
  • Episode Linksā€™m so exited to have dropped my first mini episode in a while. Todays episode has a fun game with it. I go over 2 Lies and 1 Truth about mastery. Lately Iā€™ve been diving quite deep into mastery. ā­What does it look like to master your craft look like for you? ā­ Do you believe any of the lies I go over in the episode?ā­ Did I miss a lie that you have been told?BTW. What did ya buy for black Friday? I have a few recommendations for you below. They have definately helped me on my path of mastery and I hope they can help you too.--- Support this podcast:

  • Episode Mindset shifts + Journal Prompts

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    When I mention the word rest, how does it make you feel?

    Guilty, sad, ashamed that you don't do it more often? Do you have all these rules that pop up in your head that have to happen before you rest?

    What about when you have a shit show for a week and just can't seem to catch your breath? Would you rest then? Would you stop and take care of yourself? Could you rely on some tools that could pull you out of that emotional roller coaster?

    Or would that shitty week turn into a shitty month. Would that emotion build and build until you either became bitter or burned out, like it was for me?

    This time, I chose to use a different way out of that sticky, shitty emotion instead of just numbing it away. I wanted lasting relief, not just a bandage that didn't really solve the problem.

    Today's episode dives into what I'm doing differently. How to stop a "they did me dirty" moment in its tracks. How to use it for good, for both you and others. Along with a very easy tool to use to get to the underlying emotion that you really wanted to feel all along.

    Best yet, this episode is something that you can use to feel relief before its over.

    Listen to the episode... Shift your mindset... Check out the recommendations below.

    You won't regret it.

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  • Episode Mindset shifts + Journal Prompts


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    Do you believe that your skills follow you, or the job? It amazed me the responses I've gotten.

    Conversations how skills didn't translate well between jobs. Ideas and mindsets that the collection of loose skills didn't add up to anything worth getting paid for.

    There was this sense of always having to start over again. From the ground up, since there was no clear way to bring the talent and life experience gained with you.

    Which would lead to staying stuck and not starting that side hustle. Because it wasnt possible to make money any other way.

    The sad part was that I was, in a sense, right there too.

    I couldn't see how my skills would make me money. It wasnt like I didn't get paid in the past for side hustles or consulting. But I didn't believe that I could charge appropriately for my work. It felt too messy to try and take those skills and turn them into cash.

    Then I had to do a pitch deck and in less than 10 slides say why I was amazing, with proof. Going through that exercise changed my mind and opened my eyes.

    Now, I'm clear on what it cost's to hire me. I'm clear on the transformation and clarity I can bring to any customer or job. I'm clear on my skill set that makes ME shine. Most of all.

    I'm clear on how my skills follow me and make me money.

    Listen to the episodeā€¦ shift your mindset.. Grab the recommended journal prompt below.
    You won't regret it.

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    Do you ask for help? I didn't for a long time. I actually kinda sucked at asking for help.

    I used to create this mindset by denying myself and I became this martyr. I told this story of what I could do on my own. I would say all the time "Look at all the things I'm getting done". Plus, I'm not getting help from anybody. Regardless of how overwhelmed, resentful, and stressed out it made me. My head use to be a dark place.

    Now I'm breaking the cycle and asking for help all the time. It can be big or small. Like learning a topic I'm not great at. Or making sure that I listen to specific podcast or courses in the morning to start my day right. It can be honoring my schedule and knowing when to say yes or no to something.

    Which means instead of creating this horrible, non supporting story that no one helps me. That Im not supported. I cant do the things i want because I dont have the help or time.

    I now realize that none of that is real anymore. I'm supported every time I ask for help.

    It could be the the universe that I'm asking for help. A new course that I purchased to help shorten my learning curve. It could be for guidance in my next steps.

    Listen to the episodeā€¦ shift your mindset.. Grab the recommended course below.
    You won't regret it.

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    I've been thinking a lot lately about how we keep leaving money on the table. Had you told me that 10 years ago.... I would have been pissed and said that was a lie.

    But, unfortunately, we all do it. We develop these blinders that help us understand the world and how to function in it. Sometimes that can be an amazing tool.

    Other times it can become a limiting belief. Then those limiting beliefs, unchecked can cause us to leave money on the table.

    They can cause us to think that we can only bring in money a certain way. That we can only use our skills at work and somehow they magically disappear when we try and do something else.

    Today's episode is to help you shift away from the limiting beliefs that are only certain ways to get paid. To the mindset that you become the person that money chases.

    You are the person that money not only finds its way to. But does so, every day and in every area of your life. You become the person that doesn't see selling as gross or sleazy. But as a way to get paid for the things that you are recommending anyway.

    Listen to the episode... shift your mindset.. Grab the course.

    You won't regret it.

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    Are you tired of feeling like you just manifesting frustration? Or what I call the daily yo-yo. You do everything you can to stay positive, while NOT seeing any results. It's such a soul killer.

    It also can start to train you that money doesn't feel safe.

    In todays episode. I go into my money story about not feeling safe, but not being conscious of it. I just felt that I could trust money until I got a huge wake up call from our accountant at the time.

    She called my business a heart attack in the process.

    I was so stressed out about money that I was trying to manage my clients money for them. Which would stop me from making recommendations, even if it made there lives better. We were burning through our cash too fast and not taking a paycheck.

    That hasn't been my reality for over 4 years now.

    Now ben and I are close to six figures in savings, investments are up and we are gearing up to buy our first rental property this year.

    We have leaned into the The 2.0 vision...

    having enough money to buy land in Tennessee buy 10 rental homes over the next few years have enough time to take more vacations, not just constantly work

    We even have taken two mini vacations this year.

    Change was so scary because I didn't believe that it could work for me. That I could be my own success story. That I could learn how to get over my money sabotaging ways and learn to monetize my skills.

    But I want you to lean into todays episode. Listen to my countless examples of how I learned to change my mindset, so that it could change my income.

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    Iā€™m betting that you heard about the quote about not reinventing the wheel. Well there is more truth to that than you can imagine.

    But we all kinda do it.

    We do is a bunch of random things. That are not related or done in any manner that we can test. We start and stop diets with out looking at whatā€™s working and whatā€™s not. We buy courses or books but never make the space to read them. We even do this at work, by constantly doing little bits of our job differently every time.

    Now you might be thinking that testing is boring.

    Ill let you in on a little secret. It kinda is. I donā€™t like testing for testing sakes. But I do love testing so that I can see whatā€™s working and what isnā€™t.

    The intention of testing is designed to help you continue to create micro wins. So you can start to gain momentum. Which means you can finally start to actually see the results that you are after to begin with.

    Once you know what results you want. Then testing starts to have a end goal in mind. Which eventually leads to you creating a custom playbook and follow your own recipe for success.

    Trust me. We are all willing to pay for a custom playbook that you can go back to over and over again.

    Todays episode, I take you into the mindset of how to stop ā€œreinventing the wheelā€ in your own life. Instead of doing a bunch of random things, that donā€™t work. To creating a mindset of setting yourself up for momentum. With results that you can create over and over again. Which is what I call building the wheel.

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    Do you believe that multiple realities exist? Iā€™m not talking woo woo other time line dimensions. Im talking about the current reality that you are living in today. And the one that is possible if you change, because other people are living it right now.

    When I started thinking about this. It made even my brain hurt a little bit. But I believe that its an important part of shifting our mindset and habits to create the new ā€œversionā€ of the reality that we want.

    It can be hard to believe anything is possible if your stuck in an old mindset. If you:

    Donā€™t believe you can make more money different than how you make it now that you can take all your pto and travel that marriage, kids, family has to be hard and draining you have to be born with those connections to make anything happen

    Then, not only are you not going to change. But you will sabotage any consistent, long lasting change so that you can ā€œstayā€ the same.

    You wont become the person you keep dreaming about. The one thatā€™s making more and more money every year. The person who travels multiple times a year. The one who is fully supported in doing things that they love.

    Instead of getting stuck and frustrated. Start with the idea that both realities exist. At the same time. The trick is to find someone that has a portion of the realty you want.

    Its the fastest way to create the life you want.  So you can start training your subconscious that this is possible. Which means that it will not fight you on changing your life to mirror what you actually desire.

    Thank you so much for listening to todays episode.  Iā€™d love to hear how your using the journal prompts.  Or  tag me and show me where your listening to the episode. You can tag me on all the socials or drop a comment in the Esty store.

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    The new year has just started and your ready to start making progress on your goals.  Your ready to start that side hustle, hit the gym, do the thing.

    But.... then scheduling gets in the way. Something unexpected comes up and throws you off the path before it even became a path. Or your trying to do to much and don't know what to do next.

    Is it buy the course? Sign up for the free webinar? Do the latest crash diet? But only for a little bit... So, since you don't know what to do.  You buy the thing.  You  lean into the distraction, and don't take any action.

    You stay in learning mode.

    Its hard to remember that in the moment.  Especially when your building a new habit.

    Its ok to:

    stumble, but get right back on track take a night to go to bed early build in flexible, scalable habits to make you goal possible learn to receive more remind your self that rested doesn't mean lazy. start compounding your mini successes

    Which then because an even bigger success. Because the little habit starts to not only bring to reality the practical things. But also the things that were on your vision board.

    Its easy to stay stuck and feel like you are walking around in the dark. It also just as easy to only dream of reaching your goals, and promising that tomorrow you will get started.

    This weeks episode is your bridge.  I go over simple, flexible tools so you can use until the habit becomes a part of who you are.  Which means you can actually start living the life you keep dreaming about.

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    Are you tired of creating goals that never really seem to come true.

    Raise your hand if you've gotten all excited for a good new years resolution. Bought the journals, pens and fancy books.

    Started out strong. Maybe even made it through the January crunch. Only to wake up in September, look back and have accomplished only 1/10 of what you set to do.

    I was tired of scrambling at the end of the year trying to achieve goals that I should have been working on all year.

    Last year was different for me. I was able to:

    Hit my sales goal in both my podcast company & my day job Outsource some work for my website Pay for several acres of irrigation for our Palm Tree Farm without stopping our normal spending Go on 3 different vacations with Ben Hit our savings goal... then created another savings account for home renovations

    Instead of trying to juggle so many goals and feeling like a failure. And ending up with about 6 new fancy journals and only a bit of writing in each and nothing truly accomplished. I created a big picture habit tracker lets you get clear on your goals.

    It has room for both mini goals and year long goals. That way you can see what your trying to achieve. Which means you know where to spend your time, and what to say no to.

    No more shiny object syndrome.

    This weeks episode walks you through the mindset shift I use to rack up successes all year long. Plus some real life examples that I mentioned above.

    Listen to the podcast, use the tracker and create goals that let you thrive this year.

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    Not taking vacations. Having too many people ask for your help.  Taking care of a loved one when they cant take care of themselves.  Hitting a money rough spot.

    These are all the normal reason why we get burned out.  But for me it started really when I felt like I was sliding down a slope of constant fatigue.

    It was a culmination of bad days, terrible sleep habits and bad boundaries with customers.  That's what kicked off my burn out.  But the bad part was that I couldn't seem to get out of that space.

    No matter what I tired.  A bit of rest here or a tiny bit of self care there, it didn't work.  I would feel good for like all of 5 minutes and than, bam, it was back to this feeling like I had my spark taken away.

    My day today looks nothing like that soul sucking, spark less day a few months ago.  I'm much better about recognizing when my energy levels are getting low.   I'm much better at recognizing bad self talk and how to untangle fuzzy goals.

    I teach you both tricks in Audio #2.  Road map for  what youā€™re trying to achieve.  I call the energy one, my cell phone battery.  And there is a whole rant on identifying and fixing fuzzy goals  Why we "set" them. What we are actually trying to achieve and how to get there.

    And in total Margaret vibe. I created a podcast episode for this course.

    Todays podcast episode get you behind the scenes of creating the course. So you can learn a bit more of the mindset and intention in creating it. Which means you too can build the mantra of I'm never going to be burned out again.

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    I finally got my voice back. Thank god lol.

    There last few a weeks have been challenging. I had a my third cold in as many months. And this last one was so bad, that it forced me to take a few days off work because I lost my voice, little mermaid style.

    Now, if you know anything about me, I love a down day like the rest of us. But to completely stop everything except for the basics for a few weeks, is just crazy hard for me.

    I Love To Work. I Love To Show Up And Make Money. I Love To Talk.

    My water rowing machine is my vibe. And when my body forced me to stop and rest, well I didnā€™t take it well.

    Iā€™ve been trying to more aware when my body forces me to pause. My mindset shift is this, instead of looking at this as something thatā€™s in my way and needs to be overcome. Instead, itā€™s the perfect time to pay attention to whatā€™s not working and fix it. That has been part of my latest evolution with money.

    Before Money Didnā€™t Feel Safe To Me, So I Would Spend It As Fast As I Made It.

    I would pre-pay bills and pay off debts that we had even though it wasnt the right move. While those actions felt like I was doing the right thing. Those decisions would end up putting us back in debt because I still spent more than we had.

    Then, a few years ago I make it a point to become comfortable earning more money. To let elevating into overflow and having enough to truly save become my new identity.

    The downfall then shifted from spending everything we had and putting us into debt. To be afraid to spend any money because if I didnā€™t hold on to it, then it would again disappear.

    This was another version of making money not feeling safe. Once I was consciousness of that pattern. I vowed to change that bad pattern, the last few years Iā€™ve been focusing on becoming the wealthy women.

    Part of that evolution meant hiring Amanda to teach me what I didnā€™t know about money. I loved her earlier courses and knew that her money deep dive is what I needed to fast track out of self sabotaging .

    So why am I sharing my latest money mindsets and shift patterns? Because I believe that being transparent with my journey helps both of us. It helps me see how far Iā€™ve come. Especially on the days that I just want to stay in bed and already be a real-estate module with 10 Air B&B houses. LOL

    But, it shows you too that these lessons donā€™t have to be learned alone. They donā€™t have to take forever. Itā€™s always smart to hire someone to teach you what you donā€™t know. But, most importantly there is no shame in asking for help. Or getting the gentle nudge to do a refresher on money principles when itā€™s time for that next level of growth.

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    Today we are going to go into the nerdy and abundant world of templates. Now most people don't get as excited as I do when it comes to creating a template. But they don't know what they are missing out on. lol  I'm obsessed about them.

    Templates to me, are a gateway to abundance.  They help me focus on what I want to call in, faster than is realistic. Then scale up that success to collapse time.

    I do want to point out something that is obvious to me, but maybe not to you. A journal prompt is where we go to dive deeper into our thought process on a topic.  Its how we clear limiting beliefs  and things holding us back. Is where we do the foundational work.

    A template is where we go to grow, expand and duplicate existing success on a topic.  It's what we use to outsource the thing we don't want to do anymore, but still want them done in a certain way.  Its how we conserve our precious brain space for things that actually matter.

    Ok now that we have the boring tech stuff out of the way. The entire intention of todays episode is to stop feeling overwhelm. Most of us, stumble upon something that works.  A workout routine, a dinner plan, a template to use for our money.

    But instead of recognizing that we are on to something that is working and stop to take note of that success. It gets lost in the minutia of our lives.

    Instead, I would encourage you to take 30 minutes to get started,  you wonā€™t regret it!  But make sure that whatever system your using can be used anywhere, anytime.   Take the time to sit down and write out a template of where life is going really well.

    It will help you show up, be consistent and make things easier that make your life less stressful.  It will help you duplicate the things that are working.

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    Right now, there are just so many things that we cant control. We cant control the gas price roller coaster we are on. We cant control how other people treat us. But what we can control is how we are reacting to it all. And that doesn't mean being passive and rolling over and just giving up. My nickname was feisty growing up after all. ;)

    For me, that means its all about the ego. Normally, there should be a healthy dance that we do with our ego. It help gives us confidence when we are trying new things. And it would be pointing us in the right direction of things we are passionate about.

    But when it is out of balance, it can be an ugly and messy thing. That normally looks like the areas that you holding on tight to something that your powerless in. A job. A belief. A ideal version of our self.

    Instead of getting stuck in this messy and not helpful area. I like to use trigger to wake us up when we are out of balance. Sometimes its the intense emotion that we are experiencing around the trigger. Anger, frustration and fear are normally the most common ones. Other times it's a friend or family member that is checking us before we wreck our selves.

    This happens when we loose sight of the big picture. We get over whelmed and distracted with all the minutia that doesn't matter. Instead of re-enter and get back to all roads leads too..... Staying the course is a muscle that we are constantly building. Its there to keep us on track to achieve the goals, dreams and desires that matter to us. Not chasing some petty vendetta or dying over a hill that doesn't matter.

    I cant wait for you to dive into todays episode. I'd love to hear how you are implementing the journal prompts into your day to day. Or where you are when you are listening to the podcast episode. You can tag me on all the socials or drop a comment in the Etsy store.

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    Today we are going to talk about money hang ups that are holding you back. Of course, I'll have examples for us to dive in to in the episode. And yes, one of the examples is farm related. lol
    Its so easy to NOT see our money hang ups. Most of the time they are just sitting in the back of our brain waiting to hold us back from something new.

    I discovered another random money hang up the other day. It was a weird contradicting belief about how money was "aloud" to come to me. Which is crazy, because why would I want to stop money in any way from coming to me? That's like turning away winning lotto numbers. Its a nuts concept.

    Once I recognized this old belief, it was so much easier to create a new one. I love money and welcome it to come in any form it desires easily and quickly.

    That's why I wanted to dedicate an entire episode to just money hang ups. They can be such small, but powerful blocks.

    Once we can identify our hang ups, then we can get about our business of moving forward in life. We can work on actively creating our future self.

    We can use the tools to overcome them and collapse time. Or make everything we desire take twice as long. So instead of taking the long hard way of letting money come into our lives. Why not clear a path so that it can come in easily?

    I cant wait for you to dive into todays episode. I'd love to hear how you are implementing the journal prompts into your day to day. Or where you are when you are listening to the podcast episode. You can tag me on all the socials or drop a comment in the Etsy store.

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    I don't know about you, but mercury in retrograde is kicking my butt. Its exposing all sorts of beliefs that I've out grown. Which is always fun when you are in the middle of it. And yes, even I still get surprised by some thoughts that got stuck in my brain from years ago.

    Now you might not be a astrology fan. But for me. I'm always open to using tools, astrology or friction in my life as feedback to see what needs to change. Where as some other people would use this as a sign to not go ahead with the project. To hold back until the timing is right on creating a project that they want.

    I use it as a way to see what's not working, then make a plan to fix it.

    By consciously removing the things that we don't want or that just are not working anymore. This is how we make space for our desires for the future.

    Its easy to crowd out your time. Its easy to have it so full of obligations and old ways of thinking that there is no room for anything else. To constantly say yes because you are suppose to. To neve say no or that you changed your mind because something no longer works for you. That just leads to burn out and feeling unfulfilled.

    So instead, with conscious choice. We can make space for the future we want. We can identify what isn't working and get rid of it. We can lean into automation and systems that support us. We can hire someone to teach us the things we don't know. We can grab the books to support new healthy habits.

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    Over the last few weeks one of my slow burning obsession's has been how we sabotage our selves.  It's both fascinating and a little bit sad that with all of the information at our fingers. That we still make things harder then they need to be. That we still struggle unnecessarily. That we don't find the teachers or resources to move forward in life faster.

    One of my most current ways of  sabotaging was because I had an ugly website. And I fought being on social media like it was the devil.  Because I do like having control over my website and brand, I could have easily found a website template that was easy to use and updated my site years ago.

    Instead I choose to put on my blinders and struggle hard. To have a site that make it a nightmare to update or create new sales pages.  Then to top that all off, I was so caught up on how other people were telling me to use social media that I scared my self out of the market.   It impossible to say how those two simple, but impactful blocks, held me back.  But I know that there was never any reason to struggle to begin with.

    Its crazy to think that I would fight the very tools that most people use to make it easier to get there message across. But that was me. So with out even realizing it. I shut down opportunities because I didn't like what my site said about me.  I would talk about course ideas or things I wanted to create. But never actually created the.   I shut down ways that people could find the podcast because I was afraid to post online.

    I was afraid that i couldn't handle more.  Which was the fastest way to NOT reach all my goals and desires that I constantly pray for. I was sabotaging my future self. When we are creating goals and sending out prayers for the things we are calling in. That's our future self. Why not make is easier to get there?

    In todays episode, I go over the most common ways that we are sabotaging our future selves. The ways that we make things harder than they need to be because we are afraid.  The way that we glorify the struggle because its what everyone else is doing. Instead of embracing the next steps to bloom into the person we are wanting to be.

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    We are all either being influenced or influencing others. Scary right? Its so easy to go on our day and not realize that what we do, what we say and who we are has power.

    I know that the last few episodes have been focusing on cleaning up our own metaphysical and emotional sides of the street. But, one area we havenā€™t talked about was what to do with all of the inputs that are coming our way.

    The company culture, that you really donā€™t like, but didnā€™t know you started adopting. The way you treat your self in certain areas. The way you seem to keep having to ā€œrelearnā€ the same lesson over and over again. Its so easy to not see what is lending a hand to our bad habits.

    My belief is that bad habits are just areas we donā€™t have a strong ā€œmuscleā€ in. Just like with any muscle, with a bit of working out, that too can be fixed.

    More so, if we look at the bigger picture. Everything we do is influencing others as well. Both our good and bad habits are our silent megaphones as to what we feel is ok. What we are willing to put up with in life and what our standards look like.

    So, instead of just letting these habits fester. Todays episode is how I teach you to identify the bad habit, and then shift it so that you can replace it something you actually choose.

    That way what you are silently prompting is something that you can stand behind. Not the residue of someone else choices.

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    Ok, I know that my energetic minimum and maximum is one of my favorite episodes. But this it probably my second favorite I've ever recorded.

    As always, It started with a single statement. I was listening to another podcast and hear the statement All roads lead to ā€¦.. Which quickly turned into my latest obsession's.

    But this one statement. It was so powerful that I wrote it on our dry erase board. The one that we see every day. The one that motivates us and keeps us on track.

    Almost nothing makes it to that dry erase board. Last year I only added 6 statements to it. And that still took half of the year to happen.

    Im very intentional with the words and programing that I let into my subconscious.

    But, I have noticed lately that I need something bigger than my goals for the year or even for the next 2-3 years. Even though those goals were helping me make massive progress. It still felt like I was juggling goals that didnt feel balanced and like they were working together.

    I needed a mantra that could be a guiding point in my life. I needed a simple statement that I could use to always check to see if an opportunity would keep me on track. Or if it would be a fun, but pointless distraction. Which would eventually end with me regretting the lost time.

    That is what I feel this statement has done for me.

    So, that is exactly what this episode will do for you. Help you identify if a goal or opportunity move you forward towards that ultimate goal.

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    Burnout can be a sneaky thing. For me, I have gone through deep, soul sucking burn out two times in the last 10 years.  A burn out so deep that it took all my energy to get up and just show up for work.

    Even that level of showing up was more body than soul.  And it got so bad that during both burn outs it took me months to fully recover back to my bubbly self.

    But as I started to feel  burn out #3 kicking in, I read this quote in a romance novel. It basically said that its not the survival of the fittest, but instead survival of who adapts.  Which of of course got me thinking.

    What if burnout wasnt required? Crazy, I know right.

    Instead, what if it was my body's way of telling me that I wasnt adapting to my new reality. Which of course got me upset and wanting to play the martyr. That I was just not getting support, and that burnout is what everyone goes through.

    When I started recognizing that is what my belief was. It got me to stop and start writing  a new belief system.

    Im not longer available for burnout. Instead, when things get tough, overwhelming or too much to handle. I adapt.

    So in todays episode, I take you in the series out questions that I used to recognize where I was at. AKA beginning burn out stage and lead you to the other end.  An off ramp away from crazy burnout ville.  Again, burnout is not required.

    Plus I give you a pretty funny version of the tortoise and the hare story, with my own spin on it.

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