
  • Listen to this audiobook in full for free on Title: Building ConfidenceSubtitle: How to Overcome Self Doubt and Social AnxietyAuthor: Apostolos GradalesNarrator: Stephen FloydFormat: UnabridgedLength: 1 hr and 9 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 01-17-18Publisher: Matt WoodgateGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationPublisher's Summary:Do you find yourself anxious in social situations? Do you feel you have a low level of self esteem?Many people experience these sorts of feelings, but not many people work on developing these skills. And many more don't even realize it's possible to develop these skills.This book should help you to develop these skills and give you the best chance of finding your voice and reaching higher levels of confidence.In the following chapters, you will discover a multitude of tips and tricks to help build up your self-confidence and rid yourself of social anxiety. Many people struggle with these issues, but you certainly do not have to. By exploring the many methods provided in this book, you will find that the things that once held you back now warrants barely the smallest notice.Youre about to discover how to overcome self-doubt, relieve social anxiety, and build your confidenceHere is a preview of what you'll learn...

  • Écoutez ce livre audio dans son intégralité gratuitement sur Titre: Miracle Morning : Offrez-vous un supplément de vie !Auteur: Hal ElrodNarrateur: Bernard GabayFormat: UnabridgedDurée: 5 hrs and 42 minsLangue: FrançaisDate de publication: 01-17-18Éditeur: AudiolibGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationRésumé de l'éditeur:5h30-7h30 : vous avez rendez-vous avec le succès ! Quel est le point commun entre Richard Branson, patron de Virgin, Anna Wintour, directrice de Vogue, ou Tim Cook, aux commandes d'Apple ? La réussite ? Certainement. Un emploi du temps de ministre ? Aussi. Mais surtout un secret jusqu'ici bien gardé, et lumineux une fois révélé. Toutes ces personnalités ont l'habitude de se lever avant l'aube, et d'entamer leur journée par une à deux heures rien qu'à eux. Un temps pour faire du sport, méditer, se cultiver, s'aligner sur ses objectifs de vie. Devenir meilleur, en somme ! Hal Elrod propose une méthode en 30 jours pour changer vos habitudes, à adapter selon votre profil et vos objectifs. Que ce soit en 2 heures ou en 6 minutes, en suivant scrupuleusement la méthode ou en créant du sur-mesure, les bénéfices sont immédiats : un sentiment d'apaisement et de bien-être qui ne vous quittera pas de la journée, une impression de vivre enfin par et pour vous-même.©2014/2016 Hal Elrod International, Inc. / Éditions First, un département d'Édi8, Paris, pour la traduction française (P)2017 Audiolib

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  • Listen to this audiobook in full for free on Title: O's Little Guide to the Big QuestionsAuthor: 'The Editors of O the Oprah MagazineNarrator: Adam Grupper, Gabra Zackman, Helen LitchfieldFormat: UnabridgedLength: 2 hrs and 56 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 01-02-18Publisher: Macmillan AudioGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationPublisher's Summary:What truly matters?What is my purpose? When is the right time to make a change? Who is most important to me?A thoughtful and provocative collection of personal essays, O's Little Guide to the Big Questions highlights the wisdom to be gained from engaging with life's deepest mysteries.Award-winning and best-selling writers for O, The Oprah Magazine have been tackling these and other crucial questions since the magazine's inception. In this audiobook, they share their eye-opening, soul-expanding insights. Among the many jewels in the collection, Terry Tempest Williams describes the utter shock of opening her late mother's journals - and the lessons she gleaned from what she found inside; Thich Nhat Hanh finds compassion in the midst of anger; Julie Orringer reveals how we can know when we've found "the one."Offering valuable perspective to anyone feeling lost or in need of a reset, O's Little Guide to the Big Questions is proof that while the search for meaning can be daunting, it's also clarifying, motivating, empowering, and the surest path to becoming the person you were meant to be.

  • Listen to this audiobook in full for free on Title: The Wealthy Creative: 24 Successful Artists and Writers Share Their Winning HabitsAuthor: Genevieve Parker HillNarrator: Elizabeth AustinFormat: UnabridgedLength: 5 hrs and 31 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 12-13-17Publisher: Hall Royale MasteryGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationPublisher's Summary:Want to make a living from your creative work? The "hows" are changing faster than ever, but the essential habits you need remain timeless. Inspiring role models can be a powerful factor helping you build a successful career. Inside The Wealthy Creative, you'll find example after example of real authors, artists, designers, and more (all enlivened by the engaging voice of narrator Elizabeth Austin). These creatives share the timeless habits that helped them forge their own successful and fulfilling careers in the digital age.Each chapter of The Wealthy Creative presents one of the essential practices or concepts that crystallized out of the author's analysis of dozens of interviews conducted with real creatives working in both the digital economy and in more traditional spheres.You'll learn:The entrepreneurial mindset and timeless habits it takes to make a living from your work, whether you are an oil painter, a graphic designer, a writer, a photographer, or any other kind of artist, can be learned. Go from self-doubt to confidence today with this wisdom-packed audiobook.

  • Listen to this audiobook in full for free on Title: How to Be More PatientSubtitle: An Essential Guide to Replacing Impatience with PatienceAuthor: Greg SouchesterNarrator: Jim D. JohnstonFormat: UnabridgedLength: 34 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 12-12-17Publisher: Mia Fin LLCRatings: 5 of 5 out of 1 votesGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationPublisher's Summary:In todays culture of instant gratification, where credit cards let you pay with money you dont yet have, where articles have to be short or youll never read them, and where you spend more time deleting emails than you actually have for reading those you need to, patience has become a dying art. Weve been trained to want something five minutes ago, though yesterday would be even better. Impatience has become ingrained in us.Problem is, this isn't working to our benefit. From a health perspective, impatience contributes to stress, high blood pressure, and premature aging, among other deleterious impacts. From a psychological standpoint, impatience leads to unnecessary risks and poor decisions. From a social point of view, being impatient is a guaranteed way of losing friends and making enemies. It simply isn't an attractive trait.But believe it or not, you have far greater control over your own character than you might be aware of, or that you probably care to admit. Fortunately, your mood, attitude, and knee jerk reactions are not set in stone. The impatience that youve learned can actually be unlearned. Even better, your bad habits can be replaced by good ones. It takes a little patience, of course, but I'm going to help you along the way. Let's get started!

  • Listen to this audiobook in full for free on Title: Self Talk: How to change the way you think about yourself with self talkAuthor: Erik SmithNarrator: J. Austin Moran IIFormat: UnabridgedLength: 37 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 12-04-17Publisher: Erik SmithRatings: 5 of 5 out of 1 votesGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationPublisher's Summary:The way you think about yourself and environment makes up your reality. You can either view this reality in a positive light or a negative one. The choice is up to you. This guide will show you how to use positive self-talk so you can be successful in any endeavor in your life.This audiobook contains proven steps and strategies on how to replace the negative self-talk with the positive. Through this audiobook, you will learn about the ways you can effectively get rid of your negative thinking and what prompts you to say negative things to yourself.This audiobook tells you what self-talk is about, as well as how to differentiate positive self-talk from negative self-talk. It also gives you information about the benefits of positive self-talk.Things you will learn in this guide:

  • Listen to this audiobook in full for free on Title: Forever in BloomSubtitle: Five Simple Steps to Ultimate Success and HappinessAuthor: Mark DevroNarrator: Scott R. PollakFormat: UnabridgedLength: 4 hrs and 57 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 11-28-17Publisher: Distant Thunder Press, LLCRatings: 4.5 of 5 out of 2 votesGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationPublisher's Summary:What if you possessed the power to rewrite the story of your life? What would your new life look and feel like? Where do you live? What do you do for a living? What type of adventure are you going to experience today? What awesome destination are you traveling to tomorrow? What does your body look like? What does your lover look like? How intelligent are you? How successful are you? How healthy are you? How in love are you? How incredibly happy are you?What if I told you that I can supply you with that life-altering power - the power to live an extraordinary life? Would you be interested? If you answered yes, then this book is for you.In this book, you will discover how easy it is to:Throughout the journey of this book you will discover a part of yourself that you never knew existed. A set of eyes that you've never used before. That there are no limits to how high you can fly. That you can certainly live a life overabundant with joy, passion, and success, but first you must learn to view the world and yourself with an uplifting, awe-inspiring, and limitless point of view. This book teaches you how to unlock that earth-shattering perspective!

  • Escuche este audio libro completo gratis en Título: Mindfulness: Atención plena, consciencia plena. ¿Qué sigue después? [Mindfulness: Full awareness, what's next?]Autor: Jaime Antonio MarizánNarrador: Jaime Antonio MarizanFormato: UnabridgedDuración: 4 hrs and 1 minIdioma: EspañolFecha de publicación: 11-20-17Editor: Jaime Antonio MarizanCategorías: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationResumen del editor:Mindfulness es un estado de atención permanente, en momento presente, que obviando los prejuicios, ideas preconcebidas, sin juzgar o etiquetar, busca crear un espacio de atención constante que conduzca hacia la Consciencia plena.Como Mindfulness no juzga, sino que es un estado en el que estamos prestos a la aceptación, entonces se utiliza como una estrategia terapéutica efectiva, ya que muchos procesos de carácter emocional permanecen porque se les resiste o se evitan, no se aceptan y por lo tanto, no pueden comprenderse y superarse.Mindfulness, practicada regularmente, contribuye a acallar los pensamientos y a que pueda surgir en nuestro interior la realidad de lo que verdaderamente es, aquello que realmente somos. Cuando entramos en el silencio, en el reino de la no mente, entonces accedemos a aquello que es real: la Consciencia. Éste es el después de Mindfulness y que es tratado ampliamente en este libro.Ese silencio al que nos referimos puede encontrarse en el espacio que se encuentra entre dos pensamientos, lo importante será extender ese espacio más y más hasta que podamos percibirlo y, principalmente, experimentarlo plenamente.En este silencio, la Consciencia se encuentra activa, aunque los pensamientos cesan, y nos adentramos en los dominios de la paz mental, en la cual podemos observar, como testigos inafectados, todo lo que ocurre en la mente, el sentimiento y el cuerpo, surgiendo una Consciencia que nos permite comprender, aceptar, tener paz y relajación.Este libro contiene una serie de recomendaciones, ejercicios y estrategias fundamentadas en la experiencia que resultan sumamente útiles para practicar Mindfulness de una manera efectiva y que conduzca a un estado de paz, liberación y realización personal.Please note: This audiobook is in Spanish.

  • Listen to this audiobook in full for free on Title: Start Small Live BigSubtitle: Thrive Through Change to Live the Life of Your DreamsAuthor: Betsy PakeNarrator: Aimee GeddesFormat: UnabridgedLength: 2 hrs and 36 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 11-16-17Publisher: Betsy PakeGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationPublisher's Summary:I regularly speak to corporations and organizations and share my book. I sell the book at the back of the room and every time people ask me for the Audible version. Thanks for taking a look.We all have our own "big life" within us, but sometimes, everyday life takes over. Even if we've made changes in the past, we tend to slip back into what we know. How do you make changes in your relationships, your career, your health, or even your finances when life is already moving so fast? Start Small Live Big gives you the framework for identifying which changes will have the biggest impact, how to make those changes happen, and the key to staying on track long term. Small, everyday actions create either the life you want or the life you don't want. You're already taking action. Now is time to make sure you are taking the right action. Follow along with Start Small Live Big and create the new framework for your big life.

  • Listen to this audiobook in full for free on Title: The 30 Day Attraction ExperimentSubtitle: One Mans Quest to Put the Law of Attraction to the TestAuthor: James WeaverNarrator: Brad EnrightFormat: UnabridgedLength: 34 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 11-08-17Publisher: James WeaverRatings: 3 of 5 out of 1 votesGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationPublisher's Summary:Self-help and success literature junkie James Weaver puts the law of attraction to the test in a 30-day law of attraction experiment.The author discusses why he chose this experiment, what the experiment entailed, what he attracted, and what he learned during these 30 days. The results are honest and inspiring. This work will be appreciated by those with little to no knowledge of the law of attraction and those well acquainted with this universal law.

  • Listen to this audiobook in full for free on Title: Think DifferentSubtitle: Why Conventional Wisdom about Happiness, Confidence and Fulfillment Is Wrong and the Counterintuitive Methods That WorkAuthor: Zoe McKeyNarrator: Brie Anna FayeFormat: UnabridgedLength: 2 hrs and 5 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 09-14-17Publisher: Zoe McKeyRatings: 4.5 of 5 out of 2 votesGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationPublisher's Summary:Do you feel that your life lacks meaning and purpose? Have you lost the idea of who you truly are? Do you avoid the real problems in your life?Fears and insecurities are completely normal, but how can we deal with them in a proactive and healthy manner? Think Different will answer this question.We've been told that positive thinking, repeating affirmations and "faking it till you make it" were the key to a happy, fearless, confident living.But do they lead to happiness?Our smartest philosophers have been seeking the answer to this question for thousands of years. In the 20th century, the key to happiness seems to be having more, working less, having fun, being skinny, and taking fancy pictures for social media.Somewhere between the improved living standards, positive thinking, and gigantic expectations we're choking on anti-depressants, alcohol, cheeseburgers, and our tears.Learn how to turn the expectation ship around.This book is a raw, honest, deeply personal, refreshingly transparent look at why and how we sabotage our own lives and what to do about it. It goes against the conventional be-happy-at-all-costs mindset.

  • Listen to this audiobook in full for free on Title: EmpathSubtitle: Empath Healing Made Easy for BeginnersAuthor: Kristine S. EverestNarrator: Alex LancerFormat: UnabridgedLength: 1 hr and 9 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 08-24-17Publisher: KSE PublishingRatings: 5 of 5 out of 11 votesGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationPublisher's Summary:Bill Burnett & Dave Evans' audiobook, Designing your Life: How to Build a Well-Lived, Joyful Life, offers practical, easy-to-follow advice to attain the life you always wanted - even if you don't know what that is yet. Don't miss this step-by-step guide to designing your life.What will you learn from listening to this audiobook?

  • Listen to this audiobook in full for free on Title: Relentless SuccessSubtitle: 9-Point System for Major League AchievementAuthor: Todd StottlemyreNarrator: Todd Stottlemyre, Bill Foote - forewordFormat: UnabridgedLength: 3 hrs and 21 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 08-01-17Publisher: Made for SuccessRatings: 4.5 of 5 out of 2 votesGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationPublisher's Summary:When pursuing major-league achievements, you are going to face extreme pressure. With a system in place to combat these pressures head-on, success is inevitable.Pave the way to your success through this nine-part system influenced by peak performance coaches for elite athletes. By adopting this system for seizing your big opportunity, you're sure to stay ahead of the curve in your pursuit of excellence.Narrated by author Todd Stottlemyre, Relentless Success unfolds the process that will change your life forever. No person, thing, or circumstance will ever hold you back again. Never again will you lack the knowledge to accomplish your goals. When you marry your work ethic to this success process, you will discover the champion that lives inside of you. Nothing is impossible; it just hasn't been done yet.Take action now. Your road to greatness starts right here.

  • Listen to audiobook in full for free on Title: Get MomentumSubtitle: How to Start When You're StuckAuthor: Jason W. Womack, Jodi WomackNarrator: Tavia GilbertFormat: UnabridgedLength: 3 hrs and 4 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 07-07-17Publisher: Gildan Media, LLCRatings: 4 of 5 out of 6 votesGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationPublisher's Summary:A powerful and personalized process to improve your life and advance your career.Do you sometimes feel stuck, despite real efforts to gain momentum on goals you've set?Momentum means you're doing more than simply getting things done. It's that feeling of satisfaction, the belief that you can achieve big goals and complete important projects that fulfill you both personally and professionally. Get Momentum coaches you in the mind-set, skill set, and toolkit required to make progress on the items you have on your life and work goals faster and easier, while living a less stressful, more meaningful life. The authors, Jodi Womack and her husband, Jason Womack, provide valuable insights into the psychology of change and how to direct your focus to experience fulfillment at work and in life.The authors share what they know having built a successful executive coaching firm together as well as facilitating leadership workshops in their hometown and more than 20 countries around the world. Contrary to the promise of many self-help/business books, they believe there is no one-size-fits-all recipe for success.Get Momentum teaches you how to make proactive changes based on the solid foundation of your own "quality of life" criteria. Jodi and Jason offer clear, step-by-step guidance on how to define your personal criteria so that you can Get Momentum, improve your life, and enhance your career.You will learn how to:Contact me for any questions: [email protected]

  • Listen to this audiobook in full for free on Title: Summary of Mel RobbinsThe Five Second RuleSubtitle: Key Takeaways & AnalysisAuthor: SUMOREADSNarrator: Michael London AngladoFormat: UnabridgedLength: 21 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 06-21-17Publisher: SUMOREADSRatings: 4.5 of 5 out of 15 votesGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationPublisher's Summary:PLEASE NOTE: This is a summary, analysis and review of the book and not the original book.Mel Robbins' presents a wonderfully simple secret to changing your life in her book, The Five Second Rule: Transform Your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage. Robbins' book will show you that courage isn't something only heroes possess, but something we can all easily access inside of ourselves.This SUMOREADS Summary & Analysis offers supplementary material to The Five Second Rule to help you distill the key takeaways, review the book's content, and further understand the writing style and overall themes from an editorial perspective. Whether you'd like to deepen your understanding, refresh your memory, or simply decide whether or not this book is for you, SUMOREADS Summary & Analysis is here to help. Absorb everything you need to know in under 20 minutes!What does this SUMOREADS Summary & Analysis Include?Original Book Summary OverviewMel Robbins builds on behavioral research to explain why the only thing you get out of thinking about change is more excuses not to change. The Five Second Rule is a practical guide to help anyone stuck with procrastination, analysis paralysis, anxiety, and other unhealthy habits turn their life around and live to their greatest potential.BEFORE YOU BUY: The purpose of this SUMOREADS Summary & Analysis is to help you decide if it's worth the time, money and effort reading the original book (if you haven't already). SUMOREADS has pulled out the essence - but only to help you ascertain the value of the book for yourself. This analysis is meant as a supplement to, and not a replacement for, The Five Second Rule.

  • Listen to this audiobook in full for free on Title: The Practice of Happiness [Russian Edition]Author: John KehoeNarrator: Maxim KireevFormat: UnabridgedLength: 2 hrs and 42 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 06-07-17Publisher: New Internet Technologies & PopurriRatings: 5 of 5 out of 1 votesGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationPublisher's Summary:In The Practice of Happiness, John Kehoe takes us on his personal journey to the most remote corners of India, Australia, Africa, and North America as he seeks to unlock the ultimate mystery of happiness. His surprising discoveries comprise a thoroughly engaging, anecdote-rich narrative sure to inspire those who seek happiness in their own lives.Please note: This audiobook is in Russian.

  • Listen to this audiobook in full for free on Title: Self LoveSubtitle: Raising Your Self-Confidence & Self-EsteemAuthor: Laura PlattenNarrator: Sangita ChauhanFormat: UnabridgedLength: 2 hrs and 44 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 05-26-17Publisher: Pangea-Global Co.Ratings: 2 of 5 out of 1 votesGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationPublisher's Summary:Self-love is a complicated concept which often has negative connotations in today's society. This pessimistic idea of self-love does not truly represent what self-love is about, however. Self- love encapsulates the idea that you should accept and appreciate yourself for who you are and recognize the value that you contribute, your strengths and capabilities, and your right to be loved and treated with kindness and respect. This book will provide you with a thorough examination of the concept of self-love and how to accomplish it. First, we will start with an in-depth discussion of what self-love is (and is not) so that you truly understand what self-love is. Once you have a proper understanding of what self-love is, we will examine why it is so important for leading a full and happy life. Next, we will look at how you can get started on your journey to self-love. This chapter will take you through the four stages of making any substantial change in your life: awareness, reflection, changing along the way, and integration. The chapter will also provide some overall guidelines as to how to go through each of these stages so that you will eventually achieve your goal of self-love.

  • Listen to this audiobook in full for free on Title: Moving Forward: How to Do Anything in LifeSubtitle: Your Field Guide to Learning Self-DisciplineAuthor: Rock H. Bankole, Christine SmithNarrator: Amy JohnsonFormat: UnabridgedLength: 2 hrs and 9 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 05-25-17Publisher: Digital Print HouseRatings: 5 of 5 out of 3 votesGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationPublisher's Summary:Self-discipline is growth-hacked and explained step by step in a revolutionary book!Theodore Roosevelt said that with self-discipline anything is possible!However, the hardest thing is getting adapted to and developing a disciplined life!Buddhist monks dragged themselves from ground to temples on the snowy-white peaks just to learn self-discipline! And there are billions of people hoping to finally achieve and live a better life.Yet, hopelessly, we all wait for a step-by-step guide or a book to take our hands and take us to the apex of self-discipline!Well, not anymore!This thought-provoking book and practical guide is available for you to change your life forever! You need one practical field guide to hold your finger as though you are a kid and take you through the maze of personal growth, confidence, and self-management! This is why you need this guide!

  • Listen to this audiobook in full for free on Title: Summary and Anaylsis of How to Live a Good Life by Jonathan FieldsAuthor: Flash BooksNarrator: Dean BokhariFormat: UnabridgedLength: 33 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 05-03-17Publisher: FlashBooksRatings: 5 of 5 out of 4 votesGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationPublisher's Summary:Please note: This is a summary and analysis of How to Live a Good Life: Soulful Stories, Surprising Science, and Practical Wisdom by Jonathan Fields, and not the original book.Original book description:Seriously...another book that tells you how to live a good life? Don't we have enough of those?You'd think so. Yet, more people than ever are walking through life disconnected, disengaged, dissatisfied, mired in regret, declining health, and a near maniacal state of gut-wrenching autopilot busyness.Whatever is out there isn't getting through. We don't know who to trust. We don't know what's real and what's fantasy. We don't know how and where to begin and we don't want to wade through another minute of advice that gives us hope, then saps our time and leaves us empty.How to Live a Good Life is your antidote; a practical and provocative modern-day manual for the pursuit of a life well lived. No need for blind faith or surrender of intelligence; everything you'll discover is immediately actionable and subject to validation through your own experience.Drawn from the intersection of science, spirituality, and the author's years-long quest to learn at the feet of masters from nearly every tradition and walk of life, this book offers a simple yet powerful model, the "Good Life Buckets" - spend 30 days filling your buckets and reclaiming your life.Each day will bring a new, practical yet powerful idea, along with a specific exploration designed to rekindle deep, loving, and compassionate relationships; cultivate vitality, radiance, and graceful ease; and leave you feeling lit up by the way you contribute to the world, like you're doing the work you were put on the planet to do.

  • Listen to this audiobook in full for free on Title: Navy Seal: Self DisciplineSubtitle: Greatest Lessons of the Toughest SoldiersAuthor: Antonius HoustonNarrator: Sean LenhartFormat: UnabridgedLength: 1 hr and 7 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 04-18-17Publisher: Billionaire Mind PublishingRatings: 4 of 5 out of 14 votesGenres: Self Development, Motivation & InspirationPublisher's Summary:Suffer the pain of discipline or the pain of regrets!It sucks. It sucks to be ill-discipline and live a stagnant life, a repetitive life. A Navy SEAL is one who has mastered the art of self-discipline. They are the elites who are courageous under fire and honorable no matter the adversities.Walk through the lessons that we can learn from the best of the best. You are going to learn the most important lessons of self-discipline and many other principles from the best of the best.Take this book your shortcut towards understanding self-discipline. Learn how to discipline yourself and discipline yourself right!Inside this book, you'll discover:This book will open your eyes to the greatest lessons that we can all learn from the bravest and most remarkable soldiers.What are you waiting for? Activate your inner self-discipline now!If you really want to become more self-disciplined and improve yourself, this book is definitely for you.