An amateur actual-play D&D 5e podcast starring a handful of professional nerds who are late to the tabletop party. This primarily exists as a convenient way for the players to re-listen to their adventure, and will be updated starting with "season" 2. Season 1 to follow, in time. Custom battle maps will be included with each episode when relevant.
Learn from independent board game designers how they got where they did and what they learned along the way.
Welcome to Difficulty Class, a Podcast about all things Dungeons and Dragons and occasionally other fun TTRPGs. Hosted by Treavor Bettis and Allie Deutschmann, each week we bring a topic to talk about, plus give time for listeners to write in with questions or their own advice for playing D&D. If youโd like to be part of the show you can write in to [email protected]/Outro by Jay Yi @PoundJayYi
PokerFraudAlert Radio is a gritty, uncensored show calling out the scumbags of poker and providing an unfiltered opinion on current events in poker.
A podcast about gaming, done blazing fast, with Aviv Manoach and Yehuda Halfon: in each episode, we discuss one prominent game and talk about current gaming news.
Star Trek YouTubers Lore Reloaded, Lorerunner, Jessie Gender and sometimes Ketwolski band together to form the worst and often most corrupt crew in all of Starfleet, as they take on everything from the Borg, the Romulans, Section 31 and their own incompetence in this Star Trek RPG podcast based on the D20-based Star Trek Adventures tabletop game.
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The Dedicated Handheld Retro Gaming Podcast with Ryan Claytor
Sheesh audio
This is a free sample version of the Crush Live Poker Podcast.
Pixel Legends Podcast
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The RPGeeks are four professional science communicators who mix real science with role-play sci-fi adventures!
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A gaming podcast featuring four close friends who just love hanging out talking about video games. Come listen to us laugh and goof our way through a weekly show; where we discuss what we've been playing and what gaming news has piqued our interest.Josh | BottlerWorksWill | Olive_MeisterSteve | QuikwixSam | S4mm3h Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thegamefourcast/support
Podcast by ืฆืืืช ืื ืงืจืืื
A live-play D&D 5e campaign ran by a bunch of queers. New episodes every Monday, and streams every Thursday on twitch.tv/clairechammy. Follow the show on Twitter for updates: https://twitter.com/hellagaydndMeet the cast: Claire/DM: @ClaireCHammyAcorn/Walnut: twitch.tv/acorntreeincGlo/Astader: Twitch.tv/gamerglotvTwitter.com/gamerglotvhttps://youtube.com/channel/UCk_erykJGwfiq3vGLfpPRUAPrime/Raven: twitch.tv/primelordhttps://twitter.com/Prime18278443Autumn/Percy: Twitter.com/AutumnOfMooreSammi/Moxxie: https://twitter.com/SammiP133 Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/hellagaydnd/support