كمستشار ومدرب في مجال الأعمال والتسويق مع أكثر من 37 عامًا من الخبرة، في تطوير الشركات وإدارتها. أحمل درجة الماجستير في إدارة الأعمال وقد قضيت أكثر من 14 عامًا في تقديم برامج تدريبية للأفراد والشركات. خبرتي تغطي مجالات مثل التسويق والإدارة ومهارات المبيعات.
إحدى مساهماتي المهمة هي برنامج "دبلومة التسويق 3 في 1"، التي صُممت لتلبية احتياجات المؤسسات الصغيرة والمتوسطة الحجم في مصر والمنطقة العربية. بدأت في تقديمه بعد أكثر من 20 سنة من الدراسة والممارسة العملية، واستغرق تصميمه عدة شهور، ثم استمر تطويره وتحسينه وتحديثه بمحتوى إضافي لأكثر من 10 سنوات، ومازال التطوير مستمرا، ليساعد هذا البرنامج على تحسين فرص النجاح ومواجهة التحديات العملية في عالم الأعمال. وأن يتضمن بشكل مترابط وعملي، أهم مايتم دراسته في ال
ماجستير إدارة الأعمال
في عام 2019، وسعت نطاق تواصلي من خلال الانضمام إلى منصة يوديمي. أقدم هناك 21 دورة في مجال التسويق والأعمال، جذبت قاعدة طلابية متنوعة تضم أكثر من 125,000 ناطق بالعربية من 146 دولة. دوراتي، المعروفة بجودتها وأهميتها، تحتل باستمرار مراكز متقدمة بين الأكثر مبيعًا وتقييمًا على المنصة.ومن اهمها دبلومة التسويق 3في1
يمتد تفاعلي إلى وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي، صفحتي على فيسبوك التي يتابعها ما يقرب من 300,000 شخص، تضم مجموعة متنوعة من المقالات حول مجالات الأعمال. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، أقوم بجلسة تفاعلية أسبوعية بعنوان "عيادة الشركات" على فيسبوك. تسمح لي هذه المنصة بالتفاعل المباشر مع جمهوري، مجيبًا على أسئلتهم ومناقشة الموضوعات الإدارية. لدى "عيادة الشركات" أيضًا مجموعة فيسبوك مخصصة تضم حوالي 450,000 عضوا، مما يعزز مجتمعًا يتبادل فيه الأعضاء المعرفة ويبحثون عن حلول لتحديات أعمالهم.
قناتي على يوتيوب هي مسار آخر أشارك فيه خبرتي. إنها أكبر قناة باللغة العربية تركز على التعليم في مجال الأعمال والتسويق، بعدد مشتركين اكثر من 470,000 ومايقرب من 700 فيديو. والبودكاست الصوتي متاح على جميع المنصات الصوتية مثل ابل وجوجل بودكاست وساوندكلاود وسبوتيفاي تحت اسم "عيادة الشركات" من أعلى البودكاست استماعا في مجال الإدارة في العالم العربي -
The DigitalMarketer Podcast takes you on a journey through the world of digital marketing, diving deep into the topics that digital marketers, like you, can use to help grow your skills and your business. The podcast is produced by the Scalable Media Network and hosted by Mark Degrasse and fellow DM contributors. Listen to interviews with key players in the digital marketing industry, bringing real-world insight and examples to help you understand how to implement the best marketing strategies that are working right now. So, whether you're a seasoned digital marketing expert, or you're on your path to becoming one, this podcast is perfect for you. What are you waiting for? Turn up the volume, press play, and start your path to becoming the smartest person in the room.
Trivinia Barber is an entrepreneur, recruiting expert, and team builder who is on a mission to help entrepreneurs get the support they need to uplevel their lives and their businesses. She's a recruiting expert and integrator for busy, high level entrepreneurs typically involved in multiple businesses that have too many projects and not enough support. Diary of a Doer features interviews with business owners and practical strategies for businesses, thought leaders, and influencers who want to determine the next steps in their business and grow.
Welcome to The 26th, the official podcast of the Mecklenburg County Bar. Our focus is to provide exclusive insight and resources ranging from business development to member spotlights and everything in between. The Mecklenburg County Bar was founded in 1912 by Mecklenburg County attorneys and became a mandatory district bar in 1933. Today, the Mecklenburg County Bar counts over 5,400 attorneys as members in the Charlotte, North Carolina area. The bar offers members over 30 committees, subcommittees, sections, and boards in addition to providing over 100 CLEs and events a year. Listeners of The 26th can expect to hear episodes focusing on business development and practice management issues for attorneys, along with other topics suggested by members. Head to MeckBar.org to hear more from this podcast, suggest future topics, and review member resources.
The Clinic Boost podcast covers quick-fire practical strategies & tactics of rapidly reaching new patients today, tested by some of the worlds leading clinics.Regardless of wherever your clinic currently stands, this podcast can help you and your team predictably double your new patient numbers in as little as 90 days without doing more marketing, hiring more people or working more hours.Alex & Daniel have over 13 years of experience in reaching 1000's of new patients for clinics all over the world, and they are here now in audio format to help you grow wherever you are.We make it pretty hard to fail with reaching more new patients. It's time to take your clinic to a new level. Subscribe today.
Each week we break down the long list of ways that you can build your business by establishing your brand’s identity. Join Carla Marie as she sits down with experts in the fields of social media, visual marketing, and SEO to discuss the tips and fresh ideas they have in order to build your brand. We make the long stories of these topics short. Presented by Vistaprint.
Join Div Manickam, Director of Product Marketing at SpotMe, as she explores the ins and outs of how leading product marketers structure their respective PMM teams.
The Brand Narrative podcast features conversations about topics and concepts surrounding the world of brand, marketing, and the genealogy of meaningful ideas. Guests are invited to share perspective, stories of bringing successful brands to market, and commentary about connecting with customers. Episodes endeavor to deliver something intriguing and notable (on most days) and include something useful to the entrepreneur, the marketing wonk, and the creative professional alike. Hosted by marketing agency owner and author, Matt Certo and the agency he calls home: Findsome & Winmore.
خمسة بيزنس هو بودكاست عربي يناقش استراتيجيات نمو الشركات أونلاين.
كوبي كاست هو بودكاست بيتكلم في إستراتيجيات بناء العلامات التجارية وطرق تواصلها مع جمهورها المستهدف، لتحقيق النمو والانتشار وبناء قاعدة جماهيرية بشكل سليم لكل بيزنس
Nowadays everything is going digital, and technology changes at breakneck speed, and in a blink of an eye, strategies and communications means become outdated, and you need to be on the same wavelength with this development.
The Enneagram in a Movie Podcast is a fun and informative way to take a deep dive into understanding the Enneagram.
In the third season of The Enneagram in a Movie podcast, Mario Sikora and TJ Dawe are joined by TJ Ingrassia to explore themes related to the Enneagram in a variety of movies, starting with the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
You’ll never see movies—or the Enneagram—the same way! -
Interviews with real estate industry leaders, hosted by 25-year industry veteran, Bill Risser. The Real Estate Sessions was selected as the 2019 Inman Innovator Award Winner for Video/Podcast Show.
Unlike many shows in the real estate space, Bill does not focus on investing, sales and marketing, or any specific topic. He focuses on his guest and does his best to get their backstory.
Bill is curious by nature and finds the backstory of our industry's leaders fascinating. He has discovered lenders who were ballerinas, Chief Creative Officers who managed bands, and CEOs who sold vacuum cleaners (and not very well) in college.
So, if you are looking for stories about industry leaders with a bit of strategy and business knowledge tossed in, give The Real Estate Sessions a shot. -
بزنس أسهل مع تهامي هو بودكاست بيناقش التحديات المختلفة اللي بتقابل الناس في رحلة البزنس. بعد خبرة أكتر من ١٧ سنة في ريادة الأعمال والتسويق، تهامي هيجاوب على أسألتك وهينقلك خبراته وتجاربه اللي هتساعدك تعيش حلمك و تسهل رحلة ريادة الأعمال وتخليها ممتعة ومؤثرة.
Christine Laperriere, founder of Leader In Motion, interviews leaders and successful professionals about their experiences with their Best Boss Ever. Listen to stories about how these bosses shaped their careers and influenced who they have become today. We all know a best boss ever can make work delightful just as easily as the worst boss ever can make life miserable. It’s time for us to study these unsung heroes so we can learn from them and become more like them.
This is THE place to learn about how to create live and recorded video content for your business! Kerry Shearer "The Livestream Expert" covers all the best tips, tools and techniques to help entrepreneurs and businesses create compelling video quickly and easily using smartphones, low-cost accessories, and more!
What if you could have your DREAM clients ready to buy from you – even before you ask for the sale?
Here’s the hard truth… People have become conditioned to IGNORE your marketing message. Most of the stuff you’d create doesn’t get read, doesn’t get watched, and ultimately – nobody buys from it.
So the solution is that you don’t just need clients…
I’m Jason Linett, and it was nearly two decades ago that I took a huge step in a new direction. I quit my job, launched my business, and started seeing my own clients.
However, you know that feeling when you KNOW you’re capable of so much more?
I pushed myself to stop thinking small. I challenged everything I PREVIOUSLY believed… And today? I’ve grown an international 7-figure consulting company that consistently helps people like you grow YOUR OWN thriving business - and enjoy the freedom that so many of us are after.
I created the ATTRACT PRE-SOLD CLIENTS PODCAST to give you simple, step-by-step secrets of ETHICAL SALES INFLUENCE and BELIEF-SHIFTING PERSUASION… strategies we’ve proven to work in businesses around the world.
If you’re a business owner or one that’s in the making…
If you’re ready to cut through the frustration and overwhelm of launching something amazing…
And… If you’re ready to stop being the “best-kept secret” to the people you KNOW you can help… You are in the right place! -
بودكاست عربي خاص بالتجارة الإلكترونية والبيزنس والتسويق لمساعدة أصحاب الأعمال على قياس وفهم وتطوير مبيعاتهم أونلاين.
هنا تجدون جرعات معرفية هادفة لنشر المحتوى العلمي السمعي في مختلف علوم الإدارة والهندسة والتحفيز..البرنامج إعداد وتقديم د.م/ جميل زهير كتبي، أستاذ الهندسة الصناعية المساعد، جامعة جدة ، كلية الأعمالDrEngJimmy@
هذا البودكاست مخصص لتبادل الأفكار حول التقنية و تطبيقات التواصل الاجتماعي
اشارككم تجربتي مع وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي ، التسويق الرقمي، والكثير من النصائح والأخبار والتحديثات على التطبيقات الاجتماعية ،
وأفضل الطرق للاستفادة منها اليوم!
تحياتي : هند الناهض
This podcast is dedicated to share ideas, thoughts and insights on social and technology.
sharing my experience in social media online and offline , digital marketing , interviews with key founders sharin latest tips , news and updates on key social applications and how to best benefit from them today !
with @Hindrelations