Arjun Venkatesh, MD, MBA, MHS - Yale University School Of Medicine by SAEM
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Anticoagulation in Rural EM - Part Two by SAEM
Anticoagulation in Rural EM - Part One by SAEM
Jim R. Miner, MD - Hennepin Healthcare by SAEM
Seth R. Gemme, MD - Baystate Medical Center UMass Chan-Baystate by SAEM
Andy Godwin, MD - University of Florida College of Medicine (Jacksonville) by SAEM
Susan B. Promes, MD - PennState Health by SAEM
Youyou Duanmu, MD, MPH - Stanford University by SAEM
Jim E. Colletti, MD - College of Medicine Mayo Clinic (Rochester) by SAEM
Denis Pauzé, MD - Albany Medical College by SAEM
Elizabeth Goldberg, MD, ScM - University Of Colorado School Of Medicine by SAEM
Funding for this initiative was made possible (in part) by grant no. 1H79TI086770 from SAMHSA. The views expressed in written conference materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services; nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.
Charles L. Emerman, MD -MetroHealth/Case Western Reserve University by SAEM
Chris Goode, MD - West Virginia University by SAEM
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