Part of the goal in me making this educational podcast, was to get my listeners to think critically about what they focus on, how they focus and what they reflect on and how they derive faith or belief based motivation and routines in life. In accordance with this goal, I decided to set the tone for how and why we focus and persist by creating this podcast in a Dunkin Donuts. You will hear some general and subtle background noise and this is a small challenge and reflection to test yourself to see how and why you focus and what you will indirectly and directly get out of this podcast and apply to your beliefs and to your life. By the end of this podcast, I want you think of what the importance of education means to you in terms of educator and student discipline and success. This podcast presents an overview of what I think is important in a religious and educational perspective relating to the 4 pillars of education in the Dominican Tradition of education. This podcast was created to get you to think and reflect on educational and religious beliefs and to put into action what you believe is functional, good, faithful and serves an educational purpose.--- Support this podcast:
This episode covers how educators,teachers and other school and learning staff should have a positive growth mindset, disciplined priorities and certain experiential and practical skills to give and get respect from students, others in the education setting and parents. This short episode is original in that it focuses on other positive aspects and outcomes to expect and work towards when modeling respect in school and other learning setting. I want this episode to make you think about how you can incorporate cognitive learning and teaching strategies and methods when incorporating rules of discipline, with respect in your learning setting.--- Support this podcast:
Fehlende Folgen?
This Postpartum Education presentation deals with steps prevention and wellness goals, activities and routines with postpartum depression. It focuses on the variety of symptoms, issues and situations that are potentially experienced with a range of factors and situations that relate to a mother/partner experiencing postpartum depression.
I created this explanatory educational podcast presentation while I was feeling mostly good with lupus, but experiencing some symptoms. In these regards, I created this podcast in a real way so that the listener realizes it is normal for everyone to experience some struggles, challenges strengths and weaknesses that they want to focus on and work on. When we can be comfortable with presenting and working on our strengths and weaknesses and have a positive growth we can positively affect our daily functioning and work towards our God-given potential. While doing this, we positively shift our energy to focus on colloboratively social and leadership skills to work with others and help others towards a common good.
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This episode reviews some situations and feelings that we may have if we are used to experiencing a difficult or not so difficult Thanksgiving with adolescents and other guests. This podcast will help you reflect on keeping a positive possibilty thinking mindset. This podcast also gives you coping methods and strategies to deal with some times of emotional and behavioral situations.--- Support this podcast:
This episode will discuss how the middle school adolescent can be affected socially and emotionally by issues relating to normal social stages of adolescents and the possible affects the corona virus has on them. This discussion also addresses how adolescents form a social identiy of who they are and their values and opinions of what they are capable of and interested in now. This evolving formation of social identity in school, the family, in social environments and in the work world will influence the social and career impact they make in later life--- Support this podcast:
This educational episode will focus on beginning to develop quick and effective study skills in elementary, middle school and older students deficient in study skills and how to begin to better their study skills approach and study skills habits ans study skills practices.--- Support this podcast:
This is short podcast mainly geared towards parents and educators of children ages 9 to 13 years old. The podcast focuses on being mindful of Christmas season stressors before, during and after the Christmas school break. In combination, the podcast emphasizes making the holiday more socially meaningful and engaging while creating lasting memories and enjoyable opportunities to learn and have fun--- Support this podcast: