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    Have you ever felt like someone in your life is constantly dragging you down, leaving you mentally and emotionally drained? You can’t quite put your finger on it, but you hate feeling this way about them. Yet, you can’t deny that this person just isn’t good for you. If you’re battling these conflicting feelings, you’re not alone – and you might be dealing with it right now.

    So you might be wondering
 if these demonic individuals can appear so ‘normal’ while causing so much chaos, how can you possibly identify them?

    Look, we all know to walk away from toxic people and party animals, but what about those who deceive you into thinking they’re positive? The real issue with these individuals is that their positivity only shines when it comes to negative things. They only encourage you and seem happy with you when you partake in their destructive behaviors. Misery loves company, after all.

    The Story of Troy:

    But first, it’s crucial to understand HOW these demonic forces infiltrate your life.

    Let’s take a lesson from the legendary city of Troy. Renowned for its impenetrable walls, Troy fell victim to a cunning Greek plan after a long siege. The Greeks constructed a massive wooden horse, hid a select group of warriors inside, and pretended to abandon the siege, leaving the horse as a deceptive gift. The Trojans, believing they had won, brought the horse into their fortified city.

    When night fell, the hidden Greek soldiers emerged, opened the gates for the rest of their troops, and completely conquered Troy from within.

    THIS is EXACTLY how Satan operates. His mission is to kill, steal, and destroy. Before you think, “Oh, I don’t give in to Satan,” be careful; you might be giving in to one of his ‘gifts.’

    If the devil can’t get to you directly, he’ll send a narcissist.

    That’s why so many Christians are being fooled by these wolves in sheep’s clothing, applying a Pollyanna mentality and getting slaughtered. And this isn’t a five-minute mistake; the repercussions can last years – even a lifetime.

    So you may be wondering, if these demonic people look ‘normal’ and can wreak that much havoc, how can you identify them?

    Here are the signs to spot and walk away from toxic people!

    Sign #1: Encourages You to Sin

    We all sin and fall short of the glory of God, but godly people will call you out to bring you to repentance and restoration.

    People sent by the devil, however, will actually encourage you in bad behaviors. And it’s subtle.

    We know to avoid negative people, but what about those who fool you into believing they’re positive? The problem is, they’re only positive about the negative. They only encourage and are happy with you when you join them in their destructive behaviors.

    That’s because sinners love company. 1 Corinthians 15:33 warns, “Do not be deceived: ‘Bad company ruins good morals.'”

    These devil-sent ambassadors only celebrate when you do something wrong, with encouragement like “Good for you, I’m proud of you!” after you just drank too much or told off your boss.

    They might say, “It’s normal
 it’s only natural
 wouldn’t God want you to be happy? YOLO.”

    If you resist, they’ll attack you with sayings like, “You’re such a self-righteous stick in the mud
 always a buzzkill.”

    These people often appear as charismatic, fun-loving individuals, seeming like everything you’ve been praying for, but in reality, they’re on a mission to drag you down with them.

    Sign #2: Manipulation and Control

    This sign is likely one you’ve endured on countless occasions, and not only ignored but blamed yourself for. It’s because their twisted motives are cunning and hard to spot.

    If you’ve ever been told your feelings aren’t reality, had you

  • FREE Toxic People Survival Guide.

    Conquering Codependency Biblically Online Course

    Have you ever been so fed up with a narcissist's behavior that you just wanted to call them out, tell them off, and expose their lies? Hold on!

    Before you take that leap, you need to know something crucial. What if I told you that calling out a narcissist will backfire in ways you never imagined? In this blog, we’re diving deep into why confronting them is a bad idea, what they’re likely to do in response, and the surprising alternative God has for you.

    But first, I want to share a story about Brenda. Brenda came to me years ago, overwhelmed by the realization that not only was her mother manipulative, but her 32-year-old daughter exhibited severe narcissistic traits. For years, Brenda believed her mother’s lies, thinking she was damaged and disrespectful. She took on the responsibility of trying to make her daughter more respectful and appreciative, never realizing the true nature of their behaviors.

    When Brenda finally understood what was really happening, she was ready to confront both her mother and her daughter. With her daughter, she wanted to share what she had learned about narcissism, hoping to open her eyes and stop the abuse. But with her mother, Brenda was done. She was fed up with the lies and the blame that she had suffered her entire life. She saw through her mother's manipulative, gaslighting tactics and was determined to let her know she was onto her.

    “She’ll have no choice but to stop once she knows I’m onto her,” Brenda told me confidently. “Brenda, are you sure about that?” I asked. “Yes, why wouldn’t I be? Now I know, and she needs to know that I know,” she insisted.

    Despite my advice to proceed cautiously, Brenda confronted both her mother and her daughter. She was loving but firm, ready to set the boundaries she had rehearsed in her mind for a week. But then, something unexpected happened. Both discussions spiraled into a toxic quagmire, leaving Brenda drained, confused, and feeling out of control.

    “What went wrong?” she asked me, bewildered. “I was loving with my daughter and firm with my mother. What happened? It’s like it backfired on me.”

    I kept my mouth shut with the thought "I tried to warn you" lingering in my mind. Brenda’s situation is, unfortunately, all too common.

    Whether your narcissist is a conniving coworker, a manipulative mother, an entitled child, or a childish spouse...

    You've likely reached a point where you finally have a name for what you've been experiencing. You finally understand that their behavior is just as destructive as you sensed it was. You're done beating yourself up and you're ready to call it out. You're ready to call out the lies, the inconsistencies, the exaggerations, the half-truths, the manipulations... You're done holding it in. If there's any hope for them to change, if there's any hope to keep your sanity, you feel you have to say something.

    Maybe you simply want to point out the contradictions in their stories so you can both finally get on the same page. Maybe they consistently say one thing one day and the complete opposite the next. Maybe your husband blames you for him having to work so hard, despite how many times you’ve begged him to retire because “he loves what he does.” So you ask, which is it
 you love what you do, or you're doing this because I’m making you? The truth is, the answer is whatever suits that moment, whatever makes them look like the hero and the victim. Neither is true and both are true. But since they can’t take responsibility for themselves an

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  • Do you ever wonder how some people are able to handle toxic, evil people with such grace, while others constantly get sucked into the drama?
    Join me as we dive into how wise Christians handle narcissists.

    FREE Toxic People Survival Guide

    Conquering Codependency Biblically Online Course

  • Are you ready to expose those wolves in sheep's clothing? Join me as we dive into the 5 clues to spot a 'christian' narcissist.

    FREE Toxic People Survival Guide

    Conquering Codependency Biblically Online Course

  • Join me as we dive into the 3 signs God is removing toxic people from your life

    FREE Toxic People Survival Guide

    Conquering Codependency Biblically Online Course

  • Join me today as we give you the clarity you're craving by revealing the 5 Signs God is Protecting You from a Narcissist.

    FREE Toxic People Survival Guide

    Conquering Codependency Biblically Online Course

  • Be sure to grab a copy of your FREE Toxic People Survival Guide to learn how to identity and deal with all the difficult people in your life. Grab your guide here.

    Do you feel like the magical connection you once had with the narcissist now feels more like a death grip?

    You, my friend, have likely fallen prey to the narcissist’s deceptive new-age belief that is making Christians everywhere vulnerable to manipulative people— that there is a pre-destined soulmate out there who will complete you.

    I want to share with you why this new-age belief that you once thought was romantic and biblical is actuallyleading you down a path you may never recover from.

    I also want to share with you the shocking reasons why the narcissist NEEDS you to believe this, plus how to recover if you've already fallen into this trap.

    To do that, I want to tell you about Eli.

    Eli was a talented potter who lived in a quaint village nestled at the edge of a lush forest. Eli was known all over the world for his exquisite pottery, each piece more beautiful than the last. However, Eli had a secret: he claimed a mystical clay from the forest was the source of his pottery’s beauty.

    He spoke of a legend, a tale of "The Perfect Clay," a material so pure and adaptable that only the most deserving artisans, destined by the stars, could find and use it.

    Intrigued by the promise of creating pottery as beautiful as Eli's, many villagers ventured into the forest, hoping to be the chosen ones to find "The Perfect Clay." Eli encouraged them, saying that only those with a true potter's soul, bound by destiny to the craft, would succeed. Yet, the forest was vast and the search endless. Many villagers became so obsessed with finding the mythical clay that they neglected their own craft, waiting for a destiny that never materialized.

    Meanwhile, back in the village, Eli continued to produce his pottery, not from mystical clay, but from the same earth as everyone else.

    His true talent lay in his skill and dedication, honed over years of practice—NOT in a magical ingredient. The villagers, lost in the pursuit of an illusory perfection, failed to realize that the beauty of pottery—and indeed, life—lies in the passion and effort, not some magical formula.

    Your narcissist is likely just like Eli, but instead of the perfect pottery, they're in search of the perfect partner.

    In fact, this new-age belief that there is a perfect, predestined partner is likely what wooed you in the beginning but is now leaving you feeling inadequate and constantly striving for their approval.

    Yes, narcissists believe in soulmates.And I'm going to share why.But I also want to share why you shouldn't.

    Soulmates are based on thebelief that you are 'complete' once you find that ONE perfect person created just for you.

    Believing that there's that one ideal individual that was created to complete you may sound romantic in movies, but it flies in the face of Colossians 2:10 that says, “You are complete in Christ.”

    So, my friend, if there is no cosmic connection in the universe that is pulling you toward another person and if the work of the cross is already finished for you, why do narcissists need to believe in soulmates?

    Let's break down three primary reasons.

    Reason #1: It guarantees lasting admiration

    Narcissists are addicted to admiration, much like a plant basking in the sun's rays. It's a need.

    This insatiable hunger for external validation fuels their s

  • Sometimes people-pleasing can keep you in the toxic relationships longer than you'd like. To find out what type of people pleaser you are, be sure to take the FREE quiz below. Am I a People Pleaser Quiz? Discover Your Type

    Have you ever read the NTV Bible?

    No I'm not referring to the KJV, NIV, or my all time favorite--the ESV.

    I'm talking about the NTV--the narcissist twisted version. The one where they take God's truth and distort it beyond recognition to suit their narrative. The one that leaves you feeling dazed and confused.

    In any version of the bible, you will find the inerrant truth of God's word. But what happens if you're being fed a distorted version?

    If you've been living with a narcissist who loves to quote scripture to you, you've like been fed the NTV--the narcissist version of the truth.

    So which one do you believe?

    My hope is to help you stop the manipulation.

    That’s why I’m going to breakdown the four scriptures narcissists just can’t resist twisting, their main motivator when using these scriptures, and the foolproof benchmark to ensure you are never manipulated again by misused scripture.

    The narcissist’s misuse of scripture is like a chef twisting a classic pasta recipe into some distorted version for their own gain.

    Maybe instead of the regular ingredients, he decides to add a few extra that he's got lying around, a few that are about to expire, and maybe even an idea that he'd like to try—at your expense. And I'm not talking about complementary ingredients. I'm talking about ingredients that don't belong and completely distort the dish. Like peanut butter in lasagna.

    The foundational elements are there but the finished dish is distorted beyond recognition. It's no longer appetizing. It’s food, but it's not what it was intended to be. In fact, it's repulsive.

    The same is true for the narcissist’s use of scripture. They don’t use scripture for it’s intended purpose but rather to serve their own selfish agenda, leaving those who are feeding off of their mess, confused and malnourished.

    So why do narcissists twist scripture?

    The truth is, they can't resist. Scripture is a weapon for them to use against you. Satan did it to Jesus in the wilderness when he twisted three scriptures to try and get him to back off from his ultimate mission—the cross.

    While the Word of God is a powerful weapon, much like that recipe, the narcissist turns that weapon into a weapon of manipulative destruction.

    In fact there are four driving forces behind the narcissists craving for scripture:

    1. Get you to do something for them

    2. Get you to stop doing something to them

    3. Get you to believe their lies

    4. Get you to assume the blame

    It really is that simple.

    Their motive has always been and likely will always be self-focus—self-protection and self-preservation.

    They actually don’t care if you’re following biblical principles. They don’t care if you’re honoring God in who you are and what you do. They only care how your actions impact them.

    Scripture is only used to their benefit NOT yours.

    In other words, trusting a narcissist to use scripture properly is likely hiring a wolf to guard the sheep.

    So what are the scriptures that they LOVE to manipulate you with?

    Twisted scripture #1

    I know you've heard this one before. You've likely had it thrown in your face every time you raise an issue. It's tossed about every single time they don't want to face the consequences for their actions.&n

  • If you want to learn how to identify and deal with all the difficult people in your life, be sure to grab a copy of my Toxic People Survival Guide

    Does it seem like the narcissist in your life just skates by and gets away with their manipulative, destructive behavior, almost like they're somehow immune to justice?

    Today, I want to give you the clarity you're craving about why God's justice might seem a little slow, and EXACTLY how God deals with issues of pride, manipulation, and deceit.

    My friend, stick with me, because by the end of our time today, your wavering faith WILL be strengthened.

    There's a character in the bible that always reminds me of God's justice. Perhaps you know her from the books of 1 and 2 Kings. She was a Phoenician princess who was the wife of Ahab, king of Israel. And her name was Jezebel.

    Jezebel was a spiteful, wicked, manipulative, malicious woman who presented as charming and attractive, and who at times played victim.

    Sound like anyone you know?

    Narcissists are notorious for putting on the performance of being everything you need. But beneath the surface, they are self-centered, immature, entitled brats who will stop at nothing to get what they want.

    Jezebel was infamously known for promoting the worship of Baal, a Canaanite deity, in Israel, directly opposing the worship of God. She was also famous for her role in the persecution of the prophets of God, including the murder of Naboth, simply because her husband wanted his vineyard.

    In our lives, she's the mother who seems to get away with her constant abuse. She's the woman at the office who has the boss fooled into thinking she’s a team player.

    But SHE doesn't need to be a SHE.

    This Jezebel behavior is no respecter of genders. In fact, there are some predictable patterns that I want you to start looking out for--patterns you might otherwise miss if you're focused on the fear and frustration.

    For starters: God will not tolerate idolatry and falsehood.

    Jezebel's promotion of Baal worship and her attempts to suppress the worship of God represent the pinnacle of how the narcissist operates.

    Like Jezebel, narcissists create false images and exalt themselves at the expense of others

    God hates idol worship. Let's go back to Exodus 20. It says, ’You shall have no other gods before me.’

    The narcissist’s carved image is their mirror, because narcissists worship themselves. They exalt themselves and anything they desire above God.

    Don't be fooled my friend, they're not content with just worshipping themselves. They need YOU to worship them too.

    Do you ever wonder why things always go south when you raise an issue or express a concern or a dislike about them? Their ego is as fragile as that mirror.

    And just like God warned the people of Israel in Deuteronomy 6 not to follow other gods, just like He also sent warnings to Jezebel, He will also send warnings to the narcissist.

    You can always expect God to be merciful and give us chance after chance.

    In His next phase, God will send warnings.

    Jezebel’s fate didn’t have to end the way it did.

    Narcissists (and all of us for that matter) are given chance after chance, warning after warning to turn from our ways.

    How many times did God have to tug on your heart before you answered the call?

    If we heed those warnings, it can lead to repentance and restoration.

    If we ignore them, we head for destruction, full steam ahead.

    And that's exactly what He did for Jezebel. Elijah and other prophets were sent to stand up to her

  • Resources mentioned in this podcast:

    FREE Toxic People Survival Guide

    Conquering Codependency Biblically Online Course

    Master Powerful Tactics to Gain Control When Triggered into a Toxic Argument

  • Am I a People Pleaser Quiz? Discover Your Type.

    Want to learn how to identify and deal with all the difficult people in your life? Be sure to grab your FREE Toxic People Survival Guide

    Being in a marriage with a narcissist can leave you feeling like you've got only two choices: resign yourself to a life of misery or pack your bags and leave.

    Before you make a decision that will change your life forever, I want to talk to you about three categories to consider when contemplating a divorce from a narcissistic spouse.

    With a multitude of twisted scriptures, it can be difficult to determine the most biblical action for your situation. So by the end of our time together, my hope is that you will have greater peace in understanding God's will for your situation, and that you will have an answer the question that I get asked more than any other question--will God let me leave my narcissistic spouse?

    To do that we need to address three categories: the justified, the baseless, and the plausible.

    The first category is going to be the most important to dive into but be careful not to automatically assume that you fall into this category, as most don't.

    Category #1: the Justified

    These are the people who have a justifiable reason to leave the marriage.

    The first justification is found in Matthew 19:9 where it states that we shouldn't divorce except in cases of infidelity. So, the first justified reason is when there is betrayal in the marriage.

    Infidelity is a justification for divorce. You’re not in the wrong. You’re not sinning against God. You’re free to leave. You don’t have to, but you’re free to.

    Within the church, that's where you'll find that justification stops—no infidelity, no recourse. But infidelity isn't the only time where God allows for divorce.

    The next is abandonment.1 Corinthians 7:15 states, But if the unbelieving partner separates, let it be so. In such cases the brother or sister is not enslaved. God has called you[b] to peace.

    Yet another reason is neglect or abuse. Narcissistic relationships are defined by the selfishness of one partner at the expense of the other. So instead of using scriptures like "God hates divorce" as a weapon, perhaps we should acknowledge how much God hates abuse. In fact, that scripture "God hates divorce" was written because the men were abusing their roles and discarding their wives at will.

    So let's talk about this justification of abuse. Abuse can be defined as extreme danger or harm; physically, mentally or emotionally.

    To tell a victim of abuse that he/she needs to stay and suffer further abuse is further victimizing the innocent.

    Some may say that "no divorce" is a hard and fast rule in scripture. And I agree that it should not be abused, but we also find in scripture where there are many cases where the 'rules' are broken:

    · Jesus talking to the woman at the well

    · Healing on the sabbath

    · David eating the showbread

    · Instructing Ezekiel to eat unclean food

    We even see Abigail going behind her husband Nebal’s back because of his destructive behavior, all to save life.

    And we have scriptures that appear to contradict themselves like, turn the other che

  • 10 Clear Signs You've Been Abused by a Narcissist

    FREE Toxic People Survival Guide

    Conquering Codependency Biblically Online Course

  • Want to learn how to identify and deal with all the difficult people in your life? Be sure to grab your FREE Toxic People Survival Guide

    Are you tired of falling victim to the emotional and psychological manipulation of a narcissist?

    Do you worry that long-term exposure to this devil-sent individual will negatively impact your faith?

    Narcissists are self-centered, egotistical, fragile individuals who only care about meeting their own need—often at your expense.

    They are excellent at playing mind games to gain the upper hand and get what they want in relationships.

    They don’t see you as an individual with feelings. They see you as a pawn for their purpose and they don’t care how their behavior impacts you. In fact, it doesn’t even occur to them.

    They are demonically inspired and often dangerous.

    1 Peter 5:8 reminds us that the devil prowls around like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour. I would argue that if we need to be alert to the devil, we also need to be alert to the people he’s using.

    Let’s take a look at the demonic mind games they’ll use to manipulate you.

    Demonic mind game #1: The blame game

    It's easy to forget, but narcissists are very fragile individuals.

    You may have fallen for their false facade but behind that phony exterior is an empty shallow parasite who needs to feed off of you for validation. When that validation dries up and you try to have a healthy relationship with healthy confrontation, you will see a wounded soul. And this is where it goes from broken to bad.

    Narcissists can skillfully play the victim to garner sympathy and shift blame. They may exaggerate or entirely fabricate situations where they appear to be the innocent party, diverting attention from their own harmful actions.

    Whether referring to past “failures” or current problems, narcissists will rarely accept responsibility for their actions. They’ll blame all the relationship issues on you. They never feel like anything is their fault. They’ll even make things up, so that you’ll be the one to fix their mess, all while they play the victim.

    This behavior dates back to the beginning of time when God called out Adam for eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. What did he say? “The woman YOU gave made me do it.”

    Now, I’m not saying that Adam was a narcissist, but you see how cunning the devil was right from the start.

    Demonic mind game #2: The trigger game

    Do you ever wonder how the narcissist seems to know ALL of your pain points? That’s because they studied you like a book.

    Not with the intent to truly get to know you, but for the sheer purpose of gathering information for the future. That’s why they work so hard with love bombing to win you over, break down your guard, and get you vulnerable.

    This can really throw you for a loop, especially if you’ve been in a relationship with a narcissist who doesn’t seem to care or listen, but suddenly when you’re arguing or they’re trying to get their way, they seem to have amazing recall. Every mistake you’ve made, every little thing you’ve said can and will be used against you.

    Demonic mind game #3: The coercion game

    If narcissists don’t get what they want from you, they will use various forms of manipulation, guilt, shame, and triangulation all to get you to feel bad about yourself, second guess your boundaries, and ultimately give them what they want.

    If you think the narcissist only uses coercion with big ticket items, think again. This tactic is their go-to with EVERYTHING, which is why narcissists can be so exhausting to be in relationship with.

  • If you struggle with only being OK when others are OK with you, please check out my online course called Conquering Codependency Biblically.

    Want to learn how to identify and deal with all the difficult people in your life? Be sure to grab your FREE Toxic People Survival Guide

    Have you ever wondered WHY that person isn’t respecting your boundaries?

    Perhaps you think you need to find a better way to communicate or maybe you believe there are just some people who are boundary-proof.

    That’s why today, I want to dive into the ONE mistake that will cause your boundaries to fail every time AND what you can do to fix it.

    This particular mistake reminds me of the time my friend Meredith asked me to come with her to the car dealer to negotiate a price on a car.

    You see, this was the car she'd always wanted. She dreamed about it for years and she was finally able to afford it. Sort of.

    It was still a little out of her price range but she was so close that she couldn't take wait any longer. She knew how much I've saved on car purchases over the years, so she asked if I would join her. Happy to help her avoid over-paying, I said yes. Then I told her I have a few questions and there are a few rules. The biggest question was, are you flexible on colors and options? And the rules were this:

    Let me do all the talking.Don't get excited about the car.Follow my lead, even if you disagree.

    DEAL! She was so excited to drive off the lot with her shiny new sports car.

    We headed into the dealer. Gabe greeted us on the lot. And from the moment Meredith sat in that driver’s seat, I knew we were going to have an issue. She was so giddy that the salesperson looked like a kid who just scored the biggest lollipop. He knew he already had her, and I know I had my work cut out for me.

    When we finally sat down at Gabe's desk, the issue went from bad to worse.

    Gabe laid out the price and I pushed back. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Meredith was getting squirmy. Each time Gabe went to speak to his manager to get approval for what I was asking, Meredith needed to be talked off the ledge.

    “Let’s not push so hard,” she’d say. “What if he changes his mind?”

    “Changes his mind about what? Selling you a car? I don't think so.” But Meredith was terrified her dream car could slip right through her fingers.

    So when Gabe came back with his final offer--which I found to be completely unacceptable, especially given that sales were down and there were four of the exact same model on the lot--I knew it was time to say “Thank you Gabe, but no thank you.” Just as I was about to open my mouth, Meredith jumped out of her seat and said, “I'll take it.”

    I pushed myself away from Gabe's desk and knew my time here was done. There was nothing more I could do to help Meredith get the best price possible on her dream car.

    Truth be told, Gabe could have charged her double and I think she would have found a way to pay.

    You might be wondering, Kris, what does this have to do with boundaries? Everything. In fact, the one mistake that’s keeping you stuck with people who don't respect your boundaries is the SAME mistake Meredith made—the inability to walk away.

    Now, I'm not saying that you have to walk away from a relationship to get what you want (that's just manipulative). But I am saying that if you can't go without whatever they're offering you, your boundaries won't stick.

    Before you go thinking that this is just some game of “get m

  • Grab your FREE Toxic People Survival Guide right here

    Why is it that some Christians are able to move on from toxic relationships while others stay stuck in their hurt feelings?

    Maybe you've suffered so long, you don't even know what happiness feels like anymore.

    Before you go thinking that God's forgotten you (or worse, getting angry at Him), I want to break down for you three very powerful reasons why this hurt may be lingering more than you'd like,

    AND the prayer that could change EVERYTHING.

    To do that I need to remind you what happens when you touch a hot iron. You may cringe at the thought because you know how much it hurts. But how do you know it hurts? Well if you're as stubborn and stupid as me, it's likely because you HAVE touched one of these at some point in your life. (Despite how many times your mamma told you not to.) And once you did, the pain was excruciating. Maybe you even needed to go to the hospital. And I'm going to take a wild guess and you never did that again.

    The same is true for toxic relationships. We enter into them, ignoring the red flags, and then we slide right into the sizzle.

    For what godly reason would this happen? There are actually three of them.

    Reason #1: God wants to make sure you learn

    What do you think would happen if God just took those feelings away, erased them from your memory, wiped them from your emotional hard drive? You'd enter into a toxic relationship again, because you'd have no memory of how painful it was.

    So yes, God will allow these feelings to linger to teach you. I'm not saying that what that person did to you was OK, or even excusable. But ignoring this valuable insight is like being offered a ride in a luxury SUV but choosing a piggyback ride instead.

    Reason #2: You’re trying to stay in the driver’s seat

    Even with these valuable lessons learned, missing what I’m about to share could cause you—as it would most Christians—to backslide during a difficult time.

    If you're like me, you use your GPS for everything, even when you know exactly where to go and how to get there.

    And again, if you're anything like me, if your GPS tells you to go a way that differs from where YOU think you should go, you ignore it. (I told you I wasn't smart.)

    And what happens? More often then not you're stopped by a traffic jam or worse. That's because the GPS knows the roadblocks and delays you can run into.

    Your hurt feelings are the roadblocks and God is your GPS.

    God doesn't always remove the roadblocks because they actually serve His purpose. Just like his purpose for the Israelites in the Red Sea and the wilderness wasn't to harm them but rather draw them closer to HIM.

    Could it be that God wants to be your guiding light on this journey of healing? My friend, don't miss an amazing relationship opportunity because you're upset that he's not teleporting you to your next destination.

    Reason #3: God wants you for His purpose

    You may be saying, “Kris, that's great. I've learned my lesson and I've made my way back to God. But what's the point in keeping me in pain for so long?”

    That question can best be answered by Sam’s example. Sam was a trainer I hired when I had my old personal training business.

    Sam was highly educated. She graduated at the top of her class in biomechanics and she could tell you about anything that had to do with anatomy, from the function of the hip flexors in relation to the knee upon deceleration to the distal insertion point of the femur.

    There was only one problem: Sam had zero life experience. She couldn't relate to our clients who came to us wantin