
  • Words have so much power, not just in the definition but also in the force behind them. Some of the worst things we say are to ourselves, and we often don’t even know it’s happening.

    There’s a reason why we’re so good at addressing ourselves negatively. Our culture teaches us to stay in check, not to get too full of ourselves and it also teaches us to elevate others.

    We’ve been taught that we can’t be “too much”, and sometimes we’re trained to feel like we’re not much at all. Our internal language is just a reflection of this.

    Most people have a default critical brain, and it defines the context in which we hold ourselves. The good news is: we can change this by daring to expand into our muchness.

    How do we learn to speak to ourselves more lovingly? How do we do away with the power dynamics that make us diminish ourselves? In this episode, we talk about the root of our inner critics and what we can do to change our internal language to one that’s more kind.

    Speaking kindly to ourselves is one thing we can do to increase our self esteem- one simple thing- that can make a huge difference. -Sophie Chiche

    Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode

    -The power of your internal language

    Sticks and stones may break bones AND words can change our physicality. Why do words, especially the ones we say to ourselves have so much power?

    -From power over to power with

    So much of our society is built on power hierarchies. Often it’s the root cause of people diminishing themselves and elevating others. How do we shift to a space where we see and treat each other as valuable equals?

    -A new way to relate to yourself

    We can’t talk ourselves out of being critical. How can we use a “hmmmm” to release the criticism and invite curiosity and creativity?

  • Whenever we make a commitment, set an intention or create an affirmation, we often need a little reminding, and words do that so effectively.

    Some people write words that remind them of the commitment on Post-it Notes or in journals. That’s because words can be a powerful anchor that brings us back to what matters. They can be metaphors we can apply to all sorts of contexts or statements that move us.

    Written words are something we can add to our consciousness toolbox, and printing them out on our skin - even temporarily - can deepen the commitments we’ve made to ourselves.

    When we combine the life-changing power of words with the affirming effect of tattoos, the power of an intention is amplified.

    How can we use words to recommit in a powerful way and deepen our relationship with ourselves?

    In this episode, we’re joined by the founder of Conscious Ink, Frank Gjata. We talk about how to use temporary tattoos to support our intentions. We also discuss how to grow and change without suffering.

    The more fun and alive we are, the quicker we learn and the quicker things get seated in us. -Frank Gjata

    Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode

    -How to tattoo a context instead of static words in a commitment

    There are so many ways tattoos can be employed to remind us of what’s important and what we want to focus on. Their permanent nature can be intimidating for a lot of us though. Can we use ink in an open-ended way so that the body art evolves with us?

    -A case for play in any context

    We’ve been taught to explore and talk about heavy topics by taking a serious and somber approach, it’s work after all. Can we actually achieve more by dealing with heavy topics with more light-heartedness?

    -How to leapfrog suffering

    They say in order to have a breakthrough, we first need to have a breakdown, but that might be the messaging of our Upper Limit problem. How do we uncouple change and suffering?

    Guest Bio

    Frank Gjata is a transformational coach, accomplished writer, speaker, filmmaker and the founder of Conscious Ink. He is dedicated to creating innovative tools that support people (including himself) to wake up, live consciously and enthusiastically love the life we live. In 2010, Frank founded Conscious Ink, an empowerment company utilizing temporary tattoos to support people on their personal journey. With his creation of this innovative company, Frank actually invented an entire new category for temporary tattoos, geared at adults in this meaningful way, as it never had existed before. Today, Conscious Ink is recognized internationally, serves tens of thousands of people, supports countless charities and causes through its “Give-Ink Back” initiative, and can be found in hundreds of retail stores around the world. With a unique ability to communicate deep, meaningful and transformational concepts in a fun, lighthearted, and sometimes even quirky way, Frank and/or his work, has been featured in publications, such as Mantra Yoga + Health Magazine, Shape Magazine, Modern Meditation, The Good News Network, Fitness Magazine, Forbes, and Yoga Journal. He’s been on numerous podcasts, and was a member of the Speaker Selection Committee for TedX Bend. Go to for more information.

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  • Being kind to ourselves is an ongoing conversation, and one of the ways it expresses itself is through the things we do to nourish ourselves physically, mentally, and emotionally.

    Ultimately, our ability to fully experience and express our essence is hinged on our daily habits and practices of self-care and self-love.

    We can think of each of these daily habits, from the state of our minds to the foods we eat and the people we are around, as deposits and withdrawals to our wellness bank. What fills that wellness bank? What depletes it?

    This work requires us to become aware of and unlearn the habits that make it hard to be kind to ourselves. It also requires listening to ourselves and our bodies because every morsel of food and activity will leave clues as to whether it’s working for us [or against us!].

    What are the non-negotiable practices that make up our lives? How do we learn to eat in a way that supports and truly nourishes us? How do we take an inside-out approach to our well-being? In this episode, we talk about the practices that allow us to live essence-filled lives.

    Energy is like money. Some habits drain our energy, others replenish it. Choose habits that refill your energy ‘bank account’. That’s how you become in charge of your life. -Sophie Chiche

    Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode

    -Tokens of wellbeing

    Whether it’s a stuffed pig or a crocodile, how can we use little objects to remind ourselves to be well?

    -Experience your body as a friend

    Most people think of the body as the automobile and themselves as the driver, and they only pay attention when there’s a breakdown. How do we see the interconnectedness of all the pieces of our health and practice proactive wellness?

    -Unlearn the unkind

    The way we give attention to ourselves is a reflection of the way people have attended to us from a very young age. How do we change it if we might have picked up some harmful messages from our environments growing up?

  • Our bodies are the vessels we occupy from the start of our lives, but so many of us feel disconnected in this home we have within ourselves. If we live in our bodies, how can they feel so foreign to us? For a whole lot of reasons, we’re taught to ignore body wisdom even though it holds the most potent information about ourselves and how we move through the world.

    How do we get acquainted with our body wisdom and why is keying into this innate knowledge so important? In this episode, we’re joined by licensed clinical professional counselor, dance/movement therapist and author, Erica Hornthal.

    We talk about movement and body awareness and why it’s critical to our ability to be, live, create and heal.

    When the body is the source of your pain, no one wants to revisit that. But we can’t escape our bodies. You’re bringing the place where the pain happened with you all the time, you may as well dialogue with it. -Erica Hornthal

    Four Things You’ll Learn In This Episode

    -Our bodies never stop speaking

    Human beings are always moving, even when we think we’re stuck in a freeze response, there is still so much happening within. How do we learn to decode what our bodies are telling us through even the smallest of movements?

    -How to find safety in your body

    One thing that cuts us off from our innate body wisdom is how we’ve been conditioned to sit still and not “act weird”. How does this impact the movements we do make and how do we learn to move on our own terms again?

    -Meet in movement

    People don’t have to understand your body’s messaging to support you. How can we use mirroring to recognize, validate, and normalize what people are feeling?

    -Movement speaks where words fail

    Before we can process a thought and speak it, our bodies have already felt and noted something. How do we use this to move through the world with more self-awareness?

    Guest Bio

    Erica Hornthal is a licensed clinical professional counselor, board-certified dance/movement therapist, author, and the CEO and founder of Chicago Dance Therapy. Since graduating with her MA in Dance/Movement Therapy and Counseling from Columbia College Chicago, Erica has worked with thousands of patients aged 3-107. Known as “The Therapist Who Moves You,” Hornthal is changing the way people see movement with regard to mental health. Erica is the author of Body Aware and The Movement Therapy Deck. For more information, head to and follow @‌ on Instagram.

  • You’ve likely heard about the “whole body yes” and “whole body no”, and maybe even practiced using these to make your decision-making process a little easier. But choosing is really hard when we don’t feel that nudge from our body wisdom, and we just feel “meh” about the whole thing.

    When it’s not a definite yes or no, we’re stuck in limbo, and that’s a dangerous place to be.

    Learning to locate ourselves within a moment of indecision can be as simple as taking a breath. It interrupts the patterns of anxiety, fear, and adrenaline, and that creates a whole new structure for us to make a decision that is based on our actual wants.

    How do we figure out what we want when it’s not a whole body yes or no? In this episode, we talk about the quickest way to cut through indecision.

    Finding your “no” actually opens a space for “yes”. -Katie Hendricks

    Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode

    -How to identify your energy source

    What’s the difference between introverts, extroverts, and INTIMATE extroverts?

    -The space between a whole body yes and a whole body no is limbo

    When we feel ambiguous about a choice, how do we find the answer by locating ourselves?

    -Learn to trust your inner signals

    A lot of our confusion and doubting our own experience is the result of mixed messaging we receive as children. How do you identify your wants when all you know are the rules and regulations of what we were told to do?

    The Choice Map

  • The old way of showing up to work meant shoving our emotions away, not being vulnerable and putting on a facade of confidence, no matter what. Admitting you were afraid, unsure or overwhelmed? That was an absolute no-no.

    The problem is, this also meant we were showing up without a lot of the intelligence we actually need to have emotionally healthy workplaces and great results.

    Today, we give our emotions a seat on the team, we tap into the intelligence of our feelings, and we are vulnerable when we feel afraid or uncertain. Not only does this create a new way to work, but a new language for living. It allows us to band together as teams and face this rapidly changing world as an emotionally intelligent unit.

    How do we invite emotional intelligence to work? Why must this process start with committed leaders? In this episode, co-founder of The Conscious Leadership Group, Diana Chapman shares how work is changing for the better and how we can start working alongside our feelings.

    Vulnerability in leadership is now an act of courage, not an act of weakness. -Diana Chapman

    Four Things You’ll Learn In This Episode

    -The intelligence of fear

    It’s okay to say “I don’t know”, “I’m doing the best I can” - how do we demystify being vulnerable and what impact can it have on even the bottom line?

    -Pay less in “drama tax”

    Teams cut off from their emotions pay a lot in “drama tax”. How does this weigh our teams down, and how can we create awareness of this dynamic and get our team out of reactivity?

    -The rise of bottom-up leadership

    The old way of introducing changes to a workplace was for leaders to tell people what to do. Why do leaders need to commit to befriending their feelings before anyone else?

    -Teach the class

    If something we don’t want happens, how can we use play to recreate the situation and laugh our way to creative solutions?

    Guest Bio

    Diana Chapman is the co-founder of The Conscious Leadership Group. She is an advisor to exceptional leaders who has worked with over 1000 organizational leaders and many of their teams, and is a founding partner at Conscious Leadership Group. She has created and implemented professional onboarding and ongoing programs—based on the comprehensive body of work she developed with CLG co-founder Jim Dethmer—with clients such as Asana and Esalen. In addition to facilitating CLG Forums in the Bay Area for founders, venture capitalists, and CEOs, Diana facilitates YPO Forums and Chapters worldwide. She also trains coaches in conscious leadership in the CLG training program she and Jim created. Diana co-authored the best-selling book, The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership: A New Paradigm for Sustainable Success, in 2015. She has been a speaker at TEDx, Mindful Leadership Summit, Wisdom 2.0, Stanford Graduate School of Business, Haas School of Business, YPO, and Kauffman Fellows.

  • Moving house, they say, is one of life’s most stressful events, but it doesn’t have to be. Sure, it stirs up a ton of emotions and learned patterns, but with the right awareness and intention, it can be a magical time and a beautiful voyage to a new world.

    We can discover new parts of ourselves, deconstruct feelings as they come up, and treat the move as a trampoline to jump into the future with ease and excitement.

    Moving to a new home also reveals something deeply rooted in us. The way we navigate all transitions surprisingly tells us a lot about the biggest transition we’ve ever made - being born. With curiosity, we can examine this pattern and use this time to heal ourselves.

    How do we move with ease and essence? How do we honor all the difficult emotions that come up, while also celebrating this amazing transition?

    In this episode, we talk about how a situation most people find chaotic and stressful offered many beautiful moments to be, play, and love!

    You’re going to continue moving through life in the same way you first learned to make transitions unless you change the pattern. -Katie Hendricks

    Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode

    -Accompany your whole self to the new place

    When we commit to revealing rather than concealing, we get access to all these delicious tools that allow us to move through transitions with greater ease. How do we bring that forth?

    -Turn towards each other

    If we’re experiencing a transition with a significant other, how can we create a shared space of safety, nurturing, and celebration?

    -The work works

    Of course, moving won’t be a smooth process and wobbles are par for the course. How do we recover and recommit to tapping into the magic?

  • This just in: science has confirmed what we’ve known (and have been practicing for years) about the power of paying attention to our body sensations.

    In a world of doom scrolling, depression, anxiety and fear, the solution lies within - in the amazing treasure chest we have in our bodies. We have an inner garden of sensory data, feelings, embedded experiences, and subconscious communication but many of us are cut off from it because we live in our heads.

    When we make our bodies our friends and drop into that body wisdom, we instantly unlock liberation, readiness, creativity, engagement, and the ability to move through everything from discomfort to fear and complex traumas.

    How do we trust and key into the wisdom our bodies already possess? What gifts does this inner landscape hold for us? In this episode, we talk about a recent article that proves the power of investigating what our bodies tell us, and simple ways to start checking in daily.

    What’s going on inside you offers such guidance and wisdom and if you’re able to listen to it, you’re adding a whole new color of paint! -Sophie Chiche

    Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode

    -Drop out of the verbal and enter interoception

    Our cognitive wisdom is only a tiny part of our entire inner landscape. How do we explore the rich continent that is our whole body wisdom?

    -The power of keying into your body

    How do we learn to give attention to our body sensations - even the slightest catch in our throats - and describe our inner landscapes?

    -Your body is your friend

    Why doesn’t society want us to tap into our body’s wisdom? Why are we conditioned to live in our heads?

  • Don’t mix prints, you’ll stand out too much. Don’t wear horizontal stripes, it makes you look wider. Wear what looks good, even if it doesn’t feel good. Behind every woman is a rigid set of fashion rules that stifles our expression, creativity and keeps us from accessing the play that comes with fashion.

    What if we took the inside out approach to fashion - starting with our essence and letting our fashion choices flow from that?

    Imagine if we could stand in front of our closets every morning and think of ourselves as the canvas and our clothes the paint that expresses who we are.

    How do we break fashion rules and create rules around our expression instead? How do we use our inner no’s and yes’ to dress in a way that feels good? In this episode, we talk about looking at fashion through the lens of expression, healing and self love, all the while supporting your true essence to be seen.

    Stand in front of your closet as if you’re the canvas. -Sophie Chiche

    Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode

    -Forget form and think about feeling good

    How do we let go of fashion rules we might have been living by since childhood?

    -Express yourself, don’t overwhelm yourself

    How do we strike the balance of having our clothing expression support us and our values rather than detracting from our message?

    -Use your inner yes/no to get dressed

    How do we make wardrobe choices based on what we’re authentically experiencing?

  • In the world of sports, many people think that the energy of competing is the most powerful thing we can tap into. But there’s actually a higher level to play the game at, and that’s coherence. Instead of being reactive, and playing like we’re in a pinball machine, we can tap into presence, flow and connection, and that’s when everything just clicks.

    We get to locate ourselves, play at our highest level and contribute to the game in a big way.

    A great example of this powerful coherence could be seen during the SuperBowl this year. There was this distinct and noticeable moment where one team went from reactive chaos into a beautiful co-creation - and they won.

    Whether we’re playing pickleball, playing an instrument or working, when we tap into that flow everything gets easier.

    How do we presence ourselves and find the flow? In this episode, we share another powerful insight inspired by pickleball - the power of shifting into coherence.

    My ability to be present affects my ability to play in a huge way. -Sophie Chiche

    Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode

    -When you’re in the flow, the flow supports you

    How do we find that place where performing at our highest level feels effortless?

    -Layers of coherence

    How do we tap into our strongest instrument and then use that to contribute to the whole?

    -Shift from critical brain to wonder brain

    How do curiosity and coherence create a powerful symphony of solutions?

  • Seeking the approval of others, helping people without being asked, putting famous people on a pedestal. These behaviors might seem completely unrelated, but they are symptoms of the same thing - hero-ing. Anytime we’re not acting from our own inner value, we’re relinquishing our power to an external source, which is dangerous.

    Hero-ing ourselves, or being heroed by others, could be a way to run away from our own genius. And it can actually be a sneaky manifestation of the upper limit problem. Hero-ing actually exacerbates that drama triangle even further, and makes it harder for us to stand in our own genius, resourcefulness, and worth.

    What does self-hero-ing tell us about ourselves? How can we have opposing opinions and ideas without hurting one another, and without relinquishing our power to someone else? In this episode, we’re digging into the topic of hero-ing again and sharing why hero-ing ourselves is as dangerous as hero-ing others.

    We are now so exposed, anyone can say anything, to anyone, at any time and that makes it harder to have boundaries. -Sophie Chiche

    Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode

    -Why we become heroes

    Are you being a hero because you’re unwilling to stand in your own light?

    -A truth we have to face

    It’s important for us to stand in our own essence and value, but social media makes it really hard. How do we stay in our presence when anyone can tell us what they think at any time?

    -Tiptoeing around someone can be a hero move too

    How can we share feedback instead of criticism?

  • The shift from side hustle to entrepreneur, ghostwriter to author is in many ways, a shift from self-imposed obscurity to visibility and standing in our own worth. Many of us are conditioned to promote others, be in the background, obligate and accommodate to a point where we end up not taking up the space we deserve.

    When we become the face of something, we’re vulnerable to everything, and that’s a scary step to take. Letting ourselves become visible is the act of self-realization that brings forth our true genius. It’s easier said than done, but it is worth it.

    This week we explored the “how to” of stepping in with Kristen McGuiness, co-founder, Vice President, and Editor-at-Large of Row House, a disruptive publishing imprint at the intersection of wellness + social justice. How did Kristen go from ghostwriter in the background to stand in her own individual power? How is she balancing creativity with motherhood and entrepreneurship?

    In this episode, the founder of Storyboxing and bestselling author of 51/50, talks about her journey and how she was able to stand in what she’s good at.

    I do believe that children are a great source of self-realization. I wanted them to see who I really am, I didn’t want them to grow up with a version of me that wasn’t my greatest potential. -Kristen McGuiness

    Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode

    -Children are a great source of self-realization

    How did motherhood push Kristen to start standing in her own individual power?

    -Rejection, revision, next step

    What is a kind and creative way to deal with obstacles?

    -Detach from approval

    How do we stop seeking validation from others and build our value so we can really rely on the attitude towards ourselves?

    Guest Bio

    Kristen McGuiness is the founder of Storyboxing, which provides content, coaching and courses for people looking to write the good fight. In addition, she is a co-founder, Vice President, and Editor-at-Large of Row House, a disruptive publishing imprint at the intersection of wellness + social justice, founded by best-selling author Rebekah Borucki. Kristen is also the bestselling author of 51/50: The Magical Adventures of a Single Life, which was optioned by Original Films/CBS Cable with Alison Brie attached to star. She has over twenty years’ experience in book development, writing, and editorial, working with such authors as Dr. Phil McGraw, Dr. Stephen Covey, Chris Matthews, Leon Logothetis, Joe Gorga, Darren Prince, Rebekah Borucki, and more. She began her career working in publicity for St. Martin's Press before joining the editorial departments of Simon & Schuster, Free Press, and Judith Regan at Harper Collins. Since then, Kristen has also worked in non-profit fundraising as a strategic grants and marketing director, helping to raise millions for local and international non-profits. Kristen has appeared on the “TODAY Show,” in USA Today, and in Marie Claire, and has written for numerous publications, including Huffington Post, Scary Mommy, Psychology Today, Salon and The Fix. Kristen is currently finishing her debut novel Live Through This and has written and co-written multiple film and TV projects (and one very weird play).

    For more information, go to,, and sorting the two files.

  • Take criticism, they say…it will be good for you, they say. Our culture has led us to believe that criticism is the price we pay for genius and that it’s the only way to learn what we need in order to be great.

    There’s one problem though: no one learns and improves when they’re in fight mode. We can’t access flow or genius when we’re frozen up - it’s impossible to get better when we’re getting beat down. All it does is create a fear of not performing, being good enough, and of being a failure.

    There is a way to learn, improve and access greatness that’s much kinder. It’s feedback, - finding appreciation and turning towards life instead of cowering in fear of failing or being seen as incompetent.

    How do we shift away from self-judgment and do better through self kindness? What shuts down our ability to learn new things and how do we turn that around and invite life in?

    In this episode, we talk about a recent pickleball experience and what it taught us about learning new things and getting better at what we love.

    Fear is a crossroads. If you let it take you over then you don’t do the thing you set out to do, and you just end up with regret. -Sophie Chiche

    Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode

    -From fight to flow

    How do we use our bodies to move through self-judgment obstacles, blocks and old patterns?

    -The greatest favor we can do

    How does truly seeing and appreciating people invoke their genius?

    -Befriend your fear

    What can we do to integrate our zone of genius while embracing the fear of the unknown?

  • Connection is the ultimate antidote to loneliness and addiction, but in our world, it eludes so many. The rift between our inner landscapes and how we describe them to each other makes it hard for us to tune into one another, and so we’re stuck in small talk, restrictive words, and nothing that truly nourishes.

    We want to get our true feelings across, but the words we use regularly don’t describe them well enough, so we’re left with limited language.

    Could learning to use better descriptors of our inner worlds be the solution? Some of the most powerful ways to connect and be understood is using embodied language - “cold feet”, “lump in my throat”, “pit of my stomach”. These phrases allow for a circulation of actual experience and emotion that goes deeper than saying “I’m fine.”

    How do we expand and express our inner vocabulary? In this episode, we talk about how to solve addiction and all the other side effects of disconnection.

    Most people aren’t aware that the paucity of our descriptors for inner life has an impact on our creativity, and also our relationships with others. -Katie Hendricks

    Four Things You’ll Learn In This Episode

    -From fly-by conversation to reservoir-filling connection

    How do we escape the trap of small talk and communicate in a nourishing way?

    -Focus on verbs

    What assists us in letting someone else in?

    -Get rid of stingy words

    How do we get away from using words like ‘fine’ or ‘interesting’ and pull true emotion out of people?

    -Words can be music

    How does sound allow us to access our inner landscape?

  • When it comes to wealth, it seems like there are two camps our society tends to put people in: those who make an impact doing what they love, but don’t make a lot of money, or, those who make a lot of money, but don’t make an impact and hate what they do.

    It’s easy to get caught up in the paradigm that if you’re trying to earn money and work in your zone of genius, you’re asking for too much, that it’s simply not possible to have both.

    What if we could shift to having not just enough, but plenty while doing what truly makes our hearts sing?

    Our understanding of money is a key area where a lot of destructive beliefs dwell.

    That’s because, inherently, we think money is bad, so wanting to earn more must make us greedy and evil. How do we do away with the beliefs we accumulate and inherit about money and value?

    In this episode, we talk about a whole new way of seeing money and why it’s not only powerful, but necessary.

    People end up doing jobs they don’t like and then make ‘hobbies’ out of what they really love. -Sophie Chiche

    Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode

    -You can have impact and wealth

    Many people feel unfulfilled because they earn money doing something that isn’t in their zone of genius. Why is the concept of earning money from the height of your expression so hard to wrap our heads around?

    -An ‘enough’ move vs. a ‘plenty’ move

    If we’ve inherited the idea that we never have enough money, how can we use a mantra to shift into abundance?

    -An opportunity to reweave your wholeness

    A money mantra works best when you’re working in integrity, so how do we plug and repair our integrity holes?

  • Photography can be used in many ways, but in its most magical form, it can formulate a different lens through which we can see ourselves. This lens can access our realness and beautifully reflect it back to us.

    When we look in a mirror, we might start to criticize ourselves, but when we look at a photo that truly reflects our essence, we can’t help but celebrate ourselves and see all the amazing things people see in us.

    When a photoshoot is set with this intention, it creates an energy that basically stretches time and creates flow. And when it’s in a room with people who treasure your essence, that makes it even better!

    We recently had new photos taken for this podcast, and the whole experience really affirmed the idea of being, playing and loving and the immense power it has. Today we share what we took away from that moment.

    I don’t think there’s anything more exciting in the world than someone’s authentic expression. -Katie Hendricks

    Four Things You’ll Learn In This Episode

    -Your essence reflected back to you

    What happens when we use our clothing to express our essence rather than hide it?

    -A renewable energy source from within

    Why does tapping into and being in our essence override exhaustion and even time itself?

    -A new choice

    If things feel out of alignment, how can one small action regenerate energy?

    -Balance flow and structure

    How can we experience the openness of the flow of space instead of being caught in the criticalness of time?

  • In the journey towards our most expansive, genius self, one thing likes to trip us up - our upper limit. You’ll see it in every culture, no one goes unscathed. If you’ve ever noticed how your big mess ups happen after something good happens - you might have an upper limit problem.

    Anytime we grow, a loud alarm goes off in our subconscious. Our job is to integrate our “more-ness” so we can truly experience our own lovability, wholeness, and essence.

    We have the wonderful treasure of becoming tuned in to our inner landscape, and that can help with the upper limit problem. Like a sophisticated heist crew, we can learn to move and expand without tripping that upper limit alarm.

    How do we identify our upper limit problem and make changes without tripping it? How do we let go of our superficial seeing-ness so we can identify energies in people?

    In this episode, we’re joined by Gay Hendricks, and we talk about his new book “Your Big Leap Year”, how to deal with the Upper Limit Problem, and the beautiful story of how he and Katie met!

    The upper limit is our ability to handle more and more things going well. -Katie Hendricks

    Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode

    -How to identify an expanded essence

    How do we learn to read energy and get that real-time human data from the people we meet?

    -A physical upper limit problem

    We often use things like our weight to hide or buttress ourselves against the world and store our genius. How do we know when we’re no longer hiding behind those facades?

    -Sneak expansion in

    How do we create slivers of creativity small enough so that we can expand without tripping the upper limit?

    Guest Bio

    Gay Hendricks has served for more than 30 years as one of the major contributors to the fields of relationship transformation and bodymind therapies. Along with his wife, Dr. Kate Hendricks, Gay is the author of many bestsellers, including Conscious Loving, At The Speed Of Life, The Big Leap, and the New York Times bestseller, Five Wishes. Dr. Hendricks received his Ph.D. in counseling psychology from Stanford in 1974. After a twenty-one-year career as a professor at University Colorado, he founded The Hendricks Institute, and later co-founded its charitable organization, Foundation for Conscious Living. He was also the founder of a virtual learning center for transformation and a publishing company, and was a co-founder of a conscious entertainment company. Throughout his career he has done executive coaching with more than 800 executives, including the top management at such firms as Dell Computer, Hewlett Packard, Motorola and KLM. His book, The Corporate Mystic, is used widely to train management in combining business skills and personal development tools. Gay is also a mystery novelist, with a series of five books featuring the Tibetan-Buddhist private detective, Tenzing Norbu. In recent years he has co-created a popular podcast called The Big Leap with Gay Hendricks and Mike Koenigs. He has appeared on more than 500 radio and television shows, including OPRAH, CNN, CNBC, 48 HOURS and others.

    Buy your copy of Your Big Leap Year here.

  • When the world is shaking and there seems to be suffering everywhere we look, it’s really easy to sink, to think “what’s the use” and shut ourselves off from joy and beauty.

    Experiencing our aliveness is the act of balancing the awful with the awesome, and learning to let different feelings flow through us.

    Our emotions come from one faucet, we can’t just turn off one without turning off all of them, so learning to carry opposites not only allows us to participate in life, but to also be of the highest help and service to those that need it.

    It’s possible to feel different emotions and move through them quicker by allowing them rather than embellishing or layering the sadness and dread with a story.

    How do we learn to ride the wave of emotions? How do we balance our sorrow with joy, without feeling guilty?

    In this episode, we talk about not just experiencing but expressing happiness when faced with misery.

    In the file of things I can’t control, there’s the sub-file, which is ‘I can participate and do something that can make a difference’. -Sophie Chiche

    Four Things You’ll Learn In This Episode

    -Life has 2 files

    When something overwhelmingly sorrowful happens, how do we categorize our feelings, and then take some form of action when we feel powerless?

    -Feeling (not detaching) is the most powerful thing we can do

    When bad things happen in the world, why are meditation, prayer and other practices of positivity and support so important?

    -Let the storm blow through

    How do we use music and movement to let the hard feelings flow through us instead of holding them in?

    -Unlock your nervous system

    Is it natural for us to hold onto sadness, or does the emotional sludge we create have more to do with the story we’re telling ourselves?

  • Ever noticed how our bodies are these incredible, self-sufficient chemists? Adrenaline, our homemade super drug, rushes in when urgent demands and life's drama unfold. It's a potent surge, but it's a fleeting high that leaves us wanting more, every single time.

    But here's the real kicker – there's another player in town, often overshadowed by adrenaline's allure. It's what we call actual life energy. Instead of negativity, conflict and speediness, it brings calm, connection, collaboration and truly, deeply being in our bodies.

    For so many people, the cheap cousin of life energy is better because it keeps them from letting life in. The real gold lies in actual life energy. It’s an enriching source of fuel that never runs dry.

    So, how do we make the shift from adrenaline to life energy? And why should we think twice about relying solely on our thoughts to make choices?

    In this episode, we're delving deep into the realm of identifying life energy and making it your ultimate source of vitality. This is where the true magic happens.

    Lots of people just don’t experience their feelings and the vitality they provide, so they need a lot of extra stimulation from outside to feel alive. -Katie Hendricks

    Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode

    -Getting out of the adrenaline lane

    How do we slow down and stop moving out in front of ourselves?

    -Our body is our first and closest ally

    Instead of suppressing, dulling or overriding our body’s wisdom, how do we tap into this inner genius?

    -Love scoops

    How do we give ourselves the support and connection that we need?

  • When we’re squarely in our Zone of Genius, work doesn’t feel like work. It feels like play, flow, ease; we’re plugged directly into Source. Unfortunately, today’s world of work isn’t about play. It’s all process and productivity, “we’re doing serious, important work here, there’s no room for fun.” If it feels too easy, we must not be doing anything worthwhile.

    That’s how we end up slipping out of the zone of genius and into the zone of competence. The work starts to feel like an effort. But it’s not only a possibility for play to make its way into process, it’s actually where the most creative, collaborative and powerful work takes place.

    How can we identify when we’re slipping out of our zone of genius? Why does play need to be invited to work?

    In this episode, we sit down with business leader and proponent of play at work, Tina Scala to talk about how we can make the zone of genius less elusive.

    There’s a separation between my avocation and my vocation. How can these intertwine? -Tina Scala

    Four Things You’ll Learn In This Episode

    - “I” not “we”

    How do we locate ourselves instead of avoiding ourselves?

    - Bringing play to work

    How do we celebrate markers in a real way people feel, instead of an intellectual acknowledgment of a win?

    - ‘Ease’ is a mark of genius

    How do we accept that ease is a good thing, instead of chasing hard?

    - The zone of collective genius

    What if we could live in our zone of genius and magnetize other people to live in their zone of genius?

    Guest Bio

    Tina is a dynamic business leader with over 20 years of revenue development success seasoned in both start-ups and Fortune500 companies with multiple acquisition successes in adtech and software. Her experience is in cutting edge technology including software, adtech and cloud based solutions.Tina believes that a team’s success can be both lucrative and fun — and that play is a huge part of revenue growth and business! Connect with her on LinkedIn.