Here we go again!
Your hosts this week are:
Tyler, Jayson, Joel, Matt, Dave, Theo
You can also check out Tyler's other podcasts,
What The Folklore
Piece Meal -
"Unfortunately, the mountain is sexist."
This is it, folks! The final episode of Destructo Discourse Origins, where we recap episodes 151-153 of original hit anime, Dragon Ball. Sit back, it's all filler! Join us as we run out of castle to burn, learn the ways of the Trad-Crone, and wonder why Goku didn't invite any of his friends to his wedding. Good show? Bad show? It sure was Dragon Ball!
Your hosts this week are:
Jayson, Joel, Matt, Melissa, Tyler
You can also check out Tyler's other podcasts,
What The Folklore
Piece Meal -
Fehlende Folgen?
"Is this what one would call a 'slobberknocker?'"
This is it! We're (almost) at the end of original hit anime, Dragon Ball! This week, we cover episodes 148-150 and the conclusion of the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament. Join us as we go to a BYOBE (Bring Your Own Bath Eggs) onsen, avoid at least 30 to 50 feral anime hogs, and get an impromptu sponsorship by
We got one episode left!... And it's all filler, baby!
Your hosts this week are:
Jayson, Dave, Matt, Melissa, Tyler
You can also check out Tyler's other podcasts,
What The Folklore
Piece Meal -
"Stop Trying to Make Kamehameha Happen."
This week, a thinking man is eaten! We recap episodes 145-147 of original hit anime, Dragon Ball. The final bout of the Tenkaichi Budokai is well underway, and it looks like the stakes are about to get browser cache-clearingly big! Join us as we witness the host's Crunchyroll deep-state infiltration, launch Dodons at dodawn, and find a way to get even more vascular.
Your hosts this week are:
Jayson, Dave, Joel, Matt, Melissa
You can also check out Tyler's other podcasts,
What The Folklore
Piece Meal -
(Editor's Note: Theo's major was actually Philosophy, not Theology. My B.)
"Sometimes a family is two dads and the lady that one of those dads married."
This week on Destructo Discourse Origins, Joel joins us as we start to ring in the final episodes of original hit anime, Dragon Ball! We cover episodes 142-144, and enter the final match of the Tenkaichi Budokai! Join us as we practice the Three R's (Readin', Ritin', and Reps), prevent people from kinning with Tingle, and watch as the Saiyan Paw curls.
Your hosts this week are:
Jayson, Matt, Melissa, Tyler, and introducing: Joel!
You can also check out Tyler's other podcasts,
What The Folklore
Piece Meal -
"You need to wear a dying star."
This week on Destructo Discourse Origins, we reach the "Best 4" of the World Martial Arts Tournament as we cover episodes 139-141 of original hit anime, Dragon Ball. Join us as we trauma bond over a rice cooker, look for Launch's stimming pistol, and launch the legendary Chum-ba-wum-ba-ha. It may knock you down, but you'll get back up again.
Your hosts this week are:
Jayson, Matt, Tyler
You can also check out Tyler's other podcasts,
What The Folklore
Piece Meal -
"Don't compare comedy to mayonnaise."
Welcome back to the Tenkaichi Budokai! This week on Destructo Discourse, we're down to our top 8 as we recap episodes 136-138 of the original hit anime, Dragon Ball. Join us as we slide into some Brain DMs, witness some applied beam thesis, and join a million-part polycule with Goku at the center.
Turtle Boyz 4 Life!
Your hosts this week are:
Jayson, Matt, Theo, Tyler
You can also check out Tyler's other podcasts,
What The Folklore
Piece Meal -
"Goku!! How do you know this hi-poly 4k raytraced smokeshow??!"
We're back into the canon, and the World Martial Arts Tournament is just around the corner! We got timeskip fashion, glowups, and glowdows as we discuss episodes 132-135 of original hit anime, Dragon Ball. Join us as we watch birds go anywhere, unpack the martial arts matryoshka, and find out what it takes to be villain-shaped.
Your hosts this week are:
Jayson, Matt, Melissa, Tyler
You can also check out Tyler's other podcasts,
What The Folklore
Piece Meal -
"No part of this doll is good."
Who's hungry for more filler? This week on Destructo Discourse, we cover episodes 130-132 of original hit anime, Dragon Ball. Join us as we no longer become pro-Popo (apropos of nothing), witness that fine Krillin sakuga, and get jump-scared by the newest monster from Garden of Peepee Poopoo Playtime Banban 3.
Results: Inconclusive.
Your hosts this week are:
Jayson, Melissa, Tyler
You can also check out Tyler's other podcasts,
What The Folklore
Piece Meal -
"This quicksand is more powerful than Majin Buu!"
We're up on Kami's Lookout, and it's time for filler! This week on Destructo Discourse Origins, we cover episodes 127-129 of original hit anime, Dragon Ball. Join us as we find a pappaw to vibe with, follow Roku and Goshi on some adventures, and watch some Little House on the Prairie anime children discuss the existence of God (or in the case of the dub, a pair of squirrels).
Your hosts this week are:
Jayson, Matt, Melissa
You can also check out Tyler's other podcasts,
What The Folklore
Piece Meal -
"We've all got the same 24 hours; Goku is just spending them with God."
Who knew Heaven was a place on Earth? This week on Destructo Discourse Origins, Goku rides the power pole up to Kami's Lookout, as we recap episodes 124-126 of the original hit anime, Dragon Ball, and wrap up the King Piccolo Saga! Join us as we spaghettify a Kamehameha, create at least 500 Jesuses by happenstance, and begrudgingly discuss the concept of "Oozaru backshots."
Beating the brain-having allegations since 2018, baby!
Your hosts this week are:
Jayson, Matt, Melissa, Tyler
You can also check out Tyler's other podcasts,
What The Folklore
Piece Meal -
(Editor's note: this episode was recorded before the passing of creator Akira Toriyama was announced to the public. We mourn the loss of one whose work has touched so many lives, and we will likely have more to say in the next episode.)
"They're gonna be like those two little lesbian grandmas from The Ginch."
This week on Destructo Discourse: Origins, we blast a hole clean through the King Piccolo Saga! We cover episodes 121-123 of the original hit anime, Dragon Ball as the fight between Goku and the Demon King reaches its climactic conclusion! Join us as we gaslight-gunkeep-girlboss our way onto the battlefield, read some Goku No Hero Academia, and witness the release of Piccolo's new hit single, Grunting 9 to 5.
Has anyone seen my nyoibou?
Your hosts this week are:
Jayson, Matt, Melissa, Tyler
You can also check out Tyler's other podcasts,
What The Folklore
Piece Meal -
"Son Goku's been juicin'?"
Happy preemptive Piccolo Day one and all! Get your brain pudding ready as we cover episodes 118-120 of the original hit anime, Dragon Ball. Sing your favorite Piccolo Day carols, and honor someone's bravery! Join us this week as we investigate Goku for a performance enhancing poison, polish our emotional support uzis, and watch someone get taken out in... ONE BLOWWW!!!
Your hosts this week are:
Jayson, Matt, Tyler
You can also check out Tyler's other podcasts,
What The Folklore
Piece Meal -
"Never give out your weaknesses for free- always put those behind a Patreon."
This week on Destructo Discourse Origins, we enter the Nortberhood as we cover episodes 115-117 of original hit anime, Dragon Ball. On the quest for the ultra special super sacred good good water, we enter Kingdom Jarts, do a double-dip on destiny, and get a full sip of Goku's Poison, the poison for Goku (the poison meant to kill Goku).
Your hosts this week are:
Jayson, Matt, Tyler
You can also check out Tyler's other podcasts,
What The Folklore
Piece Meal -
"Same guy, different bug."
This week on Destructo Discourse Origins, it's Piccolo's victory lap! And we have no choice but to watch as we cover episodes 112-114 of the original hit anime, Dragon Ball. Join us as we summon Shenron at 3 a.m. (NOT CLICKBAIT!!), unload an entire clip into Piccolo's dick, and visit the castle where the king lives, King Castle.
UwU I'm dead!
Your hosts this week are:
Jayson, Matt, Melissa, Tyler
(with bonus boofs courtesy of Nia)
You can also check out Tyler's other podcasts,
What The Folklore
Piece Meal -
"Papyrus or I WALK."
Break out the Instapot! This week on Destructo Discourse Origins, we attempt to seal the evil by covering episodes 109-111 of the original hit anime, Dragon Ball. Join us as we hit Pandora's Slay Button, Watch a season of Cardcaptor Shagkura, and finally find that Yaji flav' we know and crave.
Your hosts this week are:
Jayson, Matt, Melissa, Theo
You can also check out Tyler's other podcasts,
What The Folklore
Piece Meal -
"Chiaotzu WILL say 'F***' this volume."
Happy Year of the Dragon! Speaking of, we're getting close to summoning that guy. This week on Destructo Discourse Origins, we're covering episodes 106-108 of the original hit anime, Dragon Ball. Join us as we challenge each other to a mid-off, witness a Rare Yajirobe W, and remember to always bet on Bear-Thief.
Get the door- it's Daimao.
Your hosts this week are:
Jayson, Matt, Melissa
You can also check out Tyler's other podcasts,
What The Folklore
Piece Meal -
"This anime is shounen, don't tellen."
We're back, baby! And we are running headfirst into the Piccolo Saga. This week on Destructo Discourse Origins, we cover episodes 103-105 of original hit anime, Dragon Ball. Join us as we play Dinosaurs & Dog-people, take a big sippy of our throat coat goat, and introduce you to our beautiful new son, Mario Paint.
Your hosts this week are:
Jayson, Matt, Melissa, Tyler
You can also check out Tyler's other podcasts,
What The Folklore
Piece Meal -
"Why did you make a vore statue?"
This week on Destructo Discourse Origins, we take a little detour to the distant land of Mifan as we discuss the film "Dragon Ball: Mystical Adventure." It's an Alternate Universe where Chiaotzu is a little emperor! With little emperor night terrors! Join us as we survive via martial arts diplomatic immunity, witness the tiny little tears of a sad anime clown, and find yet another reason for Jayson to talk about G Gundam.
Did you know Arale is in this thing??
Your hosts this week are:
Jayson, Matt, Melissa, Tyler
You can also check out Tyler's other podcasts,
What The Folklore
Piece Meal -
"Look, it's really hard to make friends after college."
This week on Destructo Discourse, we cover episodes 100-102 of original hit anime, Dragon Ball. One arc quickly changes hands with the next as the World Martial Arts Tournament reaches its stunning conclusion! Join us as we engage in the Smoother Piccolo Theory, find out if our insurance covers acts of Goku, and become quintessentially Dragon Balled.
Your hosts this week are:
Jayson, Matt, Melissa
You can also check out Tyler's other podcasts,
What The Folklore
Piece Meal - Mehr anzeigen