This week the lads are joined by the ultra talented Flake Michigan! They talk about the origin story of the band and the lore behind the Great Flakes, how they got into music and what influences their writing, being in sync with the band, home depot hot dogs, and so much more! Plus they perform music off their latest album OTTAWA streaming everywhere now! Check them out live March 20th in Chicago IL at the Unsigned Concert series at Artifact Events! Get all the information for the event here!
Check out their new album "OTTAWA" on Spotify, Apple Music, or wherever you stream your music!
This week Terry joins the lads up at Smash Studio for an episode of jamming! Plus Jake talks about his murder mystery performance, more talks about modern rock classics, going over and discussing new songs, and more!
Check out the bands from this weeks episode!
Judo CHOP!
Charlie on Trial
Check out these bands and all the bands weve heard on the show on our Spotify Playlist!
Make sure to follow our music on Spotify, Apple Music, or wherever you stream your music! "Last Call" and "Tides of Elephants" out now!
Fehlende Folgen?
This week the lads are back in the practice space downtown as Mike talks about wanting to write something heavy. Plus they talk about formulas for metal songs, Kid Rock getting his rocks off, this years half time show, plus the lads finish up their new song!
Check out the bands from this weeks episode!
You can check out these bands and all the other bands weve covered on our Spotify Playlist!
Listen to our new singles "Tides of Elephants" and "Last Call" on Spotify, Apple Music, or wherever you stream your music!
Check out Abandoned Albums Podcast wherever you listen to your podcast!
This week the lads talk about the bands who are in a league of their own, plus Grammy winners, rock news, and the boys continue to work on the new song!
Check out the bands from this week!
Poems For Dante
Vermillion Heights
You can check out these bands and all the bands weve played on the podcast on ourSpotify Playlist!
Check out our music on Spotify,Apple Music, or wherever you stream your music, "Tides of Elephants" and "Last Call" out now!
This week the lads take an official test run on a writing episode with the new set up! Plus they cover what they think will become modern metal classics, rock news, and more!
Check out the bands from this week!
Cultt of She
Refinery Drive
Listen to these bands and a ton of others on our Spotify Playlist!
This week the lads are joined by a guest in the form of jakes new electric drum kit, testing it out on the pod by writing a new song, plus a cover of "Talk Show on Mute" by Incubus!
Check out the bands from this week!
Modus Fire
Lost at Sea
You can hear this band plus all other bands weve listen to on the Astrovert Podcast Playlist!
This week the lads get themselves hyped up for jakes new electric drum purchase and how they're gonna work it into the new direction the podcast is going! Plus mike whips out the guitar to do a bit of writing, rock news, and more!
Check out the bands from this week!
The Requisite
Fremont Pike
You can listen to these bands and all of the other bands we've heard on our playlist here!
Check out the Album Nerds podcast on Spotify or go to
This week the lads have another production meeting and talk about getting live (at the time) music back on the pod as Jake convinces himself in real time to get a electric drum kit. Plus recording news, stage diving lawsuits, and more!
Check out the bands from this week!
No Trees Touch the Sky
Box Elder
Fourth and 1
Check out the playlist with these bands and all other bands we've played here!
Listen to Can I Pod With Madness on Spotify! -
This week the lads are join by returning and new faces as friends of the pod Colleen, Erin, Kelly, and Joanna hang out to talk about their trip to Vancouver to see Taylor Swifts final Eras Tour concert, plus the lads get their tarot card read to see what the future holds for the podcast!
This week the lads celebrate the new year with a look back at their favorite bands, plus go over their plans for the band/podcast in 2025!
Check out these bands and more on our official playlist!
Astrovert Podcast : Hidden Gems
Mikes Top 5 of 2024
Lame Gretzky
Oak & Ivy
With Sails Ahead
Jakes Top 5 of 2024
Glitch Kingdom
Saff and The Hinge Knockers
Flake Michigan
The Sound of Modesty
The lads pop on the Yule log YouTube video and enjoy the holiday cheer on their annual Christmas Episode!
This week the lads ramp up for Christmas! Plus they talk about Soundscape and the Drake lawsuit, figure out the next move for recording (waring: its soulful) Jake uses A.I. to find out why Mike is an A-Hole, a rousing game of Bad People, favorite Christmas movies, and more!
Check out the bands from this week!
Stud Wiser
The Sound of Modesty
Tactile Fumes
This week the lads are celebrating Jakes birthday! Plus they go over the podcast/band/personal Spotify wrap ups, Off Road Records updates, rock news (spoilers, its dead again) and more!
Check out the bands from this week!
Crash The Calm
Rusted Hearts
You can listen to all the bands we play on the show here!
Check us out on Instagram and Facebook @astrovert_media
Send us some songs you'd like us to play!
Check out our music! New song October 4th!
Apple Music
This week the lads talk about the Knocked Loose performance on Jimmy Kimmel. Plus they listen to Jakes drum takes from last weeks recordings, go over the next phase of songs, and more!
Check out the bands from this week!
You can listen to all the bands we play on the show here!
Check us out on Instagram and Facebook @astrovert_media
Send us some songs you'd like us to play!
Check out our music! New song October 4th!
Apple Music -
This week the lads get hyped about their new single "Last Call" (out everywhere now!) Plus a ton of rock news, recording news, planning for new years, and more!
Check out the bands from this week!
Fifth Floor
Human Renegade
Loyalty to Me
Check out our music! New single "Last Call" out now!
Apple Music
This week the lads are fresh off a day of recording to discuss drum tracking. Plus they talk the best theme songs from tv shows, cruises, Mikes Disney trip, Linkin Parks new album, and more!
Check out the bands from this week!
The Great American Typewriter
Check us out on Instagram and Facebook @astrovert_media
Send us some songs you'd like us to play!
Check out our music! New song October 4th!
Apple Music
This week the lads put together the structure for Tragedy. Plus Jakes new phone, nonsense A.I. talk, Rock and Roll not being "rebellious", and more!
Check out the bands from this week!
Not Really Either
Check us out on Instagram and Facebook @astrovert_media
Send us some songs you'd like us to play!
Check out our music! New song October 4th!
Apple Music
The lads gather at Astrovert HQ and are joined with some of the pod regulars to go over the election!
This week the lads went over jakes and terrys work on Tragedy! Plus more musicians falling through stages, the As I Lay Dying situation unfolding, plans for the election bonus episode, and more!
Check out the bands from this week!
With Brevity
Check us out on Instagram and Facebook @astrovert_media
Send us some songs you'd like us to play!
Check out our music! New song October 4th!
Apple Music
The day has finally arrived! The lads are joined this week by their good buddy Kyle McCallum of Off Road Records! They talk about the process of recording the Astroverts album, programmed drums vs live drums, and much more! Plus they go over music written by kyle himself, PLUS the debut of our new single "Last Call"!
Check out the band from this week!
Off Guard
Check us out on Instagram and Facebook @astrovert_media
Send us some songs you'd like us to play!
Check out our music! New song October 4th!
Apple Music
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