
  • I'm excited today as we have Sierra to share her incredible birth story with us. If you are watching on YouTube you can see her adorable little one. Sierra took my Hypnobirthing class from her work location and her partner joined from home. A definite advantage of attending an online childbirth series!

    In this episode, Sierra dives into the nitty-gritty of her unexpected pregnancy journey, her fears surrounding birth, and the real-deal experiences she faced in the hospital. We'll talk about how she stayed strong and knew exactly what she wanted for her birth and her baby, even when things got tough.

    We’ll also chat about how she prepared mentally and physically for an unmedicated birth, navigated through hospital language and interventions, and championed her way through it all. With her advocacy practice on high alert and a hilarious recount of having an inebriated husband by her side, this episode is all about empowerment, preparation, and keeping your cool. Can’t wait for you all to tune in and get inspired by Sierra’s phenomenal journey!

    Let’s connect: Have questions or comments for this episode?

    [email protected]

    Work with Care or Ashley: 858-251-4204

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    Online Courses:

    OMG I’m Pregnant

    Induction 101

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    Newborn Procedures

    Epidurals Explained


    For Doulas Only - Ebook and Visualization

  • In this episode, we dive into the topic of birth plans, or as we prefer to call them, 'birth preferences.' This is a more energetic view of how to create an plan that fits your family and what's important to you. The internet is filled with templated plans - but how to you keep it specific without overwhelming yourself and the staff? We emphasize the importance of informed consent and how it allows for autonomy during childbirth. We'll cover the difference between hospital and out-of-hospital birth classes and how they can affect your birth plan.

    Since we don’t know what your baby is going to do during labor - we have to go with the flow. That does not mean you just show up with a suitcase at the hospital and wait to see what happens. Quite the opposite. Having solid education about birth, helps you see what’s most important for your family and create a plan to personalize the care you receive. If you don’t know what the options are - you don’t have any.

    We’ll share practical tips for keeping your birth preferences concise, readable, and focused on what’s most important to you and your baby. Additionally, we touch on why it’s essential to have separate cesarean birth plans and how to communicate your non-negotiables effectively. Whether you’re a parent-to-be or a doula supporting expecting families, this episode is filled with insights to help you create a birth environment where you feel respected, heard, and in control.

    Let’s connect: Have questions or comments for this episode?

    [email protected]

    Work with Care or Ashley: 858-251-4204

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    Instagram: @BirthEducationCenter

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    Online Courses:

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    Epidurals Explained


    For Doulas Only - Ebook and Visualization

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  • In this latest episode in our Birth Educator series, we dive into the power of autonomy in childbirth with Maggie, a birth educator who transitioned from student to educator. We find out what the birth world is like in her area and Maggie tells us about an amazing birthing place that left me wanting!

    Maggie took every set of classes we offered before the birth of her first son. She studied birth education like she was attaining a college degree. She worked through her fears, physical limitations, handpicked a birth team and rocked her birth. She also shares the unexpected birth of her second son.

    Along with her personal birth experiences, Maggie emphasizes the importance of education, preparation, and the ability to make informed decisions for a better birth outcome. We discuss everything from physiologically understanding birth to the role of the pelvic floor, and how being well-informed can reduce fear and lead to a more empowering birth experience, whether it's a home birth, hospital birth, or C-section. Join us as we explore how to stack the cards in your favor for a positive birth journey.

    Maggie teaches Birthsmarter® classes in Bozeman Montana. You can find her at and on IG @wholemamafit

    Let’s connect: Have questions or comments for this episode?

    [email protected]

    Work with Care or Ashley: 858-251-4204

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    Online Courses:

    OMG I’m Pregnant

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    Newborn Procedures

    Epidurals Explained


    For Doulas Only - Ebook and Visualization

  • In this episode, Ashley and I are talking about pushing and why we encourage you to advocate for freedom of movement during the pushing phase of labor. You do not have to be on your back and you are “allowed” to move and push in any way that your body is instinctively telling you to push.

    In Hypnobirthing we have multiple discussions on how to communicate your needs effectively with your birth team, the benefits of moving freely, and the positions that optimize the birthing process. We want you to practice having these conversations with each other during the series and make sure that you and your partner are on the same page with position options and what feels right to your body in the moment. Partners are really good at remembering what you have practiced and how they can help - but it has to be practiced and talked about ahead of time.

    We also touch upon the challenges posed by traditional medical settings and the history behind common birthing practices. Discover the importance of trusting your instincts, exploring different birthing positions, and communicating your needs without conflict.

    Let’s connect: Have questions or comments for this episode?

    [email protected]

    Work with Care or Ashley: 858-251-4204

    Join us on Socials:

    Instagram: @BirthEducationCenter

    TikTok: @BirthEducationCenter

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    Online Courses:

    OMG I’m Pregnant

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    Newborn Procedures

    Epidurals Explained


    For Doulas Only - Ebook and Visualization

  • In our final February love fest episode, I chat with Alenna, who shares her personal Hypnobirthing birth story. From how she and her husband accidentally found Hypnobirthing to what happened on delivery day, Alenna and her husband were on the same page about not using medication and did a lot of proactive practice ahead of time. You may hear about the peanut ball and its magic for the first time in this episode!

    Alenna did great with remembering to ignore early labor to save energy for the real stuff later. A tip that most of us ignore and then regret later. As a self proclaimed control freak, she allowed herself to go with the flow even as a backup doula was called in because hers was at another birth.

    Her education and practice enabled her voice to come through and ask the important questions as they presented themselves. Alenna follows up with some great tips and real talk about preparing for birth and postpartum life. Thank you to Seneca for taking the baby and dog on a walk so we could meet up for this conversation - and we missed you!

    Let’s connect: Have questions or comments for this episode?

    [email protected]

    Work with Care or Ashley: 858-251-4204

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    Instagram: @BirthEducationCenter

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    Online Courses:

    OMG I’m Pregnant

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    Newborn Procedures

    Epidurals Explained


    For Doulas Only - Ebook and Visualization

  • In this February episode, we welcome back Jeanne Marie Paynel, a seasoned Montessori mentor and host of 'The Art of Parenting' podcast. We are so excited for Jeanne Marie to share with you insights on how Montessori principles can transform your home into a nurturing environment for your children. You’ll also get a sneak peak into what goes on in a Montessorri classroom and how it supports your child’s natural brain development with no harsh timelines and expectations.

    We will learn about the critical first six years of your child's development, the importance of a 'yes' environment, and how to create a space that fosters independence and confidence. I have worked with her for over 15 years and what she has brought to the parents I teach has been remarkable. Whether you're planning for a baby or already parenting, this episode is packed with practical advice and heartfelt wisdom. This is the perfect episode to share with a friend who is NOT pregnant yet so they have time to research these principles and see if they are right for them.

    You can find Jeanne Marie on her website

    IG @Yourparentingmentor

    You can find her on YouTube at The Art Of Parenting and her podcast The Art of Parenting is on Apple and Spotify.

    For her FREE PDF guide for creating a Montessorri nursery Click Here

    The three books mentioned can be found here:

    A love letter from your baby--

    Quotes from Dr. Maria Montessori’s writings:

    …/… the most important period of life is not the age of university studies, but the first one, the period from birth to the age of six. For that is the time when man’s intelligence itself, his greatest implement, is being formed. But not only his intelligence; the full totality of his psychic powers. This new idea has greatly impressed those with some insight into psychic life, and many have begun to study the newborn and the one year old child, who is the creator of the adult’s personality.

    “Children are human beings to whom respect is due, superior to us by reason of their innocence and of the greater possibilities of their future… Let us treat them with all the kindness which we would wish to help to develop in them.”

    “The greatness of the human personality begins at the hour of birth.”

    Let’s connect: Have questions or comments for this episode?

    [email protected]

    Work with Care or Ashley: 858-251-4204

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    Instagram: @BirthEducationCenter

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    Online Courses:

    OMG I’m Pregnant

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    Newborn Procedures

    Epidurals Explained


    For Doulas Only - Ebook and Visualization

  • In our February love fest we are focusing today on your “nether regions” as we dive into the importance of maintaining a connection with your body during pregnancy. Our guest, Dr. Lauren from Thrive Physical Therapy, shares her experience and expertise on pelvic floor health, from understanding its role and how to keep it flexible and functional, to discussing prenatal pelvic floor therapy. The visuals will best be seen on our YouTube channel. You will see the full scope of the pelvic floor model and see what is done in your first appointment. This is a great baseline for helping you choose a local therapist in your area.

    As birth educators, we suggest that you get an evaluation of your pelvic floor either before or during pregnancy. It is so important but many don’t make the time. Your pelvic muscles bear extra weight from holding your baby for 10 months and then have to push that baby out. Is your pelvic floor it ready? Are you balanced on all sides? Do you have an old tailbone injury from high school cheer that you never addressed? Books and podcasts may tell you to do kegels during pregnancy but so many of us are not connected to what they are supposed to be doing, and how that feels. Having an evaluation ahead of time can make all the difference for your recovery in the postpartum period.

    We also touch on the significance of pleasure, consent, and the ways to prepare your body for birth. Join us for an informative session that focuses on body awareness, reducing fear, and enhancing your body literacy as you prepare for childbirth.

    You can find Lauren at ThrivePhysicalTherapy in San Diego( And on IG @Thrivephysicaltherapysd.

    Let’s connect: Have questions or comments for this episode?

    [email protected]

    Work with Care or Ashley: 858-251-4204

    Join us on Socials:

    Instagram: @BirthEducationCenter

    TikTok: @BirthEducationCenter

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    Online Courses:

    OMG I’m Pregnant

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    Newborn Procedures

    Epidurals Explained


    For Doulas Only - Ebook and Visualization

  • We are starting season 3! In this episode, we kick off February with Haize Hawke. As doulas and educators we see a lot of relationship dynamics between couples. Today we are focusing on a similarity that happens with most of our hetero couples.

    Understanding where men are coming from BEFORE they come into our birth space is a critical piece of information. Our expectations of who and how they should be is sometimes enormously advanced for where we are in birth and in society. Men have only been allowed into the birth space for a relatively short time and there is really no healthy model for how that should look. As we get more educated in connection and vulnerability we can consciously prepare WITH our partners to set attainable expectations that flow moment by moment.

    Our discussion delves deep into the roles of both partners. Haizes shares strategies for fostering open, loving communication and building a strong, supportive partnership through the transformative journey of childbirth into parenting. The episode highlights the importance of shedding old selves, practicing healthy communication and maintaining a beginner's mind to navigate this profound life experience.

    You can find Haize for a consultation or Virtual Birth Coaching at Her practice is in the Los Angeles area and you can DM her on IG or Facebook @IAmHaizeHawke.

    Let’s connect: Have questions or comments for this episode?

    [email protected]

    Work with Care or Ashley: 858-251-4204

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    Instagram: @BirthEducationCenter

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    Online Courses:

    OMG I’m Pregnant

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    Newborn Procedures

    Epidurals Explained


    For Doulas Only - Ebook and Visualization

  • In this episode especially for doulas, we are covering the new TriWest transition for serving military families. January of 2025 brings new TRICARE provider agreements and hopefully a more streamlined way for billing and receiving timely payments. Be sure to subscribe to our channel on YouTube to see the slides and visuals. A billing video will be coming as the new system rolls out in January that you won't want to miss. Whether you are a new doula or a seasoned one, you are needed in the military doula space.

    Lydia, a doula with experience in working with military families and TRICARE, joins me to share her experiences and insights into the TriWest changes, including new qualifications, covered services, and billing procedures. One of the biggest changes is with “out of pocket” charges to families.

    The episode aims to streamline the process for doulas to serve military families, ensuring they are prepared for the updated system going live in 2025. We also cover the deadlines for getting your previous claims in for clients of 2024. The episode also touches upon common issues, providing practical advice for existing and new doulas to manage their finances and paperwork efficiently.

    Lydia can be found on IG at @Doula.Lydiakay or at

    Blog Post with all of the forms:

    Let’s connect: Have questions or comments for this episode?

    [email protected]

    Work with Care or Ashley: 858-251-4204

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    Instagram: @BirthEducationCenter

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    Newborn Procedures

    Epidurals Explained


    For Doulas Only - Ebook and Visualization

  • In October, we hosted Traci for her 2 day workshop attended by both Doulas and Childbirth Educators. In this episode, Traci Doula returns to our podcast to hear feedback about her impactful workshop 'Keeping Your Power™ for Doulas.’ I invited Lydia and Jenna to come on as special guests to tell some of the ways the workshop is shifting their birthwork for the better.

    Our conversation delves into the importance of doulas understanding their own personal stories/habits from their upbringing and how that shapes their interaction with families and in the birth room. We talk about the importance of establishing solid boundaries, building trust and enhancing their communication skills to better support families.

    As a childbirth educator who was already teaching advocacy in my classes, this workshop gave me better words and visuals to use that has better brought out the empowerment that parents already hold inside of them. Birthwork is so much deeper than attending a birth and doing a hip squeeze. The emotional, spiritual growth that can spread through your personal life is there for discovery. Traci’s workshop opens up those doors and joins people together who are ready to do the work.

    The episode highlights the power of self-advocacy, centering the family's voice, and the transformative experience of building resilient and empowering births.

    You can find Traci at as well as on IG @doulatraci and on Tiktok @TraciDoula4

    This episode wraps up Season 2 and we will see you all in February for a month of connection, sex and communication episodes!!

    Let’s connect: Have questions or comments for this episode?

    [email protected]

    Work with Care or Ashley: 858-251-4204

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    Online Courses:

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    Epidurals Explained


    For Doulas Only - Ebook and Visualization

  • In this episode, Dr. Morgan MacDermott joins me to discuss holistic approaches to breastfeeding, and to address common misconceptions and myths. Breastfeeding definitely has a learning curve and needs to be researched well ahead of a baby being in your arms. We somehow miss the memo that there is a whole other world AFTER the labor and birth we have prepared for. Your feeding journey with your baby may even deserve more preparation time.

    We delve into the importance of prenatal breastfeeding education, understanding latch issues, and the critical role of support systems. Dr. MacDermott shares insights from her own experiences with breastfeeding complications like mastitis and oversupply, offering practical advice and resources for new families. Dr. Morgan, with her incredible support system and knowledge before the birth of her first child, seemed to stump the experts with what problems kept presenting.

    Dr. Morgan created a Mastitis Ebook to help you prepare early and confidently know where to start with any issues that may arise with breastfeeding.

    You can purchase that here:

    With Dr. Morgan's real life insights, our conversation emphasizes the need for realistic preparation and the benefits of community support to ensure a successful breastfeeding journey.

    You can reach Dr. Morgan MacDermott at Her podcast with co host Dr. Leah is Healthy As A Mother, and can be found wherever you get your podcasts!

    For the breastfeeding videos mentioned in the episode - here is the link.

    Let’s connect: Have questions or comments for this episode?

    [email protected]

    Work with Care or Ashley: 858-251-4204

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    Instagram: @BirthEducationCenter

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    Online Courses:

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    Epidurals Explained


    For Doulas Only - Ebook and Visualization

  • In today’s show I welcome Dr. Jay Warren, a prenatal and pediatric chiropractor deeply passionate about families and especially new dads. I was double lucky to be his Hypnobirthing childbirth educator, and the doula for the birth of his son. Dr. Jay runs local dad groups, has created several courses, from prenatal bonding to what new dads need to know through the first year of parenting. Dr. Jay also hosts (2) podcasts: Healthy Births, Happy Babies and The Dadhood Journey. I asked Dr. Jay to share how education and the birth of his son shifted his entire chiropractic practice to what it is today.

    Dr. Jay shares his personal birth story, the pivotal role of fathers in the birth process, and the benefits of active fatherhood. We also discuss the unique challenges fathers face in connecting with their newborns and emphasize the importance of educating and involving dads from pregnancy through to the early months of parenting. Dr. Jay gives tips on how to connect with your baby and take on the new role of being an engaged father.

    Dr. Jay wants to support you with all of these unknowns. He does coaching and has a Facebook Group for you to connect with new and seasoned dads.

    You can contact him at:

    Let’s connect: Have questions or comments for this episode?

    [email protected]

    Work with Care or Ashley: 858-251-4204

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    Instagram: @BirthEducationCenter

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    Online Courses:

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    Epidurals Explained


    For Doulas Only - Ebook and Visualization

  • this episode, Katie contrasts her two births. Her first birth led to a cesarean that was unplanned and unwanted. Katie’s hope is that her lessons can serve as teaching tools and warnings for new parents to get educated early, find the best support and be aware that you have intuition when it comes to birthing your baby. Katie discusses what red flags showed up along the way, her regrets in feeling it was too late to switch providers.

    Katie recognizes where she could have done more as far as education and understanding what “Birth Culture” really looks like in the Untied States. She said it took a lot of therapy and self-awareness to see how her birth unfolded and how that gave her the tools to change things up for the second birth. Her postpartum was tough and she credits that to the trauma that she experienced with her birth.

    Her choice to give birth at home the second time around was due to the research and data showing how much safer it was for the outcome that she wanted. Once again, her hope is to encourage expectant mothers to educate themselves, interview care providers, and make personalized, informed decisions for a more empowering birth experience.

    Free Course: How To Avoid an Unnecessary Cesarean

    Let’s connect: Have questions or comments for this episode?

    [email protected]

    Work with Care or Ashley: 858-251-4204

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    Instagram: @BirthEducationCenter

    TikTok: @BirthEducationCenter

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    LinkedIn: @CareMesser

    Online Courses:

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    Epidurals Explained


    For Doulas Only - Ebook and Visualization

  • Episode three of our VBAC series delves into the "journey" of preparing for a Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC). We cannot emphasize enough the importance of emotional and physical readiness. We want you to look at your stuff- the challenging stuff and the parts that have hurt or disappointment around them. We have found that parents who can be really honest with themselves, possibly look at their birth from other angles and gather more support, have better births the second time around.

    We talk about the significance of storytelling, ownership of past birth experiences, and the role of vulnerability in healing and growth. We will help you explore the impact of fears, the value of education, and the support from therapies and spiritual practices. This discussion also covers recommendations for resources like Hypnobirthing, VBAC classes, and therapies, offering some solid ideas for those seeking a different birth outcome with empathy and informed decision-making.

    Tune in next week for a VBAC birth story…

    𝗟𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗻 𝘄𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗴𝗲𝘁 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗽𝗼𝗱𝗰𝗮𝘀𝘁𝘀!

    Let’s connect: Have questions or comments for this episode?

    [email protected]

    Work with Care or Ashley: 858-251-4204

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    Online Courses:

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    Newborn Procedures

    Epidurals Explained


    For Doulas Only - Ebook and Visualization

  • In this episode of the VBAC series, Ashley and I discuss the challenges of finding a supportive provider for a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean). In part two of this series, we discuss the importance of choosing a provider who genuinely supports VBAC, rather than one who is merely tolerant or unsupportive.

    It is SO IMPORTANT that you find this provider early, as in before you are pregnant again, to broaden your options for care. Even if you are thinking of getting a repeat cesarean, you want a provider that is supportive either way in case you change your mind and decide on a VBAC. You would be surprised how many families get closer to their due date, get some more education, and then want to change their mind. You also may need to change your insurance to have the best provider in your area available to select and that would mean timing the open enrollment to switch.

    We highlight the necessity of researching VBAC-friendly hospitals and providers, considering relocation for better care, and understanding the differences between VBAC and TOLAC (trial of labor after cesarean).

    We again cover the role of peer support organizations like ICAN, the significance of continuous versus intermittent monitoring, and the impact of language and words used by providers. We also talk about possible limitations imposed by providers on labor timing and conditions, as well as the importance of finding supportive care whether in the hospital or through midwives and birth centers.

    Tune in next week for Part Three!

    Let’s connect: Have questions or comments for this episode?

    [email protected]

    Work with Care or Ashley: 858-251-4204

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    Instagram: @BirthEducationCenter

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    Online Courses:

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    Epidurals Explained


    For Doulas Only - Ebook and Visualization

  • Overcoming Fear and Preparing for VBAC Success

    This is the first in a series on VBAC. In this episode, Ashley and I focus on the complexities and considerations surrounding Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC). We are talking about the importance of self-forgiveness for what you “think” you may have taken on form your previous birth experience and how to resolve that.

    We go over the current high cesarean rates and attribute them to systemic issues rather than individual inadequacies. Your body can birth! We of course promote education on cesarean prevention and VBAC success through support organizations like ICAN (International Cesarean Awareness Network).

    Prevention of the first cesarean is always at the forefront, but we also want more dialogue around the often underestimated risks of repeat cesareans. The importance of informed decision-making and shared decision making.

    The episode also addresses the societal and personal fears associated with VBAC, stressing the need for education, openness with partners, and professional support to process and overcome fears. Especially when it comes to partners, have you asked them in detail of what they felt last time? Getting on the same page about this birth while also tying up loose ends from the last one, makes all the difference. We ultimately promote self-compassion and grace as key to embracing the journey of VBAC and future pregnancies.

    Let’s connect: Have questions or comments for this episode?

    [email protected]

    Work with Care or Ashley: 858-251-4204

    Join us on Socials:

    Instagram: @BirthEducationCenter

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    Online Courses:

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    Mental Health:

    Newborn Procedures:

    Epidurals Explained:


    For Doulas Only:

  • In this episode, Dr. Leah Gordon, a naturopathic doctor specializing in fertility, is here to discuss the importance of addressing the root causes of health issues rather than just symptoms. This episode should be shared with future parents before trying to conceive! There are some important points you will want to share with your friends and family.

    Dr. Gordon has a unique approach because she has lived the experience of a fertility journey. She focuses on proactive measures, holistic health, and early education. She shares some vulnerable parts of her personal story and why advises starting the fertility optimization process early.

    Our discussion covers the inadequacies of the conventional medical system in managing fertility, emphasizing the need for preventative care, nutritional support, stress management, detoxification, and the significance of male fertility testing.

    Dr. Gordon also introduces helpful tools and resources, including her website's fertility quiz and the importance of high-quality supplements from the brand Needed. This comprehensive conversation is filled with actionable insights for couples considering parenthood, making it an essential listen for those looking to understand and improve their fertility journey.

    You can find Dr. Leah at:

    Her Free Resources and the Fertility Type Quiz:

    Code for 20% off at DRGORDON

    Let’s connect: Have questions or comments for this episode?

    [email protected]

    Work with Care or Ashley: 858-251-4204

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    Instagram: @BirthEducationCenter

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    Newborn Procedures:

    Epidurals Explained:


    For Doulas Only:

  • In this episode, Midwife Nikki Helms is here! Nikki is the owner of the San Diego Community Birth Center which is the only black owned birth center in San Diego.

    Nikki’s birth center offers a lot of co care which means people see an OB and also come to the birth center for more education and understanding of the birth process. Some of these families will be birthing at the hospital but want balanced information to make the best possible choices within the medical model system. And some families do co care for birth at the birth center but keep an OB with their insurance for testing and possible transfer purposes.

    Nikki and I discuss the importance of personalized care, the shortcomings of the traditional medical model in addressing individual needs, and how co-care with midwives can help expectant mothers make informed, autonomous decisions.

    The conversation also covers topics such as the purpose of routine medical practices like 36-week cervical exams and the impact of cultural norms on pregnancy care. Nikki emphasizes active listening, the value of time in patient care, and the necessity of questioning and understanding medical advice to regain trust in one's own body. We are so grateful for midwives in our community!

    Let’s connect: Have questions or comments for this episode?

    [email protected]

    Work with Care or Ashley: 858-251-4204

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    Instagram: @BirthEducationCenter

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    LinkedIn: @CareMesser

    Online Courses:

    OMG I’m Pregnant

    Induction 101

    Mental Health

    Newborn Procedures

    Epidurals Explained


    For Doulas Only - Ebook and Visualization

  • In this episode, we welcome Amanda Dodson, a seasoned doula, CAPPA doula trainer and co-founder of the Military Birth Resource Network. Amanda is a military spouse herself and has birthed in the military system. San Diego is a military home to several bases and we need to discuss the unique challenges faced by military families and how we can serve them better.

    We also need military families to get resources EARLY if not BEFORE they are pregnant, so they have more options for support. This is a great episode to share with any of your military friends NOW – before they are pregnant and in a new city somewhere in the world!

    Amanda shares her journey from doula training to establishing birth resource networks in Japan and the U.S. Our conversation offers vital community resources and support systems for military families, emphasizing the importance of education, mental health support, and the role of doulas.

    Amanda gives us options for various programs, online communities, and the ongoing work of the Military Birth Resource Network to provide comprehensive care and advocacy for military families. They also have a podcast – Military Birth Talk Podcast!!

    Did you know as a doula, midwife, chiropractor, acupuncturist, perinatal professional etc. – that you can join the Military Birth Resource Network for a nominal fee and get your name and the services you offer out to military families? Join here -

    Let’s help our families in the military with support and peace of mind especially if their spouse is deployed.

    You can contact Amanda at:

    MilMama Virtual Birth Circle

    Let’s connect: Have questions or comments for this episode?

    [email protected]

    Work with Care or Ashley: 858-251-4204

    Join us on Socials:

    Instagram: @BirthEducationCenter

    TikTok: @BirthEducationCenter

    YouTube: @BirthEducationCenter

    FB: @BirthEducationCenter

    LinkedIn: @CareMesser

    Online Courses:

    OMG I’m Pregnant

    Induction 101

    Mental Health

    Newborn Procedures

    Epidurals Explained


    For Doulas Only - Ebook and Visualization

  • Today we have a Hypnobirthing birth story. Taylor and Jack recount their unmedicated birth experience supported by their doula, Heather. New parents that are looking into Hypnobirthing always want to know how the tools work in labor and birth. And the cool part about birth – is the unknown – which is always the most intimidating!

    This show explores their journey through pregnancy, labor, and early parenting. Taylor started educating herself early and really tried to look at her birth from all the angles. She highlights the value of hypnobirthing classes, pain management techniques, and the significance of having a doula.

    Both parents offer advice on setting boundaries with family, navigating breastfeeding challenges, and the potential benefits of hiring postpartum support. Heather adds her professional insights throughout our conversation, and the couple gratefully acknowledges her support, emphasizing the transformative power of preparation, communication, and advocacy. Whether expecting a baby or supporting someone who is, listeners will find valuable advice and heartfelt moments in this story. Thank you for sharing it with us!

    Let’s connect: Have questions or comments for this episode?

    [email protected]

    Work with Care or Ashley: 858-251-4204

    Join us on Socials:

    Instagram: @BirthEducationCenter

    TikTok: @BirthEducationCenter

    YouTube: @BirthEducationCenter

    FB: @BirthEducationCenter

    LinkedIn: @CareMesser

    Online Courses:

    OMG I’m Pregnant

    Induction 101

    Mental Health

    Newborn Procedures

    Epidurals Explained


    For Doulas Only - Ebook and Visualization