In this episode of Come, Follow Church History from Scripture Central, Lynne Wilson and special guest Mark Staker, go deeper into the life of Emma Smith. They share stories and facts about Emma Hale Smith's siblings and parents. Were they believers? Did any of them convert to the gospel? Did they serve missions?
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Doctrine and Covenants 20-22 | March 10-16 | Come Follow Church History with Lynne Hilton Wilson
In this episode of Come, Follow Church History from Scripture Central, Lynne Wilson shares the exciting details behind the creation of The Church of Jesus Christ by examining Doctrine and Covenants sections 20-22.
Thank you for joining us at Scripture Central! We hope that you have enjoyed this content. -
As Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon in 1829, Martin Harris was entrusted with the 116 page manuscript, but lost the 116 pages. Scott and Casey discuss the context and controversies surrounding the losing of the Book of Mormon manuscript, a revelation to Joseph Smith Sr., and the first foreshadowing of the role of the Three Witnesses. Today's controversy surrounds prophetic infallibility and how God could have allowed Joseph Smith to lose the 116 pages of the Book of Mormon manuscript.
Doctrine and Covenants 2 (D&C 2)
Joseph Smith—History 1:27–65
Come Follow Me LDS
The Angel Moroni visits Joseph Smith in 1823 to tell him about the Gold Plates. Maclane Heward joins Casey Griffiths to discuss the visit of Angel Moroni and D&C 2. In this conversation, Casey Griffiths and Maclane explore the significant themes surrounding Joseph Smith's experiences with Moroni, the role of resurrected beings in the restoration, and the implications of Moroni's messages. They discuss the prophecy regarding Joseph Smith's name, the physicality of the translation process, and the importance of family dynamics in Joseph's mission. Today's controversy surrounds Joseph Smith's money digging practice and his use of seer stones. -
Come Follow Me January 13–19
Voices of the Restoration: Joseph Smith's Family
Kyle Walker join Scott Woodward and Casey Griffiths to explain Joseph Smith's family. They discuss Joseph Smith's upbringing, his relationship with his siblings and parents, and what we can learn about Joseph Smith through the lens of those who knew him best. -
Come Follow Me January 13–19
Joseph Smith—History 1:1–26
Scott Woodward and Casey Griffiths discuss Joseph Smith's First Vision in today's Come Follow Me lesson. They delve into the context of Joseph Smith's family and social surroundings that led to him asking that pivotal question in 1820. They discuss the differences and insights into the four main accounts of the First Vision and what role historical transparency plays in understanding the First Vision.
This is unofficial supplementary resource to the Come, Follow Me curriculum produced by Scripture Central and the Church History Matters Podcast hosted by Scott Woodward and Casey Griffiths.
Scott and Casey focus their weekly study on the 4 C's: Context, Content, Controversies, and Consequences of each section of the Doctrine and Covenants. -
Come Follow Me January 6–12
Doctrine and Covenants 1
Welcome to Church History Matters, Come Follow Me edition! If you've followed the Church History Matters Podcast since it launched in 2023, you'll be excited to join Scott Woodward and Casey Griffiths in studying Come Follow Me this year.
Scott and Casey are going to focus their Come, Follow Me study on the Context, Content, Controversies, and Consequences of each section of the Doctrine and Covenants.
Today, Scott and Casey delve into Doctrine and Covenants 1. This section is placed chronologically out of time, but serves as an introduction to the entire volume of scripture. Once again, they focus on the four C's: Context, Content, Controversies, and Consequences.
According to D&C 1, The Doctrine and Covenants serves as a manual for understanding God's work and establishing His covenant with His people. They go over the controversy around the phrase "the only true and living church." Some view this rhetoric as exclusive, so Scott and Casey explore its likely intended meaning. -
Come Follow Me Dec 30–Jan 05
Welcome to Church History Matters, Come Follow Me edition! If you've followed the Church History Matters Podcast since it launched in 2023, you'll be excited to join Scott Woodward and Casey Griffiths in studying Come Follow Me this year.
Scott and Casey are going to focus their Come, Follow Me study on the Context, Content, Controversies, and Consequences of each section of the Doctrine and Covenants.
Today, they cover the Restoration Proclamation and introduce the Doctrine and Covenants. They help us learn how this sacred volume of scripture came to be and how God is always in relentless pursuit of His children.
Steven C. Harper Article: -
Join Tyler Griffin this year as we study of the Book of Mormon. Tyler's love of the Gospel is contagious and deep. We are certain that you will learn profound truths and deepen your love and conversion to the Savior as you thoughtfully engage with this content. :)
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This program is intended to be used as supplementary material to the Come, Follow Me Program by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Scripture Study Insights is a Scripture Central Production.
Host: Tyler Jay Griffin
Executive Producer: Benjamin Tyler Griffin.
Associate Producer and Video Editor: Avery Kirk
Timestamps: Dino Collins
Special thanks to Tyler and Kiplin Griffin for volunteering countless hours for this series.
Thanks to the generous donors of Scripture Central.
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