
  • In this episode, hosts Drs. Jason Silverman and Temara Hajjat talk to Drs. Michael Narkewicz and Zachary Sellers about screening, evaluation and management of children with cystic fibrosis with hepatobiliary involvement and advanced CF liver disease. We review the new consensus recommendations paper published in the May issue of Hepatology (open access link below).

    Dr. Narkewicz is a pediatric gastroenterologist and transplant hepatologist at Children’s Hospital Colorado and professor of pediatrics at the University of Colorado with a strong clinical and research interest in cystic fibrosis and in particular on liver disease in cystic fibrosis who has presented and published extensively in this area over his career.

    Dr. Sellers is a pediatric gastroenterologist, Adjunct professor and physician-scientist at Stanford with clinical interests in the GI manifestations of cystic fibrosis and pancreatitis in children who has worked with the INSPPIRE consortium and has presented and published widely on CF and liver disease in CF.

    Learning objectives:

    Define cystic fibrosis with hepatobiliary involvement (CFHBI) and advanced cystic fibrosis liver disease (aCFLD)Outline recommendations for screening and evaluation for patients with CF and liver involvementOutline the recommendations for management of patients with CF and liver involvement

    Papers discussed in this episode (both are open access!:

    Cystic fibrosis screening, evaluation, and management of hepatobiliary disease consensus recommendationsTowards a Standardized Classification of the Hepatobiliary Manifestations in Cystic Fibrosis (CFHBI): A Joint ESPGHAN/NASPGHAN Position Paper

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    This episode is eligible for CME credit! Once you have listened to the episode, click this link to claim your credit. Credit is available to NASPGHAN members (if you are not a member, you should probably sign up). And thank you to the NASPGHAN Professional Education Committee for their review!

    As always, the discussion, views, and recommendations in this podcast are the sole responsibility of the hosts and guests and are subject to change over time with advances in the field.

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  • In this episode, hosts Drs. Peter Lu and Temara Hajjat talk to Dr. Jason Silverman about how social media can be used in pediatric gastroenterology for patient care, research, medical education, and professional development.

    Dr. Silverman is an Associate Professor in the Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition at Stollery Children's Hospital, where he is also the Program Director for the Pediatric Gastroenterology training program and co-lead for the CHildren's Intestinal Rehabilitation Program (CHIRP).

    He is also (of course) one of our podcast co-founders and hosts!

    Learning Objectives:

    Understand the need for pediatric gastroenterology providers to be active participants on social media and incorporate this participation in their patient education and advocacy efforts.Understand how individual researchers and academic journals can use social media to increase the impact of their peer-reviewed work on broader audiences and recognize that social media can be an important source of feedback, engagement, and cross-disciplinary interaction.Recognize that a strong societal social media presence will amplify the resources and messaging from our society for its members, our patients, and the public.

    Silverman JA, Chugh A, Hollier JM, Martin N, Raghu VK, Rosas-Blum E, van Tilburg MAL, Venkataraman-Rao P, Venkatesh RD, Lu PL. Using social media for patient care, research, and professional development: A North American Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition position paper. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2024 Feb;78(2):414-427. doi: 10.1002/jpn3.12051.

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    This episode is eligible for CME credit! Once you have listened to the episode, click this link to claim your credit. Credit is available to NASPGHAN members (if you are not a member, you should probably sign up). And thank you to the NASPGHAN Professional Education Committee for their review!

    As always, the discussion, views, and recommendations in this podcast are the sole responsibility of the hosts and guests and are subject to change over time with advances in the field.

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  • In this episode, hosts Drs. Peter Lu and Jennifer Lee talk to Dr. Michael Wilsey about the evaluation and management of esophageal strictures in children, including congenital strictures and those arising from eosinophilic esophagitis and caustic ingestions.

    Dr. Wilsey is an advanced endoscopist at Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital in St. Petersburg, FL and is a Professor at the University of South Florida.

    Learning Objectives:

    Review the presentation, evaluation, and management of congenital esophageal strictures.Understand the diagnostic tools used in the evaluation of an esophageal stricture, including the utility of functional luminal imaging probe (FLIP) testing.Understand the treatment options used for esophageal strictures, including the different types of dilation and the role of steroid injections and stenting.

    Laughrey M, Kidder M, Rivera D, Wilsey M, Karjoo S. Development of an esophageal stricture following paradichlorobenzene mothball ingestion. SAGE Open Med Case Rep. 2020 Nov 13;8:2050313X20974210. PMID: 33240502

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    This episode is eligible for CME credit! Once you have listened to the episode, click this link to claim your credit. Credit is available to NASPGHAN members (if you are not a member, you should probably sign up). And thank you to the NASPGHAN Professional Education Committee for their review!

    As always, the discussion, views, and recommendations in this podcast are the sole responsibility of the hosts and guests and are subject to change over time with advances in the field.

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  • In this episode, Temara Hajjat and Jenn Lee interview Dr. Matthew Giefer and Dr. Brad Pasternak. Drs. Giefer and Pasternak share their experience advocating for the approval of medications for their patients. The discussion also covers the challenges involved in medication approval, how to approach your local and state representatives, and lobbying in Washington, D.C.

    Dr. Giefer is a pediatric gastroenterologist at Ochsner Children’s in New Orleans, Louisiana, specializing in advanced endoscopy and pancreatology, and Dr. Pasternak is a pediatric gastroenterologist and the Medical Director of the IBD program at Phoenix Children's in Phoenix, Arizona.

    Learning Objectives:

    Understand how to advocate for medication approval after they are denied by the insurance. Understand the resources available to tackle prior authorizations and denials. Recognize the importance of advocating and speaking up against insurance denials.

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    This episode is eligible for CME credit! Once you have listened to the episode, click this link to claim your credit. Credit is available to NASPGHAN members (if you are not a member, you should probably sign up). And thank you to the NASPGHAN Professional Education Committee for their review!

    As always, the discussion, views, and recommendations in this podcast are the sole responsibility of the hosts and guests and are subject to change over time with advances in the field.

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  • In this episode, hosts Drs. Temara Hajjat and Jason Silverman talk to Dr. Ruben Quiros-Tejeira about multivisceral transplantation in children, covering indications, complications and the importance of multidisciplinary team care in this population. Dr. Quiros-Tejeira is Chief of the Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, a Professor of Pediatrics and Surgery and Medical Director for Pediatric Liver and Intestinal Transplantation at University of Nebraska Medical College.

    Learning Objectives:

    Review the indications for multivisceral transplantation and isolated intestinal transplantation in children with intestinal failure.Understand the common and serious short and long-term complications of multivisceral transplantation.Discuss the vital role of the multidisciplinary team in providing optimal care in this complex population.

    Produced by: Jason Silverman

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    This episode is eligible for CME credit! Once you have listened to the episode, click this link to claim your credit. Credit is available to NASPGHAN members (if you are not a member, you should probably sign up). And thank you to the NASPGHAN Professional Education Committee for their review!

    As always, the discussion, views, and recommendations in this podcast are the sole responsibility of the hosts and guests and are subject to change over time with advances in the field.

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  • In this episode, hosts Drs. Peter Lu and Jason Silverman talk to Dr. Samuel Nurko about using neuromodulator medications like tricyclic antidepressants and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) for children with functional abdominal pain disorders, now known as pain-predominant disorders of gut-brain interaction (DGBIs). We discuss the rationale behind using these types of medications and how we can explain this rationale to families. We also discuss how to choose the right medication for each patient and differences between medications.

    Dr. Nurko is Director of the Center for Motility and Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders at Boston Children's Hospital and Professor of Pediatrics at Harvard Medical School.

    Learning Objectives:

    Understand the role of neuromodulator medications in the management of children with pain-predominant DGBIs.Understand the rationale behind using these types of medications and how to explain this rationale to families.Recognize differences between neuromodulator medications and how to choose the right medication based on the clinical scenario.

    Links: article on Dr. Nurko and the film Miracles from Heaven

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    This episode is eligible for CME credit! Once you have listened to the episode, click this link to claim your credit. Credit is available to NASPGHAN members (if you are not a member, you should probably sign up). And thank you to the NASPGHAN Professional Education Committee for their review!

    As always, the discussion, views, and recommendations in this podcast are the sole responsibility of the hosts and guests and are subject to change over time with advances in the field.

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  • In this episode, hosts Drs. Peter Lu and Jennifer Lee talk to Dr. Praveen Goday about evaluating and treating the child who is a picky eater or who has developed a pediatric feeding disorder.

    Dr. Goday is Professor of Pediatrics at The Ohio State University College of Medicine and Director of the Nutrition and Feeding Programs at Nationwide Children's Hospital.

    Learning Objectives:

    Define picky eating and pediatric feeding disordersRecognize clinical scenarios that should warrant additional workup such as labs, imaging, or endoscopyLearn practical tips to share with patients/families for children with picky eating

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    This episode is eligible for CME credit! Once you have listened to the episode, click this link to claim your credit. Credit is available to NASPGHAN members (if you are not a member, you should probably sign up). And thank you to the NASPGHAN Professional Education Committee for their review!

    As always, the discussion, views, and recommendations in this podcast are the sole responsibility of the hosts and guests and are subject to change over time with advances in the field.

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  • In the this episode, hosts Drs. Temara Hajjat and Peter Lu talk to Dr. Neha Santucci, an Associate Professor of Pediatrics and the Director of the Disorders of Gut-Brain Interaction Program at Cincinnati Children's. They discuss how to identify and manage functional abdominal pain in children with pre-existing organic GI disorders.

    Learning Objectives:

    Learning how to diagnose functional abdominal pain in patients with existing GI conditions Learning how to manage functional abdominal pain in patients with existing GI conditionsLearning when to utilize IB-Stim in patients with FAP.

    Editor: Temara Hajjat

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    This episode is eligible for CME credit! Once you have listened to the episode, click this link to claim your credit. Credit is available to NASPGHAN members (if you are not a member, you should probably sign up). And thank you to the NASPGHAN Professional Education Committee for their review!

    As always, the discussion, views, and recommendations in this podcast are the sole responsibility of the hosts and guests and are subject to change over time with advances in the field.

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  • In the this episode, hosts Drs. Temara Hajjat and Jenn Lee talk to Dr. Lisa McMahon, Chair of Surgery at Phoenix Children's, and Dr. Michael Rosen, Director of the Stanford Medicine Children's Health Center for IBD and Celiac Disease. They discuss managing and counseling a pediatric patient with ulcerative colitis and their family who may need colectomy and a J-pouch creation

    Learning Objectives:

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    This episode is eligible for CME credit! Once you have listened to the episode, click this link to claim your credit. Credit is available to NASPGHAN members (if you are not a member, you should probably sign up). And thank you to the NASPGHAN Professional Education Committee for their review!

    As always, the discussion, views, and recommendations in this podcast are the sole responsibility of the hosts and guests and are subject to change over time with advances in the field.

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  • In the first episode of 2024, hosts Drs. Temara Hajjat and Jason Silverman talk to Dr. William Balistreri about some of the new developments in the hepatology field over the past year.

    This episode is eligible for CME credit! Once you have listened to the episode, click this link to claim your credit. Credit is available to NASPGHAN members (if you are not a member, you should probably sign up). And thank you to the NASPGHAN Professional Education Committee for their review!

    Links for this episode:

    Acute hepatitis of unknown etiology in children Gilbert's SyndromeEmerging therapy for A-1-AT deficiency - Fazirsiran (1, 2 and 3)Matrix metalloproteinase-7 (MMP-7) and biliary atresiaMethotrexate and the risk of liver disease (1, 2, 3, 4, and 5)Warning from the FDA about the use of selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMS) among teens and young adults (also here and here)


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    This episode is eligible for CME credit! Once you have listened to the episode, click this link to claim your credit. Credit is available to NASPGHAN members (if you are not a member, you should probably sign up). And thank you to the NASPGHAN Professional Education Committee for their review!

    As always, the discussion, views, and recommendations in this podcast are the sole responsibility of the hosts and guests and are subject to change over time with advances in the field.

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  • In another special JPGN episode, hosts Drs. Jennifer Lee and Jason Silverman talk to Dr. Elizabeth Berg about a topic that has become a huge part of medical practice over the past few years – telemedicine. This is covered in the recent NASPGHAN position paper: North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition Position Statement for Telehealth.

    This episode is eligible for CME credit! Once you have listened to the episode, click this link to claim your credit. Credit is available to NASPGHAN members (if you are not a member, you should probably sign up). And thank you to the NASPGHAN Professional Education Committee for their review!

    Links for this episode:

    NASPGHAN Telehealth Position PaperCenter for Connected Health Policy

    Learning Objectives:

    Understand the operational considerations for telemedicine including components of virtual visits and patient selection. Review logistical factors impacting telehealth including licensure, liability and reimbursement.Understand the positive impacts and potential limitations and inequities of telemedicine.

    Produced by: Jason Silverman

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    This episode is eligible for CME credit! Once you have listened to the episode, click this link to claim your credit. Credit is available to NASPGHAN members (if you are not a member, you should probably sign up). And thank you to the NASPGHAN Professional Education Committee for their review!

    As always, the discussion, views, and recommendations in this podcast are the sole responsibility of the hosts and guests and are subject to change over time with advances in the field.

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  • In this episode, hosts Drs. Peter Lu and Jennifer Lee talk to Dr. Muhammad Khan about the cutting edge of pediatric endoscopy. We discuss his career path, use of peroral endoscopic myotomy (POEM) for children with achalasia and gastroparesis, advances in bariatric endoscopy that may be coming our way, and finally what he sees in the future of pediatric endoscopy.

    Dr. Khan is Associate Professor of Pediatrics at The Ohio State University College of Medicine and Director of Interventional and Diagnostic Endoscopy in the Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition at Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus, Ohio.

    This episode is eligible for CME credit! Once you have listened to the episode, click this link to claim your credit. Credit is available to NASPGHAN members (if you are not a member, you should probably sign up). And thank you to the NASPGHAN Professional Education Committee for their review!

    Learning Objectives:

    Understand the indications and safety of esophageal peroral endoscopy myotomy (POEM) for children with esophageal achalasia.Recognize the potential role of gastric POEM for children with gastroparesis-like symptoms.Recognize the endoscopic bariatric procedures that are starting to be used to treat childhood obesity.

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    This episode is eligible for CME credit! Once you have listened to the episode, click this link to claim your credit. Credit is available to NASPGHAN members (if you are not a member, you should probably sign up). And thank you to the NASPGHAN Professional Education Committee for their review!

    As always, the discussion, views, and recommendations in this podcast are the sole responsibility of the hosts and guests and are subject to change over time with advances in the field.

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  • In this episode, hosts Drs. Jennifer Lee and Jason Silverman talk to Dr. Norberto Rodriguez-Baez about Hepatitis B. We discuss diagnosis, treatment options, and the importance of vaccinations to prevent transmission of this virus.

    Dr. Rodriguez-Baez is a professor of pediatrics at University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center and hepatologist at Children's Health in Dallas, Texas. He is program director of the pediatric GI fellowship at UT Southwestern and associate Dean for Student Affairs. He is the NAPSGHAN 2022 awardee for the Master Educator Award.

    This episode is eligible for CME credit! Once you have listened to the episode, click this link to claim your credit. Credit is available to NASPGHAN members (if you are not a member, you should probably sign up). And thank you to the NASPGHAN Professional Education Committee for their review!

    Learning Objectives:

    Outline hepatitis B serologic markers, diagnosis, phases, and treatmentReview importance of primary vaccination series in hepatitis BUnderstand when to test for immunity and consider re-vaccination against hepatitis B

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    This episode is eligible for CME credit! Once you have listened to the episode, click this link to claim your credit. Credit is available to NASPGHAN members (if you are not a member, you should probably sign up). And thank you to the NASPGHAN Professional Education Committee for their review!

    As always, the discussion, views, and recommendations in this podcast are the sole responsibility of the hosts and guests and are subject to change over time with advances in the field.

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  • In this episode, hosts Drs. Jennifer Lee and Jason Silverman debrief with Dr. Sandeep Gupta on his NASPGHAN Research Year in Review. Dr. Gupta is Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Alabama He is also the North American Editor and Chief for both JPGN and JPGN Reports.

    Learning Objectives:

    Review impactful clinical research papers in eosinophilic gastrointestinal disorders, celiac disease, and inflammatory bowel disease from 2023Review impactful clinical research papers in hepatology from 2023 Review impactful clinical research papers in nutrition and obesity medicine from 2023

    This episode is eligible for CME credit! Once you have listened to the episode, click this link to claim your credit. Credit is available to NASPGHAN members (if you are not a member, you should probably sign up). And thank you to the NASPGHAN Professional Education Committee for their review!

    Executive Summary: Clinical Practice Guideline for the Evaluation and Treatment of Children and Adolescents With Obesity - PubMed ( Semaglutide in Adolescents with Obesity - PMC ( Analysis of INSPPIRE-2 Cohort: Risk Factors and Disease Burden in Children With Acute Recurrent or Chronic Pancreatitis - PubMed ( Medication Use in Hospitalized Pediatric and Young Adult Patients With Acute Pancreatitis - PubMed ( Consensus Recommendations for Eosinophilic Gastrointestinal Disease Nomenclature - PubMed ( Clinical Severity Index for Eosinophilic Esophagitis: Development, Consensus, and Future Directions - PubMed ( guidance for the use of dupilumab in eosinophilic esophagitis: A yardstick - PubMed ( multisociety Delphi consensus statement on new fatty liver disease nomenclature - PubMed (

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    This episode is eligible for CME credit! Once you have listened to the episode, click this link to claim your credit. Credit is available to NASPGHAN members (if you are not a member, you should probably sign up). And thank you to the NASPGHAN Professional Education Committee for their review!

    As always, the discussion, views, and recommendations in this podcast are the sole responsibility of the hosts and guests and are subject to change over time with advances in the field.

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  • In this episode, hosts Drs. Jennifer Lee and Jason Silverman talk to Dr. Christophe Faure about tracheoesophageal fistula and esophageal atresia. This important congenital abnormality carries a host of potential future health implications that are important to understand and manage.

    Dr. Faure is a Professor of Pediatrics at Universite de Montreal and a pediatric gastroenterologist at CHU Ste-Justine. He is also the director of the Esophageal Atresia Clinic at Ste-Justine and runs a basic research lab focused on discovering the mechanisms behind EA and studying new treatments based on tissue engineering.

    This episode is eligible for CME credit! Once you have listened to the episode, click this link to claim your credit. Credit is available to NASPGHAN members (if you are not a member, you should probably sign up). And thank you to the NASPGHAN Professional Education Committee for their review!

    Important links:

    International Network of Esophageal Atresia (a non-profit organization
    of professionals working in the field of Esophageal atresia)Publications mentioned on this episode (and more!)

    Learning Objectives:

    Understand the complications commonly experienced by children with esophageal atresia.Outline the recommended management of gastroesophageal reflux in children with esophageal atresia.Understand the role of the multidisciplinary team in the long-term surveillance and health maintenance of children with esophageal atresia.

    Produced by: Jason Silverman

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    As always, the discussion, views, and recommendations in this podcast are the sole responsibility of the hosts and guests and are subject to change over time with advances in the field.

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    This episode is eligible for CME credit! Once you have listened to the episode, click this link to claim your credit. Credit is available to NASPGHAN members (if you are not a member, you should probably sign up). And thank you to the NASPGHAN Professional Education Committee for their review!

    As always, the discussion, views, and recommendations in this podcast are the sole responsibility of the hosts and guests and are subject to change over time with advances in the field.

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  • We kick off Season 5 (!) of our little podcast with another host episode!

    Hosts Drs. Temara Hajjat, Jennifer Lee, Peter Lu, and Jason Silverman talk about podcast updates, our new merch store, and answer your questions from #NASPGHAN23 in sunny San Diego.

    And a huge thank you to all of our guests, our producer Corey, and NASPGHAN -- but most of all, to all of our listeners out there! Our next season will be the best yet.

    Check out our Bowel Sounds merch here:

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    This episode is eligible for CME credit! Once you have listened to the episode, click this link to claim your credit. Credit is available to NASPGHAN members (if you are not a member, you should probably sign up). And thank you to the NASPGHAN Professional Education Committee for their review!

    As always, the discussion, views, and recommendations in this podcast are the sole responsibility of the hosts and guests and are subject to change over time with advances in the field.

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  • In our FIRST collaboration with the Nutrition Pearls podcast from the Council for Pediatric Nutrition Professionals (CPNP), hosts Dr. Peter Lu and dietitian Jennifer Smith talk to our guests Dr. Bruno Chumpitazi and dietitian Kirsten Jones about dietary treatment of children with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) -- specifically about using the low-FODMAP diet in children.

    Dr. Chumpitazi is a pediatric neurogastroenterologist who recently completed being the inaugural director of the Neurogastroenterology and Motility Program at Texas Children’s Hospital and who is now Professor and Division Chief of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition at Duke University. Kirsten Jones, RD, CSP, LD, is a registered dietitian who specializes in caring for children with disorders of gut-brain interaction and use of the low-FODMAP diet at Nationwide Children’s Hospital.

    This episode is eligible for CME credit! Once you have listened to the episode, click this link to claim your credit. Credit is available to NASPGHAN members (if you are not a member, you should probably sign up). And thank you to the NASPGHAN Professional Education Committee for their review!

    Learning Objectives:

    Understand the indications and potential contraindications to using the low-FODMAP diet for a child with IBS.Understand the rationale and structure of the low-FODMAP diet.Recognize modifications to the low-FODMAP diet that can make therapy more feasible for children.

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    This episode is eligible for CME credit! Once you have listened to the episode, click this link to claim your credit. Credit is available to NASPGHAN members (if you are not a member, you should probably sign up). And thank you to the NASPGHAN Professional Education Committee for their review!

    As always, the discussion, views, and recommendations in this podcast are the sole responsibility of the hosts and guests and are subject to change over time with advances in the field.

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  • Drs. Jennifer Lee and Temara Hajjat talked to Dr. Mercedes Martinez, a Professor of Pediatrics and Pediatric Gastroenterologist and Transplant Hepatologist from Columbia University, about diagnosing and managing pediatric patients with portal hypertension and esophageal varices.

    Learning Objectives:

    Learn the clinical and diagnostic signs of portal hypertension and varices in pediatric patients. Learn the management of portal hypertension in pediatric patientsLearn the management of acute variceal bleeding

    Produced by: Temara Hajjat

    This episode is eligible for CME credit! Once you have listened to the episode, click this link to claim your credit. Credit is available to NASPGHAN members (if you are not a member, you should probably sign up). And thank you to the NASPGHAN Professional Education Committee for their review!

    Links for this episode:

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    This episode is eligible for CME credit! Once you have listened to the episode, click this link to claim your credit. Credit is available to NASPGHAN members (if you are not a member, you should probably sign up). And thank you to the NASPGHAN Professional Education Committee for their review!

    As always, the discussion, views, and recommendations in this podcast are the sole responsibility of the hosts and guests and are subject to change over time with advances in the field.

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  • In another special JPGN episode, hosts Drs. Jennifer Lee and Jason Silverman talk to Dr. Jennifer Vittorio about the important topic of healthcare transition for adolescents following liver transplantation, which is covered in the recent NASPGHAN position paper: Health Care Transition for Adolescents and Young Adults With Pediatric-Onset Liver Disease and Transplantation: A Position Paper by the North American Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition.

    This episode is eligible for CME credit! Once you have listened to the episode, click this link to claim your credit. Credit is available to NASPGHAN members (if you are not a member, you should probably sign up). And thank you to the NASPGHAN Professional Education Committee for their review!

    Links for this episode:

    Transition post-transplant position paperGot Transition

    Learning Objectives:

    Understand the important differences between healthcare transition and transfer of careDiscuss the six core components of healthcare transitionReview the dimensions of transition readiness and tools for their assessment

    Produced by: Jason Silverman

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    This episode is eligible for CME credit! Once you have listened to the episode, click this link to claim your credit. Credit is available to NASPGHAN members (if you are not a member, you should probably sign up). And thank you to the NASPGHAN Professional Education Committee for their review!

    As always, the discussion, views, and recommendations in this podcast are the sole responsibility of the hosts and guests and are subject to change over time with advances in the field.

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  • In our third international episode, hosts Drs. Peter Lu and Jason Silverman talk to Dr. Looi Ee about completing the challenging colonoscopy. Dr. Ee is a pediatric gastroenterologist at Queensland Children's Hospital in Brisbane, Australia, and leads the endoscopy and intestinal rehabilitation programs there. She is also the sole pediatric representative on the Conjoint Committee for Recognition of Training in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (CCRTGE), the national body certifying endoscopy training in Australia. We discuss colonoscopy training for the pediatric gastroenterologist, practical tips for completing a challenging colonoscopy in a child, and differences between colonoscopy training in North America and Australia.

    This episode is eligible for CME credit! Once you have listened to the episode, click this link to claim your credit. Credit is available to NASPGHAN members (if you are not a member, you should probably sign up). And thank you to the NASPGHAN Professional Education Committee for their review!

    Learning Objectives:

    Recognize the different standards proposed for pediatric colonoscopy training.Understand strategies for completing the challenging colonoscopy.Discuss the benefit of continuing to monitor colonoscopy outcomes even after completing training.

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    This episode is eligible for CME credit! Once you have listened to the episode, click this link to claim your credit. Credit is available to NASPGHAN members (if you are not a member, you should probably sign up). And thank you to the NASPGHAN Professional Education Committee for their review!

    As always, the discussion, views, and recommendations in this podcast are the sole responsibility of the hosts and guests and are subject to change over time with advances in the field.

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