Tune in as cognitive psychologist and award-winning CRO specialist Guido X Jansen grills his expert guests on experimentation, user research, digital marketing and everything in between.
Funny. Real. Raw. And never boring. Every episode of the CRO.CAFE is filled with knowledge bombs that will inspire and motivate you, as well as give you practical tools to help you up your CRO game.
Join 14K+ subscribers for the world's most exciting, raw discussions on experimentation, CRO, user research and digital marketing from the industry leaders who live and breathe it.
Start listening right now with 100+ episodes on tap! -
Hoe werkt fundamentele maatschappelijke verandering? En hoe krijgen we te midden van een klimaatcrisis, biodiversiteitscris en groeiende ongelijkheid het roer radicaal om?
In deze podcast voelt Wouter Mulders (samen met wisselende co-hosts) experts aan de tand over transitiewetenschap en -praktijk. Want door transities naar duurzaamheid en rechtvaardigheid te begrijpen, kunnen we ze versnellen. Althans, dat hopen we.
Als jij ook aan de slag wilt met transities, of er gewoon meer over wilt weten, ga dan naar drift.eur.nl. -
The WhyWork Podcast is an organisational strategy session and legal dissection of workplace events that are laced with humour. Your bloggers, Alan, Trajce, and Sara, explore the contemporary and uncomfortable realities of work and the boundaries that are tested. Alan and Trajce dismantle case law and Sara pushes all to consider how to redesign the world of work so that business objectives are realised and that people thrive. Good stories are told. The WhyWork team throws shade on some of the stories and the people involved as they consider defensible and remarkable work design strategy. When you listen to the WhyWork Podcast, you realise that no skeleton in the workplace closet is too sacred to unearth. It’s like listening to the water cooler gossip but then shit gets real, and it all becomes serious – fast. This is a must-listen for executive and emerging managers, work design strategists, human factors specialists and ergonomists, work health safety and law specialists, organisational scientists, occupational health academics, and anyone humoured by office and workplace antics! Get ready to exclaim, “She said WHAT...?” and “He DIDN’T! OMG!”. Laugh along with us while you learn lots.
The Lateral Dialogues aspire to bring different perspectives on organizational and leadership dynamics. Every episode explores a relevant topic to those leading being part of or consulting to organizations and aspires to challenge our existing and mainstream thinking further. We debate each topic, bring relevant research, share personal stories and work cases. Ultimately, inspiring you to look at your own dynamics in the workplace and your everyday social life with a fresh view!
The Mandatory Cocktail Hour, the companion podcast to The Networked Letter, a newsletter about applying the science of social networks to you career and leadership.
Weekly interviews with new professionals, mid-level journeymen, high profile stars and anyone in between. Interviews are research for a new book on Leadership and Social Networks, and encompass a wide range of professions and career stages. -
Making Money Online with Lisa Johnson is for entrepreneurs and business owners who are ready to learn what it takes to build a successful business. Lisa walks you through exactly what it takes to create passive income, how to build an online audience, how to improve your marketing for your business, and how to launch your products and services so that your ideal customers are ready to buy. Each episode with Lisa is designed to help you take immediate action to make money, by teaching you the simple steps and most important strategies for starting, scaling and marketing your online business.
Bij elke nieuwe crisis kijken we hoopvol naar wetenschappers: kunnen jullie ons hieruit redden? In Focus hoor je de beste wetenschapsverhalen, aansluitend en aanvullend op het gelijknamige tv-programma op NPO2. Onderzoekers die streven, worstelen, falen en slagen in het vinden van oplossingen van de problemen van deze tijd.
Verslaggevers van wetenschapsredactie gaan het veld en de laboratoria in om verslag te doen van het onderzoek in de praktijk. In de studio ontvangt Lara Billie Rense wetenschappers voor een verdiepend gesprek over hun vakgebied. -
Joe Pulizzi and Robert Rose, two of the most well-known experts in the content marketing space, talk about the latest content marketing trends and discuss how businesses can use content to attract and retain customers. Each podcast show features a discussion of content marketing headlines, rants from Joe and Robert on what's going on in the industry, and a "This Old Marketing" example from the past (that we can learn from). Always useful, entertaining and never more than 60 minutes.
Sean D'Souza made two vows when he started up Psychotactics back in 2002. The first was that he'd always get paid in advance and the second was that work wouldn't control his life. He decided to take three months off every year. But how do you take three months off, without affecting your business and profits? Do you buy into the myth of "outsourcing everything and working just a few hours a week?" Not really. Instead, you structure your business in a way that enables you to work hard and then take three months off every single year. And Sean walks his talk. Since 2004, he's taken three months off every year (except in 2005, when there was a medical emergency). This podcast isn't about the easy life. It's not some magic trick about working less. Instead with this podcast you learn how to really enjoy your work, enjoy your vacation time and yes, get paid in advance.
"Sigrun is like the FEMALE James Bond of Online Marketing! ...a True INTERNATIONAL Woman of Mystery...and Inspiration!" - James Wedmore, host of the Mind Your Business podcast....Discover through inspiring stories, case studies, and interviews how you can create your own lifestyle business. Sigrun shares the ‘7 Stages of a Profitable Online Business’ and other proven strategies that help you turn your passion into profits. Her featured experts include entrepreneurs like James Wedmore, Kimra Luna, Denise Duffield-Thomas, Jasmine Star, Rick Mulready, Jill Stanton, Zach Spuckler, Kate Erickson, Natalie Sisson, Mark Schaefer and many more. Learn from Sigrun and her experts how to master your mindset, uplevel your marketing, and succeed with masterminds....Sigrun holds four Master’s degrees; in architecture, computer aided architectural design, computer science and an MBA from London Business School, in addition to having been certified as a Dale Carnegie trainer. She was CEO in technology companies for a decade before she decided to become a lifestyle entrepreneur after a chronic illness. Today she lives in Iceland and Switzerland while also traveling the world and working on her multi-million dollar lifestyle business. Sigrun is the creator of SOMBA, the MBA program for online entrepreneurs, and runs Mastermind Days and Retreats in Iceland and Switzerland, in addition to her signature Mastermind Groups, SOMBA Momentum & VIP Mastermind.
Join our twice-weekly show as host Abagail Pumphrey, CEO of Boss Project, shares proven business strategies, expert interviews, and no-fluff advice for growing an online business—your way.
With millions of downloads and recognition from INC & Forbes as one of the best podcasts for entrepreneurs, this podcast is a must-listen for small business owners, service providers, course creators, and digital product sellers ready to take their business to the next level.
Discover how to:
✔ Launch digital products & online courses that convert
✔ Build a profitable email list that drives daily sales
✔ Create simple, effective sales funnels & automations that sell for you
✔ Design sustainable marketing systems that actually work—without burnout
No gimmicks. No outdated tactics. Just real strategies that help you create more income and impact.
📌 Grab free resources & show notes at bossproject.com/podcast -
Jill and Josh Stanton are a couple of wanderlusters and lifestyle business owners hell-bent on helping 9-to-5'ers take their day job and transform it into an online business.
In this show Jill and Josh dish out actionable tips, answer your burning business questions and speak to other online entrepreneurs who have taken their 9-to-5's and used them to create the business of their dreams.
It's a mix of valuable business advice, candid interviews, stories from the trenches and a curse word thrown in here and there for good measure.
Like what you hear? Subscribe to the show! -
In de podcast VSR onderzoeken journalist Doortje Smithuijsen en merkstrateeg Perre van den Brink de vragen waar het moderne leven nog geen antwoord op heeft. Zitten er te veel mensen in therapie? Waarom lukt het daten via apps niet meer? En waarom worden voetballers niet meer kaal? Met behulp van experts, gasten en jou, onze trouwe luisteraar, ontrafelen we de tijdgeest en bieden we houvast aan jonge mensen in de stad.
Iedere donderdag om 16.00 een nieuwe aflevering.
Volg hier VSR op Instagram om op de hoogte te blijven.
Abonneer je hier op onze Substack nieuwsbrief.
Artwork: Hester Lincke
Audiodesign: Jaro Heijster
The Futur Podcast is a show that explores the interesting overlap between design, marketing, and business. Our host (and CEO of The Futur), Chris Do, hold candid conversations with inspirational people from the worlds of design, technology, marketing, business, philosophy and personal development. These conversations go deep. With the aim of understanding who these incredible people are, what drives them to do what they do, and what can we--the listener--learn from it all. Visit thefutur.com/podcast for show notes and additional information from each episode.
Want to learn how to get booked and paid to speak — consistently? The Speaker Lab podcast features business tactics, speaking tips, and insider strategies from Grant Baldwin, The Speaker Lab coaches, and some of the world's most successful speakers.
You'll learn how to find speaking gigs, build relationships in your industry, negotiate higher speaker fees, and grow your speaking business. Every week, this podcast will give you key insights and practical advice from speakers who have been there and done that and can help you take the next step in your speaking journey. Whether you’re just getting started as a paid speaker or you’re a veteran speaker looking to build and grow your business, The Speaker Lab Podcast is here for you!
De We love communities Podcast is voor iedere ondernemer die een eigen online community wil (uit)bouwen en op zoek is naar inspiratie en concrete tips om direct van start te gaan. Jouw podcast host is Maartje Blijleven, #1 bestseller auteur, keynote spreker en al 20 jaar digital community expert voor bedrijven als Endemol, KLM en Facebook. In deze podcast hoor je hoe je met je eigen online community een grote groep fans om je heen creëert die niet kan wachten om klant te worden zonder moeilijk gedoe.
Meer info: https://welovecommunities.nl -
Wij bouwen een club. Een club waar iedereen kan meedoen aan het wielrennen. Van beginner tot professional. We hebben een Eerste Team en teams voor de leden van de club: weg, baan, eracing, granfondo en offroad.Het punt op de horizon is duidelijk. Als eerste professionele wielerclub aan de start staan van de Tour de France. Niet als wielerploeg maar als club! Dit is het ongefilterde verhaal achter de schermen.
Welkom bij Leaders in Life Sciences! De podcast waarin de host in gesprek gaat met leiders van nu en straks in de life sciences sector. De gasten die maandelijks aanschuiven bij Leaders in Life Sciences zijn CEOs, wetenschappers, politici, jonge leiders en ondernemers. Ze gaan in gesprek met Henk Jan Out over hun privé en zakelijk activiteiten.
Welkom bij de podcast 'Young Minds' van Young Metrics. Iedere 2 weken praten we over een onderwerp die direct gelinkt is aan het succes van jouw merk. We praten je bij over online marketing, strategie en tech, we delen inzichten over waarom onze klanten zo snel groeien en nodigen we VIP's uit voor al jouw vragen.
Vragen of commenteren? Kan via [email protected]. -
Welkom in het domein van e-commerce! Hier blijf je op de hoogte van recente trends, innovaties en belangrijke ontwikkelingen voor groothandels en merkfabrikanten. Okko Huisman is jouw gids in deze reis door de e-commerce wereld. Samen met wisselende experts uit de sector duikt hij in de actuele thema's. Wat zijn de hot topics? En hoe kan jouw bedrijf daar optimaal van profiteren? Zet je schrap voor een dosis inspiratie en inzichten in E-commerce Xplored! Heb je vragen of wil je verder praten over het onderwerp van deze podcast? Laat het ons weten via [email protected].