astrology reading for the full moon in capricorn happening on july 13th 2022. youtube link:
astrological energy of late may. mercury + sun cazimi conjunction of may 21 happening at 0° and how it’s associated with the fool card in tarot. this is the moment we can use to return back to who we truly are- free as a bird.
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astrological reflection on the libra full moon of april 16th 2022.
my little story of april 12th being on a subway in nyc. neptunian fog dissolves different worlds + makes you feel like being lost.
aries new moon + the magic of april.
astrological reflections on feb 24th 2022 + the first week of march. may we embody love to transform the energy of war. sankalpa— we are peace. love prevails.
astrology of the pisces season + discussion of the tarot moon card which is ruled by pisces. are we ready to go beyond the gate, into the mystical world of the unknown?
"for a fully enlightened being, the difference between what is neurosis and what is wisdom is very hard to perceive, because somehow the energy underlying both of them is the same." 一pema chodron from the wisdom of no escape
cosmic energy of early + mid february 2022. thoughts on the dance of mars + venus. self love is god love. may we be the holders of truth. intro words of love by john lennon.
astrology + tarot for the week of jan 23rd 2022 + some thoughts on strange times that we are moving through. intro words of love by john lennon.
astrology for the week of jan 16th + some thoughts on mercury retrograde. etc. ✶✶✶ inspired by gi @gimajormoves + y! @whynotshowlove + rip roberto.