What do you get when you cross pixel art and puzzles? PICROSS!! Join us for this special episode celebrating the return of byte sized podcast in an all new season! The only podcast that explores the intricacies of picross and jumping off tall places! Don't deny the power of picross!
Is NFSU2 the Elder Scrolls of racing games? Find out what the guys think in this episode of byte sized pod!
Fehlende Folgen?
Turtle Power! Hear your hosts with a half-brain talk about the famed heroes with a half-shell in this Genesis exclusive title. Cowabunga! Check out our Patreon page for an extended version of this episode.
A rap star or a one-hit wonder? Find out which we would categorize PaRappa as in our first adventure onto the PlayStation.
Come hang with us and listen to this fun reminiscence of our virtual adventures over the last year.
Sometimes you are your own worst enemy- That can't be more true for Samus in this game club episode! Come listen in as we go against all odds to battle the X parasite and S.A.X.
In this episode we sat down with our buddy and seasoned podcaster Ty! Please return back to planet Zebes with us as we explore what is considered by many as the quintessential Metroid game. But is that how we feel? Listen in to find out!
A forgettable entry or a misunderstood masterpiece? Come along with us into the depth's of the Queen Metroid's Lair to see how we felt about the game!
In this month's game club we get lost in space. Come explore as we try to find our way off of planet Zebes... TWICE!
Glorified chess or a masterclass in tactical RPGs? Find out what we think as we explore Advance Wars on the Gameboy Advance in this month's game club episode!
In this episode we explore a hidden gem at the tail end of the Super Famicom's life, Gunman's Proof! In fact this game released in Japan the same day as FF7! (Imagine that) Come listen as we explore the potential and criticisms of the game to see if it still holds up today.
In this episode we examine games released in the month of June and discuss if they are over or underrated! This series is normally going to be a Patreon exclusive but we wanted to give all our listeners a sample of when of the benefits of supporting the pod on Patreon :D
In this month's Game Club, we explore the labyrinth like "net" in Megaman Battle network. This game was originally released on the GBA during the height of Pokémania... and it shows. (for better and worse) Listen as we get into it!
We are excited to release our first episode, please subscribe to stay updated when the first episode launches!