
  • In honor of J, and my spirit animal, the sea turtle I am reposting this interview with him. His indelible mark in my life will continue to make a positive impact in the world. I will continue to bring the principles of the Blue Mind Movement to fruition through my work with this show, and as I explore the possibility of earning my PhD in Sustainability Education.


    The concept of Blue Mind has been around since the beginning of recorded human history. At present, Marine biologist Dr. Wallace J. Nichols advocates for this very concept, spreading the positive impact of water on our lives. Joining Corinna Bellizzi, he talks about his book “Blue Mind” and how being in, on, or under water delivers profound transformation deep within yourself. He discusses how spending as little as 23 minutes around water – or just the feeling of it – could elevate your health and bring happiness to your state of mind. He also shares how he uses a small blue marble to spread awareness about his advocacy, educating everyone regarding their important role in saving our beloved water planet.

    About Guest:

    Dr. Wallace J. Nichols (J) has been called a water warrior, one who commits to helping others access their “blue mind state.” His visionary ideas related to ocean and aquatic ecosystems, migratory species, marine protected areas, fisheries management and plastic pollution inspire others to find a deeper connection with nature and embrace inventive approaches to issues ranging from protection of ocean life to global water supply to the mental health benefits of a life spent on or near the water.

    Formerly a senior scientist at Ocean Conservancy, J holds a M.E.M. degree in Natural Resource Economics and Policy from Duke University and a Ph.D. degree in Wildlife Ecology and Evolutionary Biology from the University of Arizona. He received a Bradley Fellowship to study the impacts of sea level rise at Duke University Marine Lab, a Marshall Fellowship to study at the University of Arizona, and a Fulbright Fellowship to study at the Universidad Autonoma de Mexico marine station in Mazatlán. In 2011 he was inducted as a Fellow National member of the Explorers Club. In 2014 he received the University of Arizona's Global Achievement Award.

    J has authored more than 200 publications, lectured in more than 30 countries and nearly all 50 states, and appeared in hundreds of media outlets including NPR, BBC, PBS, CNN, MSNBC, National Geographic, Animal Planet, Time, Newsweek, GQ, Outside Magazine, USA Today, Elle, Vogue, Fast Company, Surfer magazine, Scientific American, and New Scientist. His book Blue Mind, published in summer 2014 by Little, Brown & Company, quickly became a national bestseller. It has been translated into numerous languages, most recently Mandarin, and inspired a wave of media and practical application.

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  • Despite countless efforts to preserve the environment, many still feel hopeless about addressing the adverse impact of climate change. As members of this society, what can we do to secure a better future? In this episode, Corinna Bellizzi sits down with distinguished psychologist Dr. Sebastienne Grant to discuss the importance of compassion to individual, societal, and ecological well-being. She explains the close connection between climate anxiety and despair, as well as the proper way to address climate denial. Dr. Grant also discusses how to handle neoliberalism and individualism to create close-knit communities founded upon long-lasting connections.


    About Guest:

    Sebastienne Grant is a distinguished psychologist whose expertise includes mindfulness, compassion, and societal well-being. Having earned her PhD in Psychology: Consciousness & Society at the University of West Georgia, she draws on critical, humanistic, existential, Buddhist, and transpersonal psychological orientations. Her diverse work focuses broadly on the intersections of individual and societal well-being. With a deep understanding of existential concerns, societal influences, and global issues like climate change, Sebastienne offers profound insights into fostering personal balance, addressing burnout, and supporting a more compassionate, just, and sustainable world. Sebastienne is currently serving as faculty and department chair of Psychology at Prescott College in Prescott, Arizona. She will soon depart Prescott College after a six-year tenure there to join the Faculty of the California Institute of Integral Studies.


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  • What and how we eat does not only impact our health but our environment as well. Corinna Bellizzi sits down with nutritionist and health educator Dr. Maria Jose Hummel to talk about the benefits of adopting a mostly whole foods plant based diet. Dr. Maria explains how eating more plants and organic food can mitigate the destruction caused by animal agriculture and effectively treat chronic conditions. She discusses the right way to consume protein and why we should start getting rid of oil when cooking food. Dr. Maria also shares all about her 10-day nutritional program that aims to help people reverse diet-related chronic conditions.


    About Guest:

    Dr. María José Hummel is a nutritionist, health educator, author, and international speaker. She holds multiple degrees, which include a Master’s of Science in Nutrition from the University of Bridgeport, Connecticut, a Master’s in Public Health from San Jose State University, a certification in Plant-Based Nutrition from the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies at Cornell University, as well as a lifestyle medicine certification from the American College of Lifestyle Medicine. She holds a Doctorate (Ph.D.) in Natural Medicine from the International Institute of Original Medicine. Dr. Hummel is currently the program coordinator for Community Rx/Salud en tu Plato, a 10-day nutrition immersion and education program that has helps people improve their health and reverse diet-related chronic conditions.


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    Support Care More. Be Better: A Social Impact + Sustainability Podcast

    Care More Be Better answers only to our collective conscience and aims to put more good into the world. As a listener, reader, and subscriber you are part of this pod and this community and we are honored to have your support.

  • The education system is designed to shape knowledgeable, responsible, and well-rounded individuals. However, higher education is currently suffering from various problems that unfortunately lead to discrimination, stereotyping, and unfair culture. Corinna Bellizzi chats with Dr. Emily Alicia Affolter, who is on a mission to bring back the human aspect of higher education. They discuss how to dismantle the destructive supremacy culture and bring a pedagogy of love to school curriculums. Dr. Emily also presents their sustainable related PhD programs that practice emergent strategies to allow learners to take on divergent career paths.


    About Guest:

    Dr. Emily Alicia Affolter (she/ella/they) is the director of and faculty for Prescott College's Sustainability Education Ph.D. Program. Prior to this role, she worked as a Senior Research Scientist and Equity Consultant at the University of Washington’s Center for Evaluation & Research for STEM Equity. She earned her Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction with a focus on Multicultural Education from the UW working alongside Dr. Geneva Gay, founder of culturally responsive teaching. Emily's current scholarship, dissemination, and facilitation highlight culturally responsive and sustaining pedagogies for teachers, faculty, and leaders in K-16 settings and STEM higher education utilizing an equity literacy frame, supported by the National Science Foundation largely. Additionally, Emily’s latest teaching centers on decolonizing research, equitable research methodologies, and liberatory organizational change methods.


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  • The rise of extremists, neo-Nazis, white nationalists, and other hate groups is becoming extremely alarming. As fascism continues to loom over modern society, humanity’s hope for a peaceful future is at serious risk. George Drost takes a non-traditional approach in taking a stand against fascist ideologies by utilizing the art of fictionalized storytelling. He sits down with Corinna Bellizzi to discuss how he uses fiction to convey resonating real-life lessons. George also shares valuable lessons he discovered by looking back on his own family history and the undeniable importance of rules.


    About Guest:

    George Drost is a man on a mission to preserve the art, culture, and stories of Moravia, a region in the Czech Republic that is rich in history and tradition. As the youngest son of John Anton Drost, who was born in Moravia in 1909, George grew up hearing stories of his father's childhood and his experiences during World War II. These stories left a deep impression on George, who has since become an advocate for preserving the memory of his father and the people of Moravia.


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    Show Notes:

    Father’s Influence - 03:11

    I wanted to start by first, learning more about you and hearing how your father’s influence and his experience in World War II affected you growing up.


    Semi-fictionalized Memoir - 04:45

    What inspired you to bring it out now and to do so in a semi-fictionalized perspective?


    Quiet Form Of Heroism - 10:13

    I wonder if there’s a particular story from the book that resonates with you and perhaps we could learn from and integrate into our own quiet form of heroism.


    Family History - 12:38

    As you have shared with me, some amazing pictures from the history of your family.


    Real-Life Stories - 17:59

    As I share this particular slide with John, Doris, and Bobi, these are individuals that are within the pages of the book.


    Rules - 26:38

    I wonder in a way if it’s something that has become too entrenched in culture to think first in the United States of the individual and not of the whole because we have driven towards this individualistic success, individualistic perspective.


    Favorite Story - 30:22

    I wondered if there was a favorite story that you tell within the book that you wanted to share.


    Lessons From Father - 31:40

    As we prepare to wrap, I’d like to take a little bit of a how-to lens. What lessons do you think that your father left you with that you think are most applicable?


    Closing Words - 37:11

    Thank you so much for joining me, George. I wonder if you have any closing thoughts that you’d like to share before I wrap?


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    Care More Be Better answers only to our collective conscience and aims to put more good into the world. As a listener, reader, and subscriber you are part of this pod and this community and we are honored to have your support.

  • In this episode of Care More Be Better, host Corinna Bellizzi interviews Omi Chandiramani, a technologist and the creator of the Good Talk app, which helps users navigate challenging conversations through role-playing with an AI chatbot. Omi shares his journey in developing the app, the importance of effective communication, and the potential of AI in enhancing conversation skills. They also discuss privacy concerns, AI's limitations, and the future of AI in various fields like education and therapy.

    Time Stamps:

    [00:02:25] - Omi's Background and Inspiration: Omi shares his background in tech and the inspiration behind creating Good Talk.

    [00:03:43] - Climatize and Social Impact: Discussion on Omi's previous role as CTO at Climatize and its impact on climate change action.

    [00:05:24] - Developing the Good Talk App: Omi explains the challenges of building scenarios for the app and how real-life user input enhances its effectiveness.

    [00:10:00] - User Privacy and Data Security: Omi details the privacy measures taken to ensure user anonymity and data security.

    [00:14:55] - Artificial Intelligence and Its Applications: Insights on AI's potential, limitations, and its role in tools like Good Talk.

    [00:20:22] - AI Hallucinations and Guardrails: Explanation of AI hallucinations, their implications, and how Good Talk addresses them.

    [00:24:08] - Good Talk's Application in Various Fields: Discussion on the app's potential use in sales training, education, and therapy.

    [00:28:17] - Voice Communication and Future Enhancements: Omi shares upcoming features like voice interaction and sentiment detection.

    [00:30:32] - Supporting Multiple Languages: Plans to expand the app's accessibility by supporting multiple languages.

    [00:33:28] - Accessibility Across Platforms: Appreciation for the app being available on both Android and Apple devices from the start.

    [00:37:22] - Closing Thoughts and Future Developments: Omi's vision for the app's future and a call to listeners for feedback and ideas on new applications.

    Resources and Links:

    Good Talk App - Website Good Talk App - Android Good Talk App - Apple YouTube Tutorial on Good Talk Interview with Mo Gowdat Interview with the Founder of Climatize - Will Wiseman Circle B - Cause Before Commerce - New e-commerce site launching soon | minimize waste, reduce, reuse, recycle

    Connect with Us:

    Website: Care More Be Better Instagram: @caremore.bebetter Twitter: @caremorebebettr Facebook: Care More Be Better

    Thank you for listening and being part of this community. Together, we can care more, be better, and create a positive impact in the world.

  • In this poignant and insightful episode of Care More, Be Better, host Corinna Bellizzi shares her personal story of survival for the first time. She then shares an interview with Tim Mousseau, a survivor of sexual violence turned speaker and advocate. They explore the complexities of sexual violence, harassment, and the essential steps needed to create safer environments in both personal and professional settings. Tim shares his powerful story, offering guidance on how to support survivors, set boundaries, and foster empathetic curiosity to cultivate safer, more inclusive cultures.

    Key Points:

    [00:00:00] **Introduction and Context**:

    - Corinna discusses a trending question from TikTok: "If you were alone in the woods, would you rather encounter a man or a bear?"

    - She shares her own harrowing experience of abuse and the profound impact it had on her life. Emphasizes the importance of speaking out to raise awareness and support others.

    [00:07:52] ** Introducing Tim Mousseau**

    [00:11:20] **Tim Mousseau's Story**:

    - Tim recounts receiving anonymous letters and photos of his assault, triggering his journey of dealing with trauma and seeking support.

    - The significant challenges he faced with the police and his employer’s response.

    - The transformative power of therapy and support groups in his healing process.

    - His decision to speak publicly about his experience to reclaim control and empower others.

    [00:17:20] **Understanding and Supporting Survivors**:

    - The importance of empathy and not victim-blaming or shaming.

    - How to support someone who comes forward with their story: creating safe spaces, offering resources, and respecting their autonomy.

    - The significance of documentation and the challenges with the legal system.

    [00:23:26] **Creating Safer Work Environments**:

    - Redefining workplace policies to be more comprehensive and supportive of employees.

    - Importance of clear reporting channels and proactive measures to address harassment and violence.

    - The role of managers in fostering a culture of safety and respect.

    [00:32:55] **Boundaries and Empathetic Curiosity**:

    - The importance of understanding and respecting personal boundaries.

    - Strategies for setting and communicating boundaries in both personal and professional contexts.

    - Encouraging organizations to model and respect boundaries to create inclusive environments.

    [00:39:42] **Workplace Dating and Consent**

    [00:45:17] **Educational Resources and Tools**:

    - Recommended resources for parents, educators, and organizations to teach consent and support survivors.

    - The role of media literacy in understanding and addressing issues related to sexual violence.

    [00:54:53] **Empowerment through Empathy**:

    - The power of empathetic curiosity in building safer communities.

    - Fostering environments where individuals feel cared for and respected.

    [00:57:26] **Call to Action**

    Final Thoughts:

    This episode emphasizes the critical importance of speaking out, supporting survivors, and fostering empathetic and safe environments. Tim Mousseau’s journey offers valuable insights and practical advice for individuals and organizations alike, highlighting the transformative power of empathy and respect.

    Resources Mentioned:

    - Tim Mousseau's Website:

    - Joyful Heart Foundation:

    - 1 in 6:

    - RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network):

    - Know Your Title IX:

    - Start Strong Program:

    - Sexual Citizens: A Landmark Study of Sex, Power, and Assault on Campus:

    Host Contact Information:

    - Email: [email protected]

    - Instagram: and

    - TikTok:

    - Website: Care More Be Better

  • A good combination of mindfulness, a clear mind, and circularity leads to the best life you could ever have. Corinna Bellizzi discusses how to achieve such a state with speaker and coach for entrepreneurs, Izolda Trakhtenberg. Together, they discuss the importance of practicing mindfulness and the power of meditation in running a successful business or cultivating your creative mind. Izolda also shares her own secrets to becoming present and fully aware of your thoughts and feelings, as well as the role of veganism in her mission to guide business leaders toward success.


    About Guest:

    Izolda Trakhtenberg believes innovation isn’t about the latest fad, it’s about creating and collaborating compassionately. This refreshing approach has made her a sought-after speaker, educator, and coach for entrepreneurs and business leaders who want to innovate. For years, Izolda traveled the world as a NASA Master Trainer transforming people’s perspectives on our planet. Her book, Speak From Within: Engage, Inspire, and Motivate Any Audience inspires and helps those who are struggling with telling their stories. Nowadays, you’ll find her speaking at conferences, looking for the next great ocean beach, or singing for hundreds of people – all while interviewing peak performers on creative leadership, innovation, and compassionate living on her hit show, Creative Solutions Podcast.


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    Show Notes:

    02:54 – Collaborating With NASA

    07:43 – Mindfulness

    16:24 – Business Leaders

    27:02 – Veganism

    32:23 – Creative Zone

    43:39 – Closing Words


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    Care More. Be Better. is not backed by any company. We answer only to our collective conscience. As a listener, reader, and subscriber you are part of this pod and this community and we are honored to have your support. If you can, please help finance the show ( Thank you, now and always, for your support as we get this thing started!

  • Innovative Strategies for Business and Sustainability

    In an episode of "The Creative Solutions Podcast," host Izolda Trakhtenberg welcomed Corinna Bellizzi, to share her insights on creating businesses that not only aim to profit but also positively impact the planet and society. This episode was originally published on June 13, 2022 and is shared unabridged with the permission of Izolda Trakhtenberg. Here's what you learn in this episode:

    Sustainable Business Models:

    Bellizzi emphasized the importance of rethinking traditional business models to consider the environmental and social impacts of products from inception through to end-of-life. She highlighted her transition from fish-derived omega-3 products to algae-based solutions, which significantly reduce the ecological footprint and help preserve marine life.

    Challenges of Transitioning:

    Transitioning to more sustainable business practices isn't simple and involves complex changes in sourcing, production, and distribution. Bellizzi shared her challenges and successes, underscoring the need for businesses to innovate continuously and align their operations with their ethical values.

    Education on Omega-3s:

    During the podcast, Bellizzi explained the crucial role of omega-3 fatty acids in human health, emphasizing the need for these nutrients to be sourced sustainably. Her discussion detailed how omega-3s contribute to reducing inflammation and supporting overall health, reinforcing the importance of integrating these nutrients into daily diets responsibly.

    The Role of Podcasting and Communication:

    Trakhtenberg and Bellizzi discussed the power of media, like podcasts, in educating and influencing public and corporate behavior towards more sustainable practices. Bellizzi’s new podcast, "Nutrition Without Compromise," is aimed at exploring topics around health and sustainability, pushing for a broader understanding and adoption of responsible nutrition.

    Future of Sustainable Practices:

    Looking forward, Bellizzi is optimistic about the role of innovative technologies and green practices in shaping a sustainable future. She advocates for a systemic change in how businesses operate, integrating ecological and social governance as core components of corporate strategy.

    In conclusion, the episode highlighted the interconnectedness of health, business, and environmental sustainability. Bellizzi’s work exemplifies the impact that committed individuals and companies can have on leading industry-wide changes, fostering an environment where economic activities contribute positively to global well-being.

    Love this episode? Find "The Creative Solutions Podcast" wherever you listen to podcasts, or explore everything "Izolda T" on her website:

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  • The worsening microplastic solution is endangering not just the environment but human health as well. Caroline Priebe is here to present an effective alternative to make the clothing industry more sustainable: regenerative wool. Joining Corinna Bellizzi, she talks about the many benefits of ditching synthetic materials in favor of wool, which is not only good for the environment but also serves as timeless pieces of clothing. Caroline also discusses the most humane ways of harvesting wool, some sustainable fashion tips, and the best approaches to choosing a good business partner.


    About Guest:

    Caroline Priebe is the Founder and Designer of Driftless Goods an outdoor apparel brand for people who like nice things and would prefer not to wrap themselves in plastic. Given the challenges the apparel industry faces such as, microplastic pollution in our organs and oceans, growing emissions contributing to climate change and a waste crisis - she set out to design a brand that values both aesthetics and mitigates those impacts. She recently launched with a collection of plastic-free fleece outerwear made with regenerative wool with styles for the whole family.


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    Support Care More. Be Better: A Social Impact + Sustainability Podcast

    Care More Be Better answers only to our collective conscience and aims to put more good into the world. As a listener, reader, and subscriber you are part of this pod and this community and we are honored to have your support.

  • In this bonus episode, presented with permission from Forever Young Radio Show, you'll hear directly from Dr. Shawn Tassone, America's Holistic Gynecologist and host of the popular podcast: Confessions of a Male Gynecologist. He's the first physician in the United States to be double board certified in obstetrics and gynecology by the American board of integrative medicine. He holds both a medical degree as well as a PhD in mind body medicine. He is also a very well established author and his newest book, The Hormone Balance Bible can be found on Amazon and other outlets nationwide.

    Key Points Discussed

    Women's Health Myths:

    Dr. Tassone discusses prevalent myths surrounding women's health, focusing on hormone imbalances.Importance of hormone testing and recognizing symptoms that many women face.

    Dr. Tassone's Background and Expertise:

    Overview of Dr. Tassone’s unique qualifications and his approach as America's holistic gynecologist.Discussion on his book, "The Hormone Balance Bible".

    Hormonal Treatment and SHINES Protocol

    Explanation of Dr. Tassone's SHINES protocol for managing hormonal issues.The role of spirituality, nutrition, exercise, and supplementation in maintaining hormone balance.

    Omega-3s and Women's Health:

    Benefits of Omega-3s in combating inflammation and supporting hormonal health.Discussion on algae-based Omega-3 supplements as a superior alternative to fish oil.

    Advocacy and Testing

    Encouragement for women to advocate for themselves in medical settings.The importance of comprehensive testing in diagnosing and treating health issues.
    Special Segment: Tested by You CampaignCorinna Bellizzi talks about the "Tested by You" campaign, offering listeners a chance to test the effectiveness of Omega-3 supplements.Information on how to participate and what to expect from the testing process.
    Additional ResourcesLinks to Dr. Tassone’s website, podcast, and book.Information on how to access the "Tested by You" campaign and Omega-3 supplements from Orlo Nutrition.
    Closing RemarksSummary of the key takeaways from the episode.Invitation for feedback and suggestions for future episodes.
    Links Mentioned in This Episode:Dr. Shawn Tassone’s WebsiteForever Young Radio WebsiteOrlo Nutrition
  • The Mushroom Kingdom is vastly similar to the Animal Kingdom, making a lot of their compounds connected and related in many different ways. Dr. Sandra Carter has dedicated herself to fully understanding how mushrooms can restore ecosystems and help humans achieve a much healthier lifestyle. She joins Corinna Bellizzi to present sustainable practices in extracting the most beneficial elements within the weirdest and most wonderful mushrooms in the world. Dr. Sandra also talks about the impact of microdosing psychedelics, the best mushroom formulation and cooking practices, and their mushroom-based food supplement. LISTENERS QUALIFY FOR 20% OFF at HTTPS://OMMUSHROOMS.COM with the coupon code CMBB20 at checkout!


    About Guest:

    Dr. Sandra Carter has an extensive background in the areas of sports performance, disease prevention and health promotion through diet, exercise and integrative medicine. Dr. Carter has applied her medical background to product development and whole food mushroom formulations to create efficacious finished products.


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  • Welcome to another enlightening episode of the "Care More Be Better" podcast, where we dive deep into the challenges faced by those with rare genetic diseases. This session features a compelling interview with Robert (Bob) Bellizzi, the founder and Executive Director of the Corneal Dystrophy Foundation. This episode was recorded in 2021, and is being re-published as a tribute to Bob since his passing quietly at home on April 8, 2024, 5 days before he would have turned 93 years old.

    About the Guest

    Bob Bellizzi founded the Corneal Dystrophy Foundation in 1998, originally starting as a grassroots patient-to-patient support group called Fuchs' Friends. His organization has since grown to serve around 3,000 members across over 150 countries, providing a much-needed platform for patient support and information exchange on corneal dystrophies.

    Key Discussion PointsDiagnosis and Personal Journey: Bob shares his personal journey of being diagnosed with Fuchs' dystrophy, detailing the initial challenges and misconceptions around the condition due to the lack of accessible information at the time.Advancements in Treatment: The conversation highlights the significant advancements in treatment methods for corneal dystrophy, particularly the shift towards less invasive procedures that aim to reduce the risks of infection and rejection.Patient Advocacy and Support: Bob discusses the evolution of Fuchs' Friends and how the community's active engagement with specialists has propelled faster adoption and refinement of new surgical techniques globally.Future Outlook: Reflecting on the future, Bob expresses optimism about ongoing research and clinical trials aimed at further improving treatment outcomes and possibly avoiding surgery altogether through innovative approaches like gene therapy and specialized drug treatments.

    Eye sight can change at any age or stage of life. Annual checkups help identify potential sight or health issues, and should be considered, even if you don't have poor eyesight.

    Memorable MomentsThe Power of Community: One touching story shared involves the rapid response and collaborative effort to treat a five-day-old infant diagnosed with corneal dystrophy, showcasing the community's ability to mobilize and provide critical help in urgent situations.Challenges with Statistics and Awareness: Bob clarifies the prevalence of corneal dystrophy, discussing the variations in statistical data and the general lack of awareness within the medical community, which often leads to misdiagnosis or delayed treatment.
    Measuring Success

    Bob shares insights into measuring the success of his nonprofit efforts, emphasizing the importance of community recognition and the respect of medical professionals as key indicators of their impact.

    How to Connect and Support

    Listeners interested in supporting or learning more about corneal dystrophies can connect through the Corneal Dystrophy Foundation's website at, which also provides links to join Fuchs' Friends support groups.

    Final Thoughts

    As we wrap up this insightful conversation, we are reminded of the critical importance of advocacy and support in the realm of rare diseases. Bob's parting advice urges everyone not to dismiss changes in vision as normal aging but to seek expert advice, which could make a significant difference in outcomes.

    For those looking to dive deeper or contribute to this cause, visit our Action Page at Together, we can spread awareness and support those facing these rare but impactful challenges.

    Transcripts + Complete Blog:

  • Nature has the powerful ability to draw you into self-reflection and put you back on the right track. This is what Captain Liz Clark experienced when she sailed into the vastness of the ocean for an intimate voyage of awakening. In this episode, she joins Corinna Bellizzi to share how her work as a sailor, surfer, and ocean advocate allowed her to fully understand her inner self and shift to a much healthier lifestyle. Capt. Liz discussed the necessary work to be done to address plastic and ocean pollution, as well as the many benefits of adopting a plant-based diet. She also talks about her non-profit efforts to mitigate the overpopulation of stray animals and the protection of marine areas.


    About Guest:

    Captain Liz Clark is a surfer and environmentalist who has been sailing the seas on her 40-foot sailboat, Swell, since early 2006. She is the author of Swell: A Sailing Surfer’s Voyage of Awakening (Patagonia, 2018). Liz fell in love with surfing while earning her BA in Environmental Studies from UC Santa Barbara. After college, she turned her dream of sailing the world into reality, sailing south from Southern California through Central America and the Pacific Islands.

    For more than a decade, she has kept her nomadic ocean lifestyle going through writing, blogging, photography, representing conscious brands, and earning recognition as a surf adventurer, environmental activist, and captain. She hopes to inspire people to live their passions and reconnect with nature and our inherent oneness. She was featured in the film Dear and Yonder (2009), and was nominated for National Geographic Adventurer of the Year in 2015.


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    Support Care More. Be Better: A Social Impact + Sustainability Podcast

    Care More Be Better answers only to our collective conscience and aims to put more good into the world. As a listener, reader, and subscriber you are part of this pod and this community and we are honored to have your support.

  • Can algae be interesting? (Hint: Yes. Yes, it can.) Can it save the world? (Hint #2: Also yes.) Give this a listen. It matters.

    Special Tribute EpisodeCare More Be Better Host / Ignorance Was Bliss Guest: Corinna BellizziIgnorance Was Bliss Host: Kate Wallinga (Archival Audio), republished with the permission of Kate Wallinga's family


    Corinna Bellizzi opens the episode by paying tribute to Kate Wallinga, a podcaster and storyteller who recently passed away. Bellizzi reflects on her connection with Kate, emphasizing her role as an inspiration and a significant influence in the podcast community.

    Tribute to Kate Wallinga:

    Hosted Podcast: Ignorance Was BlissPodcast Run: 2018 - January 2024Episodes: 498 episodes, over 1 million listensBackground: Kate shared her life's journey, her battle with health challenges, and her insights through her podcast. She passed away on February 10, 2024, at the age of 46.

    Discussion Points:

    Kate’s Impact: Bellizzi discusses how Kate’s curiosity and storytelling prowess encouraged her to open up about personal and professional experiences, particularly in health and nutrition.Omega-3 Fats: Corinna dives deep into the benefits of Omega-3s, their necessity in diets, and the science behind them. She explains the difference between Omega-3 and other fats and the health problems arising from Omega-6 heavy diets.Sustainability in the Omega-3 Industry: Bellizzi talks about the challenges of sourcing Omega-3s sustainably, touching upon overfishing and the innovative alternatives like deriving Omega-3s from algae.The Future of Nutrition: Exploring the shift from fish-derived Omega-3s to algae-based sources, Corinna explains the environmental and health benefits of this transition.

    Kate’s Final Words (Archival):

    Kate reminisces about a past recording session with Corinna, highlighting her initial intrigue about discussing algae and how it turned into an engaging and educational conversation.


    Corinna invites listeners to explore Kate’s podcast, "Ignorance Was Bliss," to further connect with her stories and contributions. She closes by thanking Kate’s family for allowing her to share this episode and paying homage to Kate's lasting impact.


    Ignorance Was Bliss PodcastOmega-3 Information and ResearchNutrition Without Compromise Podcast

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    Support Care More. Be Better: A Social Impact + Sustainability Podcast

    Care More Be Better answers only to our collective conscience and aims to put more good into the world. As a listener, reader, and subscriber you are part of this pod and this community and we are honored to have your support.

  • The US government has started backing food as medicine for the prevention of chronic diet-related health and wellness issues. For this to yield the expected results, the current nutrition system must be revamped and transformed. Corinna Bellizzi explores this topic with food specialist and chiropractor Dr. Grace Hameister. She explains how to eliminate the five villains of society that stand in the way of achieving optimal health. Dr. Grace also talks about the importance of paying more attention to ingredient lists in food packaging and navigating the cultural shifts in food production.


    About Guest:

    A seasoned doctor of chiropractic, Integrative Medicine, and food specialist, Dr. Grace is a Wisconsin native who was the first Olympic-level rhythmic gymnast in the state. Her life as an elite athlete merged with geeky scientist after becoming a doctor and practicing in San Francisco and Beverly Hills for 18 years. This crazy combo has brought her to live and work in the world of celebrity, high-powered executives, musicians, gifted practitioners, and innovative thinkers who are having a positive impact on people and our planet.


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    Support Care More. Be Better: A Social Impact + Sustainability Podcast

    Care More Be Better answers only to our collective conscience and aims to put more good into the world. As a listener, reader, and subscriber you are part of this pod and this community and we are honored to have your support.

  • Many corporations and industries nowadays focus more on earning a profit and less on supporting humanity, which is what truly matters. Money is now the major commodity and human life has become utterly disposable. For Jeffrey Charles Hardy, the only way to make real change today is to secure the so-called second human evolution in perpetuity. In this episode, he joins Corinna Bellizzi to delve into this concept, which he explores in his book To Care For Peace. Together, they discuss what it takes to reach our next level, ultimately achieving an understanding that there is more to life than physical or financial wealth. Jeffrey also shares how he contributes to revolutionizing the healthcare system, how to address society’s mindless consumption, the importance of the pre-planning process, and the practical ways to make utopia a reality.

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    Support Care More. Be Better: A Social Impact + Sustainability Podcast

    Care More Be Better answers only to our collective conscience and aims to put more good into the world. As a listener, reader, and subscriber you are part of this pod and this community and we are honored to have your support.

  • As the climate crisis continues to worsen, natural disasters will only get more dangerous, which leads to traumatic experiences if completely ignored. For this episode, Corinna Bellizzi focuses on forest fire and the urgent need for more resilient tools to get through such a dangerous phenomenon. Joining her is journalist and author Sandra Younger, who personally witnessed the 2003 Cedar Fire. She shares how she wrote a book about surviving this deadly wildfire, losing several of her neighbors, and discovering the right process of jumping back from your lowest points. Sandra also breaks down her Comeback Formula that teaches people hurt by natural disasters to get rid of their unhealthy victim mindset.


    About Guest:

    Sandra Younger lost her home, twelve neighbors, and almost her own life in the 2003 Cedar Fire–-for 14 years the biggest wildfire in modern California history and a bellwether of today's extreme climate-driven wildfire catastrophes. A powerful storyteller and veteran magazine journalist, Sandra felt compelled to capture the Cedar Fire story in her book, The Fire Outside My Window. Recently re-released as an updated 20th anniversary edition, Sandra’s book has been hailed as required reading for residents of wildfire country, adopted as a training text for top-level emergency professionals, and featured by national media. Sandra is also an international speaker and certified professional coach, dedicated to inspiring the resilience she learned through her fire experience.


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    Support Care More. Be Better: A Social Impact + Sustainability Podcast

    Care More Be Better answers only to our collective conscience and aims to put more good into the world. As a listener, reader, and subscriber you are part of this pod and this community and we are honored to have your support.

  • Numerous corporations are currently in control of the world’s food production and distribution. Unfortunately, a lot of them are more concerned with raking in huge profits than making a real impact, leaving many people sick, hungry, and underserved. Award-winning chef, author, and entrepreneur Miyoko Schinner is actively working on making a huge difference in this space through her company, Miyoko’s Creamery. She joins Corinna Bellizzi to share how she courageously and loudly talks about the harsh truth on big shots bringing more harm than good to the food system and animal agriculture. Miyoko also explores her own efforts in achieving food sovereignty and prioritizing impact more than mere numbers. Tune in as she describes how she is making vegan cheese accessible to every household and her plans to create the world’s first vegan village in Italy.


    About Guest:

    Miyoko Schinner is an award-winning chef, author, entrepreneur and speaker. She founded Miyoko’s Creamery (which she started at the “young” age of 57), and is often credited for bringing vegan cheese to mainstream audiences. She also founded Rancho Compasión, a farmed animal sanctuary and education center for school-age youth. Miyoko is the author of six cookbooks, including the bestselling The Homemade Vegan Pantry, and the book credited for launching the vegan cheese revolution, Artisan Vegan Cheese. She is currently under contract with Ten Speed Press/Penguin Random House on a 7 th book, The Vegan Creamery. She co-hosted a vegan cooking show on PBS called Vegan Mashup that aired for three seasons. She currently hosts a new YouTube cooking channel called The Vegan Good Life with Miyoko, and was featured in a 4-part Netflix series, You Are What You Eat: A Twin Experiment. Calling herself an epicurean activist, she has worked tirelessly for over thirty years to reimagine a food system built on sustainability, equity, and compassion for animals. Her popular cookbooks, products, and thought leadership have inspired people across the globe to reconsider their food choices and take personal joy and responsibility in helping to participate in a better food system. Miyoko has spoken all over the world in far-flung places as Saudi Arabia, Italy, and Korea, as well as home in the US at Google, Dropbox, The Smithsonian, WBUR, KQED, The San Francisco Library, and many others. She is regularly featured on podcasts and interviews. Miyoko has been recognized by major media outlets as a cultural icon and food innovator, and was named to the coveted inaugural list of Forbes 50 Over 50 in 2021 as well as a “Game Changer” by Food and Wine. She has been featured in the New York Times, Forbes, Food and Wine, Bloomberg, Washington Post, The Guardian, San Francisco Chronicle, Washington Post, and many other media outlets. Miyoko has three grown children and resides in West Marin with her dogs, cats, and close to 100 other animals.


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    Support Care More. Be Better: A Social Impact + Sustainability Podcast

    Care More Be Better answers only to our collective conscience and aims to put more good into the world. As a listener, reader, and subscriber you are part of this pod and this community and we are honored to have your support.

  • Earning a huge amount of money and amassing numerous possessions will never give you genuine satisfaction in life. Instead of focusing on your material wealth, you will find deeper meaning by elevating and prioritizing compassion to the world. In this episode, Corinna Bellizzi sits down with Ali Horriyat, Founder of Compassiviste, to share how he killed his life of hypocrisy to start living a purpose-driven life. Ali talks about escaping the addicting money-making culture and beginning his mission to add value to other people’s lives instead of zeroes. He also explains how to harness the power of collective impact to raise awareness about the biggest social issues of today, putting compassion and humanity above financial priorities.


    About Guest:

    Compassiviste’s Founder Ali Horriyat left the lucrative, profit-driven world of finance in 2016 to devote himself to his vision of a society where compassion, empathy, and social impact are at the heart of our actions. In 2020, he launched Compassiviste to spread this vision. Born in Dubai, he attended schools in the UAE, France and Switzerland before pursuing his higher education in Canada. He holds undergraduate and graduate degrees in economics, political science, philosophy, business, international relations and conflict resolution, and religion. Ali is the author of 12 books, including collections of essays and poetry, with themes ranging from racism and capitalism to spirituality, love and compassion. He believes that humans must “love always, and always love.”


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    Support Care More. Be Better: A Social Impact + Sustainability Podcast

    Care More Be Better answers only to our collective conscience and aims to put more good into the world. As a listener, reader, and subscriber you are part of this pod and this community and we are honored to have your support.