financial future – something business owners and employees both forget – but for different reasons.

    Browse Books by Vicki:

    Using Other People’s Money: How to invest in property 4th edition

    Make More Money from Property: From investor thinking to a business mindset 2nd Edition

    Property for the Next Generation: Securing your future in uncertain times 2nd Edition

    The New Estate: Insights from the 22nd century

    The Wealthy Retirement Plan: A revolutionary guide to living the rest of your in style

    Or read the following Ebooks on

    9 Critical Property Principles

    The De-Job Yourself Manual: Break your reliance on a monthly wage

    The Values Manual: Understand what your values are and how they can be key to a successful business

    The Goal Setting Manual: Create meaningful and practical goals then achieve them

  • This week, I pulled back the curtain on my life in this industry, sharing the beats of property viewings and negotiations.

    With tales of a four-hour drive to scope out prospects, and the stamina needed to tackle ten viewings in a single day, I weave a narrative of a profession that's as demanding as it is rewarding.

    It's a glimpse into a world where strategy and knowledge are currency, and where every deal struck is a step closer to harmonising our personal and professional tunes.

    Managing a property concierge and project management service is akin to conducting an orchestra; it's about ensuring each section comes in at the right time, creating a symphony of success.

    This episode reveals the art of juggling commitments, from month-long trips to the Maldives to staying plugged into the pulse of the business.

    For those poised to dive into property investment or ignite their own sourcing venture, this episode is a mentor's guiding hand.

    --------- EPISODE CHAPTERS ---------

    (0:00:08) - Property Sourcing Business Investment Lifestyle

    (0:13:27) - Property Investing

    (0:28:20) - Property Investing Strategy and Opportunity

    (0:33:11) - Property Sourcing and Investment Inspiration

    To watch this episode on YouTube:

    Connect with Vicki:

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    Has this podcast started you thinking about what A Wealthy Life might look and feel like for you?

    Why not spend another 3 minutes and take my online audit called Readiness to Retire Wealthy based on the five principles discussed in The Wealthy Retirement Plan book and episodes of this podcast?

    The assessment provides you with a personal score and report to help you take back control of your financial future – something business owners and employees both forget – but for different reasons.

    Browse Books by Vicki:

    Using Other People’s Money: How to invest in property 4th edition

    Make More Money from Property: From investor thinking to a business mindset 2nd Edition

    Property for the Next Generation: Securing your future in uncertain times 2nd Edition

    The New Estate: Insights from the 22nd century

    The Wealthy Retirement Plan: A revolutionary guide to living the rest of your in style

    Or read the following Ebooks on

    9 Critical Property Principles

    The De-Job Yourself Manual: Break your reliance on a monthly wage

    The Values Manual: Understand what your values are and how they can be key to a successful business

    The Goal Setting Manual: Create meaningful and practical goals then achieve them

  • Discover the secrets of successful property development as Hayley Andrews and I dive into the complexities of this high-stakes industry.

    We shed light on the challenges and rewards of picking up where others have left off, addressing the critical issues of enforcement notices, budgeting woes, and navigating the rocky terrain of groundwork and utilities.

    This episode isn't just about the nuts and bolts of property development; it's a candid exploration of the delicate balance between profit and social responsibility in the UK property market.

    We peel back the complexity of government policies, market forces, and the necessity for a more streamlined planning system, all while sharing the stories of small and medium developers striving for a sustainable future.

    We reflect on the challenges of grant funding, the strategic management of contractors and contract administrators, and the need for swift decision-making when contractor performance falters.

    Tune in for an episode that promises not just to inform but to transform your views on property development.

    --------- EPISODE CHAPTERS ---------

    (0:00:24) - Navigating Challenges in Property Development

    (0:10:10) - UK Property Development and Profit

    (0:19:59) - Commercial to Residential Property Development

    (0:31:44) - Navigating Property Development Challenges

    (0:46:11) - Lessons Learned From Project Challenges

    To watch this episode on YouTube:

    Connect with Hayley:


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    Has this podcast started you thinking about what A Wealthy Life might look and feel like for you?

    Why not spend another 3 minutes and take my online audit called Readiness to Retire Wealthy based on the five principles discussed in The Wealthy Retirement Plan book and episodes of this podcast?

    The assessment provides you with a personal score and report to help you take back control of your financial future – something business owners and employees both forget – but for different reasons.

    Browse Books by Vicki:

    Using Other People’s Money: How to invest in property 4th edition

    Make More Money from Property: From investor thinking to a business mindset 2nd Edition

    Property for the Next Generation: Securing your future in uncertain times 2nd Edition

    The New Estate: Insights from the 22nd century

    The Wealthy Retirement Plan: A revolutionary guide to living the rest of your in style

    Or read the following Ebooks on

    9 Critical Property Principles

    The De-Job Yourself Manual: Break your reliance on a monthly wage

    The Values Manual: Understand what your values are and how they can be key to a successful business

    The Goal Setting Manual: Create meaningful and practical goals then achieve them

  • Discover the incredible transformation of Stephanie Taylor from single motherhood to property magnate

    Stephanie’s story is an inspiration for anyone facing barriers, as she reveals the significant moves that catapulted her into the property industry, and how she navigated the challenges of being a black woman in a male-dominated field.

    Our discussion peels back the layers on the stark contrasts between corporate life and the thrilling uncertainties of entrepreneurship.

    Stephanie shares how a simple email ignited her passion and how embracing the power of language and knowledge led to success in the competitive world of HMO management.

    We examine the scaling of problems and the invaluable role mentors play in reframing challenges into opportunities.

    Our conversation is an open invitation to listeners to view hurdles not as roadblocks but as invitations for growth, emboldening you to take the reins and live life by design.

    Tune in to hear how we have learned to embrace challenges as avenues for growth, enabling us to live life by design

    --------- EPISODE CHAPTERS ---------

    (0:00:10) - Property Success Stories

    (0:10:23) - Personal Development and Property Power

    (0:21:55) - Challenges and Success in Investing

    (0:35:21) - Building Confidence Through Overcoming Challenges

    To watch this episode on YouTube:

    Find Stephanie on:




    Get a free copy of the Rent 2 Rent Success Book

    Connect with Vicki:

    Visit my website to learn more

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    Has this podcast started you thinking about what A Wealthy Life might look and feel like for you?

    Why not spend another 3 minutes and take my online audit called Readiness to Retire Wealthy based on the five principles discussed in The Wealthy Retirement Plan book and episodes of this podcast?

    The assessment provides you with a personal score and report to help you take back control of your financial future – something business owners and employees both forget – but for different reasons.

    Browse Books by Vicki:

    Using Other People’s Money: How to invest in property 4th edition

    Make More Money from Property: From investor thinking to a business mindset 2nd Edition

    Property for the Next Generation: Securing your future in uncertain times 2nd Edition

    The New Estate: Insights from the 22nd century

    The Wealthy Retirement Plan: A revolutionary guide to living the rest of your in style

    Or read the following Ebooks on

    9 Critical Property Principles

    The De-Job Yourself Manual: Break your reliance on a monthly wage

    The Values Manual: Understand what your values are and how they can be key to a successful business

    The Goal Setting Manual: Create meaningful and practical goals then achieve them

  • Episode 110: A to Z of investing – What you need to know with Jay Rooney

    Welcome back to another episode of "A Wealthy Life," where we explore the intricate world of financial planning for a secure retirement.

    We're joined again by Jay Rooney, a dual expert in pensions and property investment, who helps unravel the complexities of creating a robust retirement strategy.

    Together, we compare the pros and cons of property investment and pensions, examining types of pensions like defined contribution schemes and how they stack up against the allure of property investing.

    Jay provides valuable insights into why it might not be advisable to use self-invested personal pensions (SIPPs) for residential property investments due to potential heavy taxes and fines, while also shedding light on the benefits of commercial property investment within a pension.

    The choice between property and pensions can be daunting, but fear not, as we discuss strategies that can lead to a secure financial future.

    Business owners, in particular, will find our conversation on using retained profits to reduce corporation tax through pension contributions especially intriguing, as well as the potential for leveraging intercompany loans for property investments.

    We discuss the direct control property investments can provide and contrast it with the benefits of pensions, particularly the tax advantages and the way they can be passed on to beneficiaries.

    The conversation also covers how a well-managed pension can outlive the holder and continue to provide for future generations.

    If you're curious about how financial education has evolved and why it's so vital today, or you're pondering the use of ISAs for your savings, then this episode is an essential listen.

    --------- EPISODE CHAPTERS ---------

    (0:00:29) - Pensions vs. Property Investing Options

    (0:11:53) - Investing in Pension and Property

    (0:21:18) - Property Control vs Pension Succession

    (0:30:00) - Investment Strategies and ISAs

    (0:36:20) - Advantages and Management of Investment ISAs

    (0:48:52) - Importance of Financial Education

    To watch this episode on YouTube:

    Find Jay on:



    Connect with Vicki:

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    Access the free resources:

    Has this podcast started you thinking about what A Wealthy Life might look and feel like for you?

    Why not spend another 3 minutes and take my online audit called Readiness to Retire Wealthy based on the five principles discussed in The Wealthy Retirement Plan book and episodes of this podcast?

    The assessment provides you with a personal score and report to help you take back control of your financial future – something business owners and employees both forget – but for different reasons.

    Browse Books by Vicki:

    Using Other People’s Money: How to invest in property 4th edition

    Make More Money from Property: From investor thinking to a business mindset 2nd Edition

    Property for the Next Generation: Securing your future in uncertain times 2nd Edition

    The New Estate: Insights from the 22nd century

    The Wealthy Retirement Plan: A revolutionary guide to living the rest of your in style

    Or read the following Ebooks on

    9 Critical Property Principles

    The De-Job Yourself Manual: Break your reliance on a monthly wage

    The Values Manual: Understand what your values are and how they can be key to a successful business

    The Goal Setting Manual: Create meaningful and practical goals then achieve them

  • In today’s episode we unravel the intricate world of property investing, where one size does not fit all.

    We kick things off by exploring how personal goals and circumstances shape the investment strategies you should consider, whether it's leveraging serviced accommodations like Airbnb, mastering HMO strategies, or navigating the complexities of rent-to-rent arrangements.

    Discover how to tailor your approach to property investing to your unique situation, aligning your mindset with your financial aspirations for success.

    In this discussion, we dissect the balance between chasing capital gains and building a consistent cash flow, a critical decision that aligns with your stage in life and financial goals.

    From young professionals to those eyeing retirement, planning for financial independence is key, and we tackle the nuances of property development as a potential avenue for the experienced investor.

    Get insights into the resources you need to get started and how they shape your journey into the property market, whether you're taking the reins yourself or collaborating with a sourcing agent.

    I share insights from my recent webinar with Female Invest, comparing traditional savings accounts to real estate investments, and stress the importance of financial resilience.

    Thanks for tuning in, and may your investments reflect your ambitions.

    -------- EPISODE CHAPTERS ---------

    (0:00:21) - Rules of Property Investing

    (0:12:18) - Investment Strategies for Financial Security

    (0:27:04) - Investment Strategies and Financial Resilience

    (0:35:06) - Investment Strategy and Self-Reflection

    To watch this episode on YouTube:

    Connect with Vicki:

    Visit my website to learn more

    Booking calendar -

    Access the free resources:

    Has this podcast started you thinking about what A Wealthy Life might look and feel like for you?

    Why not spend another 3 minutes and take my online audit called Readiness to Retire Wealthy based on the five principles discussed in The Wealthy Retirement Plan book and episodes of this podcast?

    The assessment provides you with a personal score and report to help you take back control of your financial future – something business owners and employees both forget – but for different reasons.

    Browse Books by Vicki:

    Using Other People’s Money: How to invest in property 4th edition

    Make More Money from Property: From investor thinking to a business mindset 2nd Edition

    Property for the Next Generation: Securing your future in uncertain times 2nd Edition

    The New Estate: Insights from the 22nd century

    The Wealthy Retirement Plan: A revolutionary guide to living the rest of your in style

    Or read the following Ebooks on

    9 Critical Property Principles

    The De-Job Yourself Manual: Break your reliance on a monthly wage

    The Values Manual: Understand what your values are and how they can be key to a successful business

    The Goal Setting Manual: Create meaningful and practical goals then achieve them

  • The world of property investment often presents a landscape dominated by suits and ties, but Hayley Andrews strides through it with remarkable grace and acumen.

    In this episode, I sit down with Hayley to hear about her evolution from a first-time homeowner to a property developer and a TV personality who's rewriting the narrative for women in real estate.

    Her story isn't just about the bricks and mortar of homes but also about the grit and determination it takes to succeed in a sphere where few women tread.

    Listen in for a masterclass on the mechanics of real estate investment as Hayley takes us through the nitty-gritty of her strategy.

    From retaining her initial property for rental income to leveraging the intricacies of mortgage products for wealth creation, she lays bare the decisions that have cemented her financial success.

    Hayley's pivot to Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) unveils the power of cash flow in property investment and the importance of continuous education in refining one's approach.

    But Hayley's impact in the property world isn't just through her own investments—she's also a guiding light to many as a mentor.

    In our conversation, she shares the fulfilling experience of guiding others on their own property journeys, from those making tentative first steps to others diving into multimillion-pound projects.

    So, listen in and get ready to be inspired by Hayley's story and the invaluable lessons it holds for all aspiring property investors.

    --------- EPISODE CHAPTERS ---------

    (0:01:15) - Women in Property Investment Success

    (0:10:40) - Real Estate Investment Strategies and Management

    (0:25:20) - Property Development and Mentoring Journeys

    (0:37:00) - Overcoming Challenges and Finding Belief

    To watch this episode on YouTube:

    Connect with Hayley:


    Connect with Vicki:

    Visit my website to learn more

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    Access the free resources:

    Has this podcast started you thinking about what A Wealthy Life might look and feel like for you?

    Why not spend another 3 minutes and take my online audit called Readiness to Retire Wealthy based on the five principles discussed in The Wealthy Retirement Plan book and episodes of this podcast?

    The assessment provides you with a personal score and report to help you take back control of your financial future – something business owners and employees both forget – but for different reasons.

    Browse Books by Vicki:

    Using Other People’s Money: How to invest in property 4th edition

    Make More Money from Property: From investor thinking to a business mindset 2nd Edition

    Property for the Next Generation: Securing your future in uncertain times 2nd Edition

    The New Estate: Insights from the 22nd century

    The Wealthy Retirement Plan: A revolutionary guide to living the rest of your in style

    Or read the following Ebooks on

    9 Critical Property Principles

    The De-Job Yourself Manual: Break your reliance on a monthly wage

    The Values Manual: Understand what your values are and how they can be key to a successful business

    The Goal Setting Manual: Create meaningful and practical goals then achieve them

  • Have you ever had a moment in the most ordinary of places that completely altered your perspective on something as seemingly complex as the stock market?

    That's exactly what happened to our returning guest, the brilliant Elizabeth Pearson, and she's here again to share not only this humorous slice of life but also her wealth of expertise on women's unique challenges in the realm of investing.

    Together, we discuss the often exclusionary language that can make the financial world seem intimidating and advocating for a purpose-driven approach to wealth—where success is measured by personal fulfillment as much as financial gains.

    We tackle the idea of personal responsibility and its crucial role in fostering a balanced world where wealth isn't hoarded but used to support essential services and ultimately, to contribute positively.

    We also discuss how instilling financial literacy in the younger generation could be the cornerstone of a future populated by savvy, responsible investors.

    Tune in for an episode filled with insightful strategies for aligning your life with your financial goals.

    --------- EPISODE CHAPTERS ---------

    (0:01:20) - Challenges Women Face in Wealth

    (0:16:20) - Creating Equity and Awareness for All

    (0:24:00) - Financial Integrity and Contribution

    To watch this episode on YouTube:

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    For a Complimentary Guide to Investing:

    GIRLS JUST WANT TO HAVE FUNDS! 7 Simple and Sparkly Steps to Start Investing

    Connect with Vicki:

    Visit my website to learn more

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    Access the free resources:

    Has this podcast started you thinking about what A Wealthy Life might look and feel like for you?

    Why not spend another 3 minutes and take my online audit called Readiness to Retire Wealthy based on the five principles discussed in The Wealthy Retirement Plan book and episodes of this podcast?

    The assessment provides you with a personal score and report to help you take back control of your financial future – something business owners and employees both forget – but for different reasons.

    Browse Books by Vicki:

    Using Other People’s Money: How to invest in property 4th edition

    Make More Money from Property: From investor thinking to a business mindset 2nd Edition

    Property for the Next Generation: Securing your future in uncertain times 2nd Edition

    The New Estate: Insights from the 22nd century

    The Wealthy Retirement Plan: A revolutionary guide to living the rest of your in style

    Or read the following Ebooks on

    9 Critical Property Principles

    The De-Job Yourself Manual: Break your reliance on a monthly wage

    The Values Manual: Understand what your values are and how they can be key to a successful business

    The Goal Setting Manual: Create meaningful and practical goals then achieve them

  • When family and business mix, the results can be a complex blend of love, loyalty, and the occasional tug-of-war over the remote control of decision-making.

    Rachel Troughton joins me to unravel the delicate dynamics of working with loved ones in the property realm.

    Imagine leading a business where the boardroom table might also be where you eat Sunday dinner. That's the reality for many in generational family enterprises, where the lines between personal and professional often blur.

    In this discussion, I share the emotional intricacies when not every family member shares the same enthusiasm for the family trade.

    We navigate through the potential obstacles of bringing spouses, offspring, or friends into the fold, underscoring the importance of aligned values and crystal-clear communication.

    As we wrap up, we highlight the critical nature of legal diligence, especially in the property sector, and urge our listeners to weigh their options and consider the implications of every business alliance they enter.

    For more insights don't forget to subscribe and check out the show notes for additional resources.

    --------- EPISODE CHAPTERS ---------

    (0:01:11) - Navigating Working Relationships in Business

    (0:13:22) - Navigating Family Dynamics in Business

    (0:19:04) - Business Partnerships and Family Dynamics

    (0:25:00) - Property Investment Joint Venture Strategies

    (0:33:00) - Impact of Joint Ventures in Property

    (0:44:30) - Navigating Property Partnerships and Legal Responsibilities

    To watch this episode on YouTube:

    Connect with Rachael


    Instagram: @Rachael_Troughton


    Email: [email protected]

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    Has this podcast started you thinking about what A Wealthy Life might look and feel like for you?

    Why not spend another 3 minutes and take my online audit called Readiness to Retire Wealthy based on the five principles discussed in The Wealthy Retirement Plan book and episodes of this podcast?

    The assessment provides you with a personal score and report to help you take back control of your financial future – something business owners and employees both forget – but for different reasons.

    Browse Books by Vicki:

    Using Other People’s Money: How to invest in property 4th edition

    Make More Money from Property: From investor thinking to a business mindset 2nd Edition

    Property for the Next Generation: Securing your future in uncertain times 2nd Edition

    The New Estate: Insights from the 22nd century

    The Wealthy Retirement Plan: A revolutionary guide to living the rest of your in style

    Or read the following Ebooks on

    9 Critical Property Principles

    The De-Job Yourself Manual: Break your reliance on a monthly wage

    The Values Manual: Understand what your values are and how they can be key to a successful business

    The Goal Setting Manual: Create meaningful and practical goals then achieve them

  • An unexpected offer on a property might not be the usual start to a real estate empire, but for Jay Rooney, it was just that—a twist of fate that propelled him into the world of property investment.

    In this episode Jay unravels the complexities and triumphs of building a portfolio from the ground up. His transition to leveraging a limited company structure and his adept response to taxation changes offer listeners a masterclass in adaptability and strategic planning.

    We discuss the property market trends that landlords and investors must navigate. From stringent licensing requirements to the aftermath of COVID-19, the conversation delves into the various factors that have led to significant rent increases across regions like Scotland and Northern Ireland.

    We explore the pivotal decision points for investors, such as when to consider establishing a limited company for property management.

    We also discuss the critical importance of a focused investment strategy, informed by numbers rather than mere location, and reflect on past missteps and their role in honing our approach to building sustainable property portfolios.

    Don't forget to subscribe for more tips and expert advice on creating a wealthy life.

    --------- EPISODE CHAPTERS ---------

    (0:01:09) - Property Investment Journey

    (0:10:24) - Impact of Property Market Trends

    (0:22:58) - Investment Strategy and Opportunities in Property

    (0:36:20) - Property Investment Success and Controversial Views

    To watch this episode on YouTube:

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    Has this podcast started you thinking about what A Wealthy Life might look and feel like for you?

    Why not spend another 3 minutes and take my online audit called Readiness to Retire Wealthy based on the five principles discussed in The Wealthy Retirement Plan book and episodes of this podcast?

    The assessment provides you with a personal score and report to help you take back control of your financial future – something business owners and employees both forget – but for different reasons.

    Browse Books by Vicki:

    Using Other People’s Money: How to invest in property 4th edition

    Make More Money from Property: From investor thinking to a business mindset 2nd Edition

    Property for the Next Generation: Securing your future in uncertain times 2nd Edition

    The New Estate: Insights from the 22nd century

    The Wealthy Retirement Plan: A revolutionary guide to living the rest of your in style

    Or read the following Ebooks on

    9 Critical Property Principles

    The De-Job Yourself Manual: Break your reliance on a monthly wage

    The Values Manual: Understand what your values are and how they can be key to a successful business

    The Goal Setting Manual: Create meaningful and practical goals then achieve them

  • In this episode, I am re-joined by Sean, The Property Tax Accountant

    Sean breaks down the pivotal question many investors grapple with: should you hold property in your personal name or within a limited company?

    With recent tax changes like Section 24 shaking up the landscape, Sean unravels the implications for landlords and underscores that personal circumstances dictate the best approach.

    We also discuss the additional responsibilities that come with corporate ownership and why individual financial insights, coupled with a skilled accountant's guidance, are indispensable in making informed decisions.

    We examine the legalities of tax planning, the illegality of evasion, and the ethical grey area of avoidance, particularly the aggressive kind that stays within the law's bounds.

    We tackle the considerations for using a limited company for property investment, the strategic planning involved in setting up such a company, and the benefits of group structures like Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs).

    Sean also highlights the significance of cultivating strong relationships with professional advisors who can help navigate tax and financial planning.

    As a parting gift, we cover the importance of understanding business tax essentials and why trusting professionals with your accounts is crucial.

    Subscribe for more episodes, and remember, for insights into wealth strategy and property investment, keep connected for tips into making the most of your property investments.

    To listen to the episode on YouTube:

    Connect with Vicki:

    Visit my website to learn more:

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    Access the free resources:

    Has this podcast started you thinking about what A Wealthy Life might look and feel like for you?

    Why not spend another 3 minutes and take my online audit called Readiness to Retire Wealthy based on the five principles discussed in The Wealthy Retirement Plan book and episodes of this podcast?

    The assessment provides you with a personal score and report to help you take back control of your financial future – something business owners and employees both forget – but for different reasons.

    Browse Books by Vicki:

    Using Other People’s Money: How to invest in property 4th edition

    Make More Money from Property: From investor thinking to a business mindset 2nd Edition

    Property for the Next Generation: Securing your future in uncertain times 2nd Edition

    The New Estate: Insights from the 22nd century

    The Wealthy Retirement Plan: A revolutionary guide to living the rest of your in style

    Or read the following Ebooks on

    9 Critical Property Principles

    The De-Job Yourself Manual: Break your reliance on a monthly wage

    The Values Manual: Understand what your values are and how they can be key to a successful business

    The Goal Setting Manual: Create meaningful and practical goals then achieve them

  • Join me as I welcome Sean, a property tax accountant with a wealth of knowledge for expats and investors alike.

    In this episode, we tackle the crucial steps for cultivating a productive partnership with your accountant, steering clear of the dreaded year-end frenzy.

    Listen in as Sean shares the secrets to modern accounting methods, such as the beauty of real-time bookkeeping and the transformative power of cloud accounting platforms, which can reshape how you make timely business and tax decisions.

    Talking through the accounting services, this discussion illuminates the shift towards a monthly fee model and how it benefits your business.

    With the expertise of Sean, we look into how this approach provides constant access to your financial performance, fostering a strong relationship with your accountant and ensuring that you're poised for proactive financial management.

    We also discuss the significance of choosing the right service package and the strategic value of having a business plan, so that you can measure progress and adapt swiftly to meet your targets.

    We touch on various topics from the convenience of separate bank accounts for property investments to the ethics of tax evasion and VAT considerations as well as the best practices for handling Director's Loans and discuss the pros and cons of company versus personal investment structures.

    For anyone invested in property, this episode is full of insights and strategies, all designed to keep you on the right side of the ledger and ahead of the game.

    --------- EPISODE CHAPTERS ---------

    (0:00:09) - Improving the Relationship With Your Accountant

    (0:11:43) - Accounting Packages and Communication Importance

    (0:21:27) - Managing Separate Bank Accounts for Properties

    (0:25:26) - Managing Expenses and Business Deductions

    (0:41:19) - Tax, VAT, and Director's Loans

    Connect with Vicki:

    Visit my website to learn more

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    Listen to the full episode on YouTube:

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    Has this podcast started you thinking about what A Wealthy Life might look and feel like for you?

    Why not spend another 3 minutes and take my online audit called Readiness to Retire Wealthy based on the five principles discussed in The Wealthy Retirement Plan book and episodes of this podcast?

    The assessment provides you with a personal score and report to help you take back control of your financial future – something business owners and employees both forget – but for different reasons.

    Browse Books by Vicki:

    Using Other People’s Money: How to invest in property 4th edition

    Make More Money from Property: From investor thinking to a business mindset 2nd Edition

    Property for the Next Generation: Securing your future in uncertain times 2nd Edition

    The New Estate: Insights from the 22nd century

    The Wealthy Retirement Plan: A revolutionary guide to living the rest of your in style

    Or read the following Ebooks on

    9 Critical Property Principles

    The De-Job Yourself Manual: Break your reliance on a monthly wage

    The Values Manual: Understand what your values are and how they can be key to a successful business

    The Goal Setting Manual: Create meaningful and practical goals then achieve them

  • Elizabeth Pearson joins me to share her insights on empowering women through the art of investing.

    Our conversation is a must listen to for anyone yearning to fortify their financial future, as we unravel how life's unpredictabilities—such as career breaks for maternity or shifts in personal relationships—can be mitigated through wise investments.

    Elizabeth, shares her personal story that began with a desire to bond with her father and grew into a strategy for financial independence.

    In a world where financial security is paramount, we examine the emotional contrasts between the world of trading and the steadfast realm of long-term investing.

    Our discussion highlights the necessity for discipline, patience, and a long-term view to harness the compounding power of investments.

    We explore the importance of setting aside an emergency fund before diving into investment vehicles and stress the significance of 'paying yourself first'—a mantra for making your money work relentlessly for you.

    We also touch on the UK's tax-efficient investment vehicles, such as ISAs and pensions, advocating for the strategic potential of diversification through funds.

    This episode is not just about building wealth, but about the life-enhancing freedom it affords.

    --------- EPISODE CHAPTERS ---------

    (0:00:10) - Women and Investing for Financial Future

    (0:15:36) - Long-Term Investing in Stocks and Shares

    (0:27:13) - Investing in Stocks and Shares

    (0:32:35) - Investing in Property and Shares Strategies

    (0:45:47) - Investing in Shares and Financial Security

    Find Elizabeth on:




    For a Complimentary Guide to Investing:

    GIRLS JUST WANT TO HAVE FUNDS! 7 Simple and Sparkly Steps to Start Investing

    Connect with Vicki:

    Visit my website to learn more -

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    Watch the full episode on YouTube:

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    Has this podcast started you thinking about what A Wealthy Life might look and feel like for you?

    Why not spend another 3 minutes and take my online audit called Readiness to Retire Wealthy based on the five principles discussed in The Wealthy Retirement Plan book and episodes of this podcast?

    The assessment provides you with a personal score and report to help you take back control of your financial future – something business owners and employees both forget – but for different reasons.

    Browse Books by Vicki:

    Using Other People’s Money: How to invest in property 4th edition

    Make More Money from Property: From investor thinking to a business mindset 2nd Edition

    Property for the Next Generation: Securing your future in uncertain times 2nd Edition

    The New Estate: Insights from the 22nd century

    The Wealthy Retirement Plan: A revolutionary guide to living the rest of your in style

    Or read the following Ebooks on

    9 Critical Property Principles

    The De-Job Yourself Manual: Break your reliance on a monthly wage

    The Values Manual: Understand what your values are and how they can be key to a successful business

    The Goal Setting Manual: Create meaningful and practical goals then achieve them

  • In today’s episode we tackle the critical issue of female financial security, an area I passionately believe needs to be at the forefront of our wealth conversations.

    I draw from my personal journey and share how the evolution of women's roles in the economy, although progressive, continues to be hemmed in by enduring societal norms and structural inequalities.

    Listen in as we peel back the layers of financial challenges unique to women, from the gender pay gap to the juggling act of motherhood and career, and how these factors perpetuate a cycle of financial vulnerability.

    We consider the value of maintaining separate financial entities, and how these can be a buffer in times of upheaval, whether due to childcare commitments or the dissolution of a relationship.

    The dialogue pivots to personal anecdotes, illustrating the long-term benefits of early financial planning and how foresight can preserve a woman's financial stability and peace of mind in a variety of life scenarios.

    I also reflect on the triumphs and trials of balancing life as a single parent and student, all while navigating the financial tightrope.

    You'll hear how the skills honed from rigorous budgeting, savvy credit card use, and strategic savings were not only survival tactics but also stepping stones to future prosperity.

    --------- EPISODE CHAPTERS ---------

    (0:00:10) - The Importance of Female Financial Security

    (0:07:57) - Financial Considerations for Women in Relationships

    (0:14:25) - Overcoming Challenges as a Single Parent

    (0:21:45) - Managing Finances and Overcoming Challenges

    (0:32:35) - The Importance of Female Financial Security

    Connect with Vicki:

    Visit my website to learn more

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    Watch the full episode on YouTube:

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    Has this podcast started you thinking about what A Wealthy Life might look and feel like for you?

    Why not spend another 3 minutes and take my online audit called Readiness to Retire Wealthy based on the five principles discussed in The Wealthy Retirement Plan book and episodes of this podcast?

    The assessment provides you with a personal score and report to help you take back control of your financial future – something business owners and employees both forget – but for different reasons.

    Browse Books by Vicki:

    Using Other People’s Money: How to invest in property 4th edition

    Make More Money from Property: From investor thinking to a business mindset 2nd Edition

    Property for the Next Generation: Securing your future in uncertain times 2nd Edition

    The New Estate: Insights from the 22nd century

    The Wealthy Retirement Plan: A revolutionary guide to living the rest of your in style

    Or read the following Ebooks on

    9 Critical Property Principles

    The De-Job Yourself Manual: Break your reliance on a monthly wage

    The Values Manual: Understand what your values are and how they can be key to a successful business

    The Goal Setting Manual: Create meaningful and practical goals then achieve them

  • 🔊 IT'S HERE! 🎊 Our 100th episode is live!

    Join the celebration by listening to this special milestone.

    Welcome to a special milestone celebration with the 100th edition of A Wealthy Life, where along with past guests, we reflect on a treasure trove of insights on defining success, embracing failure, and avoiding the pitfalls of regret.

    Discover how personal goals and living life on one's own terms can shape a truly successful existence, while also learning how perceived failures can be stepping stones to growth and how the sting of regret often comes from opportunities not seized.

    This edition isn't just a celebration; it's a masterclass in building a life that's both wealthy in resources and rich in meaning.

    Hear our discussion on the five core principles of a wealthy life and how clarity, control, and leveraging resources like mental and financial health are essential.

    Explore with us the power of legacy and the profound impact of financial security in creating a life that extends beyond personal achievement, enabling passions to flourish and leaving a mark on the world. We also touch on the transformative nature of property investment and its role in securing financial freedom.

    We discuss the significance of questioning societal norms to gain a better grip on our destinies and understand the deep connection between parental hopes for their children's happiness and the role of vision in fulfilling these desires.

    As we look back on this journey, it becomes clear that a wealthy life isn't solely about financial accumulation but encompasses family, impact, and crafting a legacy that makes the world richer for our presence.

    Thank you for being a part of this journey! 🙌

    --------- EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS ---------

    (0:12:32) - Wealthy Life Principles

    (0:17:49) - Creating a Wealthy Life

    (0:27:32) - Achieving Control and Success

    (0:31:41) - Exploring Budgeting, Leverage, and Property Investment

    (0:45:28) - Wealthy Life, Positive Legacy

    (0:50:57) - Wealth Building, Delegation, and Retirement Planning

    Listen to the full episodes of previous episodes or watch this episode on:


    Clips from previous episodes featured in this 100th Edition:

    40, 39, 56, 11, 6, 28, 46, 51, 52, 77, 75, 20, 26, 76, 80

    Connect with Vicki:

    Visit my website to learn more

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    Has this podcast started you thinking about what A Wealthy Life might look and feel like for you?

    Why not spend another 3 minutes and take my online audit called Readiness to Retire Wealthy based on the five principles discussed in The Wealthy Retirement Plan book and episodes of this podcast?

    The assessment provides you with a personal score and report to help you take back control of your financial future – something business owners and employees both forget – but for different reasons.

    Browse Books by Vicki:

    Using Other People’s Money: How to invest in property 4th edition

    Make More Money from Property: From investor thinking to a business mindset 2nd Edition

    Property for the Next Generation: Securing your future in uncertain times 2nd Edition

    The New Estate: Insights from the 22nd century

    The Wealthy Retirement Plan: A revolutionary guide to living the rest of your in style

    Or read the following Ebooks on

    9 Critical Property Principles

    The De-Job Yourself Manual: Break your reliance on a monthly wage

    The Values Manual: Understand what your values are and how they can be key to a successful business

    The Goal Setting Manual: Create meaningful and practical goals then achieve them

  • Have you ever thought about what it truly means to be profitable in business?

    Join me and guest, Rocky Lalvani, a profit-first professional who is here to redefine the way you perceive profitability.

    With an admiration for spreadsheets and a deep understanding of the power of money, Rocky introduces us to the concept of 'profit first', a strategy that flips the traditional business formula on its head.

    Rocky paints a vivid picture of the need to prioritise profit in order to eliminate entrepreneurial poverty.

    We're also bringing the 'profit first' concept into the world of property investing. The risks and rewards of this venture lie in your understanding of numbers and in your ability to manage them efficiently.

    As we discuss the complexities of property investment, we emphasise the importance of a pessimistic approach when forecasting and purchasing properties.

    Remember, it's not just about making money; it's about keeping it and growing it.

    --------- EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS ---------

    0:00:34 - Putting Profit First in Business

    0:08:25 - Budgeting With Purpose

    0:12:35 - Living Within Budget

    0:16:16 - The Importance of Maintaining Property Assets

    Follow Rocky

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    Watch the full episode on YouTube:

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    Has this podcast started you thinking about what A Wealthy Life might look and feel like for you?

    Why not spend another 3 minutes and take my online audit called Readiness to Retire Wealthy based on the five principles discussed in The Wealthy Retirement Plan book and episodes of this podcast?

    The assessment provides you with a personal score and report to help you take back control of your financial future – something business owners and employees both forget – but for different reasons.

    Browse Books by Vicki:

    Using Other People’s Money: How to invest in property 4th edition

    Make More Money from Property: From investor thinking to a business mindset 2nd Edition

    Property for the Next Generation: Securing your future in uncertain times 2nd Edition

    The New Estate: Insights from the 22nd century

    The Wealthy Retirement Plan: A revolutionary guide to living the rest of your in style

    Or read the following Ebooks on

    9 Critical Property Principles

    The De-Job Yourself Manual: Break your reliance on a monthly wage

    The Values Manual: Understand what your values are and how they can be key to a successful business

    The Goal Setting Manual: Create meaningful and practical goals then achieve them