
  • “A weird trick to get doctors to listen to you,” by journalist Carolyn Liddell caught Moira’s eye when she was considering how to successfully raise another medical concern. People with ADHD are at higher risk of gaslighting and not receiving adequate medical support. Moira shares her journey with multiple health conditions & self-advocacy. When we can figure out what might be wrong, how do we bring it up to our doctors without offending them and be heard?

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  • Moira is continuing the series on getting things done--starting can be hard. When creating a schedule or trying to build habits isn't working, maybe it's time to consider expanding our repertoire to include comfortable and workable options to get to the starting line, ways to start, ease in, and be ready for potential roadblocks.

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  • It's so easy when we have ADHD to skip, jump ahead, forget or avoid any stages needed to get something done. So, we're not spending any time on what happens then! Instead, we are returning to some unfinished business from Episodes 40 and 41 to look at how preparation can help. When we set the stage for success, we consider including preparation in ways we like to increase our ease, ability and happiness.

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  • Today we’re considering what it means to be effective. There’s more to it than knowing the time and wanting to get things done. Energy and attention along with mindsets and previous experiences are involved leading to some thoughtful questions about how effective we want to be.

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  • It’s true: ADHD significantly impacts our ability to care for our needs and responsibilities and to do so on time. Today we’re talking about how to get out of that bind. Life feels lighter when we are more accurate about how long things take and what is possible in a day. Getting real with time includes questioning what doesn’t work with typical advice, how it can lower stress and overwhelm, and allow more of you in your day. It’s time to experiment with what works for us to end the fight with time.

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  • How do we struggle with time? Let’s count the ways. Today we are talking about not knowing where it goes, being surprised by the time and some small steps to increase our time awareness. This includes sharing Moira’s struggle to see and accept limitations such as 24 hours in a day, and things we can do to make time awareness easier by continuing our series on ADHD & Time, following ep. 44, the one about time blindness.

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  • Does time work for or against you? Is there never enough? Are you in a race against time? Does it drag so slowly that it impacts your actions and mood? What do others say about you and time? Today we are discussing why time is slippery with ADHD, living in now/not now, and how to start getting time on our side.

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  • It’s Season 2! Time for Moira to rip off a band-aid to restart podcasting. Hear why the season break got extended, valuable lessons, and what's coming in 2023.

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  • Replay! This one accidentally got replaced by another episode a few months back. If you haven't heard it yet, or you are looking forward to new content--I hope this will tide you over. Season 2 is coming!! What can we do to make our living spaces more ADHD friendly? Today Moira and Roxie share some favorites from their houses.
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  • Moira has an impromptu end of season 1 message for you. Not getting to a softball game on time, so many thoughts, feelings, and unrealistic expectations, and how that connects to ADHD, time management, and podcasting, are all fair game today. Moira needed to take a moment, take stock, have a reality check, get honest, be compassionate, and come up with a plan to continue with her day. That’s not even all of it—it was a busy 9 minutes!

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  • To experience less wear and tear in our lives, creating an insider’s guide helps to manage our limited resources—time, energy, and capacity to have them for what we value. With ADHD it's also easy to forget hard-won insight and knowledge, a personalized insiders' guide captures that. Moira shares breaking down what needs to be done, and having what needs to be on hand—to really do the things. Not sure if you are ready for that? She covers what to do if you are dipping your toe into the waters or are on a deep dive like her—when we have ADHD one size does not fit all.
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  • ADHD Friendly Lifestyle and Moira unexpectedly found themselves at a turning point that delayed the last episode of season 1 by a week. Moira shares 3 things she learned you wanted to know from her.

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  • Getting started, continuing, and finishing are more complex with ADHD. Time and energy are limited supplies too. Trying harder or giving up aren't the only solutions. Slowing down to speed up has short- and long-term benefits. Continuing her progress with one particularly hard task, Moira discusses reducing effort and stress levels by creating ADHD friendly routines we like and work for us. Slowing down (and not refilling it with something else) creates capacity, effort, and time to develop our methods, then we speed up. Not by wiping the slate clean but by drawing from many convenient resources.

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  • Expect delays. Time blindness, resistance, procrastination, perfectionism, and indecision are hurdles that can cause slowdowns, stumbles, or create roadblocks. It’s even harder when we don’t see them. Tired of stumbling between hurdles and roadblocks Moira shares how she’s easing the discomfort just enough to make it easier to lower or clear the hurdles.

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  • Moira’s talking about ways to see and measure growth when it’s hard to notice or even recognize. With ADHD one thing we can consistently count on is inconsistency. That doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Two steps forward and one step back is still forward. It does take us in the direction we want to go. Moira once again lets us into her life sharing a brief writing activity, her ADHD metaphor—a horse named Mabel and taking an ADHD friendly approach to change (aka an inconsistent one) that surprisingly, made a big difference. It has made it easier to spot unhelpful tendencies, improved her self-awareness, acceptance, and confidence in herself and her growth. All while still consistently finding humor in her consistently inconsistent ADHD.

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  • If ADHD is more about losing interest and motivation than it is about attention and concentration what does that mean for living with ADHD? Everyone uses dopamine for motivation, experiencing pleasures and rewards, but it works differently in ADHD brains. Understanding our dopamine differences and what our options are can help us on one level--to feel good and have more fun, on another it could be life-changing to be able to know what to do when we need more dopamine to get and stay motivated or ways to deal with being overstimulated. We are going to explore the idea of a dopa menu, popularized by Jessica McCabe of How to ADHD. Moira shares extra tips, ideas, and strategies for creating your own dopa menu.

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  • Content warning: This episode contains discussions of eating disorders; listener discretion is advised if you feel that listening may aggravate your suffering or complicate your recovery. Discuss with your support system as necessary. Moira has struggled with her relationship with food and her body for close to 50 years, only learning she had binge eating disorder after her ADHD diagnosis. Megan’s eating disorder was recognized first, as a teenager, and her ADHD diagnosis came in 2021. Both women know we do not need to suffer endlessly anymore and there is a path to recovery. ADHD contributes to disordered eating and obesity and getting help for any of this means understanding our experiences and having ways to get the help we deserve.

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  • Two women with ADHD, thirty years apart in age, squeeze in as many things about living with ADHD as they can. Similarities and differences in their experiences--including school, video games, being outdoors, bars, drinking, horrendous toilets, and why ADHD would be better known as a dopamine dysregulation disorder. All in all, it's young adults like Megan and changes Moira can already see that give her hope for a better future for all of us.

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  • Today we are talking about why parenting with ADHD is hard, especially for moms, ways to consider taking fewer rides on that struggle bus. We can’t care for others if we are spent. If we want to parent well, then we need to know how to care for ourselves. Moira discusses what helped with how, when, and where things were hard for her that led to taking better care of herself and her family. She also reminds those who aren’t tired, exhausted parents what we can do to help all of us suffer less.

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  • What can we do to make our living spaces more ADHD friendly? Today Moira and Roxie share some favorites from their houses.

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