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Lead-acid batteries, a process-oriented product, is not as simple to manufacture as it seems.
Battery manufacturers must know What Not To Do which is as important as What To DoThis podcast episode is a case study with a twist.The battery manufacturer was losing tons of money for a simple fault of hisThe identification of the problem was difficult.Listen till the end and enjoy this interesting episode Visit, to stay connected Join my network on LinkedIn to engage on social media View my videos on my Youtube Channel to get further insights of Lead Acid Batteries -
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The lead-acid battery industry is going through turbulent times.
Battery manufacturers have to contend with new battery chemistries entering the market.Lithium-ion batteries are taking away certain applications that were the preserve of lead-acid batteries.The battery manufacturers are competing with each other and getting into a price war - with many manufacturers shutting down shop.The customers have become more demanding.Manufacturers with deep pockets and good negotiation skills are surviving.All battery manufacturers must sharpen their negotiation skills to remain in business. How to do it, is the question.
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In today’s episode, I have a dear friend, Mr. Achim Lulsdorf, to discuss an important aspect of battery manufacturing.
Your response to the previous two episodes featuring Mr. Achim has been fantastic, and I’m sure you’ll benefit from listening to him today as well.
In a previous episode, I highlighted the importance of battery charging. That was in April 2023 ‘Secret Revealed – The Key To Long-Lasting Batteries’.
However, we’ve both realized that battery formation still doesn’t receive the attention it deserves from manufacturers. Many high-quality batteries perform poorly in the field or have a shortened lifespan due to neglect during the final stage-battery commissioning charge or initial charging.
Mr. Achim and I believe this critical aspect of battery manufacturing needs more focus and proper resources. We therefore decided to do this episode.
Mr. Achim has served as the CTO of Hammond Industries and the R&D Chief of Exide India. He is a busy international consultant, constantly traveling and often away from his base in the USA.
I love podcasting with him, but securing his time is difficult.
Mr. Achim has over 34 years of extensive experience in the field. I greatly admire his willingness to share his knowledge of lead-acid batteries.
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It gives me great pleasure to inform you that my dear friend Mike - Dr. Michael McDonagh, decided to contribute to my podcast. During our conversation, he generously shared a wealth of his expertise on GEL batteries.
Dr. Michael McDonagh is a battery industry veteran from Wales in the UK. He completed his PhD in Metallurgy and Materials Science in 1977. That same year, he joined Crompton Batteries, marking the beginning of his distinguished career in the battery industry.
Since then, he has played several roles in the battery business, including worldwide consultant, and has made major contributions to the battery industry. He and I first met in 1998.
Dr. Michael McDonagh is currently the technical editor of BEST magazine, an international periodical focused on batteries and associated topics.
This episode includes his thoughts and responses to the following questions, as well as a few others.
How exactly is a Gel battery different from flooded electrolyte batteries? How does the performance of a GEL battery vary with a flooded electrolyte battery?Do these batteries need to be operated in a specific environment? I mean AC rooms or in rooms with good ventilation?Which is a better battery in terms of life and performance? Flooded Type, AGM, or GEL type? Visit, to stay connected Join my network on LinkedIn to engage on social media View my videos on my Youtube Channel to get further insights of Lead Acid Batteries -
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Lead-acid batteries, that last long and perform well need good-quality active materials. Active materials have to be made using good-quality Lead Oxide.
Understand the difference between Ball Mill Oxide and Barton Pot Oxide.Listen to Mr. Francesco Marfisi talk about how a good quality ball mill can give you savings in power, good quality adhesion of paste to the grid, better acid absorption, environmental protection, etc.Listen to Mr. Francesco Marfisi talk about why tetragonal lead oxide is better than orthorhombic structure oxide.Understand from Mr. Francesco Marfisi the benefits of the Lead Shaver System that does away with many uneconomical operations that had to be carried out to cast lead cylinders.Most importantly, listen to Mr. Francesco Marfisi talking about the importance of temperature control which is an essential parameter to be adhered to during the manufacturing process of lead oxide. Visit, to stay connected Join my network on LinkedIn to engage on social media View my videos on my Youtube Channel to get further insights of Lead Acid Batteries -
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Lead-acid batteries, a sustainable product, conforming to a circular economy are made using recycled lead.
All used batteries are collected as scrap for melting and smelting. These scrap batteries are recycled. They are smelted and refined. The refined lead is combined with other metals to be used again in the future.
The recovery of lead from scrap batteries is one of the major advantages that makes lead acid batteries economical and a favorite of the circular economy advocates.
All battery manufacturers including established large-scale industries use recycled lead to make alloys for the grid.
The lead oxide used as active material in the battery though made from pure lead, is in a majority of the cases obtained from recycled lead.
Some distributors & dealers of batteries misinform the battery user that their batteries contain pure lead and the competition uses recycled lead.
This podcast episode debunks the myth that battery manufacturers using recycled lead make substandard batteries. Visit, to stay connected Join my network on LinkedIn to engage on social media View my videos on my Youtube Channel to get further insights of Lead Acid Batteries -
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Dive into the fascinating world of battery technology with our latest podcast episode!
Learn about the crucial role of paste additives in enhancing battery performance.Discover how fiber, barium sulfate, carbon, and other additives improve battery efficiency.Explore the intricate details of paste mixture components and their functions.Understand why additives are essential for maintaining battery capacity and prolonging battery life.Know the importance of each additive and how they work together synergistically.Uncover practical tips for optimizing additive usage in battery production processes.Don't miss out on this informative episode!
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For fifty episodes, I have tried to be your trusted navigator unraveling the mysteries of batteries with my expertise and experience. From the fundamental principles to the latest innovations, each episode has been a captivating journey, offering invaluable knowledge and practical insights to enthusiasts, professionals, and curious minds alike.
Through engaging discussions, expert interviews, and informative deep dives, 'Batteries Demystified' has not only educated but also inspired its audience, fostering a deeper appreciation for the pivotal role lead acid batteries play in our daily lives and the future of technology.As I commemorate this milestone, let me extend my heartfelt gratitude to your enduring support at all times. Here's to fifty episodes and to many more electrifying adventures ahead with 'Batteries Demystified!'
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Are you sure that the grids you use are suitable for pasting?
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What are the parameters to be monitored & controlled at various stages of mixing and pasting and flash drying?
How important is the temperature of the mix at various stages of mixing?
What are the minimum and maximum temperatures of the paste mix?
Is the paste mix to be continuously cooled or should it not be cooled throughout?
What must the moisture levels and temperature of the pasted plate be as it exits the flash dryer?
For answers to all of the above and a lot many more questions – listen to this podcast episode.
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आज का पॉडकास्ट एपिसोड सुनें जिसमें बताया गया है कि बैटरी डिजाइनिंग और परीक्षण के समय तटस्थ इलेक्ट्रोड का उपयोग क्यों किया जाना चाहिए।
यह एपिसोड पॉजिटिव से नेगेटिव एक्टिव मटेरियल निर्धारण के अनुपात के संबंध में मामले पर केंद्रित है।
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यह सुनिश्चित करने के लिए विषय पर विस्तार से चर्चा की गई है कि के एक्टिव मटेरियल असंतुलन के कारण बैटरी की विफलता से बचा जा सके।
यह एक एक्टिव मटेरियल के रूप में इलेक्ट्रोलाइट की भूमिका भी बताता है।
इस मनोरम एपिसोड से न चूकें, जो अन्य एपिसोड से अलग होते हुए भी अत्यधिक जानकारीपूर्ण और दिलचस्प है। -
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Listen to today's podcast episode which explains the reason why a neutral electrode must be used at the time of battery designing and testing.
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The episode dwells on the matter as regards the ratio of positive to negative active material determination.
The topic has been discussed in detail to ensure that the failures of batteries due to an imbalance of active material can be avoided. It also explains the role of electrolyte as an active material.
Don't miss out on this captivating episode which though different from other episodes is highly informative & interesting.
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Listen to today's podcast episode which clarifies the reasons for the failure of active material filling in tubular bags/gauntlets.
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The episode dwells on the various reasons for the variation of filling of active materials and suggests measures to be taken to manufacture good quality tubular plates.
The topic has been discussed in detail to ensure that the failures of batteries due to inconsistent plate quality can be avoided.
Don't miss out on this captivating episode which is highly informative & interesting.
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Listen to today's podcast episode in which I share my thoughts on the subject of the survival of lead-acid batteries.
The episode dwells on the hot topic of discussion that bothers lead acid battery manufacturers. A topic that crops up whenever the battery manufacturers meet.
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The question is – Will lead acid batteries survive the era dominated by Lithium-ion?
Please do share your thoughts on this subject. Your responses have always been motivating and I look forward to your feedback and suggestions.
Don't miss out on this captivating episode which is highly informative & interesting.
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Listen to today's podcast episode which clarifies the reasons for failure of batteries due to bursting of tubular bags/gauntlets.
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The episode dwells on the various reasons for failure and lists out the requirements of various characteristics of a good gauntlet. The outline of the process of manufacture of gauntlets also forms a part of this episode.
The topic has been discussed in detail to ensure that failures of batteries due to bursting of Tubular Bags/Gauntlets can be avoided. Don't miss out on this captivating episode which is highly informative & interesting.
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Listen to today's podcast episode as we clear the confusion as regards warranty & guarantee. This podcast episode is for the battery user as much as it is for the battery manufacturer and dealer.
The questions posed and answered are –
What exactly is meant by Guarantee & Warranty?What is a pro-rata warranty?Is the user of the battery better off not availing of the pro-rata warranty replacement in the last year?Is it worth availing AMC on battery during the Guarantee period?Why exactly needs to be done during the AMC and can it be done by any electrician?& many more.
We've discussed the topic in detail and tried to clear the subject with the intention of addressing the customer's pain points. Don't miss out on this captivating episode which is in an FAQ format.
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Listen to today's mind-boggling podcast episode as we delve into the baffling claims for warranty replacement of batteries. This is another case study similar to the earlier one on the mysterious case of the Pasting Machine.
The questions are –
Why are only the separators getting damaged so badly?Why are the plates comparatively in a good state?Why do even the new batteries have internal shorts?& many more.We've gone deep inside to the bottom of the problem and the conclusive solution is bound to leave you amazed and entertained!
Don't miss out on this captivating story that ends with an unexpected solution to a problem that should not have cropped up in the first place.
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During my tenure at UNIK, (a company that manufactures machines for battery manufacturers) I had an interesting encounter with a battery manufacturer who purchased one of our pasting machines. Initially, everything ran smoothly, but when they ramped up production, the machine took an unexpected turn. Imagine a seemingly perfect pasting machine suddenly behaving oddly at noon...
Join me on this intriguing podcast as I delve into a real incident that left most of us astonished! Stay tuned till the end to uncover the peculiar behaviour and the unexpected turns that unfolded during this gripping encounter.
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You are surely making an excellent-quality stationary battery.
Are you still handling a lot of customer complaints, service requests, and warranty claims?
Are these warranty returns eating up a major chunk of your profits?
Do you feel frustrated after all the hard work and efforts that you have put in when you are saddled with, all these avoidable claims and loss of earnings?
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सील्ड मेंटेनेंस फ्री बैटरियों का निर्माण फ्लडेड इलेक्ट्रोलाइट वेंटेड टाइप पारंपरिक लेड एसिड बैटरियों के निर्माण जितना आसान नहीं है।
हो सकता है कि बैटरी को सावधानी से असेम्बल किया गया हो
• बैटरी प्लेटें वजन की एकरूपता
• असेंबली की उचित पिच
• विभाजकों का एक समान संपीड़न
• सही बस बार की मोटाई और चौड़ाई
आदि आदि।,
उपरोक्त सभी के बावजूद आपको अभी भी वारंटी संबंधी समस्याएँ हो सकती हैं।
इस समस्या का समाधान खोजने के लिए मेरा पॉडकास्ट सुनें।
मुझसे संपर्क करने के लिए, कृपया नीचे दिए गए लिंक पर क्लिक करें
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मेरे पॉडकास्ट के इस एपिसोड में, मैं बैटरी निर्माण की एक महत्वपूर्ण प्रक्रिया के बारे में बात करूंगा। यह प्रक्रिया इतनी महत्वपूर्ण है कि इस प्रक्रिया के दौरान जरा सी भी लापरवाही बैटरी की विफलता का कारण बनती है। यहां तक कि इस प्रक्रिया में गलती के कारण उत्कृष्ट सामग्री के साथ इकट्ठी हुई बैटरी भी विफल हो जाती है।
बैटरी का प्रदर्शन और जीवन दोनों ही इस प्रक्रिया पर काफी हद तक निर्भर हैं। वास्तव में, यदि इस प्रक्रिया को ठीक से नहीं किया गया तो सर्वोत्तम बैटरियां क्षतिग्रस्त हो सकती हैं।
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इस प्रक्रिया की एक महत्वपूर्ण विशेषता को समझने के लिए अंत तक सुनें।
यह 'सफलता का गुप्त नुस्खा' यह सुनिश्चित करेगा कि आप एक लंबे समय तक चलने वाली बैटरी बनाएं जो अच्छे प्रदर्शन की गारंटी दे।
यह एपिसोड स्ट्रीमिंग प्लेटफॉर्म की एक विस्तृत श्रृंखला पर उपलब्ध है। कृपया निम्न में से किसी एक लिंक पर क्लिक करें:
मुझसे संपर्क करने के लिए कृपया नीचे दिए गए लिंक पर क्लिक करें: - Mehr anzeigen