16:15 What's your stance on the recent statement from Arnold?
31:20 What are the flavors of Elevation?
51:40 Best way to get better structure?
54:03 Tell us about Doug's leg day?
1:11:19 Do you see inflation only impacting protein or other specific nutraceuticals?
1:11:35 Update on Core PRO Peanut Butter release?
1:14:42 Will you manufacture more vegan, beef, or egg white powders?
21:47 Are you guys going to bring ARN products to Core's site
Like you have 'Merica Labz and 'Merica Energy?
35:05 What is your favorite piece of equipment at the Coliseum?
36:33 How do you set expectations with employees and hold them accountable? Meet with them weekly or monthly, etc.?
42:38 Will you guys offer local pickup for Core Nutritionals before Crush It Coliseum opens?
43:12 Do you have a favorite cigar at the moment?
43:34 What inspired the 'stache?
45:10 Militaries going mandate for the vaccine - what are your thoughts?
Fehlende Folgen?
41:35 What do you look for in Core Nutritionals athletes/sponsorships?
42:09 Are you hiring more employees for the expansion?
44:26 When training arms, what set and rep range are you working towards?
44:47 Would you ever collab Core and 'Merica?
45:59 How do you take real money home in this industry?
47:44 Lower caffeine 'Merica Energy?
48:07 When will the gym be open in Statesville?
48:25 Will Vanilla Toffee Gaintime come to MRP or Post?
48:43 Any update on Australian Fury?
20:39 When will you drop a new training video?
21:19 Tips for competing at my first national show?
21:30 Can you tell us the top 10 supplements that are most useful for natural athletes?
24:41 Do ab exercises do much when you're around 20% body fat or should I just focus on cardio and deficit?
28:32 How can I control my cortisol to be able to get lean enough for a show?
31:31 Will you ever step on stage again?
38:33 Is Freedom still the best 'Merica Energy flavor?
39:36 How to start off in the fitness industry if good genetics are a given?
42:09 If you were a supplement, what supplement would you be?
44:04 I'm a 20-year-old natural bodybuilder three weeks out from an OCB show. Any tips?
48:30 What is something about North Carolina that completely shocked you/you didn't expect?
51:34 Will you guys ever make a performance product without glycerol?
52:52 Have you looked at Panada equipment?
58:59 When will 'Merica Energy be available at gas stations or possibly Vitamin Shoppe?
1:02:43 When does peanut butter and jelly Pro drop?
6:05 Are they going to be available at The Nut Corners?
10:08 Is the mango more of a natural mango taste?
31:34 Why does Pensacola GNC not carry any 'Merica Energy drinks and very little ARN?
17:38 What made you decide to move out of the DMV area?
45:43 Are you guys hiring for the gym in Statesville?
46:49 Did GNC's bankruptcy cause any issues?
53:18 Shredded glutes on stage - just diet or is there another factor to getting it?
55:02 Would you ever go to a Wake Forest football game on Saturdays?
55:19 What can you do to get that separation from your shoulders, triceps, and biceps look?
55:33 Will you teach your kids to cut the grass, rake leaves, shovel snow, etc.?
56:35 What Core product will be revamped next?
57:41 Is Blaze in pill form the same as the powder?
58:34 When will the new Pro flavors release?
58:52 Is it possible Pat could get promoted to a higher position?
59:24 What are your thoughts on Lumen devices and gadgets that tell you your deficiencies?
59:52 Strongest pre-workout stack for a skin-ripping pump?
1:00:06 If I buy 100 bottles of Blaze, can I get a free flamethrower?
1:00:53 Anything in the works for the Nut Corners?
11:17 Would you ever do a protein bar?
12:32 Will you and Meat be attending The Arnold UK in October?
17:26 How much do you miss seeing Mr. Mencel?
18:23 How does Blaze compare to Burn, Sear, and Shred?
32:14 Where did your dirty humor come from?
33:28 When will ARN have ambassadors?
34:01 When is Doug going to give me that interview?
34:29 When can I meet you, that way we can be friends forever?
35:34 Core kids' multivitamin?
37:27 Is hot tea optimal for digesting animal protein in fats?
39:00 How can I boost my natural testosterone?
40:54 What's the determining factors to moving everything, including your families, south?
45:45 Top 3 things you're looking forward to in North Carolina? Top 3 things you will miss about Virginia?
50:16 Any Kabuki Strength for Crush It Coliseum?
51:54 Can I use Creatine any time of the day?
52:01 What happened to the Meat Stix?
52:48 If you could have dinner with any person who you haven't already, who would it be and why?
52:57 If you could only eat one type of meal, breakfast or dinner-style?
54:37 How much longer would you have worked at The nutrition Corners if you never went to work for Core?
55:40 Can we build muscle and lose fat at the same time naturally?
16:18 Who is on those freedom posts more - Meat or Carl?
24:59 New performance hoodies or t-shirts in the works?
26:29 What are the Patriot's Whey flavors releasing on July 4th?
27:47 What is your recommended protein intake?
*28:15 Will Core liver product have tudco?
32:24 Is 2021 on track to be the most successful year for your businesses?
33:46 How does COVID affect your business?
35:07 Arms Race energy drinks in the future?
35:45 Do you remember Core's first ever sale?
39:14 How does it feel working with the legendary Branch Warren?
40:25 Ford Raptor in matte red?
42:52 As an older trainer, I'll be 61 in June. When is it time to turn it down a notch?
44:29 Best supps for teens?
45:27 In the next castle, what would you want to see built in it?
50:32 What is your advice when starting a company, and what is the worst mistake you've done in terms of business?
54:22 Doug's guide to making gains in less than 30 seconds?
55:23 Bone-in or boneless wings?
1:04:17 What's one thing on your bucket list - travel spot, trying something new, etc.?
1:05:19 What will you miss most about this warehouse location?
2:31 If you were going to drink anybody else's energy drink at this moment, which one would it be?
11:48 When does 'Merica Energy come back in stock?
16:43 Do you ship for free for orders over $100 to Hawaii?
21:35 Is the ARN Lava Cake protein flavor good?
22:41 Plans for the Stack3d Expo?
24:16 Will A-Bomb be back for Stack3d Expo?
24:27 Know any Canada distributors?
30:00 Any way to get Core ISO in Fruity Pebbles flavor?
32:10 Any word on the MRP mass gainer?
41:23 Would you ever want to do your Ford Raptor in matte red?
41:47 Realistically, how often do you think you'll visit Virginia/Northern Virginia once you're settled in North Carolina?
51:19 How do you deal with DOMS, especially from leg day?
52:14 If you could only get one machine per body part, which would you choose and why?
56:15 Will you guys ever make a vegan meal replacement protein?
58:24 Thoughts on Norvaline?
59:30 L-citrulline powered for a Core commodity in the future?
59:54 How many guns do you own and what kind?
9:45 Is your gym for the public?
45:59 How do you do every set to failure if you pyramid up in a 20 rep range?
48:30 Do you have to experience failure training in order to know what your 7-8-9 RPE feels like?
49:10 Why the heck did Pat change his IG handle?
52:13 Go-to post-workout meal?
58:14 Have you looked into active release therapy in North Carolina?
59:08 What would you suggest for someone who has dislocated his shoulder recently?
59:46 With the big move ahead, any plans in the future for retail locations in North Carolina?
1:00:10 What are some of the new ingredients that will be in the new Red, White, and Boom?
1:00:48 What are you going to miss most about NoVa?
1:04:43 What do you think 2020 would have looked liked without the pandemic?
27:07 How can you reach 5% without unbalancing your hormones?
27:37 Do you have freakish bicep genetics or just a crazy bicep routine?
31:55 Any new updates on the ball reformulation?
32:44 Did you get more Doge?
48:06 Prime ROT8 handles or Mag Handles?
49:01 How do you feel about slow negatives throughout your entire workout?
49:24 Can you do an updated video on what supplements you're taking?
51:15 Do you give arms their own day or train them chest/tris, back/bis?
51:42 Any thoughts on doing pre-packaged protein cartons or pre-workout bottles?
54:44 Where is pregnenolone derived from in a supplement form?
55:07 Is celery anabolic?
55:21 How do you train legs two times per week?
55:36 When will XL shakers and wrist wraps be back in stock?
57:06 Favorite foods for contest prep?
57:29 Exercise suggestions for outer quad sweep hypertrophy?
58:10 ETA on Elevation Isolate?
58:23 When will you bring back 'Merican Made?
58:39 Other business opportunities you're excited about for 2021?
1:01:53 Can you double the dose of Core Load for pre and post-workout?
1:02:35 Which platform did you buy Safemoon on?
4:21 Are you both looking forward to moving to North Carolina?
9:20 What's the best Core Pro flavor?
33:58 Carrot Cake flavored protein in the works?
43:01 When will the two new Core Pro flavors release?
43:26 If you could train with one Mr. Olympia in the physique that they were in at that time, who would it be and why?
44:55 Is Big Poppa an off season, during prep, or both?
45:16 Share a picture of yourself two years into training?
46:06 Do any of your isolates at Core Nutritionals have soy in them?
46:19 Did you buy more Doge yet?
51:12 Best 16-week stack cycles for libido?
51:27 Do you want a tank or an Apache helicopter?
51:53 Peanut Butter and Jelly Pro release dates?
52:06 Going to run Sear and Shred. Ideal times to take each?
27:30 When will the last week's episode be on YouTube?
34:23 When will Balls be back in stock?
35:11 What were your thoughts on The Shop Ashburn?
46:27 Hack squat with reverse band tension or without?
47:02 ABC Pineapple Strawberry or Australian Gummy Snakes?
47:15 Ribeye or filet?
47:37 Dumbbells or barbells?
47:52 Mountains or beach?
48:05 Hotel or camp?
49:36 What is your favorite meat to mix with pasta or spaghetti?
50:35 Will you ever put a sleeveless hoodie out for the summer?
52:11 What do you think is the most underrated leg exercise?
55:42 Thoughts on GDAs?
58:45 Have you ever lost motivation to be a great drug-free lifter while in a subculture based around PEDs?
59:41 Have you ever tried low volume approach and what do you think of it?
1:01:36 Which Core protein for people who have digestive issues with whey?
1:03:04 How long have you been mining?
1:03:17 Is it okay to use Thermo while taking a 4-week break from Core Burn?
1:03:57 What is the best supplement stack for increasing libido?
20:24 Which location will host the Nut Bash?
21:47 Two scoops of Post, do a half dosage of Load?
31:26 Is it advisable ton run Sear and Bolic with the Big Poppa Stack?
41:51 Will the Ogio backpacks ever come back in stock?
42:26 Will the libido boost on the new Liberty Balls be as good as the current Liberty Balls?
42:46 What's the best time to use Liberty Balls? I will also be using Bolic and Full Metal Jacket.
43:21 Any update on the release date for Core Blaze?
43:52 How are Mr. and Mrs. Meaty enjoying living in the warehouse?
46:20 How to progress sets in GVT, and how to progress movement from session to session?
49:53 Is there any benefit to adding Sear to my regimen during a bulk or surplus?
50:31 What's your opinion on More Plates More Dates' video?
51:11 Different cues for pressing vs. flying movements?
52:53 Can you do a video of your different anabolic stacks?
53:02 Is creatine HCL effective? There's not much research on it.
53:57 Do you always do five sets, start light and go heaviest, and to failure on the last one or two sets?
54:19 20 sets for triceps a week, half of them heavy (10-12), and half high reps (20-25)?
55:49 Do you consider The Rock an athlete or a bodybuilder?
57:02 Can you suggest a training plan for a skinny fat guy who wants to get bigger?
22:29 What is carb dumping?
23:26 Does free shipping apply for orders shipped to APO addresses?
24:20 Can we preorder the Baby Yoda shirts?
25:13 Is the new ZZZ formula okay for every night use - why or why not?
26:48 How good could I look if I did GH, test, tren, and D-bal?
27:11 What do you use Cissus for?
28:21 Hydration electrolyte product?
29:38 Best nutrition advice at 8 weeks out - men's physique show?
31:02 Any reason why someone's face would get red facial flushing after eating?
32:25 Do you think it would be hard to start from nothing at this point in time?
33:39 Is it fair to say that you got into the supp game at a perfect time?
34:12 How much fat in grams per pound of body weight do you typically eat?
35:57 Do you believe you have to hit muscles two times per week?
36:34 Is 'Merica Labz accepting ambassador requests?
37:56 Fasted cardio - best supplements to use to prevent muscle loss during cardio?
38:44 Fat burners worth it if tracking macros and weight daily to make sure in caloric deficit?
39:46 Is doing lighter weight with higher reps recommended for toning?
41:46 Would you guys consider making a clear whey ISO protein for lighter for hydration fruit-type instead of gourmet-types?
42:51 When you move to Statesville, how will that affect deliveries to the stores?
44:02 With running, weightlifting, cutting, and life stress, do you think Glutamine will help?
44:53 Would you rather poo every hour or pee every 10 minutes?
46:21 How long have you been doing large volume training?
47:21 How much was the AFS leg press?
49:33 Which drug-tested organization would you recommend for your first time competition?
51:32 Ever nap before a workout?
52:12 What does your running consist of?
53:11 Suggestions for a pre (no pump), electrolytes, and recovery supps?
53:37 Favorite movie or TV series of all time?
54:34 Will you guys ever develop a standalone electrolyte formula?
8:15 Do you think that Big Ramy's size is too down?
9:34 How do you design your workouts when you walk into the gym - How do you decide exercises, reps, sets, volume, and intensity?
14:21 Number of sets and reps for quad growth - beginners?
14:58 Should we train the muscle group again after three days if it's already sore?
17:37 When I watch you train, you do reps with a faster tempo than some people I watch, i.e. Tristan Lee, Should I do it like that, or should I make a strong mind-muscle connection?
18:32 Current cardio routine? Favorite types and duration? Also, current split?
19:38 Is there still going to be a Crush It Coliseum in Norfolk?
21:12 If one does the Big Poppa stack for 8 weeks, should they take something to cycle off?
22:05 What is your favorite snack?
28:19 Tips for a high schooler to get in food during the day on a tight schedule - Core MRP?
28:47 What do rest times look like in your workout?
29:31 Do you like any of the ISO names?
29:36 Have you ever had a back injury?
30:41 Where does your motivation come from?
35:30 Do you get bloated?
35:44 To keep classic lines, what should be your focus on workouts? Reps, sets, and weight ranges?
37:30 Best training shoes?
40:41 Thoughts on new age performance mouth guards to increase intensity - Is it a gimmick?
43:45 With the huge increase in demand for fitness equipment, does Core have plans to get into that space?
47:29 Thoughts on Nutrition Corners in Florida?
49:55 Puppies or kittens?
53:21 What is your dream car?
54:33 What's your favorite place you've been on vacation?
55:00 How old were you when you realized the meat life was for you?
55:36 If you could have any meat in the world, what would it be?
56:15 Is meal timing really that important?
23:29 Are the Core joggers custom made?
33:55 Have either of you been thrown out of a club by a bouncer?
35:40 Any advice on physique bodybuilding?
36:36 Can we get more colors in the flag series shirts?
36:53 What would you advise for skin to be tight as a drum?
37:33 Is it okay to take Alpha with a meal?
37:57 Are the Core hoodies coming back like the carbon fiber and the camo?
39:38 How far above stage weight would you advise someone go with okay genetics but not amazing?
40:11 Is it still beneficial to use Greens if I can only afford a half scoop a day?
40:42 Just got the Shred/Burn stack. How do you recommend taking it? Together or one in the morning and one later?
42:54 When using Burn, would you see a bigger difference using Burn twice daily?
43:40 How many sets of biceps and triceps per week did you hit when you were competing?
46:53 How would you make Core Pump better?
47:03 Update on the Balls new flavors?
48:23 If you had to choose between Peak02 or Beta Alanine in a pre-workout, which would you choose?
48:47 What are your thoughts on a teen taking Bolic?
50:11 Will Chocolate Peanut Butter Balls be discontinued?
50:29 Is Intra Core's way of adding an EAA supp to the lineup?
51:33 If I already take creatine protein, do you think I'm good?
52:27 How do you feel about electrolyte manipulation during peak week?
53:39 What is the best approach after a show - Rebound and eat, or slowly increase food intake?
54:43 What's your favorite protein to sludge, and favorite protein to drink?
56:38 Which rep range and intensity for building huge arms and legs?
57:11 Who is your favorite actor?
58:59 What is your favorite nootropic ingredient and favorite pump ingredient?
1:01:27 Thoughts on EIP 1559 now that you are getting into ETH mining?
1:03:04 Any advice for constant lower back troubles?
1:03:19 How do you control hunger when you're close to your show?
1:03:43 Should I take body recomp slow and steady or get on a strict 8/12/16 week plan?
1:04:11 How much meat is too much meat?
1:04:14 What do you recommend to gain lean weight?
1:04:23 Shred gives me some cold sweats but I feel nothing on sear. Is it because it is still winter?
1:05:41 What is the best stack for bulking and the best for cutting including all of your brands regardless of price?
1:07:06 If both of you were to get into another fitness activity besides bodybuilding, what would it be?
1:08:28 How did you rehab your back injury to get back to normal training?
25:07 How do you get your arms so big?
26:07 Do you cut sodium before you step on the stage?
26:22 Are you going to have a Crush It Coliseum in Mooresville?
32:29 Will we have exclusive access membership to the gym or will it be open to the general public?
34:33 Haven't heard anything lately on the new flavors for Balls. Are they still coming soon?
36:30 How many days a week do you train?
37:56 Colorado shops that may carry Core soon?
38:48 When will Load be back in stock?
39:33 Is caffeine detrimental to my health?
40:29 What Starburst flavor does Crystal Star Candy ABC taste most like?
40:58 My Hard/Load starts in a couple of days. What would be the best to take instead of Load?
41:39 Should I take Core Load before drinking Core Post?
45:05 How many years did it take for you and Meat to get your pro card?
45:33 If you had juiced up years ago, how far do you think you could have gone as a pro?
47:14 What takeaway from Ericka's conversation can you share with the podcast?
55:15 Any opportunity for stores in Canada?
56:55 Any new energy drink flavors in the works?
57:26 When is the new 'Merica Energy coming to the U.K.?
57:49 With the high volume reps and intensity, how do you get your workouts done in an hour and a half?
1:00:46 How did you train your back to get the best natural results?
1:01:24 What types of cardio do you do?
1:01:38 I have a torn quad tendon but doing upper body workouts. How do you keep momentum?
1:02:36 If you could only take one pre-workout for the rest of your life, what is it?
1:03:02 Any plans for Mr. Olympia involvement or The Arnold Classic this year?
1:03:59 Are you weaker than Meat at any exercise?
1:05:26 Do you feel like your mental strength has improved with this challenge?
1:06:02 Watermelon flavor 'Merica Energy in the future?
1:06:07 Favorite collab you've ever done?
1:06:40 Trying to shred the last few pounds of fat. Which protein would be best for me - PRO or ISO?
8:54 When taking Stabilize, do you suggest taking it after the meal or before the meal? If before the meal, how long before?
9:17 Can you stack Core Test with Arms Race Stabilize?
19:29 What's next on the rare equipment list?
21:56 Is there any advice on how to train with a mild scoliosis and some imbalances?
22:53 What's your opinion on trainers gaining weight to lose weight with their clients?
23:45 Any new flavors of MRP?
23:58 Have you ever eaten a haggis?
26:36 Are you still doing bitcoin?
28:19 Core products are able to stack together. Is 'Merica the same?
29:54 How much time do you spend researching new products or trying to make a product even better?
31:20 Who is worse for our youth - Meaty and Doug, or dr. Seuss?
31:34 If South Park created a character based on Meat or Doug, whose character would be funnier?
33:25 Have you a coach now?
34:47 Should you take FMJ on leg day?
35:26 Will Core MRP XL be MRP times 3?
38:00 How many sets/exercises per muscle group do you do when doing the bro split?
39:04 On Training Tuesday, you write lots of sets. Are those only hard sets or acclimation too?
39:38 So your current training split is...?
47:34 Starting as a beginner and wanting to get huge arms, how would you begin?
48:02 Can we get some new Nutrition Corners apparel on the website?
48:15 When will Pineapple Strawberry Shred be back in stock?
48:31 How has having a female presence in your companies helped your businesses?
50:20 Your arms are inspiring. How much do you think is genetic vs. training?
53:01 Why do high volume deadlifts instead of progressing in strength?
53:27 During diet, would you cut proteins, carbs, or fats first?
53:53 How do you progress on 10 sets of 10?
54:45 Preference for Burn or Shred?
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