God gave the Prophet Jeremiah a mysterious commission involving the throne of David. This spectacular story is remarkably told by our new music-and-dance show Celtic Throne II: Psalter of Ireland.
“Jeremiah’s Mysterious Commission”
God uses war thinking: You’re either for Him, or against Him. Learn from a biblical hero how to take a stand for God and push His Work forward.
The Former Prophets
Fehlende Folgen?
God expects us to go to battle spiritually each day. Learn from the Philadelphia Church of God vs. Worldwide Church of God court case how to achieve total victory.
Raising the Ruins
God has clearly shown where He is working in this end time. He will force all rebels to drink this bitter cup of reality.
Autobiography of Herbert W. Armstrong
Raising the Ruins
Malachi’s Message to God’s Church Today
A Pivotal Sign of the End Time
January 16: God’s Miracle Day
Why purchase land in north Edmond, Oklahoma, and even more land farther north? What does this have to do with God's Work?
Raising the Ruins
Autobiography of Herbert W. Armstrong
“Hope in Anathoth”
Can you hear Him?
“Elijah: God’s Family Government”
“How to Use the Holy Spirit”
My God is God—and yours isn’t! That was the message of the Prophet Elijah—and the message of God’s Elijah Work today.
The Former Prophets
Unlock the secret to high morale as you wage spiritual war each day.
How to Be an Overcomer
It isn't as hard as you think.
The Former Prophets
How to Pray
King Solomon built the most beautiful building of all time, yet it is nothing compared to the physical and spiritual building being done by God’s Work today!
“Solomon: The Temple Builder”
God’s Work provides an abundance of material to assist in your spiritual education. Time to feast!
Education With Vision
How to Be an Overcomer
The Seven Laws of Success
Herbert W. Armstrong College Bible Correspondence Course
Follow the directive of Mr. Flurry in the latest coworker letter: Review Mr. Armstrong’s “Part of the Lay Member” in his masterpiece, Mystery of the Ages.
Mystery of the Ages
The Kingdom of David and Solomon Discovered exhibit in Armstrong Auditorium is beaming a marvelous message of hope for all mankind!
The “Kingdom of David and Solomon Discovered Exhibit” at Armstrong Auditorium features two clay seal impressions that don’t actually come from the time period of David and Solomon. However, these two artifacts are hugely relevant to those doing God’s Work today.
Isaiah’s End-Time Vision exhibit page exhibit hours
In 1979, the state of California unconstitutionally seized control of the Worldwide Church of God. What happened next is an awe-inspiring miracle and a marvelous example for supporters of God’s Work today.
“The Church’s Finest Hour”
True Education
California Attacks WCG Timeline PDF
Herbert W. Armstrong learned relaxed faith through harrowing experiences in God’s Work. This kind of strong faith is vitally necessary in doing the Work today. Let Mr. Armstrong’s example be a turning point in your life!
“Faith to Do the Work”
Autobiography of Herbert W. Armstrong
God’s Church preaches the same gospel that Jesus Christ taught: the good news of the coming Kingdom of God. We can learn a lot about God’s Kingdom by studying the parables of Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ told relatable stories called parables—not to help the masses understand the truth about the Kingdom of God, but to obscure it. Why?
Herbert W. Armstrong positively impacted millions of people worldwide until his death in 1986. Even today, his legacy and work live on.
January 16: God’s Miracle Day
A Pivotal Sign of the End Time
Raising the Ruins
Coming off the latest Singles Winter Weekend, listen as 2023 singles coordinator Parker Campbell recounts the event and lessons learned from the job.
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