
  • This episode explores the crucial concept of connection in the realm of leadership, change management, and organisational success. Lee emphasises the significance of connecting people to the purpose, vision, and initiatives of a business to drive sustainable performance excellence. Through the framework of the four C's - connection, conversation, collaboration, and celebration/reflection - Lee explores how fostering strong connections among individuals and aligning behaviours with organisational goals are essential for achieving desired outcomes. The episode underscores the necessity of aligning values with behaviours, fostering emotional connections, and continuously striving to improve connectivity within organisations to drive success.


    Connection is Key: Connection in leadership, change management, and overall business is essential for success

    The Four C's Framework: The four C's framework - Connection, Conversation, Collaboration, and Celebration & Reflection - is a high-level process for delivering sustainable performance excellence.

    The Best Model: The Best Model focuses on connecting strategies and improvement initiatives to influence leadership behaviours, employee engagement, customer satisfaction, and ultimately, business targets.

    Behavioural Alignment: Aligning company values with expected behaviours can be challenging, there is a need for clear communication and understanding to create a cohesive environment.

    Future-Framing: Encouragement is needed to envision the future state of the organisation in terms of what will be seen, heard, and felt, and align improvement initiatives to create that desired future.


    "Connection is absolutely key. And I guess if I was to do a word cloud of all of the podcasts, the nearly 300 podcasts, I think the word connection and connected would probably feature quite highly."

    "Connection is key. Why am I banging on about connection?"

    "Engagement is largely influenced by the behaviours of the people that we are working with."

    "We need to connect the behaviours of all of our people. The environment that is being created to engage our employees."

    "Connect the dots to achieve success. Start with the behaviour and how we wanna be in it actually."


    You can contact Lee Houghton on 07813342194 [email protected]

    For the last 15 years, I have been a multi-sector internal or external business improvement consultant, building the improved capability of individuals, teams and businesses.

    In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my two young children Jack & India. I also enjoy listening to and reading business & personal development material.

    Lee Houghton is “THE Business Problem Solver”, a Management Consultant, CX Specialist and Keynote Speaker.

  • This episode explores the intriguing debate between maturity and ownership when implementing solutions in organisations. Lee reflects on his experiences and conversations, emphasising the importance of balancing these two factors. Through engaging storytelling and practical advice, Lee navigates the complexities of decision-making in organisational improvement, offering a thought-provoking perspective on achieving long-term success.


    Ownership Over Maturity: When introducing a solution, prioritise ownership over maturity. People are more likely to protect and improve something they have built themselves.

    Balancing Act: Striking a balance between maturity and ownership is crucial. Sometimes compromising on one for the other is necessary.

    Long-Term Success: Focusing on ownership and developing a habit of continuous improvement leads to sustainable success in the long run.

    Context vs. Control: Depending on the situation, decide whether to lead with context (ownership) or control (maturity) to address the problem effectively.

    Infinite Game: Emphasise playing the long game rather than a finite one. Encourage continuous improvement and sustainability for lasting impact.


    "I cannot believe that we are nearly at episode 300. When I started the podcast, I believed after about 10-20 episodes, I would run out of content."

    "One of the things that I am a big advocate of and we have spoke about before is that people protect what they build."

    "The right answer is ownership. But I'm not sure that when things play out, when the pressure is on, when we are trying to help people get better, I think that inadvertently a number of people might push the maturity button."

    "So when you are introducing a solution, consider maturity and ownership. And sometimes you can't have both. You might have to compromise one for the other."

    "It's not about what you would like it to. It's about whether they own it and they know how they can develop it continually. That is successful. That is sustainable. And that is how you win the long game."


    You can contact Lee Houghton on 07813342194 [email protected]

    For the last 15 years, I have been a multi-sector internal or external business improvement consultant, building the improved capability of individuals, teams and businesses.

    In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my two young children Jack & India. I also enjoy listening to and reading business & personal development material.

    Lee Houghton is “THE Business Problem Solver”, a Management Consultant, CX Specialist and Keynote Speaker.

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  • Business Problems Solved's latest episode discusses the concept of operational excellence and high-performing environments. Lee emphasises the importance of engaged and empowered people in driving business performance. By focusing on the interactions and engagement of team members rather than just metrics and tools, Lee highlights the true essence of operational excellence - making people and driving performance simultaneously. Listeners are encouraged to consider the impact of their leadership style on creating a culture of growth and development within their organisations.


    Operational Excellence: Focus on creating high-performing environments, engaged and empowered people, and effective leadership to drive better performance.

    Purpose of Performance Boards: Emphasise that the purpose of performance boards is not just about the visuals or metrics but about driving engagement, conversation, and improvement within the team.

    Creating Engaged People: Highlight the importance of creating an environment where people feel comfortable being vulnerable, discussing feelings, and addressing challenges openly to drive growth and performance.

    Watermelon Reporting: Address the issue of superficial reporting where problems are covered up due to fear, emphasising the need for honesty, openness, and acceptance of mistakes to drive improvement.

    Focus on People and Environment: Emphasise that true operational excellence is achieved by focusing on developing people and creating an environment that fosters growth, challenge, and continuous improvement for both individuals and business performance.


    "I believe, are working towards the same destination. Because all of these things done correctly help the team, the function, the business perform better than they are today." -

    "And following observing this conversation with the two change folk, I went for a cup of coffee and I reflected on what I had just seen unfold in front of me."

    "Watermelon reporting. I've often spoke about so it's it looks green on the outside or it's green on the outside. So we're reporting green."

    "Do they all feel like they've just watched the best film or TV programme that they've had an opportunity to do at the end of every meeting?"

    "You can't just keep hitting people over the head to get them to work faster. You have to help your people grow."


    You can contact Lee Houghton on 07813342194 [email protected]

    For the last 15 years, I have been a multi-sector internal or external business improvement consultant, building the improved capability of individuals, teams and businesses.

    In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my two young children Jack & India. I also enjoy listening to and reading business & personal development material.

    Lee Houghton is “THE Business Problem Solver”, a Management Consultant, CX Specialist and Keynote Speaker.

  • Lee explores the concept of creating an innovative and engaged workforce by challenging the traditional notion of "ask for forgiveness, not for permission." He discusses the importance of leading with context, giving permission, and encouraging behaviours like challenge, conflict, failure, and problem-solving within a safe environment. Listeners are encouraged to embrace failure and conflict as opportunities for growth and improvement, ultimately fostering a culture of continuous learning and development.


    Encourage Creativity and Risk-Taking: Instead of asking for forgiveness, not permission, create an environment where people feel safe to try new things and be creative without fear of failure.

    Lead with Context, Not Control: Provide clear expectations and direction while allowing individuals to define their own approach. This fosters creativity, innovation, and empowerment.

    Give Permission: Allow individuals to challenge, confront, fail, and solve problems. Make it acceptable to hold each other accountable and provide constructive feedback.

    Role Model Behavior: Leaders should demonstrate the behaviours they expect from others, including being vulnerable and embracing discomfort.

    Check-In and Reflect: After encouraging action, follow up to ensure individuals act on their thoughts and feelings. Address any barriers preventing them from doing so and reinforce a culture of continuous improvement.


    "Ask for forgiveness, not for permission. Ask for forgiveness, not for permission. And you say that when you want people to try new things."

    "Lead with context, not with control. And when you lead with context and not control, then that is encouraging people to define their own how."

    "We need to give permission and lead with context. Give permission for people to do certain things. Give permission for people to hold people to account, but lead with context."

    "The more we do it, the easier it becomes. So don't just say to people, ask for forgiveness, not for permission. There's some ground rules, there's some Things you need to do to make that possible."

    "Let's create this environment where failure, challenge, conflict and problems are recognized, identified, and actually reinforced that actually the good things, they're not bad things, they're good things."


    You can contact Lee Houghton on 07813342194 [email protected]

    For the last 15 years, I have been a multi-sector internal or external business improvement consultant, building the improved capability of individuals, teams and businesses.

    In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my two young children Jack & India. I also enjoy listening to and reading business & personal development material.

    Lee Houghton is “THE Business Problem Solver”, a Management Consultant, CX Specialist and Keynote Speaker.

  • Lee explores the concept of operational excellence through the lens of two renowned entrepreneurs, Steve Jobs and Richard Branson. He talks about the importance of connecting the dots in operational excellence, drawing on the wisdom of Jobs and Branson.

    Through examples and practical insights, listeners are encouraged to connect the dots between tools, behaviours, and environments to drive success in business operations. The episode underscores the need to start with the end in mind, as advocated by Stephen Covey, and to always be connecting dots to create a conducive environment for achieving business goals.


    Continuous Improvement: The key habit within operational excellence is the habit of continuous improvement, engaging people, and striving for excellence in all aspects of the business.

    Connecting Dots: The importance of connecting the dots between different elements in a system to achieve a particular destination, as emphasised by successful entrepreneurs like Steve Jobs and Richard Branson.

    Reflecting Backwards: Understanding that one can only join the dots looking backwards, as plans may change and evolve, highlighting the importance of reflection and learning from past experiences.

    Creating the Right Environment: Focusing on creating the ideal environment through connecting the right dots, including leadership behaviours, visual performance boards, and metrics, to drive engagement and achieve business targets.

    Start with the End in Mind: Emphasising the concept of starting with the end goal in mind and connecting the dots looking back to create a path towards success and making a difference in the business.


    "Fundamentally, it's about the habit of continuous improvement and the habit of engaging people."

    "You can only join the dots looking backwards... the plan's out of date."

    "Always be connecting dots... you have to stop at a particular point."

    "If you create the right environment, then people will behave in a particular way."

    "Start with the end in mind, connect the dots looking back."


    You can contact Lee Houghton on 07813342194 [email protected]

    For the last 15 years, I have been a multi-sector internal or external business improvement consultant, building the improved capability of individuals, teams and businesses.

    In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my two young children Jack & India. I also enjoy listening to and reading business & personal development material.

    Lee Houghton is “THE Business Problem Solver”, a Management Consultant, CX Specialist and Keynote Speaker.

  • Lee delves into the common issue of setting vague deadlines and lack of follow-through in business meetings. Lee challenges the practice of assigning generic due dates like "next Friday" or "end of the month," urging listeners to prioritise specific times for completing tasks. By emphasising the importance of committing to realistic deadlines and actively prioritising key activities, Lee highlights how this approach can lead to increased productivity and successful task completion.


    Prioritise specific deadlines: Instead of setting vague deadlines like "next Friday" or "end of the month," prioritise specific dates and times for completing actions to increase accountability and likelihood of completion.

    Gain commitments: By asking individuals when realistically they will make time to complete an action, you can gain commitments and increase the chances of the task being done.

    Avoid procrastination: Proactively scheduling specific times to complete tasks helps avoid procrastination and ensures that important actions are given the attention they deserve.

    Major time on major things: Focus on spending major time on major tasks rather than major time on minor tasks to prioritise activities that will make the biggest impact on achieving goals.

    Challenge and improve: Continuously observe and challenge the way deadlines are set and actions are prioritised to improve efficiency and effectiveness in completing tasks.


    "When realistically are you going to make time to complete this action? That question provides a different answer."

    "If somebody says to me that they didn't have time My response is you're telling me the action wasn't important enough."

    "How can you spend major time on major things? and minor time on minor things and that is through prioritisation."

    "Don't be lazy with setting your due dates. Be disciplined. You can do better."

    "Saying you know how to do it is not doing it."


    You can contact Lee Houghton on 07813342194 [email protected]

    For the last 15 years, I have been a multi-sector internal or external business improvement consultant, building the improved capability of individuals, teams and businesses.

    In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my two young children Jack & India. I also enjoy listening to and reading business & personal development material.

    Lee Houghton is “THE Business Problem Solver”, a Management Consultant, CX Specialist and Keynote Speaker.

  • This episode delves into the importance of intent, intensity, and impact in achieving desired outcomes. Lee introduces the concept of the three I's - intent, intensity, and impact - as key factors in determining the success of actions and conversations. Listeners are encouraged to look inward, assess their approach, and strive for greater effectiveness in their interactions to achieve the desired impact.


    Intent, Intensity, and Impact: The three I's discussed in the podcast are crucial for achieving desired outcomes in business interactions.

    Clarity of Intent: Having a clear purpose and motivation before taking action or engaging in conversations is essential for success.

    Intensity and Frequency: Applying the right level of conviction and doing so consistently are key factors in making a significant impact.

    Reflect and Learn: Analysing the gap between intentions and outcomes provides an opportunity for reflection, learning, and improvement.

    Personal Responsibility: Emphasising the importance of taking ownership of one's intent, intensity, and frequency to drive impactful results.


    "Are you really putting enough in? Do you have clarity of intent of all of your interactions, of all of your conversations, of all of your actions?"

    "Intent is personal to us. Impact is what happens as a result of our intentions."

    "If your intent is the motivation and purpose for your action and conversation, if you have that conversation or do that action and you do it with enough intensity, feeling, strength behind it..."

    "So, intent is around motivation or purpose of your actions or conversations. Intensity is the level that you apply, I guess, of your conviction of your action, of your conversation."

    "Often we look through the window at other people and think that actually they have not done what we expected them to do, so they are in the wrong. I believe it's down to the inputs that we put in..."


    You can contact Lee Houghton on 07813342194 [email protected]

    For the last 15 years, I have been a multi-sector internal or external business improvement consultant, building the improved capability of individuals, teams and businesses.

    In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my two young children Jack & India. I also enjoy listening to and reading business & personal development material.

    Lee Houghton is “THE Business Problem Solver”, a Management Consultant, CX Specialist and Keynote Speaker.

  • Lee delves into the importance of not just doing tasks, but doing them well to make a real difference. He emphasises the four levels of performance: not doing it, doing it, doing it well, and doing it well to shift performance. Drawing parallels to driving a car, Lee explains how simply completing a task is not enough; it must be done with the aim of achieving a specific goal or destination. He challenges listeners to consider their internal motivations and the impact of their actions on reaching desired outcomes.


    Strive for Excellence: It's essential to aim for doing tasks well to shift performance and make a difference, rather than settling for just completing them.

    Focus on Destination: Align behaviors and activities with the end goal or destination to ensure contributions count towards achieving it.

    Internal Motivation: Understanding individual motivations and connecting them to the overall goal can drive better performance and results.

    Continuous Improvement: Emphasise the importance of doing tasks well to drive continuous improvement and exceed limits set by oneself.

    Clarity and Alignment: Ensure clarity on expectations, behaviours, and performance goals to align everyone towards a common destination and purpose.


    "Saying you know how to do it is not doing it."

    "We want people to do it well, and we want them to do it well to shift performance, to make a difference, to make their contribution count."

    "Are you and your teams focused on doing whatever it is that you're doing well and to shift performance, to make a difference, to achieve your destination and your goal."

    "We've got to strive and aspire to do everything well to make a difference."

    "Have I made you think differently in order to make you do differently to achieve a different result?"


    You can contact Lee Houghton on 07813342194 [email protected]

    For the last 15 years, I have been a multi-sector internal or external business improvement consultant, building the improved capability of individuals, teams and businesses.

    In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my two young children Jack & India. I also enjoy listening to and reading business & personal development material.

    Lee Houghton is “THE Business Problem Solver”, a Management Consultant, CX Specialist and Keynote Speaker.

  • In this episode of Business Problems Solved, Lee reflects on his recent completion of the London Marathon and shares five key takeaways that helped him achieve this milestone. Lee draws parallels between lessons from his marathon experience and their applicability in business settings, emphasising the significance of proper fueling, being in the moment, perseverance, support, and training to achieve success.


    Fuel Brain and Body Properly: Focus on providing the right fuel through food, thoughts, and sleep to ensure optimal performance.

    Be Present in the Moment: Embrace each moment fully to enhance the experience and make better decisions.

    Keep Moving Forward: Continuously take steps forward, overcoming obstacles and challenges along the way.

    Support and Encouragement: Provide the right level of support and encouragement to foster accountability and motivation.

    Train Properly: Ensure proper training and development to equip individuals with the skills and capabilities needed for success.


    "I had a dream the night before the marathon, in the dream, I didn't complete the marathon. I just couldn't get to that distance. I couldn't do it."

    "I really did enjoy running 26 miles in front of all those people. It was just an enjoyable experience because I was in the moment."

    "Nobody comes to work to do a bad job, but are we helping them do the best job they can? And to do that, they need to fuel their brain and their body properly."

    "What can we do to keep moving forward? Sometimes moving forward, I mean, suggests that if something's not working, we need to keep doing it."

    "What can you do to ensure and encourage everybody that you're working with is fully trained and is able to do the job that they need to do every single day."


    You can contact Lee Houghton on 07813342194 [email protected]

    For the last 15 years, I have been a multi-sector internal or external business improvement consultant, building the improved capability of individuals, teams and businesses.

    In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my two young children Jack & India. I also enjoy listening to and reading business & personal development material.

    Lee Houghton is “THE Business Problem Solver”, a Management Consultant, CX Specialist and Keynote Speaker.

  • Lee reflects on his recent completion of the London Marathon and shares five key things that helped him achieve this milestone. Lee draws parallels between these lessons from his marathon experience and their applicability in business settings, emphasising the significance of proper fuelling, being in the moment, perseverance, support, and training to achieve success.


    Fuel Brain and Body Properly: Focus on providing the right fuel through food, thoughts, and sleep to ensure optimal performance.

    Be Present in the Moment: Embrace each moment fully to enhance the experience and make better decisions.

    Keep Moving Forward: Continuously take steps forward, overcoming obstacles and challenges along the way.

    Support and Encouragement: Provide the right level of support and encouragement to foster accountability and motivation.

    Train Properly: Ensure proper training and development to equip individuals with the skills and capabilities needed for success.


    "I had a dream the night before the marathon, in the dream, I didn't complete the marathon. I just couldn't get to that distance. I couldn't do it."

    "I really did enjoy running 26 miles in front of all those people. It was just an enjoyable experience because I was in the moment."

    "Nobody comes to work to do a bad job, but are we helping them do the best job they can? And to do that, they need to fuel their brain and their body properly."

    "What can we do to keep moving forward? Sometimes moving forward, I mean, suggests that if something's not working, we need to keep doing it."

    "What can you do to ensure and encourage everybody that you're working with is fully trained and is able to do the job that they need to do every single day."


    You can contact Lee Houghton on 07813342194 [email protected]

    For the last 15 years, I have been a multi-sector internal or external business improvement consultant, building the improved capability of individuals, teams and businesses.

    In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my two young children Jack & India. I also enjoy listening to and reading business & personal development material.

    Lee Houghton is “THE Business Problem Solver”, a Management Consultant, CX Specialist and Keynote Speaker.

  • This episode explores the importance of understanding and meeting the needs of others in conversations. Lee discusses the concept of the three H's - being heard, helped, or hugged - and how individuals typically seek one of these in interactions.

    Drawing inspiration from Charles Dewick's book, "Super Communicators," Lee emphasises the significance of recognising what the speaker wants from a conversation to enhance connection. The episode concludes with a reminder to prioritise connection over mere technicalities in conversations.


    Three H's: The concept of "heard, helped, and hugged" can help tailor interactions to build more connection with others.

    Understanding Identities: Showing different aspects of one's identity can influence the outcome of conversations and help in connecting with others.

    Connection is Key: The most important aspect of conversations is how well one can connect with the other person, understanding their needs, and turning up in a way to provide that.

    Vulnerability: Being more vulnerable and sharing more of oneself can lead to better connections and understanding in conversations.

    Continuous Learning: Taking time to get to know people and understand their identities can enhance communication and connection in interactions.


    "People, when they are in an interaction or a conversation with somebody, they typically want one of three things. They want to be heard, they want to be helped, or they want to be hooked."

    "So if you as a speaker, if the person that's speaking wants to be heard, then you need the listener to actively listen and not interject."

    "But dependent upon the conversation that I'm in, I show different parts of my identity."

    "So how can you really connect with somebody if you only see one identity? But more importantly, how can you connect with people if you only share one identity?"

    "The most important thing in your conversations is how well you can connect to the other person."


    You can contact Lee Houghton on 07813342194 [email protected]

    For the last 15 years, I have been a multi-sector internal or external business improvement consultant, building the improved capability of individuals, teams and businesses.

    In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my two young children Jack & India. I also enjoy listening to and reading business & personal development material.

    Lee Houghton is “THE Business Problem Solver”, a Management Consultant, CX Specialist and Keynote Speaker.

  • This episode delves into the practical application of the ICE model in coaching conversations to drive transformational change. Lee introduces a four-box model that focuses on the coachee's level of thinking and action, guiding leaders on how to navigate coaching sessions effectively. The episode offers a structured approach to coaching that aims to empower individuals to think differently and take meaningful action towards improvement.


    ICE Model: The ICE model consists of three steps - Intent, Conversation Starters, and Expected Outcome - which can be used to guide coaching conversations effectively.

    Four Box Model: The Four Box Model helps in understanding the level of thinking and level of action of the coachee, guiding the coach on how to navigate through existing thoughts, new thoughts, transactional actions, and transformational actions.

    Starting Point: It is recommended to start coaching conversations in the existing thoughts box (low thought, low action) to explore the current mindset of the coachee before progressing to new thoughts and actions.

    Transitioning: Transitioning from existing thoughts to new thoughts and then to action is crucial in creating sustainable change and transformation in individuals.

    Questioning Strategy: Using the right questions at each stage of the coaching process, from exploring existing thoughts to creating transformational actions, is key to guiding individuals towards personal growth and development.


    "The reason why it's transformational action It's because it's based on new thoughts."

    "Remember people protect what they build."

    "And if you can create an internal change in people's minds, you're more likely to create a sustainable external change."

    "So start by clarifying your intent. Understand a couple of conversation starters that keep you in that safe space of exploring the existing thoughts of your coachee."

    "And really, it starts with understanding your intent, your expected outcome."


    You can contact Lee Houghton on 07813342194 [email protected]

    For the last 15 years, I have been a multi-sector internal or external business improvement consultant, building the improved capability of individuals, teams and businesses.

    In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my two young children Jack & India. I also enjoy listening to and reading business & personal development material.

    Lee Houghton is “THE Business Problem Solver”, a Management Consultant, CX Specialist and Keynote Speaker.

  • Lee delves into the art of coaching, specifically focusing on the role of an improvement coach. Host Lee Horton emphasises the importance of having a clear intent, using conversation starters, and defining expected outcomes before engaging in coaching sessions. He introduces the ICE model (Intent, Conversation Starter, Expected Outcome) as a mental framework for effective coaching. Lee shares personal experiences of learning from mistakes, highlighting the significance of actively listening to the coachee and adapting questions based on their responses.


    Clarity of Intent: Before coaching conversations, it is essential to have a clear intent in mind to guide the direction of the discussion.

    Conversation Starters: Using a few well-thought-out questions as conversation starters can help initiate meaningful dialogue and exploration.

    Expected Outcome: Reflecting on the expected outcome after the conversation can provide insights into the effectiveness of the questions asked and the overall intent.

    Coaching Continuum: Understanding the coaching continuum, from pure thought to imposing ideas, can help in adapting the coaching style based on the desired outcome.

    Creating Ownership: Encouraging the coachee to navigate towards their chosen destination through their own thoughts and actions fosters real ownership and action.


    "We manage things, we lead people and we coach the gaps."

    "The reason why we are asking questions is for either for deep thought and exploration in the other person."

    "Pure coaching is about letting the coachee navigate to the destination that they want to get to through their own pure thoughts."

    "Pure coaching is not about you. Pure coaching is for the benefit of the other person."

    "Remember what questions, how questions really open the mind."


    You can contact Lee Houghton on 07813342194 [email protected]

    For the last 15 years, I have been a multi-sector internal or external business improvement consultant, building the improved capability of individuals, teams and businesses.

    In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my two young children Jack & India. I also enjoy listening to and reading business & personal development material.

    Lee Houghton is “THE Business Problem Solver”, a Management Consultant, CX Specialist and Keynote Speaker.

  • Lee Horton delves into the concept that the best teams do not necessarily consist of the best thinkers, but rather create the best thinking environment. He emphasises the importance of leaders asking questions to empower and engage their teams, rather than providing all the answers. Lee discusses the significance of morning meetings or daily huddles in setting the tone for the day and encourages leaders to ask thought-provoking questions that stimulate critical thinking.


    Focus on Asking Questions: Instead of providing all the answers, leaders should focus on asking questions that stimulate thinking and empower their teams.

    Encourage Reflection: Encouraging team members to reflect on past experiences and challenges by asking looking back questions can help identify areas for improvement.

    Set Clear Expectations: Daily meetings should focus on setting priorities and activities for the day ahead, ensuring everyone is aligned on goals and expectations.

    Create a Safe Environment: Leaders should create an open and safe environment where team members feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas.

    Drive Action: By asking forward-looking questions and setting clear actions, leaders can drive progress and ensure continuous improvement within the team.


    "The best teams don't have to be full of the cleverest people. The best teams are the ones that create the best thinking."

    "If you're always sought out for the answer, then you're not enabling, empowering your people and your teams."

    "You could ask, what are the escalations from your area? Did anything get in the way of you or your team doing what you needed to yesterday or on the last shift?"

    "So our aim as leaders is to really create thoughts in our people... the best teams create the best thinking."

    "How do you create the best thinking in your people? I would absolutely love to know."


    You can contact Lee Houghton on 07813342194 [email protected]

    For the last 15 years, I have been a multi-sector internal or external business improvement consultant, building the improved capability of individuals, teams and businesses.

    In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my two young children Jack & India. I also enjoy listening to and reading business & personal development material.

    Lee Houghton is “THE Business Problem Solver”, a Management Consultant, CX Specialist and Keynote Speaker.

  • Join Lee as he talks about the art of coaching and the importance of asking great questions. Lee Horton emphasises the significance of thought-provoking questions that are succinct, open, relevant, timely, and free from bias and emotion. By exploring what makes a great question, Lee highlights the role of coaching in supporting performance and development opportunities for individuals.


    Coaching is essential in managing and leading people, as it involves asking thought-provoking questions to support performance and development opportunities.

    A great question in coaching should be succinct, open, relevant, timely, unbiased, and devoid of excessive emotion.

    Thought-provoking questions challenge the thoughts and minds of the recipient, typically framed as "what" and "how" questions rather than "why" questions.

    The focus of a great question should be on benefiting the recipient by promoting their learning and growth, rather than serving the questioner's personal gain.

    Effective coaching involves creating an environment with sufficient space and time for individuals to think and develop, ensuring the right level of honesty and transparency for meaningful conversations.


    "We often say that coaching is how we all need to be... So we support performance and development opportunities by asking questions that create thoughts in the right environment with sufficient space and time for that person to think and develop."

    "A question that is succinct and thought-provoking... You want to create the most thought-provoking question. And often, the more succinct it is, the more thought-provoking and wide it can be."

    "What makes a great question? Well, it's got to be open, not closed... It's got to be relevant to the situation that you're in, especially in a work environment."

    "The most thought-provoking question that I ask is, 'what else?'... So we can't coach in every single situation... we've got to manage things, lead people, but we coach the gaps."

    "Great questions are thought provoking... We really want to develop people. We want to coach the gaps to develop and grow our people."


    You can contact Lee Houghton on 07813342194 [email protected]

    For the last 15 years, I have been a multi-sector internal or external business improvement consultant, building the improved capability of individuals, teams and businesses.

    In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my two young children Jack & India. I also enjoy listening to and reading business & personal development material.

    Lee Houghton is “THE Business Problem Solver”, a Management Consultant, CX Specialist and Keynote Speaker.

  • This episode delves into the crucial aspect of leadership buy-in in successful change initiatives. Lee talks about the importance of senior leaders actively engaging and supporting change efforts beyond just financial investment. Using the analogy of a glass ceiling and floor, Lee highlights the disconnect between leaders and employees, stressing the need for transparent communication and genuine connection at all levels of the organisation. By discussing the role of leaders in setting vision, expectations, and asking the right questions, Lee underscores the collective responsibility of all individuals in driving successful change.


    Leadership Buy-In: The importance of emotional, physical, and vocal buy-in from senior leaders in change initiatives is crucial for success.

    Glass Ceiling and Glass Floor: The concept of a glass ceiling for employees looking up at leaders and a glass floor for leaders looking down, highlights the need for better connection and understanding between all levels of the organisation.

    Role Modelling: Leaders need to set vision, and expectations, and check in on progress to ensure alignment and success in change initiatives.

    Communication: Effective communication flowing both ways, from leaders to employees and vice versa, is essential for transparency and problem-solving.

    Empowerment and Support: Leaders should empower employees to solve problems at their level while also providing support and guidance where needed to overcome obstacles.


    "Change is for everybody, not everyone else."

    "Leaders need to understand where they can support. What's the main blocker getting in the way of where it is that you're trying to get to?"

    "Leaders need to check in against those expectations. Check-in each of the layers of the organisation to see that the right things are being spoken about at the right level."

    "Leaders need to empower and enable our people to solve the problems at the right level. And we can only do that if we're clear and transparent and we've got clarity of priority."

    "Leadership buy-in is often cited as a challenge, but we've all got a role in helping leaders buy into the change initiative."


    You can contact Lee Houghton on 07813342194 [email protected]

    For the last 15 years, I have been a multi-sector internal or external business improvement consultant, building the improved capability of individuals, teams and businesses.

    In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my two young children Jack & India. I also enjoy listening to and reading business & personal development material.

    Lee Houghton is “THE Business Problem Solver”, a Management Consultant, CX Specialist and Keynote Speaker.

  • This episode delves into the crucial aspect of role modelling within change teams. Lee, drawing from his 18 years of experience in change management, highlights the common failure of change teams to effectively role model the behaviours and strategies they advocate for others. By emphasising the importance of role modelling, Lee underscores the significance of change teams embodying the principles they aim to instil in leadership and operational teams. Through practical insights and real-world examples, Lee encourages change teams to prioritise self-improvement and consistent modelling of best practices to effectively support and guide others through change initiatives.


    Change teams often struggle with role modelling effective systems themselves, which can hinder their ability to support others effectively.

    Role modelling what is expected of others is crucial for change teams to build credibility and trust with the teams they are supporting.

    By continuously improving their own systems and practices, change teams can better empathise with the challenges faced by the teams they work with.

    Change teams should prioritise developing their own operational excellence tools and techniques before assisting others to ensure they lead by example.

    Encouraging a culture of continuous improvement within the change team can lead to better outcomes for the teams they support.


    "Change teams seem to have a big challenge with role modelling."

    "If we don't role model, if we don't do what we're suggesting that everybody else should do, then why the blooming heck should they do it?"

    "Change teams historically are not the best at role modelling the things that they are expecting others to do."

    "Change is for everybody and the people that should be the best at change are change people."

    "We need to role model. We need to believe because it allows us to empathise."


    You can contact Lee Houghton on 07813342194 [email protected]

    For the last 15 years, I have been a multi-sector internal or external business improvement consultant, building the improved capability of individuals, teams and businesses.

    In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my two young children Jack & India. I also enjoy listening to and reading business & personal development material.

    Lee Houghton is “THE Business Problem Solver”, a Management Consultant, CX Specialist and Keynote Speaker.

  • Lee explores the concept of footprints leaving clues in our personal and professional journeys. Reflecting on his own diverse experiences, including DJing, owning a bouncy castle business, and self-publishing children's books, Lee highlights the valuable lessons learned from each endeavour. By exploring the footprints left behind by these experiences, Lee emphasises the importance of understanding and maximising the potential of one's team members.


    Reflect on past experiences to understand present actions and behaviours.

    Consider the transferable skills gained from diverse past roles.

    Explore how personal journeys can influence current approaches.

    Recognise the importance of understanding team members' unique backgrounds.

    Maximise potential by leveraging the footprints and clues left by individuals.


    "I've had to delve deeper into my past and start to note down some of the things that I've carried with me, the footprints that I've left behind on my journey."

    "I really think that my random journey is not actually that random. When you look at the footsteps that I have trodden, the clues that have been left behind, you see how I am."

    "Footprints leave clues. What clues have your footprints left and what clues have the footprints of your people left? Have you tried to understand it? If not, why not?"

    "I've learned something in every interaction that I've taken to developing the person that I am today."

    "The communication from DJing, the understanding the customer from DJing, and the importance of really getting to know the customer."


    You can contact Lee Houghton on 07813342194 [email protected]

    For the last 15 years, I have been a multi-sector internal or external business improvement consultant, building the improved capability of individuals, teams and businesses.

    In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my two young children Jack & India. I also enjoy listening to and reading business & personal development material.

    Lee Houghton is “THE Business Problem Solver”, a Management Consultant, CX Specialist and Keynote Speaker.

  • Join Lee as he delves into the crucial role of rest in personal and professional growth. Drawing from his experience training for marathons, Lee highlights the necessity of rest periods for muscles to grow and strengthen. He parallels this concept with the workplace, emphasising the importance of downtime between meetings to allow for reflection, action, and progress. Through relatable analogies and thoughtful insights, Lee encourages listeners to consider how adequate rest can lead to enhanced performance and overall well-being.


    Rest is essential for growth: Just like muscles need rest to grow stronger after exercise, individuals and organizations require rest periods to reflect, recuperate, and progress effectively.

    Back-to-back meetings hinder productivity: Constantly being in meetings without breaks can lead to fatigue and limit the opportunity to act on tasks and initiatives discussed during those meetings.

    Reflection is key to personal and professional growth: Taking time to reflect, unpack thoughts, and work through challenges can lead to personal development and improved performance in the workplace.

    Create space for action: Allocating time between meetings to work on action items and allowing individuals to physically rest and mentally unpack information can lead to better outcomes and growth.

    Balance is crucial: Just as a balanced workout routine includes rest days, a balanced approach to work involves creating space for reflection, action, and personal growth to achieve optimal results.


    "Rest and not just keep doing activities... I need to rest to be able to grow."

    "Growth only occurs during rest... muscles need the opportunity for growth after being under tension."

    "We treat everybody like a simple maths... we try to deal with everything in our heads."

    "Actions need progressing, whether it's from you or whether you're the conduit to create activity."

    "Are you giving yourself enough space and enough rest to grow personally?"


    You can contact Lee Houghton on 07813342194 [email protected]

    For the last 15 years, I have been a multi-sector internal or external business improvement consultant, building the improved capability of individuals, teams and businesses.

    In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my two young children Jack & India. I also enjoy listening to and reading business & personal development material.

    Lee Houghton is “THE Business Problem Solver”, a Management Consultant, CX Specialist and Keynote Speaker.

  • Lee talks about the concept of looking at people through a deeper lens to truly understand and engage with them. He discusses the importance of considering individuals as a whole person, comprising their thoughts, feelings, actions, and beliefs. By breaking down the person into these four components, Lee explores how leaders can effectively engage with their teams and drive positive change. The episode emphasises the significance of whole-person reflection, encouraging listeners to reflect on their own beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and actions to enhance personal growth and leadership effectiveness. T


    Consider the Whole Person: Break down individuals into four parts - head (thoughts), heart (feelings), hands (actions), and belief (spirit) to truly understand and engage them.

    Engagement and Leadership: Use the four components (head, heart, hands, belief) to assess engagement and leadership effectiveness. Leadership can be seen as an input, while engagement is the output.

    Whole Person Reflection: Encourage reflection on what has been learned, emotional journey, actions taken, and beliefs challenged to gain a deeper understanding of oneself and improve personal growth.

    Individualised Approach: Treat each person as an individual by understanding them emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually to lead change initiatives effectively.

    Continuous Improvement: Constantly evaluate and adjust leadership and engagement strategies by considering the whole person to collectively move forward towards shared goals.


    "I often say that it's all about people. But that's really easy to say, but what do I actually mean by that?"

    "Whole person reflection is something that we can all do each and every day. So we can tap into and really understand whether ourselves have, we're tapping into the whole of our person by looking at our belief, our head or our thoughts, our heart or our feelings, our hands or our actions."

    "But the more I thought about it, it's not that easy to do because we need to consider people with different lenses on. And I think if we look at the whole person, heads, hands, hearts, and belief, or thoughts, feelings, actions and spirit."

    "How is your leadership building belief? How is your leadership challenging or making new thoughts? How is your leadership making people feel?"

    "And when you reflect, think about you as the whole person and see if asking those questions creates any new thoughts, feelings, actions or beliefs."


    You can contact Lee Houghton on 07813342194 [email protected]

    For the last 15 years, I have been a multi-sector internal or external business improvement consultant, building the improved capability of individuals, teams and businesses.

    In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my two young children Jack & India. I also enjoy listening to and reading business & personal development material.

    Lee Houghton is “THE Business Problem Solver”, a Management Consultant, CX Specialist and Keynote Speaker.