We've all seen a movie when a superhero has to decide whether to use their special power. There's one reason they take action--concern for the person who needs it. Similarly, the more someone loves the people of the church, the more willing that person will be to use their gifts for the good of their church. In this Scripture, we find a description of the love that compels us to use our gifts for others. A church that loves like this has no limit to what it can do.
6 questions to ask yourself to help recognize your spiritual gifts:
- What comes naturally to me now that didn’t before Jesus?
- What do people I trust in the church see in me?
- What does the Holy Spirit prompt me to do?
- What do other people really appreciate about me?
- What brings me joy and satisfaction when I serve others?
- What do I wish every Christian would do for Jesus?
There are many kinds of spiritual gifts and we all have a unique combination of them. That can make it difficult to know which ones the Holy Spirit has given to each disciple. This message will provide an overview of the different spiritual gifts and practical guidance for people to discover how they are uniquely gifted by God to be a part of His work through the church.
6 questions to ask yourself to help recognize your spiritual gifts:
- What comes naturally to me now that didn’t before Jesus?
- What do people I trust in the church see in me?
- What does the Holy Spirit prompt me to do?
- What do other people really appreciate about me?
- What brings me joy and satisfaction when I serve others?
- What do I wish every Christian would do for Jesus?
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When it comes to spiritual gifts, people can drift to two extremes--they can think they don't need the gifts of others or they can think that no one needs the gift they have. Using the image of a body with many parts, this Scripture teaches that every disciple of Jesus has a gift that is important to the church. And every person needs the rest of the church to be strong in their faith and effective in their mission.
Recommended Reading: Beginners Guide to Spiritual Gifts by Sam Storms
Many people within the church don't realize that they are uniquely gifted by God to participate in His work through the church. Others have an idea of how they're gifted, but still haven't yet realized their full potential. In this introduction to spiritual gifts, we will learn where they come from, who get them, and what purpose they have in our lives.
Recommended Reading: Beginners Guide to Spiritual Gifts by Sam Storms
Because of their commitment to Jesus, disciples bring His Kingdom to earth by living with a purpose. God created us with a desire for purpose and there's no greater one to live for than helping people enter the Kingdom of God and experience its renewal here on earth. This purpose extends into every part of life--work, school, family, community. There are simple actions we can all take to have a Kingdom influence right where God has placed us.
Because of their commitment to Jesus, disciples bring His Kingdom to earth by offering what they have to make earth more like heaven. Money is an incredible resource God has entrusted to us for this purpose. For a disciple, giving begins with the church because it represents God's presence and purpose on earth. Generosity is also expressed by responding to needs and showing kindness so more will experience the renewal of God's Kingdom on earth.
*Related Resources*
- Use the button above for a message from our Seeing Green series, "The King's Portion" regarding tithing
- Book: "Fields of Gold" by Andy Stanley
Because of their love for Jesus, disciples do their part to build up His church. The church is not a building or a service but a people who are united by their commitment to Jesus. The best way to strengthen other disciples is through deep, meaningful relationships. People often wait for others to initiate relationships. But a core practice of a disciple is making personal investments in relationships with other followers of Jesus.
Because of their commitment to Jesus, disciples do their part to build up His church. The church will be healthier, stronger, and more effective when each person finds a way to use their time and talent to serve others in the church. There are countless ways to do this-- hospitality, prayer, ministry teams, leadership, meeting needs, etc. We each have something different to offer, but the church will be best when each person does their part.
Disciples live with Jesus as King, giving Him full authority over their lives. There are so many other things in our lives that divide our attention and demand our allegiance. We need a regular rhythm of worship with our church to help us keep Jesus as the highest priority and authority in our lives. This worship gathering can best serve its purpose when accompanied by a day or rest.
*Related Resources*
- Use the button above for a messages from our Less is More series, "Sabbath"
Disciples live with Jesus as King, giving Him full authority over their lives. This allegiance is established not by power or force but by love. Jesus has demonstrated His love for us and He wants us to trust Him to lead us into life at its best. This kind of dependence and allegiance happens one day at a time. Jesus taught that our relationship with Him should be like that of a vine and its branches, meaning that we need a constant connection to He to thrive. This abiding relationship grows through the daily practices of prayer and Scripture reading.
*Related Resources*
- Use the buttons above for two messages from our Less is More series, "Mornings" and "Fasting"
- Book: "How to Read the Bible for All it's Worth" by Gordon D. Fee
- Book: "Women of the Word" by Jen Wilkin
God's love never fails. He never gives up on the possibility of life with His people. He continues to initiate, promise, and pursue. No matter how far someone runs from God, there's always a way back. No part of Scripture makes this more clear than the prophets of the Old Testament. God's promises find their fulfillment in Jesus, who assures us of God's love and makes the way for us to come back.
Sin is the greatest and only threat to our relationship with God. Not only does the offensiveness of sin break the relationship, the guilt of sin can often keep us from coming back to God to reconcile the relationship. Even long before Jesus, God offered forgivenss to His people so that they could live with God. Through Jesus' life and death, God forgives sin once and for all for those who believe in Jesus.
It is often the pain in our own lives or the problems in the world around us that make us feel like God is not close. But the times actually provide a unique opportunity to experience God's presence. For the people of Israel, God most powerfully revealed His presence when things were at there worst. They came to know God as the One who is always with them to guide and protect them. Through faith in Jesus, we can come to know God in the same way, no matter what we face.
How can I be sure that God really loves me? Is it really possible to be close to God? The Bible begins and ends with a picture of God delighting in being to His people. And at the center of the story is what God was willing to do to make that possible. God loves each person so much that He came from heaven to earth as Jesus, Immanuel, so that all who believe in Him can be with Him now and forever.
Each of us deeply desires for our lives to make a difference. Jesus tells us that the difference He wants us to make is bringing the Kingdom of Heaven into this world, right where we live. Jesus described the coming of His Kingdom as a harvest, which makes us wonder how we can bring a good harvest by the end of our lives. Jesus reveals a secret about the harvest in a story He told. The key to a good harvest isn't about searching for good soil but about scattering much seed.
We live close to a lot of people--those who are next door, at workspace, in your family, and all along your way. In Scripture, these people are called neighbors. Jesus tells a shocking story to show that one of the best ways to bring His Kingdom to earth is by being a good neighbor to the people close to you. Jesus challenges each of us to not look past the people around us but instead to see their needs and be willing to meet them.
Money is a powerful resource in our world. It can be used for great good, terrible evil, or nothing at all. Jesus spoke often about money not only because it affects our hearts but also because it can be used to bring His Kingdom to earth. People who follow Jesus should manage their possessions differently than the rest of the world, for the good of others and the glory of God. In this parable, Jesus teaches people to be generous to God rather than keep money all to themselves.
Forgiveness might be the most difficult thing Jesus asks us to do. It's also one of the most powerful ways the Kingdom of God breaks into our world of sin, brokenness, and pain. Even the first disciples were shocked at the kind of forgiveness Jesus expects from His followers. So, Jesus told a story to help us see that our ability to forgive others can only come from our acknowledgement of the incredible, life-changing forgiveness we've receieved from Jesus. Once forgiven, we can forgive.
God unconditionally, relentlessly loves every person. God wants His people to possess and demonstrate that love to others. God especially wants us to share His passion and urgency for those who are still far from Him. Jesus confronted religious leaders who thought some were too far away to be brought back to God. Jesus urged His followers to love the lost like God does and go after them to bring them home to God. The Kingdom comes when people come into the Kingdom.
We know and feel that the world is not as it should be. Our hearts long for something better--a world of compassion, peace, kindness, grace, and joy. Jesus announced he was bringing a new reality into the world--His Kingdom is coming. This new reality is what our world needs and our hearts long for. Jesus said it comes through His people who live different and distinct lives. Prayer is the foundation of this Kingdom life. For this reason, Jesus taught us to align our hearts with His by praying, "Your Kingdom come, your will be done."
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