
  • It's so simple. So easy.  

    And yet so easy to forget. 

    But yes, as surprising as it may be, our kids will learn to respect us if we respect them.  

    Even when we're upset with them. Even when they've disappointed us. Even when they've disrespected us. 

    And yes, it's hard. Our natural tendency is to want to yell, punish, take control…all of the things…and I know you know exactly what I'm talking about. 

    So, let's get to it.

    If you're struggling with getting your children to respect you, this episode is for you.

    Take a listen and share it with a friend who could benefit!

    And, as always, please rate and review the show so I can get AuthentiKate into the ears of even more parents!

    If you're struggling in your parenting and want some insight and practical strategies that can help, schedule a FREE 30 Minute Clarity Call with me and get some of the answers you're looking for!

    Schedule your call here:

    If you’re struggling with disciplining your child and need some guidance, grab my FREE 3 Secrets to Disciplining Your Children Effectively and In Love.

    Join my awesome community of moms and subscribe to my parenting newsletter.

    You'll not only get weekly parenting encouragement, tools and strategies, but you'll also get updated information on the latest episodes and whatever else is going on!

  • It's that time of the year when everything gets crazy no matter where we are on our parenting journeys, amiright?

    Whether you have littles, middles or bigs; whether you have one, five or ten, the end of the school year can get NUTS and it can feel like we're running in circles and can barely keep up or catch our breath.

    So, in response to the CRAZY, I'm giving you three parenting hacks that I think can not only help you now, but in ANY season or stage of your parenting.

    If you're looking for a way to streamline, simplify and slow down, today's episode is for you.

    Take a listen and share it with a friend who could benefit!

    And, as always, please rate and review the show! The more feedback I get, the more parents I'm able to reach and help.

    If you're struggling in your parenting and want some insight and practical strategies that can help, schedule a FREE 30 Minute Clarity Call with me and get some of the answers you're looking for!

    Schedule your call here:

    If you’re struggling with disciplining your child and need some guidance, grab my FREE 3 Secrets to Disciplining Your Children Effectively and In Love.

    Join my awesome community of moms and subscribe to my parenting newsletter.

    You'll not only get weekly parenting encouragement, tools and strategies, but you'll also get updated information on the latest episodes and whatever else is going on!

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  • Parenting is as simple as ABC, don't you think?

    I wish...

    But what I do know is that the ABCs I'm sharing with you today are simple and so applicable to everyday parenting, as well as cross over so easily into one another.

    And don't worry, I only go to letter E. :) Can you guess what they are?

    Even if you can, listen in and let me know what you think and share with another parent you think could benefit from them!

    If you're struggling in your parenting and want some insight and practical strategies that can help, schedule a FREE 30 Minute Clarity Call with me and get some of the answers you're looking for!

    Schedule your call here:

    If you’re struggling with disciplining your child and need some guidance, grab my FREE 3 Secrets to Disciplining Your Children Effectively and In Love.

    Join my awesome community of moms and subscribe to my parenting newsletter.

    You'll not only get weekly parenting encouragement, tools and strategies, but you'll also get updated information on the latest episodes and whatever else is going on!

  • Hi, friends!

    Today's episode is short, but it's so good and so, so practical and NEEDED.

    What am I talking about?


    It's not an emotion we love to experience as adults and it can be very confusing for our children to understand and manage, as well.

    Anger can be hard to overcome without the tools needed to effectively manage and address it, so if your child is struggling to manager their anger, start teaching them the 4 skills I share with you today and watch things start to change for the better.

    And who knows, these skills may even be helpful to you when anger rears it's ugly head in you!

    Love this episode? Then please share with another parent you think may benefit from it and please rate and review!

    Struggling in your parenting and want some insight and practical strategies to help?

    Then schedule a FREE 30 Minute Clarity Call with me and get some of the answers you're looking for!

    Schedule your call here:

    If you’re struggling with disciplining your child and need some guidance, grab my FREE 3 Secrets to Disciplining Your Children Effectively and In Love!

    Join my community and subscribe to my parenting newsletter!

    You'll not only get weekly parenting tips, tools and insight, but you'll also get updated information on the latest episodes and whatever else is going on!

  • Welcome back, friends!

    In today’s episode of AuthentiKate, I’m interviewing Maren Crowley, a former PGA pro-golfer and current golf coach, business woman, business coach, wife and mama.

    Maren is spinning all the plates and in today’s episode she’s telling you how she does it.

    We cover everything from how the way she was parented influences her parenting, her career as a pro-golfer and D1 coach, her life as a stay-at-home mother, how we can make multiple streams of income and make our money work for us, and what it looks like to juggle parenthood and a career while helping others to do the same.

    There are so many topics I wish we could have gone deeper on, but just didn’t have the time. But that’s okay, because I hope to have Maren back in the future to dive deeper on many more of these topics!

    I hope you enjoy listening to Maren as much as I did, find lots of takeaways and enjoy today’s episode!

    As always, I’d love if you left your feedback on this episode or the show in general as it helps me get heard by so many more parents out there.


  • What do we do in real time when our kids are having meltdowns, being disrespectful, having an attitude, taking a tone with us or being outright defiant?

    Well, that's exactly the question I'm going to answer today, because as we all know, THESE are NOT the fun parts of parenting, but they are a necessary part that we must go through (and probably put our parents through) in order to teach our kids better ways of processing, behaving and communicating and to grow ourselves, as parents.

    In today's episode, I'm sharing two real-life situations that happened to me with my girls and how I handled them in the hopes that it will be helpful for you and maybe give you some new skills you can implement with your own children.

    Let's do this.

    Liked this episode? I'd so appreciate if you'd rate and review the show! Reviews are the lifeblood for any podcaster and your ratings and reviews help me to be heard by even more parents around the world!

    Struggling in your parenting and want some insight and practical strategies to help?

    Then schedule a FREE 30 Minute Clarity Call with me and get some of the answers you're looking for!

  • Sick of yelling at your kids? Frustrated when they don't listen the 1st, 10th or 100th time? Tired of getting frustrated and overwhelmed by this? Me, too.

    However, in today's episode, I'm sharing 4 ways we can stop this madness and AVOID yelling at our kids.

    In this episode, I give you 4 easy, practical steps that you can follow each and every time your kids don't listen and you're about to lose it.

    It's all about choices and the simpler we can keep those choices, the more success we can have in parenting AND in life.

    Let's go.

    Liked this episode? I'd so appreciate if you'd rate and review the show! Reviews are the lifeblood for any podcaster and your ratings and reviews help me to be heard by even more parents around the world!Struggling in your parenting and want some insight and practical strategies to help? Then schedule a FREE 30 Minute Clarity Call with me and get some of the answers you're looking for!Schedule your call here: If you’re struggling with disciplining your child and need some guidance, grab my FREE 3 Secrets to Disciplining Your Children Effectively and In Love! my community and subscribe to my parenting newsletter!You'll not only get weekly parenting tips, tools and insight, but you'll also get updated information on the latest episodes and whatever else is going on!

  • Choices. There are always so many to make about anything and everything, however the choices we make as parents are some of the most important choices we'll ever make.

    In today's episode, not only do I cover how we can make good choices as parents, but how we can avoid (most of) the overwhelm and frustration that comes with even some of the hardest choices.

    I provide you with questions to ask yourself as you make choices that benefit your children and the relationship you have with them, as well as how you can role-model good decision-making to your children so they can learn how to make healthy, wise choices for themselves now and in their futures.

    Feel free to reach out if making choices is something you struggle with or if there are any other parenting concerns you may have and would like some input on. I'm always here to help!

    Liked this episode? I'd so appreciate if you'd rate and review the show! Reviews are the lifeblood for any podcaster and your ratings and reviews help me to be heard by even more parents around the world!

    Struggling in your parenting and want some insight and practical strategies to help?

    Then schedule a FREE 30 Minute Clarity Call with me and get some of the answers you're looking for!

    Schedule your call here:

    If you’re struggling with disciplining your child and need some guidance, grab my FREE 3 Secrets to Disciplining Your Children Effectively and In Love!

    Join my community and subscribe to my parenting newsletter!

    You'll not only get weekly parenting tips, tools and insight, but you'll also get updated information on the latest episodes and whatever else is going on!

  • What does it mean to be intentional in our parenting and how do we go about it? How can we be successful not only in becoming better parents, but also in teaching and guiding our children as they learn and grow?

    This is exactly the question that I'm going to answer in today's episode.

    Being intentional is HARD and it takes focus, commitment and work, even on the days and in the moments when we just want to quit.

    In this episode, I'm going to break down how exactly all of us can be successful not only in improving who we are as parents, but also how we can be successful in HOW we parent so we can do our best by our kids.

    I'd love if you would share with me what you plan to do to improve yourself or your parenting so I can cheer you on!

    Liked this episode? I'd so appreciate if you'd rate and review the show!

    Struggling in your parenting and want some insight and practical strategies to help?

    Then schedule a FREE 30 Minute Clarity Call with me and get some of the answers you're looking for!

    Schedule your call here:

    If you’re struggling with disciplining your child and need some guidance, grab my FREE 3 Secrets to Disciplining Your Children Effectively and In Love!

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    You'll not only get weekly parenting tips, tools and strategies, but you'll also get updated information on the latest episodes and whatever else is going on!

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  • Happy November! This week I am discussing that what our kids don't know actually WILL hurt them.

    It's important that we, as parents, not only use wisdom and discernment in educating our children, but also that we don't live in a state of fear and hide things from them because we don't think they can handle it or we, ourselves, are uncomfortable talking about it.

    Cause let me tell ya, if YOU don't want to tell your kids about things, someone else WILL, and you don't know who that "someone else" might be and exactly what they will be informing your children of.

    So, listen in as I reassure you that we CAN actually talk to our kids about the hard and uncomfortable things and that they CAN actually hear and handle more than you think.

    Liked this episode? Please rate and review the show!

    Struggling in your parenting and want some insight and practical strategies to help?

    Then schedule a FREE 30 Minute Clarity Call with me and get some of the answers you're looking for!

    Schedule your call here:

    If you’re struggling with disciplining your child and need some guidance, grab my FREE 3 Secrets to Disciplining Your Children Effectively and In Love!

    Join my community and sign up for my weekly Parenting Newsletter!

    You'll not only get weekly parenting tips, tools and strategies, but you'll also get updated information on the latest episodes and whatever else is going on!

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  • Welcome, back, friends! Today, I'm so pleased to introduce you to my friend, Christy Sauers. Christy shares her journey of being the mother of Reid, her youngest child who was diagnosed with Down Syndrome. Christy shares the struggles and joys of this journey, as well as her own emotions when she received the diagnosis. Christy also talk about the importance of early intervention, discusses the meaning that mom groups have in her life, as well as how her faith has played a role in, and shaped, how she not only views motherhood, but being the mother of a special-needs child. Christy is truly inspiring and you will walk away from this episode feeling a bit lighter and remembering that there is beauty and goodness in the world because of people like her.

    If you want to follow Christy, Reid and the rest of her family on Instagram, you can right here:

    Struggling in your parenting and want some insight and practical strategies to help?
    Then schedule a FREE 30 Minute Clarity Call with me and get some of the answers you're looking for!
    Schedule your call here:

    If you’re struggling with disciplining your child and need some guidance, grab my FREE 3 Secrets to Disciplining Your Children Effectively and In Love!

    Join my community and sign up for my weekly Parenting Newsletter!
    You'll not only get weekly parenting tips, tools and strategies, but you'll also get updated information on the latest episodes and whatever else is going on!

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  • Are you loud about what matters to you? If not, that’s okay, but my guest today definitely is. Olivia Duffy joins me today in my very first interview for the second season of AuthentiKate. Olivia is a warrior mama who has educated herself on all things healing and holistic health. She’s passionate about what she has learned and believes in and shares a lot of what she has discovered with you on today’s podcast. I invite you to listen in on our conversation with an open mind, remembering that perspective and mindset are key not only in parenting, but in educating ourselves about the world around us and the messages we have been, and are being, taught. I hope you enjoy listening to Olivia as much as I did and grab some of her passion for parenting and life for yourself! You can follow her on Instagram here: Olivia (@healinginmotherhood) | Instagram and listen to her podcast, Be Loud About What Matters here:

    Be Loud About What Matters Podcast on Apple Podcasts

    Struggling in your parenting and want some practical tools and strategies to help? Then schedule a FREE 30 Minute Consult with me and get some of the answers you're looking for!

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  • Do you struggle with validating your kids’ emotions? Do things they get upset about seem silly or stupid to you? Well, let me encourage you. Even if those things do seem silly or trite to you, they matter to your kids. In this mini-episode, I share why we should validate our children’s feelings (even with the “little” stuff) and how it can strengthen our bond with them that will last for years to come.

    Struggling in your parenting and want some practical tools and strategies to help? Then schedule a FREE 30 Minute Consult with me and get some of the answers you're looking for! my FREE guide for my 3 Secrets To Discipline Your Children Effectively and In Love Parenting Hacks to Stay Calm and Keep Your Sanity up for my Weekly Newsletter! out the AuthentiKate website the private AuthentiKate Facebook Group!

  • Do you struggle to communicate respectfully and effectively with your partner and/or your kids? If so, then this episode’s for you. I teach you three ways that you can master this life skill, while being more self-aware and receptive to your partner’s, or your kid’s, perspectives and opinions in the process. When we are able to disagree respectfully and effectively, we not only improve our communication with others, but we set a great example for our kids to do the same.

    Struggling in your parenting and want some practical tools and strategies to help? Then schedule a FREE 30 Minute Consult with me and get some of the answers you're looking for!

    Grab my FREE guide for my 3 Secrets To Discipline Your Children Effectively and In Love

    3 Parenting Hacks to Stay Calm and Keep Your Sanity

    Sign up for my Weekly Newsletter!

    Check out the AuthentiKate website

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  • This episode is all about YOU in terms of how far you've come as a parent and the praise you should be giving yourself for what you've learned and how you've improved. As parents, we've all changed throughout our parenting journey. We've learned to pivot, evolve and grow right alongside our kids on their journeys and that is to be commended. So, if you're feeling a little low in your parenting lately, listen to this episode and be encouraged. You're doing a GREAT job. Keep showing up and giving it your best and you can't go wrong. Your kids need the perfectly imperfect YOU.

    Struggling in your parenting and want some practical tools and strategies to help? Then schedule a FREE 30 Minute Consult with me and get some of the answers you're looking for!

    Grab my FREE guide for my 3 Secrets To Discipline Your Children Effectively and In Love

    3 Parenting Hacks to Stay Calm and Keep Your Sanity

    Sign up for my Weekly Newsletter!

    Check out the AuthentiKate website

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  • What is your perspective of your parenting? As parents, we can have all sorts of perspectives on a variety of topics, but parenting may be one that we really don't think about because we're too busy being in the thick of it. However, today, I'm going to pose eight different questions to you to get you to really think about what your perspective of your parenting is and how your perspective influences HOW you parent. If you're a note-taker, pull out that pen and paper for this one. Below are the eight questions you can start thinking about to explore who you are and who you want to become as a parent so you can show up as the best parent you want to be for your kids.

    1. What story do you tell yourself as a parent?
    2. How do you view your children?
    3. Do you doubt your parenting?
    4. What can you simplify or do to make parenting easier for you?
    5. Are you parenting from a place of fear?
    6. What does my child need from me that I have been unable to give so far?
    7. How do you interpret your parenting?
    8. Are you allowing your past to influence how you parent?

    Struggling in your parenting and want some practical tools and strategies to help? Then schedule a FREE 30 Minute Consult with me and get some of the answers you're looking for!

    Grab my FREE guide for my 3 Secrets To Discipline Your Children Effectively and In Love

    3 Parenting Hacks to Stay Calm and Keep Your Sanity

    Sign up for my Weekly Newsletter!

    Check out the AuthentiKate website

    Join the private AuthentiKate Facebook Group!

  • Have you ever questioned the pace at which you parent? Or are you moving at such a fast pace with all the things you're currently juggling to even consider the thought? Today's episode is about exactly that. Slowing down enough to really look at how we parent, re-examining our schedules and routines and asking ourselves if there's a slower pace we can go to really make the most of each moment spent with our kids and giving ourselves a break in the process. Remember, it's okay to say "No" to things and it's okay to slow down. Take a listen and let me what pace do you parent?

    Struggling in your parenting and want some practical tools and strategies to help? Then schedule a FREE 30 Minute Consult with me and get some of the answers you're looking for!

    Grab my FREE guide for my 3 Secrets To Discipline Your Children Effectively and In Love

    3 Parenting Hacks to Stay Calm and Keep Your Sanity

    Sign up for my Weekly Newsletter!

    Check out the AuthentiKate website

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  • Kids not listening to you? Not quite sure what to do about it and ready to pull your hair out? Then this is the episode for you, my friend. I break down WHY your kids aren't listening to you and HOW you can get them to listen to you the FIRST time. It just takes some time, patience, practice and consistency, but it does work and you will be teaching your kids a valuable life skill in the process.

    Struggling in your parenting and want some practical tools and strategies to help? Then schedule a FREE 30 Minute Consult with me and get some of the answers you're looking for!

    Grab my FREE guide for my 3 Secrets To Discipline Your Children Effectively and In Love

    3 Parenting Hacks to Stay Calm and Keep Your Sanity

    Sign up for my Weekly Newsletter!

    Check out the AuthentiKate website

    Join the private AuthentiKate Facebook Group!

  • If you’ve been feeling stressed out, overwhelmed and like there’s never enough time in the day and you're ready for a different way of doing things, then this episode is for you. Implementing structure and routine in your life can be a GAMECHANGER and in this episode I will walk you through practical ways you can implement structure and routine not only for your kids and family, but for yourself. Get ready for a life that feels more calm, a mindset that feels more free and a family life that allows for more quality time together.

    Struggling in your parenting and want some practical tools and strategies to help? Then schedule a FREE 30 Minute Consult with me and get some of the answers you're looking for! my FREE guide for my 3 Secrets To Discipline Your Children Effectively and In Love

    3 Parenting Hacks to Stay Calm and Keep Your Sanity up for my Weekly Newsletter! out the AuthentiKate website the private AuthentiKate Facebook Group!

  • So, what IS the deal with discipline? Disciplining our children is an art and a challenge and one that neither we, or our children, really enjoy when we’re in the thick of it. However, on today’s episode, I’m going to help you reframe the word discipline and teach you how it can be done with more love and intention so you can use it as a tool to not only teach, correct and guide your children, but so that you can actually use discipline as a positive tool to connect more deeply with you kids and build stronger bonds with them.

    Struggling in your parenting and want some practical tools and strategies to help? Then schedule a FREE 30 Minute Consult with me and get some of the answers you're looking for! my FREE guide for my 3 Secrets To Discipline Your Children Effectively and In Love up for my Weekly Newsletter! out the AuthentiKate website the private AuthentiKate Facebook Group!