Nos tomamos un café o cualquier infusión y comentamos todos los temas. Tenemos pasión por lo que hablamos y nos gusta pensar lo que discutimos.
Somos dos amigos platicando de aviación, de la vida y a veces damos risa.
En cada episodio, conocerás la historia de pilotos que vivieron situaciones que dejaron enseñanzas. Conversaremos con los protagonistas sobre las fallas, emergencias, equivocaciones y especialmente sobre sus aciertos, para que sus experiencias te acompañen en tu próxima aventura. ¿Qué decisión tomarás si te encuentras en una situación similar?. Martín Filippi de Volemos.org conduce el programa junto al invitado especial Augusto de Santis.
Si te gusta lo que hacemos y nos quieres ayudar a realizar más episodios, por favor suscríbete en: https://www.patreon.com/loqueaprendimosvolando -
Bienvenidos a bordo de ModoAvión, el programa hecho por pasajeros para pasajeros.
Programa emitido en FlightRadioStation -
The Pilot Money Guys are a group of financial planners with a passion for bringing together financial planning and the commercial airline industry. Brought to you by a team of financial planners with backgrounds flying for major US airlines and military service.
If you have questions about personal finance with an interest in news and interesting stories from the airlines, then we hope you will give us a listen.
https://www.leadingedgeplanning.com -
Cinco Gordos Hablan de Juegos (5G) es un programa de videojuegos de la red de contenido audiovisual:
Dealer's Choice:
Programa quincenal, donde hacemos un repaso por la industria, sus ventas, las ventajas de cada consola. Y lo debatimos como de un programa de futbol se tratara:
Federico Scarcella (Representando Nintendo Switch)
Facundo Meneses (Representando PC)
Alejandro Larregina (Representando XBOX)
Dario Quinteros (Representando a Playstation)
Marce Orosa (Representando a Japón)
Produccion y edicion: Alejandro Larregina y Facundo Meneses)
Secciones variadas, programa especiales, y un momento para sacarte los zapatos y dejar que nosotros hagamos el resto. -
bunch of nerds being nerds about dsmp | a dsmp lore recap and discussion podcast
يوم الأربعاء تلتقون معي أنا نوف عزيز نفتش في القصص
عن شي يشبهنا نتعلم منه التجاوز وإن خيار الإستسلام مطروح دائماً على طاولة الحياة السريعة ف لـ نُبطئ يا أصدقاء -
Marlene, known for her ability to engage all listeners of all ages is one of a kind. Her dynamic approach to any topic is legendary. Not only has she maintained her ratings high in her radio career she has also been able to conduct Interviews with the chart topping artist. She speaks from the heart and is relatable by all women of all sizes. Get ready for "Al Chile" conversations from: Sex Talk, News and the Best Interviews with the Hottest Artist... "Al Chile" is "Straight to the Point" y "Sin Pelos en La Lengua" Unfiltered and UNCENSORED... Join Marlene on her Wild Ride... Social Media: @iMarleneQuinto
Hosted by life long friends Rick Hogg and Mark Kelley.
-Rick Hogg is a 29 year US Army Special Operation Combat Veteran. Rick has taken his 13 combat deployments, both in Iraq and Afghanistan, and teaching experience as a Special Forces Advanced Urban Combat instructor and harnessed them into War HOGG Tactical, Inc.
-Mark Kelley is a US Army Combat veteran and 31 year major city Law Enforcement Officer. Mark took his combat, military and tactical officer experience and created Kelley Defense. Mark has trained Military Personnel, Tactical Operators, Law Enforcement and civilians. -
“Don’t Let Them Burn” exists to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and expose the works of darkness!
#NadieDiceNada con Nico Occhiato, Flor Jazmín Peña, Nati Jota y Nacho Elizalde. Ahora también te acompañamos en formato podcast. Escuchanos en vivo desde Youtube, de Lunes a Viernes de 10 a 13hs.
Welcome to the Aviation History Podcast were I discuss different subjects about aviation including aircraft, avionics, navigation, and more.
***TOP 1.5 % Global Podcast*** Are you a busy mom who wants more time for what matters most, but you have no idea where to start simplifying your life?
Do you wish you could nourish your family with healthy homemade food but are too overwhelmed and end up going through the drive thru......again?
Are you concerned about the toxins in your home and food but don’t know how to find simple, natural options to support your family’s health?
I am so excited you are here! This podcast will teach you how to live a simpler life, make your own natural products, simple ways to garden, cook from scratch, and preserve your food to save money and reduce the items you have to buy at the store to become more self-reliant. You will also learn simple ways to monetize your homestead in less time.
Hey, I’m Monica, I’m a wife, mom of 5 kids, grandma, nurse and daughter of the King! I was overwhelmed with my full schedule and knew I wanted to create more time for my family by simplifying my life. I started small by swapping toxic products for more natural ones, cooking simple healthy meals from scratch, and creating modern homesteading systems without the stress and overwhelm! And I can’t wait to share what I’ve learned with you!
So grab that cup of tea, get cozy on the porch swing…..and let’s chat!
Website: Claimingsimplicity.com
Join our Community of Christian Moms https://www.facebook.com/groups/claimingsimplicity/
Email -> monica@claimingsimplicity.com
Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/claimingsimplicity/ -
DIE ALONE: a podcast about solo Roleplaying Games (And occasionally solo board games)
La Trifuerza del fundamentalismo Nintendero se da cita en un podcast semanal dedicado a los responsables de que nos hayamos enamorado de los videojuegos. Historia, curiosidades, noticias, discusiones y teorías conspirativas del monstruo Nippon que más queremos. Somos "El Cerebro de la Bestia":Juan Nardone - Host & Director Creativo - @VoltronBoyMariano Rizza - Director General Criogenizado - @RippyRizzaUlises Ribas - Co-Host & Productor Sr. - @UlisesFTWGerman "Afro" Leal - Co-Host & Dungeon Master - @afrotwAgostina “Gosti” Derossi - Entrenadora Residente - @gostideroSergio "Lanchita" Gonzalez - Presidente, Editor en Jefe & Colaborador - @DarkGio6
Café Fandango es un resumen semanal de noticias de gaming y entretenimientos afines.
Podcast donde hablaremos de lo que hay, lo que hubo y lo que se viene en el mundo de los juegos, previews, reviews, opinión, noticias, invitados y más!
Voy a contar lo que me pasa en la semana, mis gustos y mis experiencias
Podcast by Cebalo Vos