L'éthique, les animaux et nous est une émission d'une demi-heure animée par l'association L214 et diffusée deux fois par mois sur IdFM radio Enghien.
Allar and Matt work for the EU bank. But they’re not bankers. So they often find themselves wondering just what their super-smart banker colleagues are talking about. Each week they sit down with experts from the European Investment Bank and make them explain words, phrases and concepts frequently used in economics and finance in a way that's understandable, whether you’re a student, a citizen, or a business owner. No jargon, no acronyms--but just about as much fun as a finance podcast can be.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
For seven years (2006-2013) Britt Bravo interviewed over 70 people with Big Visions for a better world. You can contact Britt through her website, www.brittbravo.com.
Une chaîne de podcasts pour donner la parole à celles et ceux qui font la Croix-Rouge française.
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.
L'eau est l'enjeu vital du 21ème Siècle. Sa gestion pourra être durable si elle est partagée entre toutes et tous, citoyens, gestionnaires et pouvoirs publics.
Pour favoriser une intelligence collective, créative et territoriale, éCohérence a initié la concertation "Eau Durable", innovante et conviviale, pour avancer concrètement sur les questions de l'eau.
Ce Podcast vous propose des émissions radios, des reportages et des documentaires pour comprendre la complexité systémique des enjeux locaux, envisager le partage de l'eau et les nouvelles solidarités…
Bref, voici des médias sur l'eau et les milieux aquatiques pour penser globalement et agir localement ! -
Le magazine à votre écoute
During the Museum Audio Tour, you'll enjoy background information about the aircraft on display at the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force and learn about the people who flew them and the crews that maintained them.
This video podcast will help to familiarize people globally with the joint vision of the Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) and International Monetary Fund (IMF) for financing for development to support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and inform and engage them on existing and emerging financing solutions. The course would largely focus on the imperative to move from billions to trillions in development finance in support of the SDGs; the new financing for development landscape; the roles of Official Development Assistance (ODA), public and private finance; existing and new financing solutions, and the central of the MDBs and IMF in leveraging and catalyzing finance to support the SDGs.
The Open Learning Campus provides convenient and reliable access to the latest developments in topics, which address complex, real-world issues in priority areas such as governance, health, cities, climate change and public private partnerships.
This series of podcast presents some lessons from PPP experience around the world, discussing relevant cases and identifying best practices. -
Policy Breakfasts, held at INSEAD's Abu Dhabi Campus, are a series of early morning seminars that focuses on current policy issues through the lenses of academics and practitioners in industry and government. The series is aimed at professionals concerned with government policy.
From as-they-happen accounts of our actions, to award-winning documentaries investigating the issues facing sustainable life on our planet, Greenpeace produces some of the most engaging environmental videos available anywhere on the web. Subscribe via iTunes to receive our best videos from around the world. -
The National Committee on United States-China Relations is a nonprofit, nonpartisan educational organization that encourages understanding and cooperation between the United States and Greater China in the belief that sound and productive Sino-American relations serve vital American and world interests. With over four decades of experience developing innovative programs at the forefront of U.S.–China relations, the National Committee focuses its exchange, educational and policy activities on politics and security, education, governance and civil society, economic cooperation, media and transnational issues, addressing these with respect to mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan.
Listen to the ABA Journal Podcasts for analysis and discussion of the latest legal issues and trends. Podcasts include ABA Modern Law Library and ABA Asked and Answered, brought to you by Legal Talk Network.
This podcast tells stories of individuals and groups changing their communities in innovative ways to inspire you to do the same as well as interviews with nonprofit professionals about developing your career in the public good.
DFID, the Department for International Development, is the part of the UK Government that manages Britain’s aid to poor countries.
We work with charities, international organisations and the governments of poor countries to find lasting solutions to the global problem of poverty.
On Soundcloud you can hear the opinions of respected voices from across the international development field - on a wide range of subjects from climate change to health and education, from economic growth and trade to democracy and accountability. -
Découvrez Défense Mobilité Radio !
La webradio de Défense Mobilité, au service du personnel du Ministère de la Défense en transition professionnelle et de leurs conjoints. Recruteurs du privé ou des fonctions publiques, découvrez chaque semaine sur Défense Mobilité Radio des contenus qui vous sont spécialement dédiés. Vous êtes une entreprise ou collaborateur RH des fonctions publiques ? Si vous souhaitez faire le choix du recrutement d'un ancien militaire ou en savoir plus sur ces profils, découvrez des témoignages de vos homologues privés ou publics qui expliquent pourquoi ils ont fait le choix de ce recrutement bien spécifique. -
Conversations with Adventist peacemakers.
Another great podcast hosted by LibSyn.com
CONDO VOICE (CV) is the award winning, quarterly publication of the Toronto & Area Chapter of the Canadian Condominium Institute (CCI). CV+ presents audio articles that complement each issue, providing readers with an opportunity to hear CONDO VOICE. Enjoy our free podcasts and visit www.CondoVoiceMagazine.ca for free access to the CONDO VOICE archive dating back to 2002. Thank you for supporting our non-profit organization.
Podcast presenters, the Canadian Condominium Institute and its representatives will not be held liable in any respect whatsoever for any statement or advice presented herein. These audio presentations should not be relied upon as a professional opinion or as an authoritative or comprehensive answer in any case. Professional advice should be obtained after discussing all particulars applicable in the specific circumstances in order to obtain an opinion or report capable of absolving condominium directors from liability [under s. 37 (3) (b) of the Condominium Act, 1998]. Presenters' views expressed are not necessarily those of the Canadian Condominium Institute.