DMV Hoodz&Newz X BMP | Episodes 10 |Business Man Podcast
In this episode we Interview Anwan aka DMVHoodzandNewz.
Also we talk about the Origin of the the Blog.
BMP X DMVHoodz&Newz
Follow The GoodMen:
BustaMove - @BustaMove10 💼🎙️
Sice - @TheSiceKing 🎙️
Benny- @Bennnyyy 📹🎙️
Anwan- @Dmvhoodzandnewz/elmstreetanwan
Business man podcast Episode 10 -
Miss Toya X BMP | Episodes 8 |Business Man Podcast
BMP X Miss Toya
Follow The GoodMen:
BustaMove - @BustaMove10 💼🎙️
Sice - @TheSiceKing 🎙️
Benny- @Bennnyyy 📹🎙️
Toya -@Originaltoyathis_toyathat
Business man podcast Episode 8 -
Fehlende Folgen?
Money Moves | Episodes 7 |Business Man Podcast
This episode we do a deep dive on financial literacy and hear a take from the good man himself.
Follow The GoodMen:
BustaMove - @BustaMove10 💼🎙️
Sice - @TheSiceKing 🎙️
Benny- @Bennnyyy 📹🎙️
Business man podcast Episode 7 -
How y'all feel about this "hoe phase era". In this episode we talk about the Hoe phase/ Demon time era in women and men.
Follow The GoodMen:
BustaMove - @BustaMove10 💼🥊
Sice - @TheSiceKing 🎙️
Benny- @Bennnyyy___ 🎙️📹 -
Senseless Violence | Episodes 4 |Business Man Podcast
How y’all feel about Senseless Violence. In this episode we talk about the violence level in DC, Also give possible solutions while trying to find the origin to it.
Follow The GoodMen:
BustaMove - @BustaMove10
Sice - @TheSiceKing
Benny- @Bennnyyy___