
  • We often hear from our clients that body and weight have been a topic of conversation from the time they were little kids. Your body and weight may have been criticized, policed, praised, scrutinized, shamed, or complimented early in life and it doesn't stop when we grow up either. Your personal trainer, doctor, friends, or spouse might say something about your weight, especially if it has gone up or down recently.

    Receiving critical comments about our bodies can be annoying, discouraging, and damaging to our overall health and well being. Hearing something positive about our body or appearance might feel really good. But is it as simple as people saying negative things about our bodies makes us feel bad and saying positive things makes us feel good? Not quite.

    Join Georgie and Christina as we discuss how we help clients navigate body talk and compliments. In the episode, we cover some tips on giving compliments to other people And in the second part of the episode, we talk about how to be on the receiving end of body talk with real client examples. And, as always, if you would like some support or you have a question you want us to answer on the podcast, we'd love to hear from you!

    Connect with Georgie and the Confident Eaters Coaches:

    WebsiteFacebookGeorgie's Instagram Christina's Instagram

    Have you ever thought, "I know what to do, I just need to consistently do it"? Who hasn't? Sometimes we need accountability. Sometimes we need specific strategies, new tools, or a bit of help. If you want help learning to become a confident, sensible eater with 1:1 shame-free personalized attention, sign up here.

    If you are someone who struggles with binge eating or emotional eating, be sure to check out Coach Georgie's other podcast Breaking Up With Binge Eating.

  • When people are trying to change their food patterns, it's not always as straight forward as "just doing it". Why is that? What we see with our clients is that all sorts of things can get in the way like emotions, cravings, and food preferences. Join Georgie, Maryclaire, and Christina as we discuss what the research says about food cravings, what influences them, and how we can help our clients who deal with them.

    We cover a range of questions in this episode:

    Do food cravings have anything to do with a nutrient deficiency? Are they related to hormones?Do they have anything to do with your physiological state? Or are they just psychological? How does marketing play a role in your food cravings?What is the difference between food "liking" (or preference) and a craving? What can you do if you are impacted by food cravings?

    Many of of the people we talk to are interested in getting to the bottom of their food cravings and we are here to talk about it. We hope you enjoy this episode! And, if you would like some support in your health journey or you have a question you want us to answer on the podcast, we'd love to hear from you!

    Connect with Georgie and the Confident Eaters Coaches:

    WebsiteFacebookGeorgie's Instagram Christina's Instagram

    Have you ever thought, "I know what to do, I just need to consistently do it"? Who hasn't? Sometimes we need accountability. Sometimes we need specific strategies, new tools, or a bit of help. If you want help learning to become a confident, sensible eater with 1:1 shame-free personalized attention, sign up here.

    If you are someone who struggles with binge eating or emotional eating, be sure to check out Coach Georgie's other podcast Breaking Up With Binge Eating.

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  • Do you ever just feel like saying "Screw it!" to your nutrition goals? Maybe you are like some of our clients who feel like they have two modes: one in which they are very organized and diligent with paying attention to their health and nutrition and another mode where they just want to cut loose from all of that now and then. Sometimes, you might have a busy week or going through a difficult season and it just feels like too much work to try and do all of your "healthy things".

    With our 1:1 clients, we can usually get them back to their behaviors because we speak to them each week, but what about if you aren't currently working with a coach? That's exactly what we are sharing with you in this episode! This topic was inspired, as many episodes are, by the conversations we have with our real life clients. Even our most dedicated clients just want to check out or not track for a while.

    Join Georgie and Christina as we discuss real client examples and practical steps you can start taking today to keep yourself moving forward, even when it feels like your health needs to be put on the back burner. And, as always, if you would like some support or you have a question you want us to answer on the podcast, we'd love to hear from you!

    Connect with Georgie and the Confident Eaters Coaches:

    WebsiteFacebookGeorgie's Instagram Christina's Instagram

    Have you ever thought, "I know what to do, I just need to consistently do it"? Who hasn't? Sometimes we need accountability. Sometimes we need specific strategies, new tools, or a bit of help. If you want help learning to become a confident, sensible eater with 1:1 shame-free personalized attention, sign up here.

    If you are someone who struggles with binge eating or emotional eating, be sure to check out Coach Georgie's other podcast Breaking Up With Binge Eating.

  • We are back again with another episode to discuss TREATS here at the Confident Eaters Headquarters!

    In the previous episode, we talked about evaluating your treats for worthiness. We also pointed out that not all situations are ones where a treat can be fully enjoyed. We also touched on how FOMO can trick us into eating more treats than we would want to be consuming in order to make progress toward weight loss goals.

    If you missed Part 1 of this episode, check it out HERE.

    A lot of our clients reached out after listening to that first episode on treats and said they found it helpful and that they could always use more strategies for managing these low nutrition foods like chips, desserts, or donuts, while trying to lose weight. So welcome to Part 2!

    If you would like some support learning how to reduce treats without falling into diet mentality or you have a question you want us to answer on the podcast, we'd love to hear from you!

    Connect with Georgie and the Confident Eaters Coaches:

    WebsiteFacebookGeorgie's Instagram Christina's Instagram

    Have you ever thought, "I know what to do, I just need to consistently do it"? Who hasn't? Sometimes we need accountability. Sometimes we need specific strategies, new tools, or a bit of help. If you want help learning to become a confident, sensible eater with 1:1 shame-free personalized attention, sign up here.

    If you are someone who struggles with binge eating or emotional eating, be sure to check out Coach Georgie's other podcast Breaking Up With Binge Eating.

  • Injectable weight loss drugs such as Wegovy, Ozempic and Mounjaro are a hot topic. They have a lot of promise and generate a lot of excitement, along with massive profits. They also arouse suspicions and concerns for many people and we are here to talk about it.

    In this week's episode, join us for a coaches chat, as Georgie, Maryclaire, and Christina talk about weight loss drugs, the most recent research around it, and our first hand experience coaching clients who are taking them.

    We cover a range of topics:

    What do these medications do in the body? Do they work? Are they safe?What the side effects and implications are of taking them (including the stigma of taking any medication)Is taking weight loss medications "cheating" or "taking the easy way out" for weight loss?What we suggest people do if they are taking them What we expect to see in the future with these drugsHow we can best support clients taking them

    If you would like some support in your health journey, are taking weight loss medications, or you have a question you want us to answer on the podcast, we'd love to hear from you!

    Connect with Georgie and the Confident Eaters Coaches:

    WebsiteFacebookGeorgie's Instagram Christina's Instagram

    Have you ever thought, "I know what to do, I just need to consistently do it"? Who hasn't? Sometimes we need accountability. Sometimes we need specific strategies, new tools, or a bit of help. If you want help learning to become a confident, sensible eater with 1:1 shame-free personalized attention, sign up here.

    If you are someone who struggles with binge eating or emotional eating, be sure to check out Coach Georgie's other podcast Breaking Up With Binge Eating.

  • This week, we are excited to share a Client interview from our 1:1 coaching program. Join Coach Christina and her former client, Jamie, as they discuss her journey of overcoming diet perfectionism and learning how to simplify and streamline the habits to make the most of her efforts.

    We all have different challenges, backgrounds, habits, and lifestyles. Jamie, like many of our clients came into coaching with a lot of nutritional knowledge. Jamie is an independent self-sufficient hardworking person with a demanding career while also raising a family. She is a self-described DIY-er. She had all of the information she needed, but really felt like she wasn't getting anywhere. That's when she decided to reach out for coaching and finally get the personalized attention and support she needed. Jamie is freed from the food noise and scale frustrations and is now more present in life, taking care of herself and those around her, and building a life that she loves.

    We covered a lot of topics, including:

    Why Jamie reached out in the first place and what made the Confident Eating approach different than things she had tried in the past.What her biggest challenges were before our work together and the obstacles she has overcome since. What it means to do the inner work of self compassion to overcome long held habits and beliefs around food and body image.

    Thanks to Jamie for being our guest on this week's episode and sharing her valuable experience!

    Connect with Georgie and the Confident Eaters Coaches:


    Have you ever thought, "I know what to do, I just need to consistently do it"? Who hasn't? Sometimes we need accountability. Sometimes we need specific strategies, new tools, or a bit of help. If you want help to learn to become a confident, sensible eater with 1:1 shame-free personalized attention, sign up here.

    If you are someone who struggles with binge eating or emotional eating, be sure to check out Coach Georgie's other podcast Breaking Up With Binge Eating.

  • Here at Confident Eaters, we love treats! Treats are one of life's pleasures!

    In our quest to help you be healthier and more confident, we want to make sure that you have a lot of fun included. And, if lowering your body weight is on your list of goals you want to achieve (like almost all of the clients we work with do), then reducing the amount of these low nutrition foods is most likely on the list of things you need to do to achieve your goals.

    However, we have a unique strategy that we use to help you reduce the amount of treats you are eating without judging yourself, feeling guilty, or going into "diet mode". That's exactly what you're going to hear Georgie and Christina talk about in today's episode.

    Almost everyone can benefit from observing the baseline treats that they are eating, learn how to expertly select the treats that are best for them, and to reduce the rest while increasing joy and pleasure in other areas.

    We help clients personalize this practice for themselves every day, so check out this episode to start developing this skill for yourself!

    If you would like some support learning how to reduce treats without falling into diet mentality or you have a question you want us to answer on the podcast, we'd love to hear from you!

    Connect with Georgie and the Confident Eaters Coaches:

    WebsiteFacebookGeorgie's Instagram Christina's Instagram

    Have you ever thought, "I know what to do, I just need to consistently do it"? Who hasn't? Sometimes we need accountability. Sometimes we need specific strategies, new tools, or a bit of help. If you want help learning to become a confident, sensible eater with 1:1 shame-free personalized attention, sign up here.

    If you are someone who struggles with binge eating or emotional eating, be sure to check out Coach Georgie's other podcast Breaking Up With Binge Eating.

  • Do you struggle with saying no? If you are someone who tends to do what others want all the time ahead of your own wants, you might be people pleasing.

    We see it as a struggle for many of our clients and it can become a real problem on their journey to becoming a confident, sensible eater. If you notice signs like you are feeling resentful or heading to burnout, or feel disconnected to your own preferences and needs, that can sometimes be the cause for your emotional eating or overeating and can unintentionally impede your weight loss efforts and health goals.

    Well the coaches here at Confident Eaters have got your back! Join Georgie and Christina as they talk about how to stay tuned into your own needs too. You can instead become what we have decided to call an "inclusive giver" which means, you can give to others, but you learn to balance that out with giving to yourself.

    If you would like some support overcoming people pleasing, learning how to say no more so that you can say yes to of stress in your life, or you have a question you want us to answer on the podcast, we'd love to hear from you!

    Connect with Georgie and the Confident Eaters Coaches:

    WebsiteFacebookGeorgie's Instagram Christina's Instagram

    Have you ever thought, "I know what to do, I just need to consistently do it"? Who hasn't? Sometimes we need accountability. Sometimes we need specific strategies, new tools, or a bit of help. If you want help learning to become a confident, sensible eater with 1:1 shame-free personalized attention, sign up here.

    If you are someone who struggles with binge eating or emotional eating, be sure to check out Coach Georgie's other podcast Breaking Up With Binge Eating.

  • Is food stress ruining eating for you? Food stress can take on many forms! Maybe you are dealing with life stress and don't enjoy eating, maybe you are stressed about eating the "perfect" macronutrient targets, overthinking what to make and how much to eat, or maybe you are overeating due to stress.

    Regardless of where you're coming from, the Confident Eaters coaches have your back! Join Georgie and Christina in this episode as we sort out the challenges you might be facing with food stress. We want you to know how to look at your eating with a big picture approach and take really good care of yourself so that you can be one step closer to confident, sensible eating.

    If you would like some support overcoming food stress in your life, or you have a question you want us to answer on the podcast, we'd love to hear from you!

    To listen to the stress management episode referenced in this episode, check it out HERE.

    Connect with Georgie and the Confident Eaters Coaches:

    WebsiteFacebookGeorgie's Instagram Christina's Instagram

    Have you ever thought, "I know what to do, I just need to consistently do it"? Who hasn't? Sometimes we need accountability. Sometimes we need specific strategies, new tools, or a bit of help. If you want help learning to become a confident, sensible eater with 1:1 shame-free personalized attention, sign up here.

    If you are someone who struggles with binge eating or emotional eating, be sure to check out Coach Georgie's other podcast Breaking Up With Binge Eating.

  • How come you don't write meal plans? Am I putting in enough effort to make a difference? Why am I not losing fat if my body is in "fat burn mode"? If you have had any or all of those thoughts or questions on your journey to food freedom, then you're going to get a lot out of this episode.

    Listen in on Coach Georgie's conversation with Haylin Alpert, the owner of Core Principles Gym in Stamford, CT, as they discuss common questions we get in the Nutrition coaching world. (If you missed their other conversations, you can check it out HERE and their second conversation HERE.)

    If you are a really busy person and you can't stand the thought of making one more decision, especially when it comes to nutrition; or you lack confidence that you know how to make the "right" decisions with your eating, then you've probably thought that a meal plan would be the best solution for you to finally see some progress. Listen to hear why Georgie thinks there is a better approach than prescriptive meal plans if you want to see long term success. We want to promote your autonomy and help you develop the confidence in yourself to make the best decisions for you and your goals.

    Next up, how do you know if you're putting in enough effort with the changes you want to make? As coaches, it is our job to help you determine how to make the most beneficial efforts towards your goals. We love to help people understand what that looks like for each individual because we know that you have a life you want to live outside of working on your nutrition and behaviors. Lastly, have you ever wondered what the difference between fat burning mode and fat loss is? Georgie breaks it down for you in today's episode.

    We hope that you find this episode helpful! If you have any questions, we would love to hear from you. And, if you are in the Stamford, Connecticut area and want to know more about Core Principles, visit their website HERE. Core Principles offers life changing personal training just for people ages 55+. They will help you look good, feel great, and get fit- even if you hate the gym!

    Connect with Georgie and the Confident Eaters Coaches:


    Have you ever thought, "I know what to do, I just need to consistently do it"? Who hasn't? Sometimes we need accountability. Sometimes we need specific strategies, new tools, or a bit of help. If you want help to personalize your own journey to learn to become a confident, sensible eater with 1:1 shame-free personalized attention, sign up here.

    If you are someone who struggles with binge eating or emotional eating, be sure to check out Coach Georgie's other podcast Breaking Up With Binge Eating.

  • What do you do when you've finally decided to quit dieting, but everyone around you seems to still be starting this diet or that and talking about it constantly? "Diet talk" is all around us, but that doesn't mean we have to fall prey to the juice cleanse your coworker lost 6 lb. on, or the diet book your mom really wants you to read.

    In this episode, coaches Georgie and Christina give you practical tips and real client insights as to how you can navigate diet conversations gracefully and effectively. We will show you how you don't have to participate in diet debates, feel guilty for eating that blueberry muffin, or take it personally when your friend is measuring their thigh diameters.

    You don't have to take any drastic measures. You get to be on your own journey. Remind yourself that if you are working on lifelong nutrition habits, your results won't look like the results someone gets from a crash weight loss diet, but they will be lifelong. This is about building up your life and making it greater, rather thank making it rigid and small.

    Keep respecting yourself, feeding and loving yourself as best you can and let that diet talk roll right off of you!

    If you would like some support handling other people dieting or you have a question you want us to answer on the podcast, we'd love to hear from you!

    Connect with Georgie and the Confident Eaters Coaches:


    Have you ever thought, "I know what to do, I just need to consistently do it"? Who hasn't? Sometimes we need accountability. Sometimes we need specific strategies, new tools, or a bit of help. If you want help learning to become a confident, sensible eater with 1:1 shame-free personalized attention, sign up here.

    If you are someone who struggles with binge eating or emotional eating, be sure to check out Coach Georgie's other podcast Breaking Up With Binge Eating.

  • Have you ever heart of an end of eating ritual? An end of eating ritual is not anything involving tiki torches in the jungle. We're talking about a simple behavior that you can practice doing at the end of your meals to help with moving on. Even though you have completed thousands of meals in your life, you might wonder why would you consider adding one now? If you are someone who has a difficult time ending your meals, whether that is from wanting to delay having to begin an unpleasant task, or wanting to extend the pleasure of eating, then check out this episode to see if adding one would be helpful in your journey to becoming a confident, sensible eater.

    In this episode, listen as coaches Georgie and Christina discuss why creating an end of eating ritual can help end the debate of wondering if you've had enough or whether you should go back for a little more, or even just mindlessly carrying on eating because you don't know when to stop. If you feel like your brain is persistently seeking just one more piece of that, just one more helping, or just one more of this, we are going to show you how we help clients dramatically decrease that pull.

    We will show you what elements of an end of eating ritual we have found to be most beneficial so that you can customize what that might look like for you. You can make it as simple or as complex as you want! Join us as we share real client examples and practical applications that you can start today to get further support to reach your goals. Let us know if you give it a try!

    And, if you would like some support developing your own end of eating ritual or you have a question you want us to answer on the podcast, we'd love to hear from you!

    Connect with Georgie and the Confident Eaters Coaches:


    Have you ever thought, "I know what to do, I just need to consistently do it"? Who hasn't? Sometimes we need accountability. Sometimes we need specific strategies, new tools, or a bit of help. If you want help learning to become a confident, sensible eater with 1:1 shame-free personalized attention, sign up here.

    If you are someone who struggles with binge eating or emotional eating, be sure to check out Coach Georgie's other podcast Breaking Up With Binge Eating.

  • Do you regularly move for enjoyment? Maybe you have a checkered past with exercise and you equate fitness with suffering and a "no pain no gain" mentality. If so, it can feel like a chore you need to do rather than being something you enjoy, or something that brings relief from stress or the other benefits that can come from exercise.

    In this episode, we're talking all about how to unlock joy in fitness and how to transform your exercise mindset. The reason this is important is because if we enjoy something, we are more likely to do it and look forward to it! Join coaches Georgie and Shannon as they share client examples and their own stories of overcoming gym intimidation, experimenting with new modalities of movement, and discovering their own love for moving their bodies.

    Like with most things we discuss on our podcast, even movement is not a one size fits all! Each person is different, and comes with their own history of movement. So, we want to encourage you that you're not too old, you're not too uncoordinated, you're not too big or too small to enjoy movement, no matter what has happened in the past. Listen in and learn how to take the pressure off and give yourself permission to have a fun time moving around.

    If you would like some support developing your own love for movement and don't know where to start, or you have a question you want us to answer on the podcast, we'd love to hear from you!

    Connect with Georgie and the Confident Eaters Coaches:


    Have you ever thought, "I know what to do, I just need to consistently do it"? Who hasn't? Sometimes we need accountability. Sometimes we need specific strategies, new tools, or a bit of help. If you want help learning to become a confident, sensible eater with 1:1 shame-free personalized attention, sign up here.

    If you are someone who struggles with binge eating or emotional eating, be sure to check out Coach Georgie's other podcast Breaking Up With Binge Eating.

  • Is sugar going to kill you prematurely? Is eating a banana the same thing as eating a snickers bar? Why do I feel out of control around food? What about if I want something but I don't want it at the same time? How do I make the right decision? If you have had any or all of those thoughts or questions on your journey to food freedom, then you're going to get a lot out of this episode.

    Listen in on Coach Georgie's conversation with Haylin Alpert, the owner of Core Principles Gym in Stamford, CT, as they discuss common questions we get in the Nutrition coaching world. (If you missed their first conversation, you can check it out HERE.) Speaking of nutrition coaching, if your only experience with nutrition has been restrictive diets and macro tracking, but you've never been able to see long term results, BUT you wonder if actually hiring a coach is "worth it", then you'll get to hear what we think about that. We believe that anyone can learn to become a confident, sensible eater, no matter what has happened in the past. In fact, hiring a coach could bring you more freedom than signing up for another diet.

    Listen at Georgie and Haylin discuss how hiring a coach, one that deals beyond meal plans and macros, can actually bring you more freedom than signing up for another diet. You're going to hear some evidence-based actionable strategies that you can start using today to become a more confident, sensible eater.

    If you are in the Stamford, Connecticut area and want to know more about Core Principles, visit their website HERE. Core Principles offers life changing personal training just for people ages 55+. They will help you look good, feel great, and get fit- even if you hate the gym!

    Connect with Georgie and the Confident Eaters Coaches:


    Have you ever thought, "I know what to do, I just need to consistently do it"? Who hasn't? Sometimes we need accountability. Sometimes we need specific strategies, new tools, or a bit of help. If you want help to personalize your own journey to learn to become a confident, sensible eater with 1:1 shame-free personalized attention, sign up here.

    If you are someone who struggles with binge eating or emotional eating, be sure to check out Coach Georgie's other podcast Breaking Up With Binge Eating.

  • In life, we are not immune to discomfort and disappointments. It's part of the human experience! It can come in the form of physical pain, relational conflict, disappointing news, and good ole day to day frustrations, just to name a few.

    How do you normally handle discomfort?

    Unfortunately, many of us were not taught how to handle discomfort in a constructive way. Because of this, we learn maladaptive ways of coping, which can lead to further frustration, self-sabotage, and giving up on reaching our goals. If you were never taught how to handle discomfort in a healthy way, then we want you to know that it's not too late. Just like any skill, you can practice and develop it! In fact, we believe this is one of the most important skills you can learn on your journey to being a confident, sensible eater. Why? Because we have seen our clients become more resilient to the curveballs of life and strengthen their relationships as a result.

    Join coaches Georgie and Christina we talk about learning how to handle the discomforts of life. Listen as we share real life examples and practical applications that you can use. And of course, if you need support developing the skill of sitting with discomfort or have a question you want us to answer on the podcast, we'd love to hear from you!

    Connect with Georgie and the Confident Eaters Coaches:


    Have you ever thought, "I know what to do, I just need to consistently do it"? Who hasn't? Sometimes we need accountability. Sometimes we need specific strategies, new tools, or a bit of help. If you want help learning to become a confident, sensible eater with 1:1 shame-free personalized attention, sign up here.

    If you are someone who struggles with binge eating or emotional eating, be sure to check out Coach Georgie's other podcast Breaking Up With Binge Eating.

  • Do you struggle with staying motivated? Lots of people love the fresh start of the New Year to create health goals. Have you been feeling that or riding that high? But what happens if motivation wanes over time or you suffer a setback? Is it just a matter of having "enough" discipline to push through? Or could something else be going on?

    In this week's episode, join coaches Georgie and Christina as we dive into the topics of motivation and curiosity. Both of these are significant for understanding and approaching behavior change and sometimes misunderstood and underutilized. We are going to share some real life examples of how you can learn to strengthen your motivation, intentionally practice curiosity towards the habits in your life, and how to use experimentation to break out of a rut. We are committed to helping you learn to create the life you want to live and become a confident sensible eater.

    If you need support or have a question you want us to answer on the podcast, we'd love to hear from you!

    Connect with Georgie and the Confident Eaters Coaches:


    Have you ever thought, "I know what to do, I just need to consistently do it"? Who hasn't? Sometimes we need accountability. Sometimes we need specific strategies, new tools, or a bit of help. If you want help learning to become a confident, sensible eater with 1:1 shame-free personalized attention, sign up here.

    If you are someone who struggles with binge eating or emotional eating, be sure to check out Coach Georgie's other podcast Breaking Up With Binge Eating.

  • Are you thinking about the best approach for your health goals including weight loss for 2024? There are lots of people who ask us this question, and there is no one size fits all answer for what the best approach to weight loss is. Because everyone is on their own journey, with a unique history and season of life. What works for some people does not work for others.

    That's where we come in! Join coaches Georgie and Christina as they answer common questions about intuitive eating, intermittent fasting, time restricted eating, how to build muscle, how to cope when weight loss feels slow, and how to best support yourself when trying to change your habits. This episode is packed with valuable information that you don't want to miss. If you want help and support figuring out which approach would be best for you or you have a question you want us to answer on the podcast, we'd love to hear from you!

    Connect with Georgie and the Confident Eaters Coaches:


    Have you ever thought, "I know what to do, I just need to consistently do it"? Who hasn't? Sometimes we need accountability. Sometimes we need specific strategies, new tools, or a bit of help. If you want help learning to become a confident, sensible eater with 1:1 shame-free personalized attention, sign up here.

    If you are someone who struggles with binge eating or emotional eating, be sure to check out Coach Georgie's other podcast Breaking Up With Binge Eating.

  • This week, we are excited to share a Client interview from our 1:1 coaching program. Join Coach Christina and her former client, Bob, as they discuss his journey of overcoming some long standing restrictive behaviors to learn how to properly fuel his body and take good care of himself.

    We all have different challenges, backgrounds, habits, and lifestyles. Bob shares his story as veteran of the fitness industry, with a long history of dieting and body image struggles, even from a young age. He got to a point in his life where he realized he didn't really know how to eat. Through patience, commitment, and willingness to do the inner work, Bob was able to improve his relationship with his food and his body. He learned how to recognize and trust his hunger cues, properly fuel for training and recovery, and diversify his food choices.

    We covered a lot of topics, including:

    Why Bob reached out in the first place and what made the Confident Eating approach different than things he had tried in the past.What his biggest challenges were before our work together and the obstacles he has overcome since. What it means to do the inner work of self discovery to overcome long held habits and beliefs around food and body image.

    Thanks to Bob for being our guest on this week's episode and sharing his valuable experience!

    Connect with Georgie and the Confident Eaters Coaches:


    Have you ever thought, "I know what to do, I just need to consistently do it"? Who hasn't? Sometimes we need accountability. Sometimes we need specific strategies, new tools, or a bit of help. If you want help to learn to become a confident, sensible eater with 1:1 shame-free personalized attention, sign up here.

    If you are someone who struggles with binge eating or emotional eating, be sure to check out Coach Georgie's other podcast Breaking Up With Binge Eating.

  • Have you used food to comfort yourself after a hard day or difficult situation? Does the daily grind just lead you to needing to unwind with food or alcohol at the end of the day? If so, then this episode is for you!

    Join coaches Georgie and Christina as they explore how using food as to comfort yourself, isn't ALWAYS a bad thing, but how it can sometimes be problematic. For example, it can get in the way of you reaching your weight loss goal or prevent you from being in tune with your emotions and other effective ways to cope with emotional and physical pain.

    We are all human and therefore are not immune from the stressors of life, but if we can have a variety of tools to draw from, we can become resilient, confident, and sensible eaters. Listen to this episode and let us know what you think!

    To learn more about Paul Gilbert and his Compassionate Mind framework, visit HERE.
    To learn more about Kristin Neff and her Self compassion framework, visit HERE.

    Connect with Georgie and the Confident Eaters Coaches:


    Have you ever thought, "I know what to do, I just need to consistently do it"? Who hasn't? Sometimes we need accountability. Sometimes we need specific strategies, new tools, or a bit of help. If you want help to personalize how to stop using food to comfort yourself and learn to become a confident, sensible eater with 1:1 shame-free personalized attention, sign up here.

    If you are someone who struggles with binge eating or emotional eating, be sure to check out Coach Georgie's other podcast Breaking Up With Binge Eating.

  • How do I stop being so hungry? If you have been a part of a weight loss support group, then you have probably asked this question yourself or heard someone else ask this question. But often times, the responses we see are offering help without getting to the bottom of what is really going on.

    Join Coach Georgie in today's episode, as she explores the topic of physical hunger. She will go over some of the mechanisms in our bodies involved with hunger, as well as distinguishing true physical hunger between a desire for food (which is a more complex psychological topic that we will save for another episode).

    If you feel like your appetite is out of control, listen in on the process we use to support our clients dealing with this challenge. Georgie will cover the three most common scenarios we see with our clients. We hope that the information gives you the insight you need for you to get to the bottom of your own challenges with hunger, and learn how to be a confident, sensible eater.

    Connect with Georgie and the Confident Eaters Coaches:


    Have you ever thought, "I know what to do, I just need to consistently do it"? Who hasn't? Sometimes we need accountability. Sometimes we need specific strategies, new tools, or a bit of help. If you want help to troubleshoot and personalize your hunger and learn how to become a confident, sensible eater with 1:1 shame-free personalized attention, sign up here.

    If you are someone who struggles with binge eating or emotional eating, be sure to check out Coach Georgie's other podcast Breaking Up With Binge Eating.