This week we sit down with Eli Goldsmith. Eli is the Founder of Unity Inspired Projects, Booking Manager for artists and personalities including Nissim Black and Shloime Zionce. He is the program director for Breslev Israel and hosts the Emunah weekly shiur on youtube.
We talk about unity and truth! And what we think makes Joe Rogan so popular.
Unity Booking Agency Growing list of talented Creatives and Artists <-:)
Thanks for your Unity Focus & Inspired Collaboration with our Projects!
Eli Goldsmith - WhatsApp Contact best -+972533175856!
And Pass The Chulent!
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Join Rabbi Jeff, an experienced out-of-town Rabbi, and his son Ahron Wohlgelernter in a thoughtful and timely conversation every week.
This Week we are without The Father, we sit down to talk with Mrs. Aliza Bulow the founder of Core aims to strengthen the core of the Jewish people, the Jewish Woman. The organization is already creating conversations for positive change within our communities and bridging gaps to create more welcoming and warm communites.
You can find out more at
And Pass The Chulent!
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Fehlende Folgen?
Join Rabbi Jeff, an experienced out-of-town Rabbi, and his son Ahron Wohlgelernter in a thoughtful and timely conversation every week.
This week we talk about the famous story about Rav Gustman and watering the flowers. We try to break it open and discusses some of the topics surrounding this story.
And Pass The Chulent!
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Join Rabbi Jeff, an experienced out-of-town Rabbi, and his son Ahron Wohlgelernter in a thoughtful and timely conversation every week.
This week we talk about when good outcomes happen from not so good actions...
And Pass The Chulent!
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Join Rabbi Jeff, an experienced out-of-town Rabbi, and his son Ahron Wohlgelernter in a thoughtful and timely conversation every week.
This week we talk about Simchas Hachaim and the question we raise is; Is it possible to be happy only if you have hard experiences and challenges through life. Stay tuned for the end where Rabbi gives us an outlook on life that will help us all be happy all the time.
And Pass The Chulent!
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Join Rabbi Jeff, an experienced out-of-town Rabbi, and his son Ahron Wohlgelernter in a thoughtful and timely conversation every week.
This week we continue our conversation about outreach and some of the proper responses a Jew should have to things that aren't the will of Hashem.
And Pass The Chulent!
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Join Rabbi Jeff, an experienced out-of-town Rabbi, and his son Ahron Wohlgelernter in a thoughtful and timely conversation every week.
Avraham Avinu was the first outreach professional, join us as we find out what he did to be M'karev people and how we can do that today too.
And Pass The Chulent!
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Join Rabbi Jeff and his son Ahron Wohlgelernter in a thoughtful and timely conversation every week.
This week we discuss Chanukah and Miracles, the love of wisdom, Rabbi Jeff's library, and a novel approach to bringing others into our Mitzvah observance and how Jewish outreach should be done!
We hope with this series to bring you a little taste of those shabbos conversations in order that you can either bring up these topics at your table or be empowered to make your own engaging conversations.
So break out a L'Chaim, reheat some Chulent, and Enjoy!
We need a new approach to how shabbos meals are run.
Many people look forward to Shabbos as a time of rest and family bonding but they are only disappointed week after week after very frustrating meal times. Kids don't want to be there, Parsha sheets just don't make the cut, and the conversation just usually ends up being about work.
We found that the most inspiring, fun, engaging, and informative meals at our home were those that the conversation was flowing.
Conversations were always oriented around the Torah perspective on things happening in the world. The children were always engaged and the guests were comfortable sharing their perspectives.
The one thing that didn't happen is a formal Dvar Torah or Parsha class.
At our Shabbos meals, no one looked at their watch!
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Join Rabbi Jeff and his son Ahron Wohlgelernter in a thoughtful and timely conversation every week.
We hope with this series to bring you a little taste of those shabbos conversations in order that you can either bring up these topics at your table or be empowered to make your own engaging conversations.
This week we discuss the very nuanced struggle of Emuna/Faith and Histadlus/Personal Effort.
So break out a L'Chaim, reheat some Chulent and Enjoy!
We need a new approach to how shabbos meals are run.
Many people look forward to Shabbos as a time of rest and family bonding but they are only disappointed week after week after very frustrating meal times. Kids don't want to be there, Parsha sheets just don't make the cut, and the conversation just usually ends up being about work.
We found that the most inspiring, fun, engaging, and informative meals at our home were those that the conversation was flowing.
Conversations were always oriented around the Torah perspective on things happening in the world. The children were always engaged and the guests were comfortable sharing their perspectives.
The one thing that didn't happen is a formal Dvar Torah or Parsha class.
At our Shabbos meals, no one looked at their watch!
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We need a new approach to how shabbos meals are run.
Many people look forward to Shabbos as a time of rest and family bonding but they are only disappointed week after week after very frustrating meal times. Kids don't want to be there, Parsha sheets just don't make the cut, and the conversation just usually ends up being about work.
We found that the most inspiring, fun, engaging, and informative meals at our home were those that the conversation was flowing.
Conversations were always oriented around the Torah perspective on things happening in the world. The children were always engaged and the guests were comfortable sharing their perspectives.
The one thing that didn't happen is a formal Dvar Torah or Parsha class.
At our Shabbos meals, no one looked at their watch!
We hope with this series to bring you a little taste of those shabbos conversations in order that you can either bring up these topics at your table or be empowered to make your own engaging conversations.
This week we discuss a post that was going around Jewish Twitter about R' Dovid Feinstein. Ahron goes through a process of understanding why everyone thought that Rav Dovid's answer to the question was a display of his righteousness.
Here's a link to the post we are discussing in this episode:
So break out a L'Chaim, reheat some Chulent and Enjoy!
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