The upcoming election has been lately a major topic of conversation at the Arab American Café. In this episode will explain the process and review some of the forcasts, the issues and the key races.
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Humanitarian work has evolved over the years from initially serving religious and political agendas, to non-profit non-governmental and civil society organizations, to large international institutions.
The proliferation of many organizations raises many questions prime among them: why? who can we trust? who is legitimate? And how and what works?
Helping us understand all of this is Dr Kamel Mohanna, a physician and a humanitarian who’s been a beacon in the field. Dr Mohanna is the General Coordinator of the Arab NGOs, and the Founding President of Amel Association International. Amel is one of the largest humanitarian organizations in the Middle East, nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize and serving countless needy individuals in Lebanon and abroad.
We invite you to listen and enjoy. And please support us by sharing this podcast.
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Fehlende Folgen?
Arabs in America come in different flavors. There are those attached to their roots who live their lives as if still in the old country, and those who have melted and became fully assimilated in the American society. And many others are scattered across the spectrum, from segregated to totally accultured and integrated. This is not unique to our Arab-American community, migrant communities often evolve and develop many similar characteristics over the years, especially here in the US.
In this episode we share our “non-scientific” observations as we discuss what we have witnessed from our vintage point as the Arab American Café patrons.. 😉We invite you to listen and enjoy. And please support us by sharing this podcast.
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Humanitarian work has evolved over the years from initially serving religious and political agendas, to non-profit non-governmental and civil society organizations, to large international institutions.
The proliferation of many organizations raises many questions prime among them: why? who can we trust? who is legitimate? And how and what works?
Helping us understand all of this is Dr Kamel Mohanna, a physician and a humanitarian who’s been a beacon in the field. Dr Mohanna is the General Coordinator of the Arab NGOs, and the Founding President of Amel Association International. Amel is one of the largest humanitarian organizations in the Middle East, nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize and serving countless needy individuals in Lebanon and abroad.
We invite you to listen and enjoy. And please support us by sharing this podcast.
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In our inter-connect world, those who seek medical care travel the distance and pay the steep price when they can. Medical Travel is a growing trend, many questions however come to mind and answers can sometime be difficult. In this episode we host Dr Usamah Mossallam, a practicing physician and the Vice-President & Medical Director of Henry Ford International. In his role, Dr Mossallam has been instrumental in building medical capacity in various countries, he is directly involved with Henry Ford Health affiliated hospitals overseas and is tightly familiar with the desirability of “American Medicine” when it comes to the international patients. This conversation was mostly in English, we invite you to listen and enjoy. And please support us by sharing this podcast.
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So, it is summertime, and you need to stay well hydrated!
The questions are: how much does your body need to function? And how much water should you consume? Two separate but inter-related issues which will be addressed by a doctor who’s asked to give an answer to those questions “all the time”!
We invite you to listen to the nephrologist, enjoy in the shade, and please support us by sharing this podcast.
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We are taking a small break, we are working on new episodes and will be back soon.
We are so appreciative of your support. Please subscribe and rate this podcast. For more episodes visit You can also send your email to [email protected], or connect with us on twitter @CafePodcasts -
Those who follow Lebanese politics find it fascinating, sometimes to the point of absurdity. The Lebanese general election was the topic of this conversation at the Café between Hassan and Robert.
Our disclaimer: no one at the Café is a political pundit, we simply have an interest in politics, and most of us have been living in the US for several decades..For more podcasts visit You can also send your email to [email protected], or connect with us on twitter @CafePodcasts
Abortion is prohibited by most religions, hotly debated in many circles, and an issue of contentious political divide. In this podcast we talk to an Arab American OB/GYN: Dr. Leila Hajjar-Nolan to learn from her the medical indications of abortion, how and when abortion can and should be performed, and what potential complications are associated with this procedure. In the wake of the recent news about the possible overturn of Roe vs Wade by the Supreme Court of the United States, this topic resurfaced with an intensity that merits a medical opinion.
We invite you to listen and share this episode.For more podcasts visit You can also send your email to [email protected], or connect with us on twitter @CafePodcasts .
Yes, you will experience hair loss, if not already now, wait few more years!
While this isn’t particularly an “Arab-American” issue, it is certainly a “universal” one. In this episode, we will approach the topic from a scientific medical perspective, identifying causes and reviewing available treatment options.
فقدان الشعر، يحدث للعديد من الناس وله مسبباته وتبعاته. نتحدث اليوم عن هذه الموضوع بالتفصيل ونغطي الخيارات العلاجية المتوفرة
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Chronic kidney disease (CKD) has been recognized as a leading public health problem worldwide. The global estimated prevalence of CKD is 13.4%, and in the US more than 1 in 7, that is 15% of US adults, are estimated to have CKD. Moreover, as many as 9 in 10 adults with CKD do not know they have the disease.
When people develop chronic kidney disease, their kidneys become damaged and over time may not clean the blood as well as healthy kidneys. If kidneys do not work well, toxic waste and extra fluid accumulate in the body and may lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and early death.
In this 2-parts podcast, we will go over kidney disease and touch on dialysis and kidney transplantation.
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Chronic kidney disease (CKD) has been recognized as a leading public health problem worldwide. The global estimated prevalence of CKD is 13.4%, and in the US more than 1 in 7, that is 15% of US adults, are estimated to have CKD. Moreover, as many as 9 in 10 adults with CKD do not know they have the disease.
When people develop chronic kidney disease, their kidneys become damaged and over time may not clean the blood as well as healthy kidneys. If kidneys do not work well, toxic waste and extra fluid accumulate in the body and may lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and early death.
In this 2-parts podcast, we will go over kidney disease and touch on dialysis and kidney transplantation.
For more episodes visit You can also send your email to [email protected], or connect with us on twitter @CafePodcasts
Certain foods are universal, most however have been locally prepared and adopted reflecting a key component of the culture and society in which they are consumed. Today’s conversation is about those food items and meals which have evolved and are widely available across communities and borders. We talk about zaatar croissant, pineapple pizza and chocolate hummus among many other things. We invite you to listen and enjoy.
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Today’s episode is about dating and relationships.
Boys and girls, men and women, young and old, met, dated, and had relationships. They met though, and that's usually when it all starts! In this podcast Hassan and co-host Mira talk with Leila Muhaizen about this topic. Leila is the founder and CEO of Baklava, the only Arab dating app out there. Leila studied Media & Communication in her native Lebanon before moving to the US where she combined her experience in social entrepreneurship and project management, to build a social app focused on dating and friendships for Arabs from all walks of life. It's a fun and informative conversation that we hope you’ll enjoy.
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With music and melody from the Arab American band Mazaj playing “A better war” in the background, Hassan talks with Mohamad Hasan, a Journalist and Foreign Correspondent based in Moscow. In this conversation, you’ll hear a political analysis addressing many questions about the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine.
Can Russia still accomplish the declared (and undeclared) objectives? Did Putin miscalculate? why it went that way? And how will the future look for Russia on the international scene?
Imposing sanctions can be done quickly, removing them in never immediate, what’s the impact inside Russia? and how long can the sanctions be sustained?
We invite you to listen and enjoy.
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In order to learn who is Zelensky and how he ended up becoming the President of Ukraine, you’ll need to know a bit about former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, billionaire and former President Petro Poroshenko, billionaire and oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky, TV personality Vasiliy Goloborodko, and a TV show called Servant of the People.
In this episode we go over all of this and give you the short biography (it is really short!) of the current Ukrainian President. We invite you to listen and enjoy.
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The Aleppo cuisine deserves its own podcast. The culinary art of this ancient city evolved over centuries as culture after culture settled-in and flowed through. In this conversation, listen to Mouhanad passionately talking about the fine food his beloved city of Aleppo is famous for.
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Ever wondered how to find a good doctor? In general, a google search in not the best way to do so.
The formula is the 3 As rule: you want a doctor who is Available, Able, and Affable.
In this episode we will talk about what really matters when selecting a doctor. We invite you to listen and enjoy.Please support our work by subscribing and rating this podcast. For more episodes visit You can also send your email to [email protected], or connect with us on twitter @CafePodcasts
The City of Dearborn in Michigan has long been the place with the highest number of Arab American residents. They arrived at the turn of the last century, worked, prospered and raised their families. Dearborn has a different flair where one can feel the tangible impact of the Arab American community. A city who’s officials are Arab Americans, with businesses and store signs in Arabic, and street after street where people know each other’s names and stories. We drove around and recorded our conversation, we invite you to listen and we hope you’d enjoy...
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The military build-up and potential war between Russia and Ukraine has refocused our attention on Russia’s strong man, Valdimir Valdimirovich Putin.
In this episode, you will hear about Putin’s early life and career, and his ascent to the highest office in Russia. One day this will make a pretty interesting movie to watch, but for now let’s start with this podcast.
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