
  • Today, the thought that a demonic entity could potentially inhabit your physical body and suppress your personality and your spirit, leaving you without any control of yourself is truly terrifying. Depending on your religious background or your exposure to the Hollywood version of exorcism, I’ve often wondered how much of what we see in popular culture and cinema has taken creative liberties verses which aspects these accounts actually happened. I reached out to our guest today in hopes to find some answers.

    Today’s guest, here to discuss the historical elements of exorcism, bears some impressive credentials. Dr. Francis Young is a historian and editor, the author or translator of over a dozen books in the fields of church history, folklore, cultural history and the history of East Anglia. He obtained a degree in Classics from University of Wales, Lampeter and a doctorate in History from Cambridge University. He is also a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society and was Volumes Editor for the Catholic Record Society between 2015 and 2017. For many years he was Head of Sixth Form at an English cathedral school, and he is now a freelance author and editor and a member of the Society for Editors and Proofreaders as well as the Secretary of the East Anglian Catholic History Society.

    Important Items Mentioned on this Episode:

    Dr. Young’s Book: A History of Exorcism in Catholic Christianity

    Dr. Young on Twitter @SuffolkRecusant

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  • This week I’m chatting with horror and paranormal author Jenny Ashford, who’s here to talk about Poltergeist phenomena from her investigations into documented cases that went into some of her non-fiction books. We’re going to dive into some details about those cases and discuss her opinions after all of her research on what could actually be causing them to occur.

    Important Items Mentioned in this Episode

    Jenny Ashford’s Website:



    13 O’Clock Podcast

    Jenny’s Blog

  • This week I’m sitting down with Chad and Alta Dillard, authors of "Orbducted in the French Quarter", who have had an array of paranormal experiences, ultimately leading up to an abduction experience that you’re just going to have to hear for yourself.


    I wanted to provide you a little bit of feedback from a radiology perspective (rather than the podcast host) when it comes to your x-rays.

    I know what I'm about to propose may not be easy to do, but it would be ideal if you could obtain obtain the following:

    new x-rays on digital equipment

    properly-positioned x-rays

    properly marked x-rays

    multiple imaging modality-based images

    Let me explain a little. Any physician you approach with those images would most likely by highly skeptical because the object looks highly suspicious of an artifact - meaning there's a high possibility that what is imaged might not be in your body, but instead, attached to the cassette or within its light-tight compartment that holds the film. Repeatability of imaging the object would lend credence to its authenticity.

    Digital x-rays have the ability to undergo post-processing manipulation and enhancement. They can also be magnified and are more easily sharable in an electronic format, which would help you get more physician-eyes on it. There's also less possibility for artifacts to occur that mimic the appearance of your object.

    Properly positioned x-rays - for a trained radiologic technologist to submit the images you have, it would be unacceptable by a radiologist. I understand a Chiropractic office took these x-rays, but the way they were taken would not be submissible for diagnosis to a radiologist unless they meet certain standards like obtaining the full length of the bony anatomy to include both proximal/distal joints, having a radiographic marker (right vs. left) in the right location, and the appropriate set of images to properly diagnose the location of any foreign body. This would include two images taken at 90 degrees apart (AP and lateral views) so that the physician could ascertain where in the body the object lies in three dimensions - both lateral location and depth within the tissue. With the views you have, a surgeon could not attempt removal because you only have lateral location demonstrated. You can't tell if the object is anteriorly or posteriorly located, meaning they would have to cut a large tissue area and search for the object if you ever wanted it to be removed.

    Multiple modality imaging, meaning x-rays, CT, MRI and Ultrasound... each modality has strengths and weaknesses with varying tissue types. For instance, some pathology like tumors or cysts can show up better on US or MRI when their tissue density is closer to the surrounding tissue when compared to x-ray. Other pathologies that have calcium deposits like bone show up better on CT and x-ray. Since you don't know what the object is composed of, having multiple studies that would suggest composition and further validate location within your arm would be advisable. They do this with known tumors as well to determine whether or not there is vasculature before deciding to surgically remove anything. It would also be beneficial to document whether or not the object is migrating between imaging studies.

    How would you obtain all of these? Well, there's a couple of things I would recommend. For non-radiation-producing modalities like MRI and Ultrasound, you could volunteer to be a patient for any academic program teaching these things. Or you could attempt to go to another general physician and "play dumb". Basically don't offer any information other than "I have this lump in my arm and I don't know what it is". If you report that it's causing you discomfort and/or impedes your life somehow, they are obligated to investigate, and medical imaging would typically be step-1. NEVER tell them your story - regardless of what the outcome is and/or whether they admit they can't explain its presence, you'll likely not find many physicians who will go public and risk their reputation and livelyhood to support your story. Keep copies of all medical records and only share them if/when you find someone who is willing to accept your story. In other words, keep searching for a physician to consult with on the side while making progress toward obtaining these tests with the physician you're "playing dumb" with.

    I hope this helps!

    Instructions for Entering the Giveaway

    You have two opportunities to enter:

    Comment on my Instagram post with the episode art for Chad and Alta’s episode (it’s the one with the title and episode number, which also happens to have a picture of an alien face from the cover of their book). In your comment, just tell me how you found the show. Provide an iTunes review for Deviatus. It doesn't have to be 5-stars... just be honest.

    You will have until Friday, September 15 at midnight Pacific Standard Time to enter - that gives you about a week and a half after this episode first airs. Only one entry per Instagram account, and one entry per iTunes review will be considered (for a total of two maximum entries per person). I will announce the official winner on the episode that comes out on Monday, September 18.


    Facebook Page

    Email Chad and Alta:

    Chad and Alta on Into the Fray (part 1)

    Chad and Alta on Into the Fray (part 2)

    Patient 17 Movie

  • This week I’m going to be having some follow-up discussion with Samantha Lang from episode 29. Samantha had many more experiences to share from paranormal activity in her home, communication from deceased loved ones, poltergeist activity and lucid dreams.

  • Mini episode with more information on the mysterious high-tech military civilian contractor SAIC and updates on the hospital ghost photo with various analysis opinions. Full transcript and photos available on the show notes page at

  • This week's episode did not start out as a planned podcast, but rather a private conversation about my own experiences. Theologian Jon-Paul Capece joins me to discuss his thoughts about them in consideration for his upcoming book.

  • This week I’m following up with Chris Wolford. We’ll be touching base on Tom Delonge, the terrifying concept of Gangstalking and how it just might be utilized today, and one of the most interesting photos I've ever seen of a ghost, or perhaps something else as this interview suggests. Also discussed, some very interesting high strangeness that is getting a little too personal for my comfort here in the San Diego area.

    I just want to forewarn you that the part of our discussion about this photograph that I was given involves me never receiving official permission to post it publicly at the time. The reason was because we were attempting to have it evaluated, thinking it was just a really compelling photo of a ghost, but we hit a snag. The circumstances surrounding this picture have changed dramatically, and that is a huge understatement - you’ll learn the specifics about those circumstances from our conversation in this episode - but I have chosen at this time to go ahead and share it on my website at

    There are a couple of reasons for wanting to post it… first, I am still abiding by the wishes of the person who gave me the photo to avoid sharing exactly where it was taken, even though I know. But he never told me who took the photo, and I have no way of finding out. For these reasons, I want to invite any independent source to examine this photo for evidence of photoshopping or tampering of any kind. I certainly don’t want a repeat of what we just went through with the USS Trepang photo, so the more the merrier! I apologize for being so vague in the text here, but hopefully you’ll understand after hearing our discussion.

    Important items mentioned in this episode:

    Somewhere in the Skies by Ryan Sprague

    The Curse of the Man who Sees UFOs

    Chameleo by Robert Guffey

    Ray Szymanski and 50 Shades of Greys

    Dan Warner UFO footage

    Steven Grier film Unacknowledged

    Chris Wolford on Facebook

    Occupy Area 51 Facebook Page

    Twitter @devgru1980mi

  • What do you think of when you hear the term “UFO”? The name should speak for itself, however when someone typically mentions the term “UFO”, most people picture a preconceived notion of a saucer-shaped vehicle or little green men sitting in the pilot’s seat of a disc-shaped craft. Personally, I consider anything in the air which I do not recognize as unidentified. You won’t find me reaching out to the medial too quickly because I also believe a majority of those things could be easily identified with a little bit of research. Just because something is flying around that I can’t readily identify, it doesn’t automatically mean I believe I am witnessing alien life forms contained within. We must remember to approach each incident of reported UFO phenomena without bias or preconceived notions, but instead, consider the facts at hand.

    I remember watching an episode of the TV show “Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files” a few years ago where someone recorded video of what appeared to be a seemingly-convincing unidentified craft that appeared metallic and shimmering in the sky. After doing a little bit of local research, the team learned that a large, flying-saucer shaped helium balloon was accidentally set loose the day the video was recorded. The balloon was spherical in the center, surrounded by a flat disc shape peripherally. To further confirm, they decided to re-create the conditions with a similar balloon, and it was pretty obvious that video footage of the re-creation looked identical to the original video, including the way the balloon wobbled in the wind at higher altitude. This resulted in the same shimmering effect as the sun reflected off of the rotating balloon’s surface.

    Not all UFO cases are so easily debunked though. There’s a fine line between saying something has been identified, and stating there are potential explanations for objects that have been observed. Anyone can look at a photo and say, “it could be a weather balloon” or “it could be an experimental military aircraft” and dismiss it without further investigation. Well they could be right, or they could be wrong. How often do those people go a step further and produce photos of what they think a sighting could be for comparison? The difference in what we believe is subjective, and for many people, simply stating what an object could be without addressing every detail about a sighting or event, is simply not satisfactory. We need to go the extra mile.

    On this episode of Deviatus, we’re taking a look into an event that’s over 40 years old, yet we’ve only recently learned about it. Unfortunately there isn’t a lot of background information available, but we do, however, have a collection of what appears to be authentic photographs documenting an object over the ocean which may have actually crashed into the water after being damaged somehow. I’d like to invite you to listen to the information available, and derive your own conclusions.

    Just a couple of years ago, UFO investigator and researcher, Alex Mistretta came forward with 9 leaked photographs from an unidentified source in Europe. The photographs depict an unidentified flying object over the ocean. Some of the images depict this object on fire, as if it had been shot down or had just left a battle. Mistretta, after receiving the photos, soon contacted John Greenwald who runs the website, The Black Vault. And on July 6, 2015 , the case went live on the Black Vault with the limited amount of information they knew at the time. Mistretta also granted permission to archive his research results on the Black Vault, along with all of the photos.

    Not long after Mistretta contacted Greenwald, a French paranormal magazine called Top Secret released the same photographs. While Mistretta maintains his source is completely different than the one who provided Top Secret Magazine their copies of the photos, both sources reportedly said that the photos had been taken in the Arctic through a periscope by someone aboard the USS Trepang SSN 674, a United States Navy submarine, in March of 1971.

    The Trepang, a Sturgeon class submarine, was 292 feet long and could dive to about 1300 feet below the surface. She could travel 15 knots while surfaced, and up to 25 when submerged. She launched 27 September, 1969 from New London, Connecticut and served a long life in the United States Navy before being decommissioned in 1999 and underwent scrapping via the Nuclear-Powered Ship and Submarine Recycling Program in Bremerton, Washington. But before she was decommissioned, she earned the Joint Meritorious Unit Award. Unfortunately, I was unable to find a documented reason for this honor. This award is the only ribbon granted by the U.S. Department of Defence in recognition of outstanding heroism or achievement performed during periods of war, international tension, national emergencies, or extraordinary situations that involve national interests. Whether that has anything to do with the leaked photos that were allegedly taken from the Trepang, we do have details concerning her mission at the time these photos were reportedly taken, and it is certainly worth consideration as we unfold the details surrounding her deployment.

    The Trepang set out to sea under the command of Admiral Dean Reynolds Sackett on a joint military and scientific expedition, and somewhere between Iceland and Jan Mayen Island in the Atlantic Ocean, the sub “accidentally” encountered this object. Jan Mayan Island, as reported on the Black Vault website by Mistretta, belongs to Norway and is home to only the Norwegian Military and the Norwegian Meteorological Institute.

    Let’s pause for a moment and reflect on a few things what we know at this point. Two different sources produce the same photos to different people in different countries within a relatively short period of time. The exact time difference separating the presentation of the photos is unknown, however, both sources maintain that all photos were taken on this US Navy sub, and the reported month and year match. How would two separate people know this information? You have to wonder, since the pictures were taken through the periscope, how many people were even aware that these photographs existed. And what information can we even attempt to verify to be true? I have so many more questions that I’ll get to shortly, but thankfully, Mistretta and Greenwald have continued their research and we have at least a little bit more information. Let’s take a deep dive (pun intended) into the photos:

    When we look at the photos, there’s much speculation about whether they are of the same object or up to three different ones. I’ll go into greater detail about the photos, but for now, the initial information provided to Mistretta indicated the “object” was first spotted through the periscope by Officer John Klika, indicating that the source believed it to be one object photographed from different perspectives. The other noticeable thing about these photos is you can clearly see the crosshairs in the scope optics in most of them. And I should point out some of the text found on a few of the photos. On the top left corner it reads “OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPH. NOT TO BE REALEASED. CT”. On the bottom right, and somewhat faded, it says “Unauthorized Disclosure Subject. Security Certificat. SSN 674. Criminal Sanction. High definition photos are available on our CDR”. Additionally, some of the photos contain the word “SYGMA” in all-capital letters.

    Reddit user SquizCat posted scanned photos from the magazine, which I have available on my website. Another Reddit user, hillside, translated the inscriptions printed by Top Secret Magazine from French to English. Please note, hillside does state this is a very literal translation, and since I don’t know French it’s really difficult to know how precise these translations are. I find it difficult to derive some of the conclusions that the magazine editors do within the inscriptions, especially since we have no way of knowing which order they were taken in, but I’d like to walk you through each image. I will also post a link to the Black Vault site in my show notes, which does have much higher-resolution versions of these photos.

    The first photo looks almost like a zeppelin from World War II if you are viewing it from the side. There’s a lot of white smoke, some of it superimposed over the object, and a couple of spots toward the middle of it that appear to be on fire. It is slightly angled toward the water, and doesn’t appear to be very high above the surface. The inscription states “We begin this series of photos with the one that is surely the most impressive. It seems to have undergone a different treatment (?) than that of the next three photos. Is it a "cigar" that has been hit by a missile and is exploding at the surface of the water or a UFO that is coming out of the water and ready to fly? Note that no inscription appears on the original document in our possession.”

    The second photo is even more peculiar. It also appears to be taken from the side, and may or may not be the same object. No smoke is visible, and a few Reddit users commented saying this could possibly be a photo of an island or ship in the distance, where the space between the object in frame and the water could have been produced by a mirage effect. I’ll discuss my view on this theory more later. While the object is still close to the water in this picture, it appears much farther away than the object in the first photo, and the bottom of the object is not symmetrical with the top - the top being smooth and the bottom almost jagged. The inscription reads “Here are the photos that came with the letter. We present them in an arbitrary order that seemed logical, however it is maybe not the most sensible since we don't know if it the craft is flying, going out of or going into the water...It is worth mentioning that one can read in transparency on three of the photos in our possession, copies of the originals that apparently came from an American military laboratory: On the left on top: OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPH. NOT TO BE REALEASED. CT On the right at the bottom and hardly legible, a part of it having been erased because of time: Unauthorized Disclosure Subject. Security Certificat. SSN 674. Criminal Sanction. High definition photos are available on our CDR”

    The next page in the magazine has two images - one on top of the other. This is where the photos get even more strange. Both appear to have been either from a different location facing the object, or the object has turned to face the periscope. Some suggest the object changes shape. You no longer see a cigar-shaped object, but two very different representations. One must consider if the object were a balloon as many are suggesting, the view from the front or rear would appear circular in shape. We don’t see a circular object though. The top image looks more triangular in shape, and listed toward one side. The bottom image looks more elliptical. The inscription for this photo is translated to say “(Top) On this photo, we identify without a doubt a triangular-shaped UFO. It seems to be in trouble. (Bottom) If the order that we have chosen for these pictures is correct, the UFO here seems to now go sideways before plunging into the ocean…”

    The next page in the magazine shows two photos that look similar, but with one distinguishing characteristic. While both show the object partially submerged into the water, the top photo shows what appears to be very high splashing of the water, with a majority of the object above water line. Some people on Reddit refer to the water as smoke, but to me it looks more like the affect water makes when something is dropped into it, or hits the surface of the water at high speed. The smoke in the first photograph has a cloudy appearance which doesn’t match this one. The second image shows the object submerged even more - about half-way, but with no splashes. To me this indicates the water from the other photo may have settled. These photos include the following inscription: “The next five photos show an egg-shaped object of large dimension that falls into the ocean. These pictures seem to come from another laboratory, SYGMA, about which we know nothing. Do these photos present a single and same event or are we dealing with two different events?”

    Moving to the photos on the next page, they again show two images of a very similar object, however, I believe the object again varies in appearance compared to previous images. It looks closer to the camera, and to has changed shape again. This time, both images depict the object bleeding smoke. And I’m not sure if it’s some kind of artifact that shows up on each photo, but there is a small black object to the left in each of these pictures. Inscriptions read “(Top) The craft, which looks a lot like the one in the first picture, seems to be in trouble. Is it on fire? Does it come from the depths of the ocean or is it headed there? Despite the fact that its form perfectly resembles the typical "cigar" shape of UFOs, it is still impossible to distinguish more details of its structure. (Bottom) According to the letter from our "anonymous contact", the submarine was equipped with an analog camera, thus explaining the image overlay of the visible graduations.” I believe they’re referring to the scope markings.

    The final picture is clearly a cigar-shaped object. With nothing else in the field of view, it’s hard to distinguish depth of field or estimate the scale of the object, but at first glance it appears huge - If I had to estimate, it looks to be about the size of a submarine itself, if not bigger. This time, the object appears undamaged and is floating parallel to the horizon. It resembles more of a zeppelin shape again, but near the right side, it almost appears as if there’s something between the object and the ocean. It’s almost as if water is coming out of the object or being sucked up into it. It’s a little blurry and hard to tell, but it’s definitely odd. The final inscription reads “Too beautiful to be real, this "cigar" photo? We don't know, it might be the "banana peel" that would be used to discredit the other pictures of the dossier...Who was our anonymous informer? A reader of the magazine or a source wanting to share their secret? In any event, if we haven't been able to find these photos on the internet, maybe a reader will give us some information that has evaded us…”

    The translated inscriptions point out several things about the photos themselves which I am not sure what to make of. Some of the information depicted would require further knowledge about the object such as the proper order the images were taken, the direction of travel of the object, and assumptions about the object being “in trouble” or being shot by a missile. Without additional information, I don’t understand how these inscriptions could be more than mere speculation, but I’ll include the translations in my show notes for you to evaluate for yourself.

    On July 8, 2015, the Black Vault site was updated with additional information from Mistretta. An investigator and former Navy Pilot named Steve Murillo was able to contact and have a discussion with Admiral Sackett who agreed to view the photos via email. He was quoted as stating “all I saw was ice”.

    Another update to the Black Vault came on July 12, 2015 after another conversation with Admiral Sackett took place with Steve Murillo after the Admiral had a chance to review the photos. In addition, Alex Mistretta had managed to contact John Klicka, the officer who had reportedly spotted the UFO through the periscope. Both men denied seeing anything unusual while on the Trepang in the Arctic, and Sackett claimed he could not identify the objects in the photographs, though according to Mistretta, the Admiral thought the investigation was very interesting. I think it’s important to note that Mistretta states in his update here that he believes Sackett, and he has concluded that the Trepang did not have anything to do with the photographs. He also indicates the presence of another US submarine being in the same route about 1 month prior to the Trepang, which is the USS Skate, SSN 578.

    Before any of you decide to make up your mind about these images or the denial of involvement in the taking of these photographs by Admiral Sackett and Officer Klika, remember these photographs indicated that the images were supposed to be confidential, and contained the text, “Security Certificate SSN 674”. This fact alone carries the implication that the statements of these two men may not be the truth. I don’t say this to discredit them, but to the contrary. Even after retirement, military personnel are expected to uphold the agreements made about information that required a security clearance. If the encounter had been deemed top secret, they could face penalties if they chose to disclose. While this doesn’t prove anything for or against the claim that these photos are of a UFO, these are details that should not go overlooked.

    It’s also important to know that during the time these photos were reportedly taken, it has been confirmed that the Trepang did have orders to operate beneath the polar ice and conduct weapons testing. While it may not explain the photos, there are potential explanations regarding weapons testing that should be considered. Could this have all been part of a weapons test? Many on the Reddit forum, as well as the Black Vault website are convinced that the photos are nothing but a target balloon. Greenwald even has several photo examples of target balloons utilized by various countries. While I can certainly see some similarities to the more zeppelin-shaped photos, I’m not personally convinced all of the photographs can be explained by this theory. And one has to ask if a submarine would even have the capability of deploying such a balloon. Even if it could, why would photos of a balloon be considered classified? I suppose the weapons test itself could be considered classified at the time, so it would be logical to conclude that photographs involving the weapons test may be under that umbrella.

    It’s viable that a balloon could have been deployed by another ship in the area, but we don’t have any documentation of any other ships in the same area at the time the Trepang was there. If you look at the example photos of target balloons, you’ll find that some are from the early 1900’s and are very small. Even modern target balloons are small in size compared to the appearance of this object. The balloon that looks most similar to the zeppelin-like photos is that of an British observation balloon that is actually manned. All of the balloon photos are spherical in shape. Even if we can rationalize that some of the photos could be a balloon, how would a balloon acquire a triangle shape, or make a huge splash in the water? Would a balloon that has been shot by weapons aboard the Trepang catch fire? Would any weapons aboard the Trepang even have the capability of taking down an aerial object? Some theories simply create more questions.

    Another potential explanation we discussed for at least one or two of the photographs is that we’re actually looking at land, or at least another very large vessel, and it only appears as if there is air between the object and the surface of the water. To truly consider this theory, let’s think about how mirages work. I’m used to seeing them on the highway when I’m driving through the desert, but I’ve never seen one over the water, even in sunny Southern California. Mirages occur when the ground is very hot and the air is cool. The ground warms a bit of air just above the ground and when light moves from the cold air into the hot air, it is refracted. In other words the light bends it to create the illusion of transparency through a solid object. But could the surface of the water, or even the air for that matter, really be hot enough to cause this illusion… in the Arctic?

    I have to tip my hat to John Greenwald and Alex Mistretta for the additional research that is ongoing in and around these photos. They were able to confirm the location of the Trepang at the time via the website, Hullnumber. And they were also able to confirm the presence of the Admiral and Officer Klika via the ship’s roster, which Greenwald retrieved from the National Archives.

    The one disadvantage about discussing these photos on a podcast is obviously the inability to look at the photos together. I’d like to encourage you to go to to see these amazing photos, and to view my show notes where I have all of the links mentioned. I have to say, these photos look genuine to me. I’m no expert, and we may not be able to further authenticate them without the negatives, but something about them really stood out to me when I first saw them. As I said, I believe all theories should be looked into that could potentially explain what we’re seeing in these photographs. Personally, I’m left with many questions but I’d like to get your thoughts… Are these pictures of the same object? Do you believe they’re faked? Do you think we’re looking at a target balloon? Or do you believe these could possibly be some of the best photos of a UFO that we have come across to date? Hopefully we’ll continue to uncover more information about them, but for now, I’m forced to only speculate.

    Thank you for joining me for this episode of Deviatus. If this is your first time listening to the show, the format of this episode is quite different from my typical interview-style with a guest. For those of you who regularly tune in, I’m interested to hear your thoughts about this style of show, and if you’d be interested in more like it for upcoming episodes. Either way, I would absolutely appreciate it if you would consider rating and reviewing the show on iTunes or your favorite podcatcher. It helps other people who are interested in this type of content to find the show, and it fuels my fire to keep producing Deviatus for your entertainment at no cost to you.

    As usual, you can find all of my show notes and previous episodes at For this episode, I’m posting the entire transcribed text in my show notes, along with all of the images mentioned and a ton of links - the show notes will be packed, so head over to the website to get the full scope of the discussion. You can also find me on Twitter and Instagram @deviatuspod. I also have a Facebook Page you can get updated information on as well. Thanks so much for listening, and have a great week!

    Important Items Mentioned on this Episode:

    The Black Vault Case File

    Reddit Thread with Top Secret Magazine photos

    Hullnumber Website

  • On December 15, 1967, with less than two weeks before Christmas, residents of the towns of Gallipolis, Ohio and Point Pleasant, West Virginia flock to shopping centers after work to finish their Christmas shopping. Traffic jams ensue as a result, and people sit in their cars attempting to cross the aging Silver Bridge, which connects the two towns traversing the Ohio River. The bridge collapses, sending vehicles and their occupants into the ice-cold water, ultimately resulting in 46 fatalities.

    The bridge, which was built in 1928, was not designed to support the weight of the high number of vehicles that were on it. The investigation into the cause of the collapse indicated that a defect of a single link in the bridge where there was a small crack was responsible. The increased amount of stress from the weight of higher than usual traffic caused the link to break, causing residual stress on the rest of the bridge. It was said that the original crack was no more than 0.1 inches deep when it went critical, and could have easily been missed by a bridge inspector.

    In the months and weeks preceding this disaster, sightings of a humanoid figure with wings, often flying and chasing cars riddled the news. Reports were of a 7-8 foot tall creature with glowing red eyes came forth with multiple witnesses. Additional high strangeness ensued with reports of UFOs and aliens, as well as other cryptid and supernatural encounters. All of which was happening preceding this horrific event. Looking back, many believe to this day that the people of Point Pleasant had been visited by this creature, who we’ve come to know as the Mothman, as a warning, and others believe the disaster occurred as part of a Native American curse that was placed on the land.

    Today’s guest is filmmaker, Seth Breedlove. You might recognize some of his work like the Beast of Whitehall and the Minerva Monster. But he’s here today to talk about his latest film, which I’ve already watched several times, the Mothman of Point Pleasant. Seth’s documentary takes a deep dive into the Mothman sightings from eye witness accounts among the residents of Point Pleasant, focusing on the many sightings and strange events in the 13 months that preceded the collapse of the Silver Bridge in 1967.

    You can now sport Deviatus Merchandise! Visit the shop now…for shirts, hoodies, hats and more! New designs coming soon!

    Deviatus is a bi-weekly show - episodes typically get published every other Monday.

    Have a story you’d like to share on the show, or do you have a guest you would like to nominate to appear? Please go here to submit your entry or via email, If you’d rather leave your story via voice mail, call (760) 659-0530…

    Important items mentioned in this episode: Small Town Monsters Website Mothman of Point Pleasant on Amazon Mothman of Point Pleasant on Vimeo Purchase the Mothman of Point Pleasant on DVD Small Town Monsters on Facebook Follow Deviatus: Facebook: Deviatus Page Twitter: @deviatuspod Instagram: @deviatus

    Subscribe to Deviatus in iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, TuneIn, Overcast and most ALL other podcatchers. If you enjoy the show, please take a moment to rate and review, as it helps others with similar interests find the show.

    Intro music for Deviatus: Creepy Night by Melody Labs. Other background music used in this episode: Decay by Kevin McLeod at

  • This week, I have another fascinating listener interview with Chris Wolford. Chris found Deviatus through friend of the show, Ryan Sprague of Into the Fray fame, and I should mention that Ryan has actually started his very own podcast called Somewhere in the Skies, named of course after his book which I interviewed him about way back on episode 3. I also happen to subscribe to both Somewhere in the Skies and Into the Fray… if you like Deviatus, I highly encourage you to check both of those shows out!

    Today, Chris is going to share some of his own terrifying personal experiences, including an encounter with multiple alien greys and repeat encounters with unidentified craft. He also shares some information about some of his own research on UFO phenomena. We will even discuss the highly controversial Tom Delonge and why Chris considers it wise to avoid discounting him so quickly.

    Important items mentioned in this episode:

    Chris Wolford on Facebook Occupy Area 51 Facebook Page Twitter @devgru1980mi

    You can now sport Deviatus Merchandise! Visit the shop now…for shirts, hoodies, hats and more! New designs coming soon!

    Deviatus is a bi-weekly show - episodes typically get published every other Monday.

    Have a story you’d like to share on the show, or do you have a guest you would like to nominate to appear? Please go here to submit your entry or via email, If you’d rather leave your story via voice mail, call (760) 659-0530…

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    Intro music for Deviatus: Creepy Night by Melody Labs

  • When the spiritualist movement began in the late 1800’s, psychic mediums commonly held seances in attempts to communicate with the dead. This practice became popular in the United States after the end of the Civil War, when families would long to hear just one more time from their deceased loved ones. The introduction of the talking board gave the everyday person an opportunity to attempt spirit communication without the need for a spiritual guide or medium.

    The first talking boards were nothing more than flat wooden boards with numbers and letters painted on it, and it wasn’t until 1890 when Elija Bond decided to patent the board as a parlor game, giving it the name Ouija. Some say the word “Ouija” was derived from an ancient Egyptian word meaning “good luck” or a combination of French and German words meaning “yes”. But other accounts claim that the creator of the board simply placed his fingers on the planchette and posed the question “what shall I call you?” The planchette reportedly moved to spell out the letters “O U I J A” of its own accord.

    One of the things I enjoy most about producing a podcast is getting to hear personal stories from listeners of the show. This week’s guest is one of those listeners. Samantha Lang responded to one of my questions on the new Deviatus Facebook group page, then emailed me her terrifying story about what happened to her as a child following the use of a Ouija board. After I learned her story, I had to ask her on the show. I’ll be posting her full written account of events on my website at as well, but I’m happy to be able to share her first-hand account, plus some additional strange goings-on that she has experienced on this episode of Deviatus:

    Original Email from Samantha:

    I commented on your post about the ouija board and I'm determined to sit here and type out my story. I've been really busy - I'm a mature age student at the local university, slogging my way through my fourth year of a BA in creative arts, and at this time of the year here, all my assessments are due in.

    I've not told this story to many people - I didn't even tell my own kids about what happened until they were older, because I was sure I'd frighten them and give them nightmares. Truth be told, I really don't really understand what it was that happened to me myself - back in those days (this was the late 1970s) the only contact I'd had with 'ghosts' was A Christmas Carol and Casper.

    So here goes.

    When I was about eight or nine years old, parents went to a dinner party (they'd taken my sister and myself along as they couldn't find a baby sitter - we were very quiet kids and we took books and usually fell asleep whilst my parents stayed up chatting). At this party my parents were introduced to the ouija board and they used it during the night with a table full of other people. I actually remember being curious about what was going on - I remember the board told them to "pump up your tyres" when they asked if it had any advice for them.. funny and harmless.. right?

    After that party my mum and dad make their own board that consisted of a breakfast table/tray type thing (you know those ones that have foldout squat legs so you can eat off them sitting up in bed) with hand drawn letters and number that were taped around the outsides, with an upturned glass tumbler as the planchette. Having seen the board in action at the party, my younger sister and I decided to try it for ourselves. We were awed that the glass tumbler would scoot all over the board answering question. Most of the answers were total nonsense - and I remember the last entity (I don't know what else to call the things that come through on the board) told us it was from Mars. It said it was thousands of years old and it's name was Fed Bacarn (or something pretty close to that spelling). Now me and my sister thought this was just hilarious. At the end of the session we said goodbye and wafted the glass around to let the spirit go on its way (that had become our little ritual) But, soon after that strange things started to happen in our rented flat.

    One of the first things I remember was the noises in the kitchen. My sister and I slept in a room together, in bunk beds. The way the flat we lived in was oriented, our bedroom looked straight down the hall to the kitchen that was at the opposite end of the hall, just past the lounge room. One night, I was woken up by the sound of the kitchen door (it was a sliding cavity door) opening and closing rapidly. Then I heard what sounded like every single plate we owned hitting the walls and floor. I got out of bed and looked out down the hall towards the kitchen and saw the door was firmly closed and the light wasn't on. I thought that was mighty strange, but I figured it had to have been my father or something. Why he'd be throwing plates around in the middle of the night, I had no idea - but that's how you intellectualise the unknown, I guess. I must add that I wasn't scared at this stage - just very puzzled.

    The next morning, I got up and the first thing I did was check the kitchen for damage - and to my surprise, not a thing was out of place. I asked my parents if they'd heard what I'd heard, or if they'd gotten up that night. They said they hadn't heard a thing and hadn't gotten up. The funny thing was, when all this plate juggling was going on, I'd tried to wake my sister up, but I couldn't. I'd thought this was a bit strange - but it began to become a bit of a pattern during the activity that followed. It was like whoever wasn't the target was put in a bubble of silence or something - and that strange siloing of people reoccurred over and over.

    The next incident was the poking. Yeah I know that sounds funny, but it was actually quite scary. Whoever slept in the bottom bunk would be poked from underneath the mattress by something. Our bunk beds were the old fashioned kind - two wooden beds with metal mesh underneath that supported the mattress. The bunks were stacked on top of one another. What would happen was this: you'd be in bed getting ready to go to sleep when you'd feel like someone was pushing the bed up from underneath. This only ever happened on the bottom bunk. When it first happened, I tried to just ignore it, but it would not stop. Poke, poke, poke until you responded somehow. I was too scared to get out of bed and look under it, so instead I'd try to kind of push back, by bouncing my hip into the mattress whilst I was lying in bed. It would however just keep at it, the poking getting more and more violent until you were sure you'd get thrown onto the floor. Again, whilst this was going on, the bubble thing would happen. I'd yell out for my sister and she'd not respond, seemingly sound asleep. When it her turn to have the bottom bunk (we used to share the privilege of sleeping up the top) she had the same thing happen to her - but then I'd be the one who was impossible to wake up! We two girls started to not want to sleep in that bottom bunk and we began to cry when we had to go to bed. We tried to explain our fears about the flat being haunted to my mother, but she dismissed everything. The flat was brand new, she'd say. There can't be any ghosts here.

    One of the most frightening things that happened to me occurred when I was in the bottom bunk. I used to go to sleep with my foot in the pocket made by the tucked in covers and the side of the mattress. This night, the inevitable poking happened, and I was trying my hardest to ignore it and not respond. As I was lying there wide awake, I felt something like a hand grab hold of my foot through the covers. It hung on for what seemed like forever, until I pulled my foot away. I still remember the way it clamped onto my foot. It didn't let go either, I actually pulled my foot out of its grip. I was petrified, and I called out for my mum as loud as I could, but the other members of my family must've been in the bubble because no one responded. I remember crying myself into a sobbing mess that night and fell asleep out of sheer emotional exhaustion. I asked my mum in the morning why she'd not come to help me, but she told me that she hadn't heard me.

    My sister was also being targeted. We heard and saw our closet doors open and close on their own and witnessed some pretty scary stuff like what my sister thought was her shadow that kept moving along on its own, even after she'd stopped walking. She also saw an arm and hand manifest - no body, just a skinny hand and arm that she said made grabbing motions at her.

    The atmosphere in our flat became very heavy, our pet cat would not come inside anymore and she eventually ran off and we never saw her again. The porcelain toilet in our bathroom 'exploded' one night sending sewerage water everywhere.

    Something else weird also started to happen to me. It seemed like whenever I sat down, I felt this weird sensation - it was like fingers tracing over my back at around solar plexus level. That's the best way I can describe it - like fingers tracing gentle circles on my back. This happened through my clothes and even if I was sitting on the lounge with my back against the upholstered back part of it. The circling pressure would get heavier and heavier until (and I know how crazy this will sound) I could feel something being drawn out of my back - I literally felt this pulling sensation of something leaving my body. I only have speculation as to what that 'something' was - maybe it was energy? Maybe invisible ectoplasm? Maybe some chi or life force? I honestly don't know - and to this day, over 40 years later I have never heard of that sort of thing happening to anyone else. It felt like threads being pulled out of me through my skin, or like when you put two like sides of magnets together and there's that invisible force that repels them. Yes, I know it sounds too weird, but it happened just like I stated. I got so fed up with this pulling sensation that I refused to sit without having my back pressed up against the back of the chair, but you know what? It just kept doing that tracing, pulling right through the chair.

    That's basically it for this ouija story. We ended up moving, not because of 'the thing' but for other reasons. I think it followed us because weird stuff just kept on happening no matter where we lived and continues to this day. I've never touched a ouija board again.

    If you've ever heard of the bubble thing, or the pulling sensation from anyone else, I'd love to hear about it. Those are the two things that still puzzle me to this day, decades later. How can you scream and not be heard? What the hell was being pulled out of my back? I wish I had answers for that.

    I know, after rereading what I've typed, it doesn't sound real scary, but as kids my sister and I were terrified. We'd have fights about who'd be stuck on the bottom bunk and have to endure being poked. We'd cover our heads with the blankets so we'd not see our closet doors open and close or shadows moving on their own around our room. We were just kids who had no idea what was happening.

    More Deviatus Info:

    You can now sport Deviatus Merchandise! Visit the shop now…for shirts, hoodies, hats and more! New designs coming soon!

    Deviatus is a bi-weekly show - episodes typically get published every other Monday.

    Have a story you’d like to share on the show, or do you have a guest you would like to nominate to appear? Please go here to submit your entry or via email, If you’d rather leave your story via voice mail, call (760) 659-0530…

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    Intro music for Deviatus: Creepy Night by Melody Labs

  • When people experience something strange, whether it’s being touched by an unseen force, seeing an apparition or shadow figure, or hearing voices, we tend to either look for validation of that experience or try to find an explanation in an attempt to categorize what happened. For some of us, these things can be easily dismissed as an active imagination, a hallucination or pareidolia - where the human mind assigns context to randomness. While some believe they truly have witnessed evidence of the afterlife, spiritual beings, or angels and demons, others consider the possibility of the presence of mental illness like schizophrenia, or at least they are readily accused of if. But in reality, not all unexplained phenomena fit perfectly into one of these little boxes.

    Today’s guest specializes in serious mental illness like Schizophrenia, Mood Disorders and Criminal Behavior. He’s a licensed psychotherapist and is currently in pursuit of his Doctorate in Forensic Psychology. Michael Drane is his name, and he is also the Creator and Host of the Unpopular Culture Podcast where he and his crew of professionals dive into the underbelly of today’s society - they talk about true crime, the psychology behind the Netflix show Black Mirror, and they breakdown the psychology of modern society and various conspiracy theories. I have to say it’s a phenomenal show that I’ve personally subscribed to, and I would encourage any of my listeners to check it out. You will not be disappointed. Hopefully after spending an hour speaking with me, Michael doesn’t think I’m too crazy.


    Unpopular Culture Podcast Twitter @upcpodcast

    Michael Drane on Twitter @UPCMD

    Corey Stewart on Twitter @corstew91

    upcpodcast Facebook Page

    Deviatus on Into the Fray (full interview covering details on my Arizona experience)

    You can now sport Deviatus Merchandise! Visit the shop now…for shirts, hoodies, hats and more! New designs coming soon!

    Deviatus is a bi-weekly show - episodes typically get published every other Monday.

    Have a story you’d like to share on the show, or do you have a guest you would like to nominate to appear? Please go here to submit your entry or via email, If you’d rather leave your story via voice mail, call (760) 659-0530…


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    Intro music for Deviatus: Creepy Night by Melody Labs

  • Happy Paranormal Day! Today I have a very special treat for you all in the form of an extra (unscheduled) episode of Deviatus featuring Dalen Spratt, Juwan Mass and Marcus Harvey, otherwise known as the Ghost Brothers. In honor of Paranormal Day, this is an extra episode this week, so if you haven’t checked out part 2 of my discussion with Craig Owens of Bizarre Los Angeles, head on over to to check it out.

    I was fortunate enough to be able to have a phone conversation with the guys from Destination America’s Ghost Brothers last week. This is a show that has grown to be one of my favorites, and I have to tell you, they had me just rolling during this interview. I think I ended up having to edit out a few minutes just because I was laughing so hard and attempting to compose myself for the next question.

    We were able to connect over a conference call line, so you may hear a difference in the audio quality, but I think you’re going to enjoy this episode, and if you’re like me, you just might learn a little bit.

    IMPORTANT ITEMS MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE The Ghost Brothers can be caught live-tweeting during every episode on Destination America every Friday night at 10:00 p.m., 9:00 p.m. Central - Ghost Brothers on Destination America

    @DalenSpratt Twitter

    @dalenspratt Instagram

    @JuwanMass Twitter - make sure to use #JoinJuwan

    @juwanmass Instagram

    @themarcusharvey Twitter

    @themarcusharvey Instagram

    Dalen & Juwan’s Website - “If a woman can say yes to the dress, a man can salute the suit”

    @LorenSpratt Twitter

    @lorenspratt Instagram

    Loren Spratt Facebook

    The Musa Lair Website

    The Barber Star Website

    You can now sport Deviatus Merchandise! Visit the shop now…for shirts, hoodies, hats and more! New designs coming soon!

    Deviatus is a bi-weekly show - episodes typically get published every other Monday.

    Have a story you’d like to share on the show, or do you have a guest you would like to nominate to appear? Please go here to submit your entry or via email, If you’d rather leave your story via voice mail, call (760) 659-0530…


    Facebook: Join the Deviatus interactive Group and check out the official Deviatus Page

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    Subscribe to Deviatus in iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, TuneIn, Overcast and most ALL other podcatchers. If you enjoy the show, please take a moment to rate and review, as it helps others with similar interests find the show.

    Intro music for Deviatus: Creepy Night by Melody Labs

  • This week, I’m concluding my interview with Craig Owens, author of Haunted by History Volume 1. If you didn’t listen to last week’s episode, I would encourage you to go back and listen now because we’re jumping right back in where we left off in the conversation. You definitely are not going to want to miss the first part of this conversation, and you can still listen by going to now. I’ll be waiting right here for when you return.

    This week, Craig talks about the unknown history of deaths at the Hotel Del Coronado and the “Glenwood Ghost” and shadow figures of the Mission Inn. We’ll also dive into how Craig conducts his photo shoots, where he dresses models up in period clothing and has them act out various scenarios may actually be serving to trigger some of the paranormal activity he has experienced.

    And don’t forget that Craig has offered a special discount to Deviatus listeners on pre-orders of his book. For a limited time, to take $10 off the retail price, head over to, and when you go to purchase the book (which happens to be over 400 pages), just click the “apply coupon” box at checkout and type in “deviatuspod” to upload the coupon and obtain your discount. I’ve actually ordered this book for myself after seeing some of the amazing photography and learning about the historical research efforts put forward into it through my conversations with Craig. You’re going to want to check out some of the images Craig has shared with me at, or follow me on Instagram @deviatuspod.

    IMPORTANT ITEMS MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: (website) Twitter @BizarreLA Instagram @bizarre_los_angeles Facebook

    You can now sport Deviatus Merchandise! Visit the shop now…for shirts, hoodies, hats and more! New designs coming soon!

    Deviatus is a bi-weekly show - episodes typically get published every other Monday.

    Have a story you’d like to share on the show, or do you have a guest you would like to nominate to appear? Please go here to submit your entry or via email, If you’d rather leave your story via voice mail, call (760) 659-0530…


    Facebook: Join the Deviatus interactive Group and check out the official Deviatus Page

    Twitter: @deviatuspod

    Instagram: @deviatuspod


    Subscribe to Deviatus in iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, TuneIn, Overcast and most ALL other podcatchers. If you enjoy the show, please take a moment to rate and review, as it helps others with similar interests find the show.

    Intro music for Deviatus: Creepy Night by Melody Labs

  • This time of year when the weather warms up and everyone’s planning their summer vacations, families across the world will soon be traveling to popular vacation spots, and many will seek the sun and the laid back atmosphere of Southern California. Hot spots that attract tourists include theme parks, beaches, and of course, Hollywood. And while paranormal activity is frequently reported at some of these popular travel destinations, it’s commonly overlooked that the very hotels people stay in between their visits to these attractions are often rich with haunted histories themselves.

    Today’s guest is a professional photographer, historian, and author of the upcoming book, Haunted by History Volume 1. Craig Owens is about to release his book, which explores 8 of the most notoriously-haunted hotels in Southern California. This is going to be a two-part episode that dives deep into some of Craig’s early paranormal experiences, including during his tenure working for Warner Brothers Studios, and some of the unexpected (and unexplained) events that occurred during the creation of his book.

    Important Items Mentioned in this Episode: (website) Twitter @BizarreLA Instagram @bizarre_los_angeles Facebook Fineartamerica
  • Every time I record an episode, I typically discuss one specific type of incident or phenomenon, but every once in awhile you run across someone who has had multiple different types of experiences. Being a podcast listener myself, I’ve heard of people having UFO experiences along with Bigfoot experiences, or they’ve had shadow figures in their homes as well as alien visitations. But how many people have you heard of who have had experiences with ghosts, UFOs and Bigfoot?

    This week, we’re joined by Ed Roman. Ed is an award-winning singer/songwriter and multi-instrumentalist from Shelburn, Ontario, Canada. His plethora of experiences involving the paranormal span so many various different types, and once I heard he had all of these happen I just had to have him on the show. Ed says these moments in his life, which started at a very young age, have served as a catalyst for some of his music. I sat down with Ed recently to discuss all of these and try to figure out why he is so prone to experiencing a multitude of these things. So without further adieu, here’s Ed Roman.

    Important items mentioned in this episode:
  • Today’s guest is Lorna Adams, and she specializes in psychic readings for current topics, as well as future readings, and she can connect people with someone who has passed on. She also serves to connect people with their spirit guides, and she even gave me a personal reading during this interview. Some of that information involves people who are alive and well in my personal life today. For this reason, I have intentionally muted the audio when the real names of people who did not wish to be identified were spoken out of respect for their privacy.

    At the end of this episode, after my chat with Lorna, I’m going to be trying out a new segment to the show, so stick around after I’m done speaking with Lorna for something I’m pretty sure you’ll enjoy.

    Important items mentioned in this episode: (website) Facebook Page Twitter @SpeakWithSpirit Email:

    Make sure to check out my new Facebook Group Page as well, and let me know what you think this week's EVP is saying while you're there!

    Listen to uncompressed EVP here
  • Last week, you heard from San Diego Paranormal Eye about their recent investigation of the Sallie House in Atchison, Kansas, with some of the audio evidence they found. If you haven’t heard that episode, I highly recommend going back and listening after you hear this one. Today we are going to be concluding the Sallie House series with a very special interview of Debra and Tony Pickman. If you recall, they were the tenants of the house during the 1990’s when the TV show Sightings (among many others) first aired some of the paranormal phenomena they were experiencing, including Tony being scratched to the point of bleeding by unseen forces while the TV crews were filming.

    Important items mentioned in this episode: (website) Survivors of the Dark Paranormal Task Force Email: Email: Related Episodes: Sallie House Part 1 with Denise Pridemore Sallie House Part 2 with SDPE
  • This week on Deviatus, we continue with our multi-part series on the Sallie House, and we're joined by Nicole (far left) and Stan (middle) from San Diego Paranormal Eye (SDPE). In October of 2010, the team traveled to Atchison, Kansas to investigate the infamous location. They were met by Denise Pridemore of Pridemore Paranormal (Episodes 20 and 20.5) for a tour and found themselves among the restless spirits that reside there throughout their night of investigation.

    Join us as we discuss their unexplained experiences during their visit, and stick around to the end of the episode where we'll share some of the audio clips and EVPs that surfaced during their evidence review (which is still ongoing). I think you're going to like this episode!

    Important items mentioned in this episode: SDPE on Facebook SDPE on Meetup San Diego Paranormal Eye (website) Instagram Twitter and Periscope @SDParanormal SDPE on Tumblr SDPE on YouTube Deviatus Episode 5 with SDPE Deviatus Episode 15: Spirit Box Experiment