In the ebb and flow of life, it can be difficult to remind ourselves that the ups and downs are what define us. They create us. Good, bad, ugly. We are who we are because of all the things that have happened in our life. With perspective, we can always look back and be thankful for everything because we are who we are because of them. In the moment, it's not quite as easy. This meditation hopes to remind the meditator to take a moment and ride the wave of life, one breath at a time.
In our daily lives it can be very easy to put insurmountable amounts of pressure on ourselves to achieve, achieve, achieve and lose sight of the importance of little victories. Some days, just getting up in the morning and giving it another shot is, in fact, a victory because it could be easier to quit and never try again. This meditation hopes to help the meditator remember that life is a marathon and not a race and the way forward is one breath at a time.
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In life, we often pick up baggage along the way. Sometimes this baggage consists of big things like childhood and relationship trauma but we also pick up numerous little things along the way and those little things may not seem like much but they add up over time and just weight us down. This meditation hopes to help you be more mindful of the baggage we pick up and consider handling those little things as they arise so we don't carry them with us for years.
It is easy to forget how easy things are in modern times. It's easy to forget how slow things used to be. But somehow, the faster things get, the less patient we become. There is a wisdom in patience that says "I know things will happen in their own time". It take s a lot of practice. This meditation hopes to remind the meditator to be mindful that things will happen when they happen, no sooner, no later. One breath at a time.
Over time we find ourselves in certain agreements with the people in our lives and sometimes those relationships fall into patterns where we are expected to give all of ourselves and put ourselves last in the list of priorities. These are arrangements that we have agreed to over time but may not leave us feeling appreciated or fulfilled. This meditation hopes to remind the meditator that we all deserve better and change only comes from within ourselves. One breath at a time.
Meditation We get attached. We all do. The trick to life though, is to become deeply involved in our life all while being less attached to it. This meditation hopes to help the meditator to deal with attachment through our breath. Breathe in, detach and breathe out. Over and over again.
Life gets hectic and it is often hard to find a way into relaxation. Even when we purposefully take a few minutes to meditate, we are often met with a busy mind that makes it very hard to unplug from the chaos. This meditation aims to help the meditator with a simple tip to hyper-focus the breath into your body, all while doing a complete relaxing body scan. One breath at a time.
Sometimes we allow ourselves to get too busy or overwhelmed to give time for meditation. The thing is that meditation is good for us, even as a one time thing but the real benefits come from a daily routine and practice. This meditation hopes to assist the meditator some space to deepen the practice of daily meditation. One breath at a time.
Years and years of negative thought patterns have programmed our mind to think a certain way and eventually it just becomes our personality, how we see the world. If we want to reprogram our minds to think a different way, first we must notice them and have the presence of mind to stop ourselves when we slip into those patterns and replace them with more productive thoughts. This meditation hopes to help the meditator do just that by focusing, as always, on our breath. One breath at a time.
The chaos of daily life often leads to distraction, worry, anxiety, depression and this chaos makes it so easy to forget that the only time we actually have in life, is the present moment. This mediation aims to help the meditator rejoin the present moment through breath and stillness. One breath at a time.
Very often we feel like we cannot take a break so when we do take a break, we beat ourselves up for it later. This meditation hopes to help the meditator that we can't burn the candle from both ends all the time. We need a break. We need to unplug from time to time just to reset and rebalance ourselves for the next thing that comes our way. Come unplug with us for a few minutes. One breath at a time.
Many times we decide to do something new only to be met with an infinite amount of excuses and hesitation that only convinces us to procrastinate that thing, whatever it may be. This is called resistance and that kind of internal resistance is sent to us by our ego, which is trying to preserve and protect. How many times have we all not done something we wanted to do because we were afraid or failure, embarrassment, rejection, etc.? This meditation .hopes to remind the meditator that our fear is merely a compass pointing us in the direction we need to go to transcend ourselves. The answer is not to go around but to go through. One breath at a time.
When we are overcome with emotion it is very easy to lose sight of the fact that the pain is temporary but if we can learn that our pain and emotions come and go in waves, perhaps we can gain some mindfulness and perspective as we experience those things in the moment. This meditation aims to help the meditator remember to ride the wave of the present moment. One breath at a time.
Negativity can pile up on us through out our life. So much so that it is very easy to start to believe that nothing good will ever happen. People will suggest affirmations and law of attraction and many are skeptical that those things will ever work for them. The trust is that they will work only if we believe they will. They won't work, if we believe they won't. We have to retain ourselves to not feel silly thinking positively. That silly feeling is resistance and cynicism creeping back in. This meditation aims to help the meditator regain some peace and balance while reminding them that good things can happen, if only you just believe they can. One breath at a time.
Sometimes when we get overwhelmed by the things happening in our life, we can very easily get sucked into freezing up, not knowing what to do or where to go next and we begin to stagnate in that feeling of insecurity and if we are not careful, that feeling can become our new normal and the next thing we know, that's just how we feel all the time. This meditation hopes to remind the meditator that the easiest way to snap yourself out of that feeling is to keep moving forward, one breath at a time. One breath at a time.
We hold on to so many things in our life. Childhood trauma, embarassments, failures, disappointments all take up so much space that we leave little room for the successes, gratitude, hope, possibility. This meditation hopes to help the meditator remember that life is a process of letting go. One breath at a time.
Amid the chaos of our every day life, we go through struggles and suffering. Many times the flames of our suffering is being fanned by our ego that is constantly churning and working in the background at all times. Everything we have gone through in our previous life. Childhood traumas, ups and downs, failures, successes, they all add up. Our ego is constantly calculating. This meditation hopes help the meditator put some distance between you and your ego to gain some persepctive and some peace back into your day. One breath at a time.
Times can get tough. Times can get hard. In those moments of despair, we can get stuck in negative thought paterns, only noticing what is wrong, the things we don't have, all that we want that are still out of our grasp, it is also hard to keep in mind that we have abundance all around us and through our breath, we have abundance within us. One breath at a time.
We can get so overwhelmed with stress, chaos, and worry that it is very easy to loose sight of the good in our life, the things that, when we stop to think about it, we are obviously grateful for. This meditation aims to remind the meditator to stop and think about the abundance in our life and to develop the mindfulness to do so when we are stressing out in our day to day life. One breath at a time.
We very often get sucked into a desire for perfection, which is ultimately impossible and because of that, it only leads to disappointment and failure. Instead, seeking excelllence is a life-long journey towards constant improvement and has little built in successes along the way. Even in the pursuit of excellence and failure can actually be a success because we give ourselves permission to constantly improve over time. One breath at a time.
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