Welcome to THE podcast for group fitness instructors and business owners.
Making a good living in the fitness industry shouldn’t be so difficult and frustrating when you’re just trying to get the right people to realize the greatness of what you offer, inspire them to come to your classes, and keep them coming back for more.
Don’t let yourself burn out before you figure it out. It’s time to leave these stressful feelings behind. Press play now to learn what it takes to easily attract your dream clients and make them want to stay forever.
Hosted by Barry and Shay Kostabi, this dynamic husband and wife duo distill years of experience as international coaches and consultants to educate, inspire and empower you to turn your workouts into unforgettable, addicting experiences that your dream clients can't live without. -
1. 神经康复:呼唤专业化机构
2. 骨与关节:“一体化”趋势引领
3. 心脏康复:新模式打造独特优势
4. 老年康复:下一个刚需产业
5. 儿童康复:中外合作、医教结合
一个朋友问我,为什么如此热爱NBA? 我告诉T她,,曾经,他的宣传语是奇迹诞生之地。
除了有钱有闲,我们还要拥有一种永远充满欢乐和幸福的生活,没有恐惧,没有忧虑,持续不断的实现有价值的目标,同时在生意、家庭、社交、生理、心理和精神,这六个生活的主要方面,都得到平衡和协调的发展! -
原「硅谷早知道」,全新改版的「What's Next|科技早知道」我们会继续放眼全球,不仅聚焦纯科技的话题,也会关注科技引领世界以及商业格局变化等新话题。
本节目由声动活泼制作播出。 -
联系邮箱:[email protected] -
High Intensity Business is a high intensity strength training and strength training business podcast offering content to help you realise your health goals, become a great personal trainer, and build a successful HIT business. Content includes training protocols, workouts, exercise science, nutrition, and biohacking. From a HIT business perspective, we cover personal training, coaching, startup, sales, marketing, operations, systems, hiring, scaling, etc. Guests include Dr Doug McGuff, Drew Baye, Skyler Tanner, Patty Durell, Walter Vendel, Fred Hahn, James Fisher PhD, James Steele PhD, Luke Carlson, Adam Zickerman, Kyle Recchia, Adrian Antigua, Bill Crawford, Joe Cirulli, Dorian Yates, Simon Melov PhD, Roger Schwab, Simon Shawcross, and many more.
Apple Podcast/喜马拉雅/小宇宙/网易云/Spotify/荔枝/蜻蜓:fit4life
淘宝直播:fit4life健身与美食 (记得订阅)
商务联系:[email protected]
EICO是一家产品设计咨询公司。EICO TALKS播客节目希望将我们对与产品设计的实践与思考,通过与优秀的产品人,创业者,思考者的对谈形式分享出来。坚持EICO产品核心论的原则,每期话题围绕产品展开,涉及体验、科技、设计、商业、消费等领域的新趋势与独立观点。
每期对谈一个陌生行业。欢迎收听TIANYU2FM — 我们是天宇和天域,一名自由作者和一名创业者。我们是挚友,也是一起求知的伙伴。我们认为拓展未知领域最好的方法是与其从业者对谈。希望你与我们一起,通过与人对话来拓展自己对世界认知的新边界。
官方邮箱:[email protected]
[email protected]
Welcome to Deep Within Podcast
Deep Within 、あなたの奥深くに存在する『本来のあなた』と深く繋がスペース
そこにはあなたのエッセンス(自分の本質)、Inner Power (内なる精神力)、Inner Truth (内なる真実)Inner Peace(内なる平穏)、Inner wealth(内なる豊かさ)が存在しています。内側に成長すれば、するほど、あなたの根っこが広がるような感覚になり、あなたの内側に存在する愛と豊かさの器が広がり、それが外側に溢れ出していく
内側の成長と広がりの道のりには多くの内なる葛藤、戦い、不安、恐怖と対面しますが、I know, You are more than who you think you are.
大丈夫 Trust your self without any evidence.
この内側のInner Battleと向き合う事であなたの内側からピースな状態が広がり、ネクストバージョンのあなたに成長していきます。
Are you ready to go deep within and unleash your infinite potential、Welcome back home
Embodied Business:あなたの魂から導くビジネス
Human Design (ヒューマンデザイン)
Thank you so much for listening to this episode.
2016年11月から 2023年10月まで
***Her Confidence Her Way というタイトルで配信していました。 -
2014年总监袋专辑(加强 版),2016年8月25日修订。 本总监袋于2017年4月起废止,在此只作存档! 全新的富秘系统共识会教育训练大纲与课程,都自2017年4月起正式转入小程序,授权分级学习。特此告知!
The School of Self-Mastery podcast is dedicated to helping listeners reach their highest potential by talking all things business, money, and life.
I talk to guests who have created a RICH life for themselves, not because they’re bathing in money, (although they may be doing that too) but because they’ve defined and created success on their own terms, through successful habits.
Monday through Friday you'll hear from top business and money minds sharing their valuable insights and we dive deep into their own personal success habits.
This is the place where you come to master the person most responsible for your success...you. -
What could happen if, when faced with life’s obstacles, you just kept swimming? Learn from the transformational stories of entrepreneurs, parents, athletes, and people like you and me who found success through persistence and grit.
Welcome to the Revolutionize Your Life Podcast. The podcast created for those who are looking to transform their lives, realize their dreams, and be the person they were destined to be!
Each week you’ll get valuable tips, tools, and resources that can help you live your BEST life now.
This is the Revolutionize Your Life Podcast and I am your host, Mary Chapman, MBA, Certified Whole-Life Health & Wellness Coach, Fitness Enthusiast, Navy Veteran, and one Happy Entrepreneur!
In this podcast, you can look forward to episodes that will help inspire you to be your best, and live your best life - to experience WHOLE life enhancement through valuable weekly content on health, fitness, business, mindset, relationships, and personal development from myself and other influential guests who messages are guaranteed to blow your mind, wake you up, and get you on your feet to optimal life fulfillment!
I have had my share of lessons as an entrepreneur, and that is what I want to share with you every week. I will be focusing on valuable content that will help you take your life and business to the next level!
If you're ready to level up any area of your life - hop on board! This is the podcast for you! -
Weekly conversations with entrepreneurs, influencers, and high performers that are redefining what it means to be successful. We destroy the idea that you have to be constantly working or grinding to get ahead and celebrate growth in all areas of life including health, relationships, spirituality, and finances. We recognize that both achievement and fulfillment are essential components towards a happy and successful life. Find out more at www.brenttieri.com