If we’re already sanctified, then why does 1 Thessalonians 4 say God’s will is our sanctification? How do we interpret all the New Testament passages that say God will punish those who practice sinful behavior? Does that punishment apply to Christians who struggle with sin? If not, why not? What does it mean to “be alert” or “be ready” for Christ’s return?
What do Seventh Day Adventists believe? Are women allowed to serve or speak in church? I know you teach that the antichrist is not pretending to be Christ, but who is the “wicked one“ or the “man of lawlessness” in 2 Thessalonians? Are we immediately with God when we die? What about what Jesus teaches in the gospels about being “left behind” upon His return?
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Discussion Questions:
Read verse 15. How hard is it to be saved? What’s required exactly? Did you think this involves just saying some “magic words” or something more? If so, what? Read verse 16 and react to this statement: I believe the love which God has for me! Read verse 17. What are the two reasons we can be confident on Judgment Day? Read verse 18 and react to this statement: I will never be punished for any of my sins! Read verse 19. Explain why getting this divine order of things right is so important. Read 1 John 4:20-5:1. Why do loving God and loving others go hand in hand? Read verses 2-3 of chapter 5. What are His commandments? (Note: Consider 1 John 3:23 in your answer.) Also, why are His commandments “not burdensome”? And how are these any different from being under the Old Testament law? What does it mean that we now “overcome the world”? -
What does it mean to set your mind on things above? Why aren’t we required to keep the Sabbath? Should we be praying to the Holy Spirit, asking Him to give the Word power?
My roommate is controlling and jealous in the ways she treats me. I’m wondering what to do. How do you view church tradition versus Scripture when they seem to contradict sometimes? What about the Orthodox church?
Why didn’t God give us the new covenant from the start? What is the unpardonable sin? What about Christians who just continue in sin? What was Jesus trying to say in Luke 11 about demon possession? How can we effectively witness to those who don’t believe in the Bible? Is it wrong for me to confess my sins? To ask God for forgiveness daily?
Is the Hebrews 4 rest a physical or spiritual rest? What about keeping the Sabbath? Why does 1 Corinthians 15 mention two kinds of bodies? Are we going to have two bodies? A pastor taught me the return of Christ might go unnoticed by many who are left behind. Could this be true?
What is Lordship salvation? Why do so many people lack assurance with God? Did the Queen of Sheba and Solomon have a baby together? My Bible study teacher said it’s wrong to pray for both the people of Israel and the Palestinians (casualties, children, famine, etc.). Is that really true?
What is the best way to study the Bible? How can I respond to “red letter Christians” who essentially discredit or ignore the teachings of Paul? Are certain New Testament letters just for pastors? Was the disciple Simon a Gentile? When exactly was Paul saved? Did water baptism play a role? Did any works factor in?
Are you ready to dive deep where others merely wade? In this next message in our “Forever in His Presence” series, we’re slicing through the fog of misinformation and reclaiming the truth about Jesus – His divinity, His humanity, His everything!
In a culture that often prizes openness to the point of absurdity, we stand firm. Are you prepared to be labeled “close-minded”? Good. Because when it comes to the truth about Jesus, we believers are as immovable as mountains.
Plus, you’ll discover what it truly means to “live through Him.” It’s all about His scandalous love for us, not our feeble attempts at “loving Him more.” And when we love each other the way He loves us? That’s when God becomes visible.
Tune in to this latest message and arm yourself with truth!
Discussion Questions:
Read verses 1-3. What is the “antichrist” teaching that John mentions? And why is the truth important in this regard? Read verses 4-6 and react to this statement: There is absolute truth about Jesus, and we can be “close minded” about it if we know Him. Read verses 7-8. What is the main mark of knowing God? Why is this the case? Read verse 9. What does it mean to “live through Him”? Read verse 10. Why is “not that we loved God” so important here? What does “propitiation” mean and how does it factor in? Read verses 11-12. How do we help people “see God”? Read verse 13. In what way does this help to clarify the meaning of “abide”? Can you know that you abide in Him? If so, how? Read verse 14. How do verses like this (and John 3:16) show the fallacy of “limited atonement” – the false idea that Jesus only died for individuals pre-selected by God? -
What should we do when a popular pastor fails us? Will we be sinless in Heaven? My friend and I debate about the Sabbath. Are Christians obligated to keep it? Doesn’t the Holy Spirit help us keep the Ten Commandments?
*previously aired
What should we do when a popular pastor fails us? Will we be sinless in Heaven? My friend and I debate about the Sabbath. Are Christians obligated to keep it? Doesn’t the Holy Spirit help us keep the Ten Commandments?
How should we interpret near-death experiences where they go to Heaven or Hell and come back? Why did a woman need to prophesy with her head covered in 1 Corinthians 11? I had a friend terminate our relationship because of my view on law and grace. Can a person be saved yet confused on that?
I have an ongoing struggle with pornography. How do I overcome it? I have been giving God the glory when my business goes well. Is there a better perspective, especially for when things don’t go well?
Why does Paul talk about the peace of God guarding our hearts and minds? Is the Earth flat? Why is Jesus called the “firstborn of all creation”? Does God withhold blessing if we don’t tithe?
Who was righteous in Jesus’ day? How can I develop a deeper relationship with the Lord? Does God still punish believers? I’ve prayed and been anointed but am still not healed. Am I doing something wrong?
*Previously aired
1 John makes clear distinctions between love and hate, light and darkness, care and murder. These contrasts are obvious and meant to show believers they have a new practice now. This doesn’t mean we perform perfectly, but now there’s a new tendency – a new trend in our lives since we are born of God.
John also mentions “commandments” but he doesn’t mean Moses! No, he’s not talking about following the Law. He’s describing the marks of a true believer – faith in Jesus and a natural love for God’s people.
Watch now to break free from a performance mentality and embrace your new-hearted identity in Jesus!
Discussion Questions:
Read verses 10-12. How do the words “obvious”, “love”, and “hate” make John’s point clear? Read verses 13-15. How does John continue to drive the “obvious” contrast home for us in these verses? Read verses 16-18. How is Jesus the example? Example of what? Read verses 19-22. Why is this not a “name it, claim it” passage? What is John’s meaning instead? Read verses 23-24. What two commandments is John referring to? Why is it important to define “commandments” in this context? How are these the natural mark of every believer? React to this statement: A majority of this entire passage is descriptive, not prescriptive. Now, how does this statement keep us from a performance mentality and help us to identify ourselves as new-hearted believers? (Note: Verses 16 and 18 are indeed prescriptive.) -
What is speaking in tongues? A private prayer language or something different? What is a healthy view of God’s sovereignty given the evil and pain in this world? What does it mean to examine yourself to see if you’re in the faith? How does this relate to law and grace?
Did Demas lose his salvation because he loved the world? I struggle with a sin consciousness and often doubt my salvation. Can you help? Our Bible study group is studying Romans, and I’m wondering how to teach law and grace, especially when it comes to how we define sin today?
How do we know when God is disciplining us? Does 1 Corinthians 3 mean we might be losing rewards? Why does Jesus say we need to purchase gold from Him in Revelation 3? Who is being described in Romans 1 when it says they have a depraved mind and God gave them over?
*previously aired
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