
  • In this episode, we are joined by Alastair Lichten, a humanist community builder with Humanists UK, and the author of the blog, Humanist Dad. Alastair has been using the blog to explore how his humanist worldview informs the challenging decisions he makes as a parent raising children in the UK. We talk about the ways humanist values are reflected in addressing thorny issues like what (if anything) to teach kids about religion, what kind of rituals humanist parents perform without religion, and how to deal with intrusive influences from the dominant religious culture. We also learn whether a True Humanist wishes their kids grow up to be humanists.

    Read more on Alastair’s blog, Humanist Dad:

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    Beyond Atheism is produced and distributed by Atheists United Studios:

  • In this episode, we’re joined by Jacob L. Wright, Professor of Hebrew Bible at the Candler School of Theology, Emory University, and the author of Why the Bible Began: An Alternative History of Scripture and its Origins. Jacob explains how the Old Testament used a mix of history, myth, and poetry to form a “peoplehood” in the absence of state institutions. We explore the arguments in his new book about the secular origins of the Hebrew Bible and how it impacts contemporary issues. We discuss why the Bible is too important to be left to religious people and how its techniques can be similarly used by secularists today.

    Why the Bible Began:

    Beyond Atheism is produced and distributed by Atheists United Studios:

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  • In this episode, we’re joined by Elliot Hanowski, a Canadian historian and author of Towards a Godless Dominion: Unbelief in Interwar Canada (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2023). We discuss the small but vocal atheist and secular movement in 1920s and 1930s Canada. Elliot explains how this period represents an important link between the nineteenth-century freethought movement and the explosive, radical change of the 1960s. We learn how atheist groups developed alliances with socialists and communists and became a part of the free speech movement in “Toronto the Good.” We also reflect on what lessons these past experiences can offer for present-day secularists. Finally, we learn whether a “True Agnostic” can hate religious people.

    Towards a Godless Dominion: Unbelief in Interwar Canada:

    Beyond Atheism is produced and distributed by Atheists United Studios:

  • In this episode, we’re joined by David Newheiser, a Senior Research Fellow in the Institute for Religion and Critical Inquiry at Australian Catholic University, and the editor of the book, The Varieties of Atheism (2022). We learn about how David went through a heresy trial when he was a teenager and how this shaped his views of religion. We talk about the complex historical roots of atheism, the potential for a positive atheist identity, and how atheists and theists can communicate better. We also learn whether a True Atheist can have hope for the future.

    In the bonus section, available to supporters on Patreon, we talk about David’s surprising philosophical influences and how studying atheism helps to understand religion better.

    For more on David:
    David’s recent edited book, The Varieties of Atheism: Connecting Religion and Its Critics:
    Find David on Instagram:
    And on Twitter and Threads: @dnewheiser

    Follow Nathan on Twitter:
    Nathan’s website:

    If you find the podcast valuable and want to support it, check out our Patreon page, where you will also find bonus content: We are grateful for every contribution.

    Beyond Atheism is produced and distributed by Atheists United Studios:

  • In this episode, we talk with Alex Zamușinski, a PhD Candidate at the University of California, Riverside. Alex stops by to tell us about his research on the Clergy Project, an organization which provides peer support for clergy members who have begun questioning their faith. In addition to the scope and scale of the project, Alex teaches us about what causes religious leaders to lose faith, the risks they face, and why they sometimes stay in their roles. We also ask whether a True Clergy Project Member can still enjoy their job despite their nonbelief.

    In the bonus section, available exclusively for Patreon supporters, we talk about Alex’s YouTube channel, Religiolog, and his thoughts on religion in the former Soviet bloc.

    Check out Alex’s YouTube channel, Religiolog:

    More on the Clergy Project:

    Listen to the first episode of the Lifestances Podcast, “Being Nonreligious: Matters of Life and Death”:

    Follow Nathan on Twitter:
    Nathan’s website:

    If you find the podcast valuable and want to support it, check out our Patreon page, where you will also find bonus content: We are grateful for every contribution.

    Beyond Atheism is produced and distributed by Atheists United Studios:

  • In this episode, we talk with Srishti Hukku, a humanist chaplain at the University of Ottawa (Canada). We learn about Srishti’s journey out of religion and her winding path to becoming a humanist chaplain. She explains what a chaplain does, why the military needs non-religious chaplains, and why it is important that these positions be filled with secular humanists. We also find out whether a True Atheist can be frightened of artificial intelligence.

    In the bonus section, available exclusively to Patreon supporters, Srishti asks our thoughts about this quote from Audre Lorde: “Unless one lives and loves in the trenches, it is difficult to remember that the war against dehumanization is ceaseless.” We also talk more about humanist chaplains and what book Srishti would like everyone to read.

    For more on Srishti:
    Srishti’s officiant page:

    For how to become a humanist chaplain in Canada:

    Follow Nathan on Twitter:
    Nathan’s website:

    If you find the podcast valuable and want to support it, check out our Patreon page, where you will also find bonus content: We are grateful for every contribution.

    Beyond Atheism is produced and distributed by Atheists United Studios:

  • In this episode, we talk with Chrissy Stroop, an ex-evangelical writer, speaker, and advocate. We talk about Chrissy’s journey out of evangelicalism, her creation of the hashtag #EmptyThePews, and her thoughts on Christian nationalism today. We also talk about Christian privilege and how it can be unwittingly maintained even by atheists. In the lightning round, we learn whether a “true atheist” can be a Christian nationalist.

    In the bonus section, available exclusively to supporters on Patreon, we talk with Chrissy about her time studying and teaching in Russia, and how her experience foreshadowed the state of Russia today.

    Chrissy’s website:
    Chrissy’s Patreon:
    Chrissy on Twitter:

    Find Chrissy’s article on Religion Dispatches:

    And on openDemocracy:

    Follow Nathan on Twitter:
    Nathan’s website:

    If you find the podcast valuable and want to support it, check out our Patreon page, where you will also find bonus content: We are grateful for every contribution.

    Beyond Atheism is produced and distributed by Atheists United Studios:

  • In this episode, we’re joined by Jeremy Schumacher, a licensed Marriage & Family Therapist and former Evangelical Lutheran. We talk about Jeremy’s journey to atheism and how to recognize and treat religious trauma through therapy. Jeremy also explains how the male privilege and purity culture in religion often harms the mental well being of those it seeks to elevate. We also learn whether a “true atheist” can have “vanilla” sex.

    In the bonus section, available exclusively to supporters on Patreon, we talk about why Jeremy connected with atheo-paganism, and also his unlikely success as a college volleyball coach.

    Please consider donating to help Alastair Lichten’s son, who was diagnosed with a very rare form of cancer:

    For more on Jeremy, see Wellness with Jer: Jeremy’s Instagram:

    Other resources for those navigating religious trauma:

    Follow Nathan on Twitter:
    Nathan’s website:

    If you find the podcast valuable and want to support it, check out our Patreon page, where you will also find bonus content: We are grateful for every contribution.

    Beyond Atheism is produced and distributed by Atheists United Studios:

  • In this episode, we welcome back Dr. Juhem Navarro-Rivera, the Managing Partner and Research Director at Socioanalítica Research LLC, and the author of Secular Politics, a weekly newsletter exploring the role of secular people in American political life. We talk about Juhem’s recent work exploring secular legislators in the United States, at the national and state levels: who they are, where they come from, and why secular people are so underrepresented. We discuss what atheists and the nonreligious need to do to ensure they get more representation in the halls of power. We also find out whether a “true atheist” can lie about being religious to please a family member.

    In the bonus section, available exclusively to supporters on Patreon we delve into the underlying systems of power, institution-building, and how the existing secular network can be expanded. We talk with Juhem about the religious politics of the Supreme Court and when he predicts the first atheist president will be elected in the US.

    Check out Juhem’s newsletter, Secular Politics:

    And Juhem’s latest article in Interfaith America:

    Follow Nathan on Twitter:
    Nathan’s website:

    If you find the podcast valuable and want to support it, check out our Patreon page, where you will also find bonus content: We are grateful for every contribution.

    Beyond Atheism is produced and distributed by Atheists United Studios:

  • In this episode, we have a far-ranging talk with M L Clark, a writer of humanist essays and speculative fiction. We find out why M L moved from Canada to Colombia and how first-hand experience in a new culture shapes, informs, and models the actual practice of global humanism. Along the way, we talk about the political imagination, how to respond when someone wishes God to bless you, and how to develop media literacy in the age of mis- and disinformation. In the lightning round, we learn whether a “true global humanist” can believe people are fundamentally good.

    In the bonus section, available exclusively to supporters on Patreon, we talk about whether we’ve made any progress toward a better world. M L also tells us the best and worst things about living in Colombia.

    Check out M L’s Substack:

    Follow Nathan on Twitter: Nathan’s website:

    If you find the podcast valuable and want to support it, check out our Patreon page, where you will also find bonus content: We are grateful for every contribution.

    Beyond Atheism is produced and distributed by Atheists United Studios:

  • In this episode, we’re joined by David Ames, the host of the Graceful Atheist podcast. David takes us through his own deconversion story and reveals the surprising fact that what led him out of the church was the same thing that led him to join in the first place. He also describes the intense personal feelings that accompany the steps deconverts often face when leaving a faith. We also learn what it means to be a “graceful atheist” and how to meaningfully support people when they begin leaving religion. In the “Can a True [Graceful] Atheist” round, we ask David whether a true graceful atheist can share memes making fun of religion.

    In the bonus section, available exclusively to supporters on Patreon, we talk with David about his thoughts on deconverting alone and the rapid increase in people leaving religion in the past two decades.

    Graceful Atheist podcast:

    Follow Nathan on Twitter:
    Nathan’s website:

    If you find the podcast valuable and want to support it, check out our Patreon page, where you will also find bonus content: We are grateful for every contribution.

    Beyond Atheism is produced and distributed by Atheists United Studios:

  • In this episode, we’re joined by Jonathan Friedmann, a professor, dean, community leader, and now the co-host of the Amusing Jews podcast from AU Studios. After learning about how the Jewish religion can be distinguished from Jewish culture and tradition, we talk about how the Jewish-American experience led to roles in entertainment and how so much of this culture remains hidden in plain sight in broader American pop culture. We also learn whether a True Amusing Jew can think Seinfeld isn’t funny and if rituals need religion to be maintained.

    In the bonus segment, available exclusively for Patreon supporters, we hear some controversial takes on the vexing issue of Jews celebrating Christian holidays as well as (less controversially) Jonathan’s dream guests for Amusing Jews.

    Check out the Amusing Jews podcast:

    Follow Nathan on Twitter:
    Nathan’s website:

    If you find the podcast valuable and want to support it, check out our Patreon page, where you will also find bonus content: We are grateful for every contribution.

    Beyond Atheism is produced and distributed by Atheists United Studios:

  • In this episode, we’re joined by Dr. Sharday Mosurinjohn, an Associate Professor in the School of Religion at Queen’s University in Canada. We learn about the current use of psychedelics as well as their links to religion in both the past and present. Sharday talks about the universal connections and spirituality found through mind-altering chemicals. Along the way we meet a few mechanical elves. We also ask whether a “true psychonaut” can believe in an afterlife or attend a church.

    In the bonus section, available exclusively to Patreon supporters, we talk with Sharday about the aesthetics of psychedelics, issues around drug prohibition, and her current book.

    For more on Sharday:
    Check out her latest book, The Spiritual Significance of Overload Boredom:

    Follow Nathan on Twitter:
    Or on Mastodon: Nathan’s website:

    If you find the podcast valuable and want to support it, check out our Patreon page, where you will also find bonus content: We are grateful for every contribution.

    Beyond Atheism is produced and distributed by Atheists United Studios:

  • In this episode, Todd and Nathan reflect on the year that was. We talk about the most striking things we learned and the new questions they provoke. Along the way, we discuss atheist and nonreligious people’s growing power in society and how this is reflected in the voting booth, the continuing decline of religion globally and the reasons why, and our move to Atheists United Studios. We also discuss once and for all whether a True Atheist can believe in God.

    In the bonus section, available exclusively for supporters on Patreon, we talk about plans for future guests and some predictions for the new year.

    Check out fellow AU Studios podcast Amusing Jews:

    Follow Nathan on Twitter:
    Or on Mastodon:
    Nathan’s website:

    If you find the podcast valuable and want to support it, check out our Patreon page, where you will also find bonus content: We are grateful for every contribution.

    Beyond Atheism is produced and distributed by Atheists United Studios:

  • In this episode, we talk about death with Tom Clark, a philosopher and the creator of Without a heaven (or hell), is there just an empty void awaiting us after our deaths? This is a mistake, says Tom. Rather, using thought experiments about the nature of consciousness, Tom suggests there is just more experience after our own deaths, though not *our* experience. We explore this idea, called Generic Subjective Continuity, and ask what its implications are for thinking about death, and ethics more generally. We also learn whether a True Naturalist can believe we’re just a brain in a vat being experimented on by a mad scientist.

    In the bonus section, available exclusively to supporters on Patreon, we ask Tom for his thoughts on whether we live in a computer simulation (and if it would make a difference if we were). We also talk about free will and the idea of time as an illusion in a “block universe.”

    Check out some of Tom’s articles:
    Death, Nothingness, and Subjectivity:
    Naturalism and Well-Being:

    Nathan and Todd recently appeared on the Graceful Atheist podcast:

    Follow Nathan on Twitter:
    Or on Mastodon:
    Nathan’s website:

    If you find the podcast valuable and want to support it, check out our Patreon page, where you will also find bonus content: We are grateful for every contribution.

    Beyond Atheism is produced and distributed by Atheists United Studios:

  • In this episode, we’re joined by Christian Lomsdalen, the president of the Norwegian Humanist Association. We learn about the history of the organization and how it has grown to over 100,000 members (2% of Norway’s population). We talk about how the organization was organized around rituals and ceremonies and their plans to expand their outreach by placing humanist chaplains in prisons, hospitals, and the military. We also learn about Christian’s personal hopes to be composted in his garden. In the lightning round, we explore humanism’s connection to the welfare state.

    In the bonus section, available exclusively to supporters on Patreon, we talk about the world chess champion (and arguably the most famous Norwegian) Magnus Carlsen. Christian also points out problems with previous “Can a True Atheist” rounds.

    The Norwegian Humanist Association:

    Nathan and Todd recently appeared on the Graceful Atheist podcast:

    Follow Nathan on Twitter:
    Nathan’s website:

    If you find the podcast valuable and want to support it, check out our Patreon page, where you will also find bonus content: We are grateful for every contribution.

    Beyond Atheism is produced and distributed by Atheists United Studios:

  • In this episode, we’re joined by Dr. Timothy Stacey, a researcher at Utrecht University in the Netherlands. Past episodes of Beyond Atheism have examined the “secular paradox” and the isolation felt when people begin to challenge and lose their faith. In this episode we talk about creating and maintaining community using myth and magic (but they don’t mean what you think they mean!). We learn about Tim’s research with the Metro Vancouver Alliance and how it can teach us to forge meaningful atheist spaces. In the lightning round, we get a surprising answer about belief in God!

    In the bonus section, available exclusively to supporters on Patreon, we ask Tim about how we can create communities between people with widely divergent viewpoints. We also learn his thoughts on recent environmentalist protests like throwing soup at a Van Gogh painting.

    Check out Tim’s book, Saving Liberalism from Itself: The Spirit of Participation:
    For more on Tim:
    Follow Tim on Twitter:

    Nathan and Todd recently appeared on the Graceful Atheist podcast:

    Follow Nathan on Twitter:
    Nathan’s website:

    If you find the podcast valuable and want to support it, check out our Patreon page, where you will also find bonus content: We are grateful for every contribution.

    Beyond Atheism is produced and distributed by Atheists United Studios:

  • In this episode, we’re joined by Rachele Walter, the current Vice Chair of Secular Democrats of Nebraska and the President of Lincoln Atheists. We talk about the state of secularism in Nebraska and how secular activism and political activism can be both deeply intertwined and yet be kept separate. She also gives us an inside look at how the Secular Democrats have had success getting their party to adopt more secular positions to the party platform. In addition to hearing predictions for the upcoming midterm elections in the US, we also learn whether a true atheist can date someone who is religious or even vote Republican.

    In the bonus section, available exclusively to Patreon supporters, we gossip about her funny interactions in political life and learn about the Bad Ass Bitches Brigade.

    Follow Secular Democrats of Nebraska on Twitter: @SecularDemsofNE
    On Facebook:
    And check out their Linktree:
    Official merchandise:

    Follow Nathan on Twitter:
    Nathan’s website:

    If you find the podcast valuable and want to support it, check out our Patreon page, where you will also find bonus content: We are grateful for every contribution.

    Beyond Atheism is produced and distributed by Atheists United Studios:

  • In this episode, we’re joined by Gayle Jordan, the Executive Director of Recovering from Religion. We talk about how Gayle’s organization helps people through the pain and difficulty associated with leaving a faith. Additionally, we learn about many of the specific problems and traumas caused by religion through Gayle’s fascinating personal story of leaving the Southern Baptist church later in life and how it led her to Recovering from Religion. Finally, we learn whether a “True Atheist” can think religious people are stupid and what’s so great about a covered dish supper.

    In the bonus section, available exclusively to our Patreon supporters, we talk more about life as a Southern Baptist, the few outlets from religious repression offered in the community, and concerns over reading Harry Potter.

    [Note: This episode was edited to replace some of the questions due to technical difficulties. Gayle is a fantastic conversationalist and her answers remain unchanged.]

    For more on Recovering Religion:

    Follow Nathan on Twitter:
    Nathan’s website:

    If you find the podcast valuable and want to support it, check out our Patreon page, where you will also find bonus content: We are grateful for every contribution.

    Beyond Atheism is produced and distributed by Atheists United Studios:

  • In this episode, we are joined today by Jamie Woodhouse, the host of the Sentientism Podcast and YouTube channel. We learn about “sentientism” – the idea that we should have moral concern for all sentient creatures – and what its ethical consequences are. We also find out, among other things, whether a “True Sentientist” can eat honey or own a pet.

    In the bonus section, available exclusively to Patreon supporters, we ask Jamie whether he has come across any stereotypically obnoxious vegans in real life, and his thoughts on vegan cuisine. We also ask him about his thoughts on the recent controversy at Google about the potential creation of a sentient artificial intelligence.

    Find out more about Sentientism:
    Sentientism YouTube channel: ​​
    Sentientism podcast: ​​
    Sentientism Facebook group:
    Sentientism on Twitter:
    Sentientism on Instagram:
    For more on Jamie:

    Follow Nathan on Twitter:
    Nathan’s website:

    If you find the podcast valuable and want to support it, check out our Patreon page, where you will also find bonus content: We are grateful for every contribution.

    Beyond Atheism is produced and distributed by Atheists United Studios: