
  • In the final episode of this season of the Dare to be Happy Podcast, Suzanne is joined not only by the fabulous Beverley Knight and her husband James O'Keefe but also her partner Sam Greenfield.

    Beverley needs no introduction with her long career in music and the West End (which she accredits to prioritising her wellness and not drinking alcohol). James is a fellow wellness advocate and founder of Unguarded Warrior - a men's community and retreat providing a ‘safe space‘ for men to connect, share and learn how to be vulnerable. And Sam joins Suzanne in this final episode to discuss his take on wellbeing (with a bit of pressure to get the wedding organised!)

    Both couples have a brilliant and insightful conversation about what wellness means to them, how routines have helped them in different stages of their lives and get into the some of the psychologies around our behaviours discussing control and responsibility.

    If you have ever wondered about the benefits of cold water swimming and why it's good for your health, the group discuss their experiences and how it should be done! Beverley goes into detail about how she switches from stage star to unwinding at home as part of her wellbeing rituals and how covid and the entertainment industry changing overnight made her face pain and learn how to be resilient. In a similar theme James discusses the mens wellness retreats he founded with the overarching message that 'You are enough' and that it's ok to be vulnerable, not be in control and have the ability to let go.

    After asking all her guests how they 'dare to be happy' Suzanne shares her take on what she believes will help you on the path to contentment with some top tips from Sam, Beverley and James too.

    You can find out more about Unguarded Warrior here:

    Beverley's Instagram:
    Buy tickets for The Drifters Girl Musical:

    To find out more about Suzanne, check out the Happy Health Club and follow her on Instagram:
    The Happy Health Club:

    Sign up to the Happy Health Club newsletter and gain access to a variety of delicious recipes from our new plant-based e-book, all achievable and mouth-watering!

  • In this weeks episode Suzanne talks with the inspiring and super motivating Luisa Bradshaw-White with so much energy in this conversation.

    You will know Luisa from some of the UK's biggest shows including Grange Hill, Birds of a Feather, Holby City, Doctors, Bad Girls and as part of the brilliant Carter family in Eastenders. Luisa has recently taken a step back from her long career in acting to focus on facilitated healing through breath work and ecstatic dance.

    Suzanne and Luisa talk through life in showbiz, with them both first crossing paths at an audition in 1999 and have recently developed a special friendship. They discuss egos, insecurities and the pressure to deliver in the industry and how that affects wellness. Luisa felt she was very lucky with her Eastenders family as they had a brilliant energy between them and a common interest in spirituality.

    Luisa discusses how she always had a calling towards being on the stage from a very early age but also whilst working at Holby City, she had the opportunity to explore learning some alternative therapies. However the real turning point was in Covid times when she stepped off the life treadmill and learnt an important lesson about financial freedom, letting go and trusting the universe. She founded LuluOm taking others through their breath work journey (including Suzanne!) and helping people be the best versions of themselves by trying ecstatic dancing.

    Luisa and Suzanne go on to discuss in detail about meditation, breath work and ecstatic dancing and even paddle boarding with all the amazing benefits that go with working on your energy and alignment with the world.

    "One in alignment is more powerful than million who are not."
    -Abraham Hicks

    You can find out more about Luisa and LuluOm here:
    Book now for the 'The Big Soul Breathe' Live On Zoom

    To find out more about Suzanne, check out the Happy Health Club and follow her on Instagram:
    The Happy Health Club:

    Sign up to the Happy Health Club newsletter and gain access to a variety of delicious recipes from our new plant-based E-Book, all achievable and mouth-watering!

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  • In this episode, the roles are reversed after 20 years of being interviewed by Jenni Falconer, Suzanne is now asking all the questions to find out how Jenni keeps fit around her very busy schedule as a TV and radio presenter, podcast host and mum to Ella.
    In Jenni’s early life she was always active, trying every sport going (and learning two languages!) with her parents always supporting her. She explains she can’t think of a time when she wasn’t active and couldn’t imagine a sedentary lifestyle. This mentality has followed Jenni as she actually dares you to just try something a little different and out of your comfort zone, even if you feel you will do it badly. The worst thing that will happen is you never have to go do it again, but the best thing could be a new hobby or friend for life.
    Suzanne and Jenni discuss their mutual love of running and how important it is to have the right nutrition and fuel inside our bodies whilst training but also the confidence and clarity it gives you if you have something on your mind or a problem to solve.
    As well as easing the people of London into the morning as the breakfast host at Smooth Radio, Jenny is the co-founder of Kollo, a premium collagen supplement formulated to support whole-body health for both men and women.
    You can find out more about Jenny and Kollo here:
    Kollo website: the code onemonth35 to receive your first two boxes for just £35
    RunPod Community:
    To find out more about Suzanne, check out the Happy Health Club and follow her on Instagram:
    The Happy Health Club: The Happy Health ClubInstagram:

  • Property Guru, Author, World Record Holder, Self-made millionaire (by the age of 30) and fellow podcaster Rob Moore, joins Suzanne in this latest episode. As with all super successful entrepreneurs we always want to know where it started, what keeps them awake at night and how they keep bringing it.

    Suzanne and Rob discuss the path that led to his success and explore some big topics around judgement, avoiding conflict, the impact of stress, being cancelled and of course, the subject that Rob believes should not be taboo - Money.

    Rob admits even with a net worth of £200 million, he is still searching for the answers and as usual doesn't mince his words when sharing his thoughts on business, making money and searching for happiness.

    How does Rob dare you to be happy? Allow yourself to pursue happiness whilst not caring about being judged. A really tough challenge but as Rob says - people-pleasing and worrying all the time about being judged doesn't help you make good decisions in life and you can never truly be yourself.

    You can find out more about Rob using the links below:


    The 'Disruptive Entrepreneurs' Podcast:

    The 'Money' Podcast:

    The 'Disruptive Entrepreneurs Community':

    To find out more about Suzanne, check out the Happy Health Club and follow her on Instagram:
    The Happy Health Club:

  • When Suzanne started on her wellbeing journey over two years ago, one of the first books she delved into was written by Dr Gemma Newman, who is today's fantastic guest on the Dare to be Happy Podcast.

    Also known as the ‘Plant Power Doctor’, Dr Gemma is a Senior Partner at a family medical practice, plant based advocate and a No.1 best selling author with her first book.

    Suzanne delves into Dr Gemma's past and present in medicine and how she has combined her extensive knowledge with a holistic approach to not only help her own patients but also share how simple changes in our diets can combat many common chronic illnesses from diabetes and heart disease to obesity - and the science that explains why it works.

    Dr Gemma debunks some common myths about plant based diets including getting enough protein from all the delicious whole foods that are available to us and provides plenty of tips throughout for anyone who is curious about starting a plant based diet.

    You can find out more about Dr Gemma Newman here:


    Social Links

    Book - The Plant Power Doctor Book

    To find out more about Suzanne, check out the Happy Health Club and find Suzanne on Instagram:

    The Happy Health Club

    Social Media Links

  • In this episode, Suzanne explores the topics of sobriety and big transformations with entrepreneur Scott Thomas.

    Never shy to admit mistakes or be honest about how he's feeling, Scott shares how 12 months of sobriety was the catalyst into his journey of self development. And what a journey - from a previous career as a self confessed ‘party boy’ organising nightclub events, to becoming extremely well known in the media appearing in ‘Love Island’ to co-founding two amazing businesses - The Social PR and Food4Thoughts, the latter inspired by his wellness journey.

    From promoting parties to organising walks in the countryside, Scott has built a truly inspiring business initially from changing his own relationships with food and alcohol, empowering others to choose healthier and happier options in life.

    Out of nowhere a whole community has developed through Food4Thoughts with accountability at the forefront, helping members embrace a healthy lifestyle with support from coaches and the community.

    You can find more about Scott using the links below:


    Management Agency
    [email protected]

    PR Agency

    Podcast - Learning As I Go


    To find out more about Suzanne, check out the Happy Health Club and find Suzanne on Instagram:

    The Happy Health Club

    Social Media Links

  • Suzanne talks with author and Hello Magazine Editor-in-Chief Rosie Nixon about kindness and moving away from the idea of juggling motherhood and having a career.

    Rosie believes we can all make a difference in our own small world by showing empathy to others and with Hello Magazine’s ‘Hello to Kindness’ Campaign, it is at the absolute forefront of everything they do at the magazine.

    Suzanne and Rosie discuss how giving yourself space to think how you want to react in a situation is something we need to work on as ultimately being kind always changes the dialogue for the better.

    Rosie shares her journey into motherhood helped her give up this idea of perfection. It’s OK to drop a few balls and to say no (in a kind way) as “The things that make us truly happy are often the most simple”, so Rosie dares you to simply; let go of the rat race, hang out with your kids and eat the chocolate!

    You can find out more about Rosie using the links below:


    Hello to Kindness Campaign

    Rosie's Books
    To find out more about Suzanne, check out the Happy Health Club and find Suzanne on Instagram:

    The Happy Health Club

    Social Media Links

  • “What's the difference between ‘illness’ and ‘wellness’?”

    “There’s an ‘I’ in illness and a 'We’ in wellness”

    In Suzanne’s very first episode of the 'Dare to be Happy' podcast, combining health and community is at the forefront of the discussion with Steven Flynn, one half of The Happy Pear.

    Steven shares the amazing journey he started over 15 years ago with his twin Dave and his two brothers building an amazing community, still now with the mission to help everyone get happier and healthier!

    Suzanne and Steven discuss as a society how we can approach being healthier by introducing whole foods into our diets, following research showing the single best thing we can do for the environment is move towards a plant based diet. Steven reminds us that Veganism is very binary and we don’t have to feel like we have to be perfect. There is a whole spectrum. The more whole foods you eat, the closer you move to health.

    A massive advocate for community, Steven talks about how support from friends, family and different people in his life has played a massive part in finding joy, gratitude and feeling contentment.

    Listen out for some top tips on how to start making the smaller changes to our diets and lifestyles and how to get the kids involved to help them make better choices inside and outside of the home.

    How does Steven ‘Dare you to be happy?'

    Try to say hello to people as you walk past. Everything starts with a hello and simply just making eye contact releases serotonin which is good for you!

    The Happy Pear consists of Steven and Dave’s cafe and shop in Greystones, Wicklow, 60 products, 7 online courses, 5 cookbooks, a farm, a roastery and a community of over 1 million people living healthier!

    Find out more about The Happy Pear and why not give their podcast a listen too - it’s great!







    To find out more about Suzanne, check out the Happy Health Club and find Suzanne on Instagram:

    The Happy Health Club

    Social Media Links

  • Suzanne Shaw’s life changed beyond recognition in 2020. She went from being riddled with anxiety and worry to living a happier, healthier life. The life she would only dream of on a Sunday morning on a terrible hangover.
    In this podcast, Suzanne will share how she made the change from burning the candle at both ends to prioritising her own health and happiness. Suzanne will also talk to other self-improvement advocates and celebrities about all things wellbeing and we’ll find out their tips, tricks and secrets to living a happier, healthier life.