Welche Nachrichten bringt der Tag? Und was geschah in der Nacht? Mit dem F.A.Z. Frühdenker erfahren Sie das schon beim ersten Kaffee. Kompakt in zehn Minuten erhalten Sie den Überblick über alles, was heute Gesprächsthema sein wird. Hören Sie rein in unseren Podcast Montag bis Freitag um 6 Uhr.
Sie können den Frühdenker auch hier hören oder als Newsletter lesen: www.faz.net/podcasts/f-a-z-podcast-fruehdenker/ -
La politica ci ha abituato a una narrazione fatta di retroscena e intrighi di palazzo: per questo ci appare sempre più lontana dalle nostre vite. Eppure Parlamento, governo, partiti, istituzioni ci riguardano. In questo podcast settimanale, con l'aiuto di dati e di esperti, proviamo a capire come funzionano le regole del gioco della politica. "Flipper" è un podcast di Chora News prodotto da Chora MediaScritto da Lorenzo PregliascoLa cura editoriale è di Francesca MilanoLe ricerche sono di Maurizio PetroniLa supervisione del suono e della musica è di Luca MicheliLa post produzione e il montaggio sono di Lucrezia Marcelli, Daniele Marinello e Emanuele MoscatelliIl producer è Alex PeverengoMusiche su licenza di Universal Music Publishing Ricordi Srl e di Machiavelli Music
How do laws actually get better? Learn with two lobbyists as they go deep with a legislator on each issue on a particular policy they have changed. Dan Johnson and Tom Suffredin have both been elected politicians and work as lobbyists, drafting bills, negotiating with opponents and finding a path to make things better. Each guest shares how they got started and one policy they are proud of changing, offering an example for listeners to improve the laws in a similar way in their government.
On Ripple Effect, Stephen Pomper and Michael Hanna discuss with expert guests what’s at stake for U.S. foreign policy heading into the 2024 presidential election and what a change in Washington could mean for the conflicts and crises around the world.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
„On the Record“ ass de Weekly-Podcast vu Reporter.lu iwwer d’Hannergrënn vun der Aktualitéit zu Lëtzebuerg. Am Gespréich mat Journaliste gi mir den Themen op de Gronn a werfen e Bléck hannert d’Kulisse vun eise grousse Recherchen. Nei Episode gëtt et all Freideg.
Den Polit Podcast vu Jonker fir Jonker an och net sou Jonker.
All zweeten Freiden am Mount um Radio ARA. -
Daily podcast of the world's most important news, straight from BBC Mundo. A learning resource for Spanish beginners and intermediate learners - in Spanish, English, and Slow Spanish
The Conflict and Cultural Heritage Conference aims to raise public awareness and develop understanding of the issues surrounding the protecting of cultural heritage at risk from armed conflict. Focussing on the Middle East, the area currently undergoing the greatest destruction and where the heritage is most at risk, we aim to demonstrate the importance of the heritage, why its destruction matters, and what can be done. Topics to be explored will include the material heritage of the region from international and local perspectives, and the living heritage of communities with rich and longstanding traditions, before exploring why such destruction is happening, and the beliefs that underlie extremist practices. Focus will then move to an overview of what is being done already, and what more the international community can do. This free conference is intended to provide information from a variety of cultures, perspectives, and organisations, including academics, archaeologists, the military, and the media, raising awareness of the multi-cultural nature of Middle Eastern heritage, and its global relevance in the past and today.
A new podcast from The American Conservative, presented by Kale Zelden and bestselling author Rod Dreher, exploring faith, culture, and public affairs.
Panorama of the case-law of the Court of justice of the European Union.
Presenting actual case-law of the CJUE for all judges, lawyers and other jurists. -
Luis Madrigal y May comentan los acontecimientos más relevantes e irrelevantes de la Asamblea Legislativa.
Author, feminist, gay rights activist and political commentator Margaret Hoover leads a rigorous exchange of ideas with America’s political and cultural newsmakers. In the spirit of William F. Buckley Jr.’s iconic “Firing Line,” Hoover engages with thought leaders on the pivotal issues moving the nation forward. New podcast episodes drop weekly, and sometimes more, featuring bonus content you won’t hear on TV.
"Les calottes sont cuites", c'est le podcast du magazine GEO avec Météo-France pour tout comprendre au changement climatique.
Si on vous dit CCNUCC ? COP ? Accord de Paris ? Ça vous dit quelque chose ? On sait que ça parle du climat, mais il se passe quoi exactement ? Pas facile de comprendre l’ampleur du problème quand on n’a pas fait LV2 Giec. Ou quand le sujet a le don de miner le moral.
A GEO, avec Météo-France, on a fait un podcast sur le changement climatique. En six épisodes ludiques et même pas tristes à découvrir tous les 15 jours, on a tâché de démêler le comment du pourquoi ça se détraque à ce point-là. Alpinistes, scientifiques… On a tendu notre micro à celles et ceux qui ont le chic pour rendre tout ça plus clair.
"Les calottes sont cuites", un podcast animé et réalisé par Léia Santacroce, Emeline Férard, Lucas Wybo, Clara Matet et Léa Giandomenico. Habillage visuel : Thibaut Deschamps.
Η εκπομπή του Νίκου Μπογιόπουλου στον Real FM
LGBT+ and human rights news from the Peter Tatchell Foundation.
This podcast is a safe have for black women and men to escape too. When you feel like nobody else understands, I do. Tune in to Black Habits Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/saenovia-poole/support
Der Interview-Podcast des SPIEGEL mit Juan Moreno. Für alle, die neugierig auf gute Gespräche sind. Jeden Mittwoch neu. Hinweise und Gästewünsche gerne an [email protected].
Rhodes Scholars and friends of the Rhodes Scholarships speak about global challenges and ideas focused around service and leadership. It includes material from the 110th Rhodes Anniversary, which was celebrated in Oxford 19-20 September 2013.
„Aarm trotz Aarbecht“ ass d’REPORTER Story iwwer Leit, déi zu Lëtzebuerg schaffen an awer net genuch verdéngen, fir en anstännegt Liewen ze hunn.
„Aarm trotz Aarbecht“: De Phänomen ass zu Lëtzebuerg sou present wéi kaum an engem anere Land an der EU. Vun der elengerzéiender Mamm bis zum jonke Beruffsufänger. Si erzielen hir Geschicht.
„Aarm trotz Aarbecht“ ass eng Podcast-Serie vu Reporter.lu – recherchéiert an erzielt vum Isabel Scott.
Nei Episode gëtt et all Méinden op Reporter.lu, Spotify, Apple Podcasts a weidere Plattformen.
Produktioun: Isabel Scott, Laurent Schmit
Grafik: Robine Gillen
Musek: Georges Goerens -
The Chicago Booth Review Podcast is the audio companion to CBR’s coverage of the latest academic research in business, policy, and markets. Each week we dig into CBR articles and videos to examine a different topic in depth, from inflation to artificial intelligence. Join host and CBR editor-in-chief Hal Weitzman for groundbreaking research, explained in a clear and straightforward way.