
  • Join us for a discussion about focusing on the one thing that matters in our lives. Jay Papasan is a best-selling author and CEO. One of my favorite parts of this interview is when he shares the question that Gary Keller asked him to hone in on finding the best executive assistant for him and his company.

    Highlights from the interview.

    Jay Papasan's background and partnership with Gary Keller

    Jay Papasan has been working with Gary Keller, the founder of Keller Williams Realty, for 24 years. They have co-authored 11 books together, including the bestselling "The One Thing". Jay's role involves managing content and creating strategic content for Keller Williams and their publishing company.

    The importance of finding the right Executive Assistant (EA)

    Jay has had 7 EAs over the years, and it took him some time to find the right fit. He emphasizes the importance of clearly defining the 3 critical skills the EA must have, rather than just listing out all the tasks. The right EA can help liberate the executive from administrative tasks and serve as a true business partner.

    Establishing priorities and systems for productivity

    Jay uses a "411" system to set annual, monthly, and weekly goals, which he shares with his EA. This helps them stay aligned on priorities and make the right decisions about how to spend time. Jay also cautions against chasing the latest productivity tools or systems, instead focusing on making incremental improvements to the right processes.

    Empowering employees and building accountability

    Jay believes in building accountability relationships with his team, including his EA. He encourages them to provide honest feedback and push back when needed, rather than just deferring to him. This helps ensure he stays focused on his priorities and makes the right decisions.

    You can learn more about Jay Papasan over at his website Jay Papasan About Page. You can also connect with him on LinkedIn. Check out his brilliant book, The One Thing (Amazon Link), which he co-authored with Gary Keller.

    As always, if you have any questions or want to submit a guest for the podcast that you think would be amazing, just reach out to me on the Systematic Leader website, and Iā€™ll do my best to get them on. If you enjoy the interview, please take 30 seconds to rate the Systematic Leader podcast on your favorite platform. Thanks!

  • Join us for a discussion about listening to your customers and how it can help you uncover hidden opportunities. Tim Grahl is the CEO of Story Grid Publishing. One of my favorite parts of this interview is when Tim talks about how he interviewed over 500 customers to get to the heart of his business.

    Storytelling framework for business

    Tim explains his framework for crafting a resonant story - deeply understanding his target audience through hundreds of customer interviews to uncover their true motivations and pain points, then aligning the company's messaging and offerings to directly address those needs.

    Empowering employees with the company vision

    Tim discusses how he sets a clear vision for the company and communicates it to his growing team. He emphasizes the importance of giving employees autonomy, making observations and asking questions rather than dictating, and ensuring they understand how their work connects to the overall mission. Tim also shares his approach to addressing problems as opportunities for improvement rather than crises.

    Staying connected to customers as the business scales

    As Storygrid has grown from 5 to 15 employees, Tim has maintained a regular cadence of customer calls and exit interviews to stay closely connected to his audience. He explains how this helps him anticipate issues, make data-driven improvements, and ensure the company's offerings continue to meet customer needs even as the business scales.

    Gratitude for a key business mentor

    Tim expresses gratitude for his business coach, Michael Walsh of Walsh Business Growth, who has been instrumental in guiding Tim to build out systems and empower his team as the company has grown, rather than trying to do everything himself.

    You can learn more about Tim Grahl over at Story Grid Publishing. You can also connect with him on LinkedIn.

    As always, if you have any questions or want to submit a guest for the podcast that you think would be amazing, just reach out to me on the Systematic Leader website, and Iā€™ll do my best to get them on. If you enjoy the interview, please take 30 seconds to rate the Systematic Leader podcast on your favorite platform. Thanks!

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  • Join us for a discussion about helping people find value in their work. Michelle Scribner is the CEO of the Sum of All Numbers accounting firm. One of my favorite parts of the interview was when she talked about her Monday morning routine and why it helps with employee engagement.


    1. Embracing Systems

    Michelle discusses how she initially viewed systems as restrictive but now sees them as freeing when designed properly. She explains how systems can automate tasks and protect a business, even if the owner is no longer able to do them personally.

    2. Monday Morning Routine

    Michelle describes her company's Monday morning meeting structure, which includes a leadership team meeting, an all-hands meeting to review the mission and provide training, and a middle management meeting. This system helps align the team, solve urgent issues, and provide consistent onboarding for new hires.

    3. Understanding Employee Personalities

    Michelle emphasizes the importance of understanding her team's personality types and communication styles. She adapted her leadership approach to better suit the needs of her introverted, change-averse employees rather than expecting them to adapt to her extroverted style.

    4. Transparent Communication

    Michelle discusses her approach to sharing information with her team, balancing transparency with avoiding unnecessary anxiety. She consults her leadership team to determine what details to share and how to frame difficult news in a way that empowers employees.

    5. Empowering Employees

    Michelle strives to empower her team by setting high expectations, providing feedback and development opportunities, and allowing them to take ownership of their work. She struggles with the balance of supporting them and letting them learn from their own mistakes.

    6. Recommended Resource

    Michelle recommends the book "Traction" as a valuable resource for leadership principles and implementing effective systems in a business.

    You can learn more about Michelle Scribner over at Sum of All Numbers. You can also connect with her on LinkedIn.

  • Join us for a live coaching call with an entrepreneur who wants to improve his courses and scale his business. We talk through some of the internal system issues he is facing and how he can improve them. My favorite part of the interview is when he talks about the four powerful ā€œAhaā€™sā€ that came out of our session together.

    1. The importance of systems and processes

    Karl emphasizes the value of having well-defined systems and processes in a business, rather than just chasing revenue and profit. He explains the concept of the "flywheel" and how consistent, iterative improvements to processes can lead to compounding results over time.

    2. Therman's business and leadership challenges

    Therman discusses his background as a consultant, developer, and trainer, and his desire to focus more on the training aspect of his business, which he sees as more scalable. He shares his concerns about taking on a leadership role and managing employees, as he has not had that experience before.

    3. Embracing the "Chief Repeating Officer" mindset

    Therman has an "aha" moment when Karl introduces the concept of being a "Chief Repeating Officer" - someone who consistently communicates the vision and importance of tasks to their team. Therman realizes that he already does this effectively with his customers, and can apply the same approach with his family and any future employees.

    4. Focusing on one course and building a system

    Therman acknowledges that he has been trying to work on multiple courses simultaneously, which has prevented him from fully optimizing any one of them. He decides to focus his energy on his "Risk Register" course, building a structured process around it, including potentially hiring a co-host to help with accountability and production.

    5. Developing a roadmap and setting expectations

    Therman and Karl discuss creating a 3-month roadmap, with the first 6 weeks focused on Therman embracing the "Chief Repeating Officer" mindset, particularly with his family. They also emphasize the importance of setting clear expectations and celebrating successes along the way.

    If you want to learn more about being a systematic leader join the 5 points newsletter. When you sign-up you get instant access to the Systematic Leader guides. You can learn how to improve your coaching system, develop SOPs to help you scale your business and leadership checklist to help you grow your skills and build better relationships.

  • Join us for a discussion about creating investment systems that help you in business and your portfolio. Rob Wolff is the founder of Digital Asset News. One of my favorite parts of this interview is his framework for investing. This segment alone is well worth your time.

    Rob first learned about Bitcoin in 2012 when his son told him about a friend who wanted to sell 500 bitcoins for $500. Rob was initially skeptical, but after seeing Bitcoin's price rise to $1,000 in 2013 and then $5,000 in 2017, he decided to start investing. He went through cycles of gains and losses but ultimately decided to keep investing through dollar-cost averaging.

    Building Digital Asset News

    In 2019, as Rob's friends and family grew tired of him talking about Bitcoin, he decided to start the Digital Asset News YouTube channel to share his insights with a wider audience. The channel has now grown to over 350,000 subscribers, with Rob and his team using a system to research, curate, and present daily crypto news and analysis.

    Investment Principles and Strategies

    Rob discusses his key investment principles. My favorite was #5. Take profits along the way. He also talks about diversifying across different asset classes like real estate and small businesses.

    Building a Productive Routine and Lifestyle

    Rob shares how he has structured his life and daily routine to maximize his time and minimize stress. He emphasizes the importance of simplicity and removing unnecessary burdens, rather than constantly adding more possessions or obligations. Rob's morning routine of walking the dogs, drinking coffee, and working out helps him prepare for the day's tasks.


    Rob recommends the book "Meditations" by Marcus Aurelius and the writings of Ryan Holiday as great resources for developing a stoic, systematic approach to life and leadership. He also invites the listener to check out the Digital Asset News YouTube channel for more of his insights on crypto and investing.

    You can learn more about Rob Wolff over at Digital Asset News. You can also connect with him on Twitter/X.

    As always, if you have any questions or want to submit a guest for the podcast that you think would be amazing, just reach out to me on the Systematic Leader website, and Iā€™ll do my best to get them on. If you enjoy the interview, please take 30 seconds to rate the Systematic Leader podcast on your favorite platform. Thanks!

  • Join us for a discussion about the importance of stepping back to align your work with your goals. Simone Severino is the founder of Strategy Spints. One of my favorite parts of this interview is when Simone shares his framework that helps leaders create a more innovative team culture.

    1. Importance of strategy

    Simone and Karl discuss why strategizing is often difficult for busy professionals who are focused on solving immediate problems and delivering results. They emphasize the need to periodically "pull your head out of the water" to assess if you're swimming in the right direction at the right pace.

    2. The 90-day strategy sprint framework

    Simone explains the 90-day strategy sprint program used at Strategy Sprints, which focuses on incrementally improving 3 key metrics over 3 months to effectively double revenue: pricing power, win rate, and sales velocity. The process involves weekly strategy and implementation sprints, with a dashboard to track progress.

    3. Embracing failure and learning

    Simone and Karl discuss the importance of embracing failure and using it as a learning opportunity. They encourage teams to experiment, try new things, and report on their failures during the weekly review sessions, as this is how true innovation happens.

    4. Maintaining momentum and focus

    Simone describes two types of "business meditations" used at Strategy Sprints - the weekly 30-minute sprint review, and the 90-day focus card review when teams need to re-align on priorities. This helps maintain momentum while also providing space for reflection and course correction.

    You can learn more about Simone Severino over at Strategy Sprints. You can also find him on LinkedIn. You can check out the his book Strategy Sprints on Amazon.

    As always, if you have any questions or want to submit a guest for the podcast that you think would be amazing, just reach out to me on the Dig to Fly website, and Iā€™ll do my best to get them on. If you enjoy the interview, please take 30 seconds to rate the Systematic Leader podcast on your favorite platform. Thanks!

  • Join us for a discussion about documenting your leadership standards and why itā€™s so important. Therman Trotman is the founder of The Sharepoint Helpdesk. One of my favorite parts of the interview is his story about why he didnā€™t think he could document his leadership approach and how he was going to start doing this to help his team understand his standards.

    Highlights from the interview:

    1. Therman's leadership journey and challenges

    Therman shared that he has struggled with being intentional about his leadership, as he has naturally fallen into leadership roles but finds it challenging to directly manage and hold people accountable. He discussed how he is more comfortable providing advice and guidance when disconnected from the outcome, versus when he has a vested interest in the results as a business owner.

    2. Documenting processes, values, and communication norms

    Karl suggested that Therman document his leadership approach, including standard operating procedures, core values, and communication norms. This would help new hires understand Therman's expectations and style, rather than relying solely on verbal guidance. They discussed the importance of balancing prescriptive processes with flexibility to allow for creativity and problem-solving.

    3. Overcoming distractions and maintaining focus

    Therman shared that he struggles with maintaining focus and feeling like he's not doing enough, even when he's accomplished his goals for the day. He discussed strategies like setting stretch goals, celebrating small wins, and using checklists or Pomodoro techniques to stay on track.

    4. Gratitude and self-reflection

    Karl emphasized the importance of gratitude and regularly reflecting on what's going well, rather than constantly focusing on what could be improved. They discussed how this mindset shift can help leaders avoid burnout and maintain a positive, growth-oriented perspective.

    You can learn more about Therman Trotman over at The Share Point Helpdesk. You can also connect with Therman over on LinkedIn.

    As always, if you have any questions or want to submit a guest for the podcast that you think would be amazing, just reach out to me on the Systematic Leader website, and Iā€™ll do my best to get them on. If you enjoy the inter

  • Join Austin LaRoche and me as we discuss balancing vision and execution as the leader of a company. Austin runs a technology consulting agency called Atak Interactive. One of my favorite parts of this interview is how Austin uses the company's core values to assess peopleā€™s performances.

    Highlights from the interview:

    1. Balancing vision and implementation

    Austin shares how his company adopted the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) to help balance his visionary tendencies with the need for structured implementation. He explains the importance of repeatedly communicating the company's vision and goals to ensure alignment and buy-in from the team.

    2. Managing underperforming employees

    Austin discusses the cultural shifts and challenges that came with implementing EOS, including having to part ways with some employees who were not aligned with the new systems and processes. He outlines his approach of providing clear feedback and opportunities for improvement before making difficult personnel decisions.

    3. Establishing standards for client relationships

    Austin describes his company's "3 P's" framework for evaluating potential clients - people, product, and performance. He explains how this helps them ensure a good fit and set appropriate expectations before engaging in a client relationship.

    4. Embracing mistakes and driving continuous improvement

    Austin emphasizes the importance of creating a culture where people feel comfortable admitting and taking ownership of mistakes. He shares his "I am the problem, I am the solution" core value, which empowers employees to identify issues and propose solutions.

    5. Lessons from mentors and personal growth

    Austin reflects on the positive influence of his father's approach to parenting and problem-solving, and how he has applied those lessons to leading his company. He also discusses the importance of self-awareness and managing one's inner critic to maintain a growth mindset.

    You can learn more about Austin LaRoche over at ATAK Interactive. You can also connect with him over on LinkedIn.

    As always, if you have any questions or want to submit a guest for the podcast that you think would be amazing, just reach out to me on the Systematic Leader website, and Iā€™ll do my best to get them on. If you enjoy the interview, please take 30 seconds to rate the Systematic Leader podcast on your favorite platform. Thanks!

  • Join us for a discussion about the importance of core values, building a community and why setting standards for your team is so important. Dave Stachowiak shares how he got into the coaching and leadership space, starting with a 15-year career at the Dale Carnegie training organization. He then pursued a doctorate degree and started the Coaching for Leaders podcast as a side project, which eventually became his main focus.

    1. Core Values and Systems

    Dave discusses the three core values that have guided his podcast from the beginning: 1) Ensuring the content is useful for leaders, 2) Maintaining consistency by publishing new episodes weekly, and 3) Prioritizing high-quality audio. These values have helped him make tough decisions, like turning down interview requests that don't align with what's most helpful for his audience.

    2. Building an Engaged Community

    Dave explains his approach to building an engaged community, focusing on a smaller group of Coaching for Leaders Pro members rather than trying to grow a massive following. He values depth of relationships over breadth, and has learned from mistakes like trying to provide too much long-form content that didn't resonate.

    3. Lessons from a Mentor

    Dave shares stories about a former manager named Rhonda Kurtz, who taught him the importance of setting high standards for excellence and leading by example. These lessons around valuing quality and integrity have stuck with Dave and continue to shape his approach to leadership.

    4. Continuous Improvement

    Dave discusses a current challenge of adjusting the length of his live events based on feedback from his community. He emphasizes the importance of being open to feedback, acknowledging blind spots, and iterating on processes to better serve his audience, even when it means making difficult decisions.

    You can learn more about Dave Stachowiak over at the Coaching for Leaders podcast. You can also connect with him on LinkedIn.

    As always, if you have any questions or want to submit a guest for the podcast that you think would be amazing, just reach out to me on the Systematic Leader website, and Iā€™ll do my best to get them on. If you enjoy the interview, please take 30 seconds to rate the Systematic Leader podcast on your favorite platform. Thanks!

  • Join us as we discuss the challenges of being a work-from-home father and how you can improve your productivity and work-life balance. Thom Gibson is the founder of Work From Home Dads. One of my favorite parts of this interview is the story he shares when he was a teacher and how he got buy-in from his students to help out in the classroom. Itā€™s a perfect Leadership 101 lesson that all leaders can learn from.

    Here are the highlights from the interview:

    Work-from-home challenges and solutions

    We discuss the challenges of working remotely, including the lack of in-person collaboration and the need to balance work and family responsibilities. Thom shares how he has created systems to stay productive and connected, such as delegating tasks to his team and using tools like TextExpander to streamline communication.

    Leveraging AI to improve productivity

    Thom and Karl explore how AI, specifically tools like ChatGPT, to help leaders and entrepreneurs become more efficient and effective. They discuss strategies for prompting AI to provide tailored solutions, such as asking specific questions one at a time and providing context, rather than just requesting a broad solution.

    Thom's background and work-from-home dad initiative

    Thom introduces his background as a former teacher and current social media and YouTube strategist at ConvertKit. He also discusses his side project, "Work from Home Dads", which aims to help fathers who work remotely be more productive and present with their families.

    Cultivating a lifelong learning mindset

    Thom shares how he has developed a passion for continuous learning, drawing inspiration from his mother's example and the teachings of podcasters like Jordan Harbinger. He emphasizes the importance of bringing your passion with you, rather than just chasing your "dream job".

    Systematic networking and relationship building

    Thom describes a system he has implemented for maintaining relationships and networking, inspired by Jordan Harbinger's "Six Minute Networking" approach. This involves regularly reaching out to contacts, logging interactions, and prioritizing those he hasn't connected with in a while.

    You can learn more about Thom Gibson over at Work From Home Dads. You can also connect with him over on LinkedIn and Twitter.

    As always, if you have any questions or want to submit a guest for the podcast that you think would be amazing, just reach out to me on the Systematic Leader website, and Iā€™ll do my best to get them on. If you enjoy the interview, please take 30 seconds to rate the Systematic Leader podcast on your favorite platform. Thanks!

  • Join us for a discussion about how to use storytelling in your business and career. Sean Platt is Founder of Sterling & Stone and Co-Founder Invisible Ink Media. One of my favorite parts of this interview was the framework he teaches to small business owners so that they can sell their services.

    Reflecting on storytelling and narrative

    Sean shares his background as a writer, noting how his wife encouraged him to start writing and how he discovered the power of storytelling. He discusses the importance of narratives, how they shape our experiences, and how being intentional about the stories we tell ourselves and others can lead to better outcomes.

    Applying storytelling to business and leadership

    We explore how effective storytelling can be leveraged in business and leadership contexts. They discuss the importance of crafting compelling narratives that resonate with and empower your audience, rather than making yourself the hero. They also touch on the dangers of performative vulnerability or shallow stories.

    Niching down in business to capture attention

    When you niche down in your business you are able to capture peopleā€™s attention. If you write emails and copy on your site that is geared toward everyone you donā€™t gather anyoneā€™s attention. In this interview he talks about his story telling framework that helps you create content for your niche audience.

    Systematizing storytelling and capturing insights

    Sean emphasizes the value of being intentional about collecting and cataloging the stories that arise in one's business and life. He suggests regularly reflecting on the "best stories" from a given week or period as a way to build up a robust narrative toolkit that can be applied to various situations.

    You can learn more about Sean Platt over at Sterling and Stone. You can also connect with him on LinkedIn.

    As always, if you have any questions or want to submit a guest for the podcast that you think would be amazing, just reach out to me on the Systematic Leader website, and Iā€™ll do my best to get them on. If you enjoy the interview, please take 30 seconds to rate the Systematic Leader podcast on your favorite platform. Thanks!

  • Join us for an interview about the importance of addressing the interconnection between personal and professional life, and helping clients dissolve inner blocks and triggers to free up mental space and creativity. Cathy Domoney is a coach who helps leaders release trauma and blocks to get the most out of their life and careers

    Highlights from the interview:

    1. The shift towards proactive mental wellness

    Cathy discusses how high-performing leaders are increasingly recognizing the need to prioritize their own mental and emotional wellbeing, rather than just pushing through challenges. She highlights the importance of tuning into feelings and bodily signals as feedback, and taking radical responsibility for one's growth and development.

    2. Establishing daily practices and routines

    Cathy shares her own morning routine of journaling and mantras as a way to start the day grounded and focused on abundance. She emphasizes the need for leaders to experiment and find the practices that work best for them individually, rather than trying to fit a one-size-fits-all mold.

    3. Embracing feedback and blind spots

    Cathy discusses the value of having trusted advisors and loved ones who are willing to provide honest, constructive feedback - even if it's uncomfortable. She encourages leaders to actively seek out this input as a way to identify and address their blind spots.

    4. Balancing professional and personal priorities

    Cathy shares a personal example of prioritizing time with her son over a high-level business meeting, and how this decision was ultimately respected and appreciated by her colleagues. She emphasizes the importance of leaders honoring their whole selves, including their family and personal commitments.

    5. Recommended resources and final thoughts

    Cathy recommends the book "The Top Five Regrets of the Dying" as a powerful reflection on living a fulfilling life. She also shares her own journey of growth and self-discovery, and encourages leaders to embrace their own unique paths and not be afraid to be vulnerable.

    You can learn more about Cathy over at You can also connect with her on LinkedIn.

    As always, if you have any questions or want to submit a guest for the podcast that you think would be amazing, just reach out to me on the Systematic Leader website, and Iā€™ll do my best to get them on. If you enjoy the interview, please take 30 seconds to rate the Systematic Leader podcast on your favorite platform. Thanks!

  • I'm sharing an episode of "Creating the Vision," Maria Maldonado Smith sits down with Karl Staib, the systems expert. We delve into the critical importance of creating Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to streamline business processes, mitigate friction, and drive both corporate and entrepreneurial success.

    Maria kicks off the discussion by expressing her excitement to have Karl on the show, highlighting his expertise in developing SOPs that save time and money for small business owners. Karlā€™s approach involves examining current processes, identifying strengths and weaknesses, and designing simple yet effective SOPs for improved outcomes. This methodology not only benefits small businesses but also has significant applications in corporate settings.

    The conversation then pivots to the essence of good habits and structures in both personal and business realms. Karl emphasizes that while the initial perception might be that such systems are rigid, they are essential for consistency and success. He draws an analogy between maintaining healthy habits like exercise and diet and implementing effective business processes. Both require consistency and structure to avoid fluctuations and setbacks.

    Maria is curious about the journey that led Karl to create SOP Guy. Karl shares his story of evolving from running a consulting company called Work Happy Now to eventually finding his niche in SOPs. He touches on his diverse background, with his father's German precision and his motherā€™s Icelandic creativity, which has influenced his approach to systems and processes.

    One of the key takeaways from Karlā€™s methodology is the concept of creating a one-page document for new employees. This document outlines strengths, communication preferences, and support expectations, significantly accelerating the onboarding process and fostering better relationships from the start. This simple yet powerful tool eliminates the awkward initial phase of understanding a new managerā€™s preferences and expectations, thus reducing friction and enhancing productivity.

    Karl also discusses the importance of continuous improvement, a principle inspired by Toyotaā€™s Kaizen philosophy. He stresses that systems and processes should always be in development to prevent plateauing. By setting a standard and continuously seeking ways to raise the bar, businesses can maintain engagement and drive better results.

    Maria underscores the alignment between their work philosophies, particularly around the importance of systems in achieving goals. They reference "Atomic Habits" by James Clear, highlighting how systems and processes are foundational to turning goals into reality. Karl expands on this by explaining that creating SOPs helps in setting clear expectations and providing the necessary guardrails for creativity and productivity.

    Towards the end of the episode, they discuss the practical application of these principles in mitigating friction within teams. Karl suggests creating a roadmap for improvement, focusing on high-impact, easily implementable changes. By starting with the most pressing issues and gradually addressing them, businesses can see significant improvements without feeling overwhelmed.

    Maria concludes by encouraging listeners to apply these concepts not just in their professional lives but also in their personal lives. Creating SOPs for personal routines can lead to better organization, more time for important activities, and overall improved well-being.

    Listeners interested in further exploring Karlā€™s work can visit for more resources, including a friction assessment tool. Karlā€™s book, "Bring Gratitude," is available on Amazon, offering insights into how gratitude can transform personal and professional lives. This episode serves as a comprehensive guide for anyone looking to enhance their business processes and achieve greater efficiency and success.

  • Join us for a discussion about how you can develop a simple CRM system that works well for your business. Adrienne Bellehumeur, author of 24 Hour Rule, shares her tips on developing a simple CRM system with simple tips to apply in your process. Karl also shares how you can build systems to create a CRM process that works well for your business.

    1. Simple CRM Philosophies

    Adrienne discusses three key CRM philosophies: 1) CRM is about the process, not just the tool; 2) CRM is about keeping the door open with clients, not just opening it; and 3) CRM is especially important for non-sales people who only sell part-time, as it helps them stay organized.

    2. Effective Follow-Up Strategies

    Adrienne shares two powerful follow-up techniques: 1) "Dripping" - doing a small amount of follow-up consistently (e.g. 2 contacts per day), which compounds over time; and 2) "Batching" - doing larger bursts of follow-up outreach (e.g. 20-30 emails) to maximize the chances of a sale.

    3. CRM Cheat Sheet for Beginners

    Adrienne provides a simple CRM "cheat sheet" for those just getting started: 1) Maintain a contact database, 2) Track active sales campaigns, 3) Prioritize open opportunities, and 4) Set reminders and follow-up tasks.

    4. The Power of the 24-Hour Rule

    Adrienne explains the "24-hour rule" - the idea that processing information and taking action within 24 hours of a client interaction is crucial, as our memory and connection to the details fades quickly over time. This is a key principle for effective CRM.

    5. Recap and Next Steps

    Adrienne and Karl summarize the key takeaways from their discussion on simplified CRM strategies, noting that the simple approaches they covered can be highly impactful, even for more complex businesses. They discuss plans to potentially turn the conversation into a podcast.

    You can learn more about Adrienne Bellehumeur at Bellehumeur Company or on LinkedIn.

    As always, if you have any questions or want to submit a guest for the podcast that you think would be amazing, just reach out to me on the Dig to Fly website, and Iā€™ll do my best to get them on. If you enjoy the interview, please take 30 seconds to rate the Systematic Leader podcast on your favorite platform. Thanks!

  • Join us for a conversation about building a team that thrives with and without you. Dennis Dowdell is a best-selling author of Maximize You. One of my favorite parts of the interview is the story of how he trains people to replace him.

    1. Leadership principles and frameworks

    Dennis shared frameworks for leadership like knowing what comes next, importance of tasks, and utilizing available resources. Effective leadership is about performance, not position.

    2. Developing leaders through systems and processes

    Dennis explained his tell-show-do system for training others through demonstration and practice. Regular check-ins and encouragement build competence and confidence over 90 days.

    3. Building confidence through competence

    Trainees learn by teaching, deepening their skills and replacing Dennis. Continuous growth happens through challenging roles like training others.

    4. Transitioning to a new phase of work

    At 74, Dennis launched Maximize You to share his experience developing leaders worldwide. Marketing himself is challenging without previous support systems. He hired coaches to refine his processes.

    5. Assumptions that enable leadership

    Dennis assumes people do what makes sense to them and want to grow, make a difference and avoid failure. By focusing on others' potential, one can accomplish more than believed possible through encouragement.

    You can learn more about Maria Maldonado Smith over at MMS Consulting. You can also connect with her on LinkedIn.

    As always, if you have any questions or want to submit a guest for the podcast that you think would be amazing, just reach out to me on the Dig to Fly website, and Iā€™ll do my best to get them on. If you enjoy the interview, please take 30 seconds to rate the Systematic Leader podcast on your favorite platform. Thanks!

  • Join us for a conversation about being flexible with how you connect and lead people. Maria Maldonado Smith is the Chief Empowerment Officer of MMS Consulting and creator of the Executive Vision Imagery program. One of my favorite parts of the interview was when she explained how to adapt to employeesā€™ personalities will help build our relationship with them.

    1. Prioritizing goals through self-reflection

    Maria stresses regularly reflecting on true desires to avoid distraction, focusing inward to understand motivations before outward actions. How to communicate with people so they meet us where we are and accept us.

    2. Reducing things down to make them manageable

    Leaders often struggle to take action on the right things because they are overwhelmed.In this section youā€™ll learn how you can break things down to smaller chunks so they are manageable. You can make improvements by focusing on the things that matter and making small adjustments as you get feedback from the results.

    3. Developing others through understanding motivations

    Itā€™s important to set standards for leadership and how people need to meet those standards before they are fired. Understanding each person's motivations beyond work, like family needs, informed Maria's leadership style shift to meet people as individuals through listening and notes.

    4. The importance of visualization in goal achievement

    Maria explains how daily visualization of goals through personal imagery supports focus and reminds us of our priorities, activating brain areas for motivation and driving us forward.

    5. Rapid fire questions

    She shares who one of her favorite leaders was in her career and what she learned from him. She also shares her most shared book, favorite podcast and most adored toy as a little girl.

    You can learn more about Maria Maldonado Smith over at MMS Consulting. You can also connect with her on LinkedIn.

    As always, if you have any questions or want to submit a guest for the podcast that you think would be amazing, just reach out to me on the Dig to Fly website, and Iā€™ll do my best to get them on. If you enjoy the interview, please take 30 seconds to rate the Systematic Leader podcast on your favorite platform. Thanks!

  • Join us for an in-depth conversation about leadership challenges and strategies for connecting with your people. Lucy Rowell has 20+ years of corporate leadership experience and now runs her agency. One of my favorite parts of the interview was her story about one of her favorite leaders from her career and why she was so good.

    1. Leadership challenges and solutions

    Lucy discusses an experience when she struggled as a leader and realized she needed to take action. She then shares how communicating context and being transparent with teams helps overcome challenges even if all members don't fully agree.

    It's not about getting everyone to buy in, but about explaining the why, which helps people get on board even if they arenā€™t in full agreement with the decision.

    2. Communication strategies for leaders

    Weekly emails from Theresa, Lucy's mentor, helped teams feel connected by sharing wins across departments with a personal touch, teaching the importance of communication style and frequency for engaged followership.

    3. Decision-making frameworks for leaders

    Considering diverse perspectives helps mitigate blindspots, though not all will fully agree; transparency in drivers and vision aids understanding to get buy-in even from dissenters. Experimenting also helps us learn from inevitable mistakes.

    4. Importance of diverse perspectives for leaders

    Surrounding oneself with differing thinkers offsets weaknesses and prevents echo chambers, though introverts may need reminders to broaden networks; regular self-reflection further enhances awareness of blind spots.

    5. Building self-awareness as a leader

    Journaling daily wins and areas for improvement plants seeds for growth, as does clarifying values to make choices aligning with long-term vision. Coaching also aids in recognizing habitual thought patterns.

    6. Experimenting and learning from mistakes

    Viewing attempts as experiments shifts mindsets from failure to learning, allowing for small tests before committing; even costly errors become growth accelerators when met with self-forgiveness and understanding of ego-stories.

    7. Top Recommendations

    Learn what books Lucy likes to share with friends and colleagues.

    Learn more about Lucy Rowell on the Impactful Authenticity website. You can also connect with her on LinkedIn.

    As always, if you have any questions or want to submit a guest for the podcast that you think would be amazing, just reach out to me on the Dig to Fly website, and Iā€™ll do my best to get them on. If you enjoy the interview, please take 30 seconds to rate the Dig to Fly podcast on your favorite platform. Thanks!

  • Join us for an interview about delivering on expectations inside your business. This conversation was with Jim Stevenson, a founder and international growth consultant. One of my favorite parts of the interview is when he

    Highlights from the interview:

    1. Agile methodologies and continuous improvement

    Jim explained how agile principles of prioritizing value over process and delivering work iteratively helped transform how he builds organizations. Continuous improvement is key to reviewing whether the work remains optimally directed.

    2. Tracking value over activity and delivering early

    Jim argued for focusing on outcomes, not outputs, by delivering work incrementally and constantly validating its value. This prevents wasting months on potentially misguided work. Small, frequent deliveries also make course corrections easier.

    3. Communication challenges and building trust

    Communication difficulties often arise between organizational silos. Jim advocated for regular, informal check-ins to foster understanding and connection across teams. An open-door policy encourages addressing issues proactively.

    4. Leadership lessons from mentors

    Key mentors taught Jim sales, introduced agile practices, and how to prioritize outcomes. Adopting new strategies requires patience and educating skeptical colleagues over reprimanding them. Learning happens gradually when people feel heard.

    5. Learning from mistakes and improving processes

    Jim admitted to botching a client deal due to overreliance on experience over process. He now has stricter onboarding procedures to catch funding issues earlier. Success stems from acknowledging errors to continuously enhance one's work.

    You can learn more about Jim Stevenson over at Founder and CEO of Bletchley Group. You can also connect with him on LinkedIn.

    As always, if you have any questions or want to submit a guest for the podcast that you think would be amazing, just reach out to me on the Dig to Fly website, and Iā€™ll do my best to get them on. If you enjoy the interview, please take 30 seconds to rate the Dig to Fly podcast on your favorite platform. Thanks!

  • Join us for a conversation about using data to tell better stories. John Linford co-founded Deckability, a company that helps leaders tell better stories using data. One of my favorite parts of the interview was when he shared how he thinks about personal and career growth so he continues to develop his career and leadership skills.

    Highlights from the interview:

    1. Overcoming obstacles through feedback

    John details how seeking constant feedback from his mentor helped him improve, though ego can get in the way of receiving criticism. Regular reviews are key to growth.

    2. Storytelling in pitch decks

    John explains the importance of establishing an emotional connection by addressing a real problem before introducing solutions. Conflict draws people in, as no one wants to hear about perfect lives.

    3. Implementing systems for improvement

    Karl stresses implementing review processes to catch issues before losing clients. Systems are needed to dissect problems and make informed decisions, not just try different strategies. Honest self-examination is paramount.

    4. Cultivating a growth mindset

    John pushed past comfort zones by seeking difficult roles outside his core strengths. Manifesting a vision 20% beyond current reality ensures continuous growth. Forcing functions like failures spur change.

    5. Finding discipline through forcing functions

    John's willingness to take career risks led to compressed learning and rapid growth. Aiming high and accepting discomfort ensures one exceeds expectations through discipline and passion for challenging oneself.

    You can learn more about John over at Deckability. You can also connect with him on LinkedIn.

    As always, if you have any questions or want to submit a guest for the podcast that you think would be amazing, just reach out to me on the Dig to Fly website, and Iā€™ll do my best to get them on. If you enjoy the interview, please take 30 seconds to rate the Dig to Fly podcast on your favorite platform. Thanks!

  • In this interview, you'll learn about the core foundation of developing SOPs and processes so you can streamline your team and company. I was interviewed by a student, and at first, I thought it was a fun interview and that I would never share it. But then, as I listened to it, I realized that it's important to share the foundation of SOPs and processes. We don't talk enough about creating standards in a company and how to remove friction to get better results.