From HS2 to Tornado, Flying Scotsman to Crossrail, the Railway Hub brings you news, views, features and reviews from Britain’s leading publisher of railway magazines and information. Mainline news, stock movements, steam, diesel, electric, modelling, railwayman and 120+ years of rail history are all included in a site brought to you by the publisher of The Railway Magazine, Heritage Railway, Rail Express and The Railway Magazine Guide to Modelling.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Bringing you the latest from Jamey Stegmaier and Stonemaier Games!
G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero through the eyes of South African fanboys.
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卡五和白主席以及後來加入的小狼是被稱為草莓族世代的七年級生,是台灣逐漸放縱自我開始遊玩電子娛樂的世代。現在數位遊戲變化發展與推陳出新速度飛快,讓我們試著以自己的觀點,翻騰起大家過往對遊戲的情懷以及對新遊戲的驚嘆。現在人們工作繁忙生活壓力大,其實不只遊戲,包含電影、動漫畫、音樂、旅遊、占卜甚至社會議題的促膝長談,都能富足人們的心靈,也許我們的聊天對話時,喝點小酒配點美食,可以與大家一起分享不同的體驗與心得。(PS.卡五超愛說教)不同收聽頻道:https://linktr.ee/1980playing感謝您贊助我們0.016單來手遊課金~~https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/84817192-4165-4795-bbe1-4bb02cda8d2b七年級生的FB:https://www.facebook.com/159529799179863/七年級生的IG:https://www.instagram.com/1980playing/聯絡七年級生:1980playing@gmail.com--Hosting provided by SoundOn
Киберспортсмены и психотехнолог исследуют природу и механики мастерства.
※YouTube、ニコニコ動画で公開している動画の音声配信バージョンになります。移動中や動画を見るのが困難な時などにこちらのポッドキャストを聞いていただき、後から動画やサイトで詳細情報をチェックしていただければと思います。 -
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聊点关于游戏的新闻,剧情,文化,背后故事,技术...适合路上听,上厕所听,打游戏听,吃饭听...随便你 xDDD
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
A D&D News, Reviews, Interviews, and Advice.
How to be a Genshin Impact Pro.
Welcome, to the first Dungeons and Dragons campaign conducted by the cast of Duckys and Dargons. Our D&D campaigns take place in both homebrew and established worlds offering an opportunity to experience the chaotic euphoria of adventuring no matter where you are.
Jans, Abbey, and Ted sit down every week to have really professional conversations with real professionals from around the gaming industry.
Welcome to Gaming News - A Podcast About Latest News in the Gaming World, Each Episode we will dive deep into News, rumors, and more about all things gaming! With Richie Osgood, Landon Hawkins, and Conner Clark, it is guaranteed to get crazy!
A show about more than videogames.
A gaming podcast about the games that bring us joy and the games that excite us about as much as a pile of sticks. Each episode features the discussion, analysis, and dissection of video games both old and new. Hosted by writer and gaymer Stephen Adams. Co-hosted by a rotating panel of friends, peers, and guests. New episodes monthly(ish).
Quests and Chaos ventures into Icewind Dale with a group of players and adventurers sure to make you question many choices in your life.
This actual play podcast comes from our twitch live streams, featuring James Aaron Oh as DM, Thomas Koch, Matthew Bridges, Alandra Hileman, JP, and Tasi Alabastro
Support for our Patreon is a way you can affect the storyline, by donating inspiration to the players, or if you are feeling chaotic, to the DM.
https://patreon.com/QuestsAndChaos -