In this Bell Work Talk, Antoinette discusses the critical intersection of mental health and non-fatal strangulation in the context of intimate partner violence (IPV). Drawing from the latest research, this episode highlights how strangulation is often an overlooked yet severe form of violence that leaves lasting physical and psychological effects. Antoinette also discusses the importance of enhancing mental health assessments, the role of healthcare providers in identifying subtle indicators of strangulation, and how trauma-informed care can lead to better outcomes for survivors. Join us as we shed light on this silent yet significant issue and offer insights into improving care for vulnerable populations.
Antoinette Janson is an experienced forensic nurse with specialized training in intimate partner violence. With a focus on improving forensic medical documentation and patient care, she is actively involved in forensic nursing education through a mobile simulation lab and in-person clinical simulation events. As a published co-author on non-fatal strangulation and mental health assessments, Antoinette brings both practical and research-based expertise to the Bell Work Talk podcast.
National Domestic Violence Hotline
Call 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
Text: START to 88788
Love is Respect (for teens and young adults)
Call 1-866-331-9474
Test: LOVEIS to 22522
Strong Hearts Helpline (Native American and Alaska Native survivors)
Text or call: 1-844-7NATIVE (1-844-762-8483)
Chat online at:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Intimate Partner Violence
American Psychiatric Association (APA)
Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA)
Training Institute on Strangulation Prevention
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In this Bell Work Talk, Kory will talk about addiction and how it is a very stigmatized disease. In his last podcast, he defined addiction, neurobiology of addiction, discussed brain failure, and how the cravings of addiction change our body. He will now discuss the harm reduction strategies and treatment for substance use disorder.
Addiction can happen to anyone, and we must really learn the science behind it, and reduce the stigma that this group faces. Many times patients with addictions will avoid medical care because of the stigma that they often receive.
Kory Scheideman is an Emergency Department nurse manager that has been in the emergency world for over 18 years as a nurse, and prior to that an EMT/Fire Fighter for 5 years. For the last 6 years, Kory has helped develop an ALTO program, Medication Assisted Treatment program in 6 different Emergency Departments. He also is an active community member and sits on the Northern Colorado Harm Reduction Alliance, Northern Colorado Collaborative for Addiction and Recovery Supports, and the Colorado Emergency Nurses Association (ENA) Quality, Safety and Injury Prevention Committee Chair. He was recently awarded a “Rethinking Addiction and Recovery Event” Award and the Colorado ENA Inspire award in 2023 for his work in the community and the Colorado ENA. Kory was also inducted in the Academy of Emergency Nurses earlier this month for the work with addiction medicine among Emergency Nurses Association and community. Kory is also engaged with the Naloxone Project as a Nurse Leader.
We’d really like to learn more about what you think of the podcast, and what you’d like to hear in future episodes.
Fehlende Folgen?
In this Bell Work Talk, we talk about Forensic Nursing in Switzerland. History, current situation and an outlook into the future.
- Hints on how to implement Forensic Nursing
- The importance of Networking to implement Forensic Nursing
- Obstacles in implementing a new nursing specification
- Get an overview how Forensic Nursing is developing in Switzerland or other European countries
My name is Dominice, I am 40 years old and I work as a Forensic Nurse since two years at the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Zurich. Since April we have a project at the Canton of Zurich where hospital emergency room staff can call us Forensic Nurses when they have people affected by sexual or domestic violence. We Forensic Nurses go out into the hospitals to document injuries, do DNA-swabs and talk with the people affected about next steps that can be done, mostly connect them to victim counselors. In Europe there is the “Istanbul Convention” who needs to be realized by the countries who signed the Convention. Goal of the convention is, to bring better support for victims of domestic or sexual violence. Switzerland has developed an Action Plan to implement the goals of the Istanbul Convention over the next few years. Forensic Nurses are or can be part of the plan. Forensic Nursing itself is relatively new in Switzerland and there are not a lot of possibilities to work as a FN in Switzerland at the moment. But we are working on it.
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In this Bell Work Talk, Dr. Dahl-Jacinto explores the critical issue of youth suicide, emphasizing the growing need for individuals to take an active approach in understanding, assessing, and intervening. The discussion focuses on how to ask about suicide, practical tools for assessing risk, recognizing risk and protective factors, and creating safe, supportive environments for youth experiencing suicidality. Throughout the discussion there is an emphasis on the importance of empathy and cultural awareness when responding to youth experiencing suicidality.
Dr. Heather Dahl-Jacinto is an Associate Professor of Counselor Education at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. She has multiple peer-reviewed publications and presentations and over $8 million dollars in grant funding. Her research interests are focused on mental health and include crisis intervention (e.g., suicide prevention and assessment), mental health education, and qualitative research methodology. She has held service positions at the local, regional, national, and international level, including president of the Western Association of Counselor Education & Supervision (2018-2019).
National Suicide Hotline (English): 9-8-8, can also text, accessible for deaf & hard of hearing
National Suicide Hotline (Spanish): 9-8-8 (no text available yet)
Crisis Text Line: Text HOME to 741741
The Trevor Project for LBGTQ Youth: 1-866-488-7386, or text: 678-678
Risk and Protective Factors Handout:
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In this Bell Work Talk, Dr. O’Briant will discuss that violence and abuse in rural America is exacerbated by limited access to support services for victims of intimate partner violence (IPV) due to family connections with people in positions of authority, geographic isolation, transportation barriers, stigma of abuse, lack of available shelters and affordable housing, poverty as a barrier to care, and other challenges. Victims of abuse who live in small communities may be well-acquainted with local health care providers and often voter-elected law enforcement officers. Individuals may fear being seen walking into a mental health clinic, with subsequent (and reality-based) fear that deter them from seeking help. Thus, advances in technology are becoming a much-needed option. Although telehealth has been used for some time in rural health settings, only in more recent years has there been an increase toward quality trauma-informed care. With increasing focus on the impact of social determinants of health, agencies continue to shift to telehealth to provide virtual support. Specifically, telehealth visits can potentially extend the reach of the limited number of primary care and mental health providers to those who are significantly in need of services.
Deborah O’Briant is a nursing educator with over 20 years as an RN and 13 years of experience as a family nurse practitioner working in a variety of clinical settings, including the Emergency Room. She currently teaches at Texas A&M University College of Nursing and is the coordinator for the Family Nurse Practitioner Master degree (MSN) program and the interim coordinator for the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program. She has a strong interest in rural healthcare and helps provide care to women in underserved communities in Texas using grant funds awarded to Texas A&M College of Nursing.
A signal for help: Visit:
“CUES” Strategy for Safe and Effective Telemental Health Assessments for Violence and Abuse. Visit:
Tips to help you ID intimate partner violence via telehealth: Visit:
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In this Bell Work Talk, bitemark analysis in sexual assault and child abuse cases will be discussed. The standards and protocols involved will be covered.
James Frizzell attended McGill University in 2019 for a degree in dental forensics. The Quebec Provincial police (Surete du Quebec) also trained in forensic photography. Received education also from Detroit Morgue (Wayne Co. Medical Examiner Center) and from University of Tennessee Body Farm (Research Center on Human Decomposition)
1. ABFO Standards and Guidelines (American Board of Forensic Odontology (they set the standards and protocols)
2. ASFO (American Society of Forensic Odontology)
Any of these two aforementioned resources (organizations) may be contacted for help with a bite mark case, if you are seeking a local forensic dentist in your geographic location.
3. Bite mark documentation and analysis: the forensic 3D/CAD supported photogrammetry approach
(Forensic Science International
Volume 135, Issue 2, 12 August 2003, Pages 115-121)
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In this Bell Work Talk, Kory will talk about addiction and how it is a very stigmatized disease. Before we can start to treat patients with addictions, we must first learn how it works and why our patients act the way they do. In this podcast, I will define addiction, the neurobiology of addiction, discuss a new concept of brain failure and also discuss cravings that addiction causes.
Kory Scheideman is an Emergency Department nurse that has been in the emergency world for over 18 years as a nurse, and prior to that an EMT/Fire Fighter for 5 years. For the last 6 years, Kory has helped develop an ALTO program, Medication Assisted Treatment program in 6 different Emergency Departments. He also is an active community member and sits on the Northern Colorado Harm Reduction Alliance, Northern Colorado Collaborative for Addiction and Recovery Supports, and the Colorado Emergency Nurses Association (ENA) Quality, Safety and Injury Prevention Committee Chair. He was recently awarded a “Rethinking Addiction and Recovery Event” Award and the Colorado ENA Inspire award in 2023 for his work in the community and the Colorado ENA. Kory was also inducted in the Academy of Emergency Nurses earlier this month for the work with addiction medicine among Emergency Nurses Association and community. Kory is also engaged with the Naloxone Project as a Nurse Leader.
How Addiction Changes the Brain - Changing Minds
Opioid Safety - Colorado Hospital Association (
The Naloxone Project
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In this Bell Work Talk, Dr. Debby Herbenick will discuss recent research focused on strangulation during sex among a group of college-age students. She will discuss the role of pornography, social media influence, prevalence, and health consequences.
Dr. Debby Herbenick is an internationally recognized sexual and reproductive health professor, researcher, and educator. For more than 20 years, she has dedicated her efforts to understanding how people experience their bodies and sexual lives. Dr. Herbenick is the Principal Investigator of the National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior (NSSHB), an ongoing U.S. nationally representative probability survey of Americans’ sexual life that began in 2008 and recently completed its 8th wave of data collection.
We’d really like to learn more about what you think of the podcast, and what you’d like to hear in future episodes.
(Explicit Content Warning) -
In this Bell Work Talk, Dr. Annette Cannon discusses her role as an elected coroner in her community. Dr. Cannon shares how her vast experiences as a nurse prepared her for the role of coroner and what a day in the life of a coroner looks like.
Natalie Evenson has a background in Trauma, Emergency, and Critical Care. She has been a SANE nurse since 2005 and is currently the SANE Program Coordinator at St. Michael Medical Center in Silverdale, Washington. Natalie recorded this podcast to increase awareness of the various roles available to nurses within forensic nursing.
American Board of Medicolegal Death Investigators
Academy of Forensic Nursing Death Investigation SIG Group
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In this Bell Work Talk, Dr. Stern will discuss that animal abuse is commonly encountered and there is a well-known link between violence against animals and other types of interpersonal violence including domestic violence, elder abuse, and child abuse. This podcast gives a brief overview of how the veterinary forensic sciences are used to investigate these crimes against animals.
Dr. Adam Stern is a Professor of Forensic Pathology at the University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine and runs the UF Veterinary Forensic Sciences Laboratory. He is a board-certificated Veterinary Pathologist and is an American College of Veterinary Pathologists Founding Fellow in Veterinary Forensic Pathology. He specializes in the forensic death investigation of animals and the performance of forensic autopsies on animals. He is heavily involved in the professional develop of animal forensic sciences and is currently the Director of the International Society of Animal Forensic Sciences and co-leads a large animal cruelty task force in Florida.
We’d really like to learn more about what you think of the podcast, and what you’d like to hear in future episodes. -
In this Bell Work Talk, Dr. Clements discusses what happens to the families of people who go missing and are never found. How can anyone manage to “carry on”, when they have no idea what has happened to their child? When your child has disappeared and you are not even sure if they are just missing, somewhere alone and suffering, or already dead, how do you cope? As heartless as it may seem, life and the lives of others must go on -- for the good of both individuals and families. Everyone involved will find that there is no such thing as “normal”. life as they once knew it has changed forever. However, it is possible to place this nightmare of loss into ones life trajectory, and reinvest in a productive life, whether you choose to never stop looking, keep up hope, or ultimately accept that your child will never return.
Paul Thomas Clements is a Board Certified Advanced Forensic Nurse, a Certified Gang Specialist, and Certified in Danger Assessment. Practicing in the forensic nursing arena for over 30 years, Clements has provided consultation for hospital systems, EMTs, Child Protective Agency personnel, trauma/emergency nurses, psychiatric providers, academic and corporate settings – each regarding vulnerability risk assessment, target-hardening, and decreasing the number of violent incidents in the workplace, as well as bullying and the subsequent sequelae. Clements has provided consultation to public school systems and other child-related agencies related to child abuse assessment and also related to the aftermath of violence and/or violent death (including homicide of a child and gang-related deaths) for teachers and other classmates. Clements has three upcoming textbooks: Gender Violence Across the Spectrum: A Trauma-Informed Approach, Mental Health Issues in Child Maltreatment: A New Perspective, and Violence Against Women: Contemporary Examination of Domestic Violence. Additionally, he has numerous peer-reviewed publications, and a significant number of conference presentations – nationally and internationally – that address assessment and intervention related to the neurobiology of trauma, interpersonal violence and aggression, coping after a violent death, safety assessment, and exposure to interpersonal violence and crime. His work in the field of grief and bereavement spans over thirty years, including being co-director of the homicide bereavement center at the Medical Examiner’s Officer at the City of Philadelphia’s Department of Public Health, which then expanded to provide free grief services to all families of sudden traumatic death in the City. Dr. Clements was a grief therapist in private practice as well as a Critical Incident Stress Debriefer during the 9/11 tragedy. Dr. Clements has worked closely with a wide variety of cultures, both in the United States and internationally. Clements works as a Professor at the Center of Excellence in Forensic Nursing at Texas A&M University.
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (2024). Is your child missing?
Download this checklist of actions to be taken by families in the initial stages of a missing child.
For questions call the NCMEC at 1-800-THE-LOST® (1-800-843-5678).
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention:
A Child Is Missing: Providing Support for Families of Missing Children
Available from:
Office of Juvenile Justice and Juvenile Delinquency Prevention:
OJJDP Report: When Your Child Is Missing: A Family Survival Guide
Personal and Family Considerations.,wedge%20into%20your%20family%20life. -
In this Bell Work Talk, Hillary Benanzer, data analyst at TAT, will discuss the realities of human trafficking; the role of key industries and agencies in the anti-human trafficking movement; and how individuals can fight this crime as professionals and as community members.
Benanzer completed her master’s degree in criminal justice at the University of Cincinnati, with a concentration in law enforcement and crime prevention. At the University of Cincinnati, she contributed research efforts to the field of human trafficking and published research on county-level correlates of human trafficking arrest levels in the state. In her role as data analyst for TAT, Benanzer collects, analyzes and disseminates relevant data to enhance TAT’s training materials and facilitate systems change. Along with educating on the realities of human trafficking, she works to navigate development and collaboration with colleagues to implement TAT's vision across the nation.
TAT Training Library
Community Resources:
TAT App: -
In this Bell Work Talk, Dr. Bhattarai discusses the impacts of mindfulness practices on forensic nurses. This podcast offers a range of practical tools that forensic nurses can incorporate into their daily clinical practices and personal lives.
Dr. Bhattarai is a tenure-track Assistant Professor of Nursing at Texas A&M University. She has an academic background in nursing, psychology, and rehabilitation counseling. With expertise in mental health, mindfulness, and well-being research in people with chronic illnesses and disabilities, Dr. Bhattarai has expanded her research focus to the crucial intersection of mindful self-care and the unique needs of forensic nurses. As she delved deeper into her research and engaged with various populations, it became increasingly evident that forensic nurses could greatly benefit from mindfulness-based self-care. She recently led a comprehensive narrative review exploring the potential benefits of mindfulness among forensic nurses. Her paper provided a diverse array of practical mindfulness tools for forensic nurses. She is dedicated to designing mindfulness-based self-care strategies and integrating mindfulness practices within forensic nursing education.
Bhattarai, M., Clements, P. T., & Downing, N. R. (2023). Mindfulness-based self-care for forensic nurses: A professional lifestyle approach. Journal of Forensic Nursing. Advanced Online Publication. -
In this Bell Work Talk, Dr. Francine Bono-Neri, who is the Co-founder and President of Nurses United Against Human Trafficking, will discuss the vital work of this professional association and how the need is dire to get Anti-Human Trafficking Training into not only state mandated continuing education, but its incorporation into prelicensure nursing education. She will discuss the massive intersection of human trafficking with healthcare and how we, as healthcare professionals, are failing this population.
Dr. Francine Bono-Neri, a proud member of the nursing profession for 32 years, is a pediatric nurse practitioner, academic nurse educator, trained sexual assault nurse examiner, researcher, published author, invited speaker, health policy advocate, and nurse leader. She served as a Director-at-Large for the American Nurses Association for the State of New York, and as President for the Long Island Chapter of the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners. Dr. Bono-Neri is the recipient of the prestigious Jane Eleanor Knox N.E.F. National Scholarship, and was awarded a Nassau County Legislature Citation for her extraordinary efforts in serving her former hometown community. Dr. Bono-Neri is the Co-founder and President of Nurses United Against Human Trafficking, P.A., a professional association created for the sole purpose of abolishing modern-day slavery by educating, equipping, and empowering healthcare professionals on anti-trafficking measures.
Nursing students' knowledge of and exposure to human trafficking
content in undergraduate curricula - ScienceDirect
Recently Established Scholarships ( -
In this Bell Work Talk, Dr. Clements and Ms. Varto will discuss that it is important to continually educate forensic nurses with evolving forensic nursing science, as forensic nursing now approaches being a formally established specialty for 30 years (American Nurses Association recognized Forensic Nursing as a specialty in 1995), it is additionally incumbent for our members to educate others, both interprofessionally and intraprofessionally. As the unique base of forensic nursing science continues to expand, it is critically important for our professional members to share that information to enhance nursing care to both victims and offenders across all settings – not just those settings that may be specifically or directly considered to be “forensic” in nature. This podcast provides several case examples of how forensic nursing knowledge was shared with other healthcare professionals, both intra and inter professionally, in order to heighten awareness toward enhanced and targeted assessment and intervention for patients in healthcare scenarios that may not have necessarily been considered to be acutely forensic, yet, certainly could have medico-legal implications.
Paul Thomas Clements is a forensic psychiatric clinical specialist, a Certified Gang Specialist, and Certified in Danger Assessment. Practicing in the forensic nursing arena for over 30 years, Clements has provided consultation for hospital systems, EMTs, Child Protective Agency personnel, trauma/emergency nurses, psychiatric providers, academic and corporate settings – each regarding vulnerability risk assessment, target-hardening, and decreasing the number of violent incidents in the workplace, as well as bullying and the subsequent sequelae. Clements has provided consultation to public school systems and other child-related agencies related to child abuse assessment, and also related to the aftermath of violence and/or violent death (including homicide of a child and gang-related deaths) for teachers and other classmates. Clements has three upcoming edited textbooks: Gender Violence Across the Spectrum: A Trauma-Informed Approach, Mental Health Issues in Child Maltreatment: A New Perspective, and Violence Against Women: Contemporary Examination of Domestic Violence. Additionally, he has numerous peer-review publications, and a significant number of conference presentations – nationally and internationally – that address assessment and intervention related to the neurobiology of trauma, interpersonal violence and aggression, coping after a violent death, safety assessment, and exposure to interpersonal violence and crime.
Nurse Practitioner Hannah Varto works in and led the development of Canada’s only outpatient, rapid access specialty clinic providing medical-forensic care to survivors of recent violence. She is an instructor for the local post-secondary forensic health sciences department and a co-investigator in a number of research studies specific to brain injury from head impacts and strangulation in survivors of recent violence. -
In this Bell Work Talk, Dr. Neville and Julia Bonfim discuss the emergent public health threat regarding the infiltration of the adulterant xylazine in illicit drugs. A brief overview of the opioid epidemic worsened by fentanyl will be discussed and the impact of the adulterant xylazine will be presented. The historical development of xylazine use, identification of potential xylazine use and implications for nursing practice will be presented.
Kathleen Neville is associate dean for graduate studies and research at Seton Hall University College of Nursing in Nutley, New Jersey, and principal investigator of two Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) grants, the Seton Hall University and Hackensack School of Medicine Expanded Interprofessional Medication-Assistant Treatment Training Program. This grant is designed to train medical, nurse practitioner and physician assistant students to provide medication assisted treatment to individuals with opioid use disorders.
Julia Bonfim is the project coordinator overseeing the grant to train nurse practitioners and physician assistant students at Seton Hall University and Monmouth University in West Long Branch, New Jersey, and medical students at the Hackensack School of Medicine in Nutley, New Jersey, to treat individuals with opioid use disorders.
Manuscript: Infiltration of xylazine in illicit fentanyl, By Kathleen Neville, PhD, RN, FAAN and Julia Bonfim, MPA, published in American Nurse Journal. 2023; 18(11). Doi: 10.51256/ANJ112340, © 2023 HealthCom Media. All rights reserved. Link to manuscript: -
In this Bell Work Talk, Pam Marcus discusses a comprehensive assessment of an individual who is potentially violent, using the Brøset Violent Checklist as well as interventions that can reduce this dangerous behavior.
Ms. Marcus is an Advanced Practice Nurse Psychotherapist in Private Practice in Upper Marlboro, Maryland. She provides psychotherapy to individuals and families experiencing a variety of diagnoses, such as Anxiety Disorders, PTSD, Personality Disorders, Gender Dysphoria, Substance Use Disorder and Affect Disorders.
Please contact Kathy Bell at [email protected] if you would like the list of resources. -
In this Bell Work Talks, Dr. Joyce Williams discusses how standards impact professional practice, what the main purpose is and how it directs professional nursing practice.
This is followed by a review of the forensic nursing subcommittee of the Organization of Scientific Area Committees for Forensic Science (OSAC), whose goal is to strengthen the discipline’s use of forensic science by drafting standards related to all forms of violence. The team structure strives to provide a robust analysis of each aspect of forensic nursing care that leaves no unanswered questions when caring for a victim of violence and the prosecution of a case.
Dr. Joyce Williams received her Doctor of Nursing Practice from the University of Tennessee in forensic nursing. Focusing on injury prevention, her research includes swabbing of the mouth for forensic DNA and reducing combat morbidity and mortality through improved protective armor for the military members. She is an active member of the Disaster Mortuary Operational Response Team (DMORT). As a fellow in the American Academy of Nursing she serves on the expert panels: violence and quality health care.
She chairs the forensic nursing subcommittee for OSAC (Organization of Scientific Area Committees), and the Forensic Nursing Science Section in the American Academy of Forensic Science (AAFS). She is a reviewer for the Journal of Forensic Nursing and Journal of Doctoral Nursing Practice. Additional service includes the Maryland Human Trafficking Task Force Victim Services Committee, the Baltimore County Human Trafficking work group, educator for medical providers on identification and protocols to use with trafficked individuals, and Board member - Partnership for a Safer Maryland. -
In this Bell Work Talks, Dr. Rosenblatt discusses personal experience and proven training strategies that are making a difference in human trafficking and domestic violence.Dr. Rosenblatt is an Author, Consultant, Trainer and Public Speaker. Board Member-There Is HOPE For Me, Inc.(2011). Dr. Kat created a nonprofit from survivors to survivors™ of human trafficking providing peer mentoring, rescue and restoration, operating in Florida. She has over ten-years of experience empowering survivors of sex & labor trafficking and domestic violence. She has created survivor empowerment workshops and led support groups for adults and minor survivors of sex and labor trafficking. She is an international trainer and speaker. She has developed a human trafficking wheel and assessment tool identifying trafficking within schools. She has created a survivor leadership life coaching program. Dr. Kat has written two books on human trafficking. Dr. Kat has been featured in the Vatican News in 2021 as well as several other articles and news stories worldwide. Research conducted in collaboration with the Thorn Foundation on their 2015 & 2018 studies. Dr. Kat also has a personal testimony of overcoming human trafficking and abuse from the time she was just 13 years of age to 17. Throughout her early life, she experienced several trafficking experiences, each one leaving her with more wounds, abuses, and addictions; recruited first at a hotel in Miami Beach to meet the demands of sex tourists, then through a friend in her middle school to a more organized crime trafficking ring in Miami run by notorious drug lords. After escaping her initial trafficking experiences and drug addiction, she found herself pregnant by a Colombian Cartel family member which soon led her to marry into a domestic violence relationship. This ended in a twenty-year abusive marriage where Kat says that ‘Leaving was harder than staying in that relationship and family’. With so many triumphs over unbeatable obstacles, Dr. Kat is now a much sought-after speaker and trainer in the areas of human trafficking and domestic violence as well as an inspirational leader to women everywhere.Resources:Dr. Kat’s books may be purchased at: The True Story of a Sex Trafficking Survivor (Baker Publishing)Trafficking in America : The Most Undetected Human Rights Violation of Our Time (Lambert Publishing).There Is HOPE For Me, IncSpeaker Website:www.DrKat.netBookings: [email protected] Nonprofit Website:
In this episode, Dr. Inaba discusses the history and importance of STOP THE BLEED®. From its origins in the military to its lifesaving ability for everyday injuries, STOP THE BLEED® can help anyone be prepared to respond in an emergency. Dr. Inaba shares why STOP THE BLEED® is important for forensic nurses and their patients, and how to learn more about the program and get trained.
Kenji Inaba MD, FACS, FRCSC, is Chair of the American College of Surgeons STOP THE BLEED® Steering Committee. He is a Professor and Vice Chair of Surgery, the General Surgery Program Director, and the Chief of Trauma, Emergency Surgery, and Surgical Critical Care at Keck Medicine of the University of Southern California. Dr. Inaba is also Chief Surgeon and a sworn reserve officer with the Los Angeles Police Department.
STOP THE BLEED® website:
STOP THE BLEED® online interactive course:
STOP THE BLEED® in-person course search:
History of STOP THE BLEED®: - Mehr anzeigen