2024-11-26 I Inquiry I Thanks-Giving I Flint Sparks by Appamada
2024-11-25 | Depth in Practice | Not Two: The Appamada Story | Peg Syverson by Appamada
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Bodhisattva’s Vow
~ Torei Zenji
When I, a student of the Way,
look at the real form of the universe,
all is the never-failing manifestation
of the mysterious truth of the Awakened Life.
In any event, in any moment, and in any place,
none can be other than the marvelous revelation
of its glorious light.
This realization made our ancestors and teachers
extend tender care with respectful hearts
even to such beings as birds and beasts.
This realization teaches us
that our daily food, drink, clothes,
and protections of life, are the warm flesh and blood,
the merciful incarnation of the Awakened One.
Who can be ungrateful or not respectful
even to senseless things, not to speak of humans?
Even though they may be a fool,
be warm and compassionate toward them.
If by any chance they should turn against us,
become sworn enemies and persecute us,
we should sincerely bow down with humble language
in the reverent understanding
that they are the merciful messengers of the Awakened One,
who use devices to emancipate us from blind tendencies,
produced and accumulated upon ourselves
by our own egoistic delusion and attachment
through countless cycles of space and time.
Then on each moment’s flash of our thought
there will grow a lotus flower
and on each lotus flower will be revealed Perfection,
unceasingly manifest as our life,
just as it is,
right here and right now.
May we extend this mind to all beings
so that we and the world together
may attain maturity in the wisdom of the Awakened Life. -
2024-11-18 | Depth in Practice | Not Two: The Appamada Story | Peg Syverson by Appamada
Practicing with the Brahmaviharas - Loving Kindness, Compassion, Equinimity, and Empathetic Joy
00:08:28 - youTube - Thich Nhat Hanh, interview Part 1 | Ram Dass Channel (3.5 Minutes exert )
00:14:47 - Mindfulness Meditation (6 Minute)
00:22:15 - Jessica offers an interactive activity
00:22:55 - Equanimity
00:24:09 - Comments/questions
@thaythichnhathanhgiang8273 @RonKurtz -
2024-10-27 | Dharma Talk | Rosemarie Gates by Appamada
00:03:54 - Poem - 'Place' from ‘Migration: new and selected poems’ by W. S. Merwin
00:09:32 - What is Practice? - A Reading from 'Ordinary Wonder' by Joko Beck
00:23:47 - A reading from 'Living by Vow' - Shohaku Okumura
00:34:13 - Ann Opens up a conversation
On the last day of the world
I would want to plant a tree
what for
not for the fruit
the tree that bears the fruit
is not the one that was planted
I want the tree that stands
in the earth for the first time
with the sun already
going down
and the water
touching its roots
in the earth full of the dead
and the clouds passing
one by one
over its leaves -
2024-11-12 I Inquiry I Single-Minded Way I Flint Sparks by Appamada
Zen Lay Entrustment is a ceremony and recognition within Zen Buddhism where experienced lay practitioners are formally authorized to teach Zen. Unlike ordained priests, these lay teachers continue to live as laypeople while carrying the responsibility of teaching and transmitting the Dharma.
This practice acknowledges the deep understanding and commitment of long-time lay practitioners, empowering them to guide others in their Zen practice. The ceremony involves the presentation of a rakusu (a symbolic garment) and public recognition of the individual’s role as a teacher. -
Metta Sutta
This is what should be accomplished by the one who is wise,
Who seeks the good, and has obtained peace.
Let one be strenuous, upright, and sincere,
Without pride, easily contented, and joyous.
Let one not be submerged by the things of the world.
Let one not take upon oneself the burden of riches.
Let one’s senses be controlled.
Let one be wise but not puffed up and
Let one not desire great possessions even for one’s family.
Let one do nothing that is mean or that the wise would reprove.
May all beings be happy.
May they be joyous and live in safety,
All living beings, whether weak or strong,
In high or middle or low realms of existence.
Small or great, visible or invisible,
Near or far, born or to be born,
May all beings be happy.
Let no one deceive another nor despise any being in any state.
Let none by anger or hatred wish harm to another.
Even as a mother at the risk of her life
Watches over and protects her only child,
So with a boundless mind should one cherish all living things.
Suffusing love over the entire world,
Above, below, and all around, without limit,
So let one cultivate an infinite good will toward the whole world.
Standing or walking, sitting or lying down,
During all one’s waking hours,
Let one practice the way with gratitude.
Not holding to fixed views,
Endowed with insight,
Freed from sense appetites,
One who achieves the way
Will be freed from the duality of birth and death. ■ -
Listening/Meditation Exercise Led by Peg Syverson
Day 3/Part 1
00:00:26 - Overview
00:01:45 - Dharma Talk -
00:00:26 - Peg Offers an Exercise on Belonging
00:01:13 - 4 Questions: Writing Activity (see Below)
00:05:54 - Reflections
Writing Activity: Belonging
1. Take a few moments and become mindful. Recall a situation where you felt a true sense of belonging. Briefly describe the situation and then, how you felt. What gave you a felt sense that you belonged?
2. Again, becoming mindful, recall a situation where you distinctly felt like you didn’t belong. Describe the situation, briefly. And then, what did that experience feel like? What were the cues in the situation itself that signaled to you that you belonged or didn’t belong?
3. Have you ever been in a situation where you were not sure, at least at first, whether you belonged or not, and something happened that convinced you one way or the other? What happened?
4. Have you ever reached out to help someone feel they belong? Have you ever held back from reaching out in that way?
00:05:54 - Reflections -
00:00:26 - Dharma Talk
00:16:13 - Overview of the Coming Week
00:22:55 - Opening up for Questions/Reflections
00:33:52 - Meeting the Sangha -
00:00:26 - Dharma Talk
00:13:54 - Eihei Koso Hotsuganmon (Page 38 in the Chant Book) -
2024-11-01 | Day 6/Part 2 | Integrated Intensive | Trust in Community | Peg Syverson by Appamada
Spiral Dynamics and Spirituality
Spiral Dynamics Values Profile
‘This I Believe’ responses
Spiritual Collectives
00:00:35 - Book Reccommendation - Belonging: The Science of Creating Connection and Bridging Divides - Geoffrey L. Cohen
00:04:34 - Spiral Dynamics Values Profile 2: Handout 1 -
Looking at what part of the Change Process you are in now.
00:00:26 - Dharma Talk
00:03:35 - Writing Exercise/Assignment
00:08:56 - Peg offers the Groups of 3 exercise
00:09:37 - Breakout rooms for 15 minutes in groups of 3
00:09:46 - Reflections/Teachings - Mehr anzeigen