Winston and Annie discuss why polar bear penises are weakening, the downsides of having early-morning classes, and more.
Winston and Annie are joined by local performance artist and sea turtle scientist Cat Birch to discuss rice-sized implants that can track your vital signs, the discovery of a new organ in the human body, and more.
Fehlende Folgen?
Winston and Annie discuss a newly-discovered species of exploding ant, why Uranus smells so bad, and more.
Winston and Annie discuss a new technique to make smoking meats safer, the evolutionary importance of our eyebrows, and more.
Winston and Annie discuss the use of psychedelics in treating depression, the presence of pesticides in honey, and more.
Winston and Annie are joined by a very knowledgeable Cathleen to discuss how tree shrews break the rules, what's hiding in permafrost, and more.
Winston and Annie chat about the discovery of bacteria in space, a new way to detect urine in pools, and more.