
  • Welcome to the Doctor Me First Reboot Showcase where we are spotlighting the amazing podcasts and podcasters who have interviewed ME. Over the next several months we will be sprinkling in interviews I’ve done on other shows to highlight other amazing podcasts. This episode is from the Rich Coach Club Podcast.

    Election season is upon us here in the US, and it’s also the final business quarter of the year. If there was ever a time to learn how to fill your own cup to curb exhaustion and depletion, now is definitely that time. And today, I’ve got the perfect guest to talk to us about burnout and how to stay strong and sane.

    Dr. Errin Weisman is a physician and coach who is an expert on avoiding burnout. Burnout is a major issue that is impacting not only our quality of work, but our mental health too. Dr. Errin helps professional women who are teetering on the edge so they can take back control of their lives, and she’s dropping some gems today that are going to really help you shift your perspective around self-care and experiencing pleasure.

    Join us today as Dr. Errin shares her expertise around the importance of taking care of yourself and her best tools and strategies for managing burnout. It’s so easy for us to get emotionally exhausted and lose our motivation, so I’m also outlining a few things I do on the daily to power up and produce my best work.


    Why you have to do something every day that makes you feel powerful.

    Some things that I do daily to get powered up.

    Dr. Errin’s compelling “why” and why you need to have one.

    Why taking care of yourself first is so important.

    What Dr. Errin’s goal is with her coaching practice.

    The best coaching tools and strategies for burnout.

    How Dr. Errin helps her clients figure out what they really want.

    Why it can be especially hard for women to experience true pleasure.

    The typical symptoms of burnout.


    Buy my Kindle Book, Doctor Me First, on Amazon

    Sit with me in my Slack Channel.

    Email Errin HERE

  • Welcome to the Doctor Me First Reboot Showcase where we are spotlighting the amazing podcasts and podcasters who have interviewed ME. Over the next several months we will be sprinkling in interviews I’ve done on other shows to highlight other amazing podcasts. This episode is from the Women Developing Brilliance Podcast.

    As you know, I'm passionate about business without burnout ... and so is my guest today! Errin Weisman, DO is a life coach and practices medicine on the side. She's been to the basement and has risen to the mountain top.

    In this Women Developing Brilliance® — The Spirit of Business episode we discuss:

    How high-achieving women can avoid burnout

    How to remove our "shoulds" and show up more authentically

    How to unleash our inner badass

    Ways to strike the work/life balance

    Errin's 2021 predictions for women

    ✨✨ Please take a moment to Rate + Review the podcast here. ✨✨

    More About Errin:
    Errin Weisman, DO openly speaks on her experience of professional burnout early in her family medicine career so that no woman feels alone and to prove you can have a joy-filled and sustainable career. She lives and practices life coaching and medicine in rural Southwestern Indiana, loves her roles as farmer's wife, athlete, and mother of three. Besides being sassy, she enjoys getting mud on her shoes, teaching her children to catch tadpoles, and reading a great fantasy novel.

    Connect with Errin:


    Buy my Kindle Book, Doctor Me First, on Amazon

    Sit with me in my Slack Channel.

    Email Errin HERE

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  • Welcome to the Doctor Me First Reboot Showcase where we are spotlighting the amazing podcasts and podcasters who have interviewed ME. Over the next several months we will be sprinkling in interviews I’ve done on other shows to highlight other amazing podcasts. This episode is from The Productive Woman Podcast.

    Today I’m excited to launch our new-for-2021 Productive Living series. As I mentioned in last week’s episode, this’ll be a recurring series in which I talk with women with special expertise or insight or experience in various areas that are important to us as women wanting to make a life that matters. We’ll talk about topics relevant to health, relationships, money, mindset and self-care, homemaking and home management, and creativity and fun. This week we’ll be looking at the other topical area: career, as I share with you my conversation with physician and life coach Errin Weisman.

    As a female physician who almost gave up medicine, Errin found herself in the pit of burnout in 2014. From the outside, it seemed like she had it all–a successful career, children, a new home–but internally she was numb. And she was ready to do whatever it took to feel better. She thought she had done everything right, so why did she feel so bad? She wondered if something was wrong with her. As she began her journey to wellness, she realized she wasn’t the only one feeling this way and decided she wanted to help others.


    Buy my Kindle Book, Doctor Me First, on Amazon Sit with me in my Slack Channel.

    Email Errin HERE

  • Welcome to the Doctor Me First Reboot Showcase where we are spotlighting the amazing podcasts and podcasters who have interviewed ME. Over the next several months we will be sprinkling in interviews I’ve done on other shows to highlight other amazing podcasts. This episode is from the Trailblazers Changing Medicine Podcast.

    Dr. Errin Weisman is a leader in the Physician Coaching and Podcasting world. She practices Family Medicine & Addiction Medicine, has a beautiful family, and lives on a farm in a rural community. She’s amazing and her life looks amazing.

    In this podcast episode she shares what the real journey was like. Starting in the pits of burnout early in her career, she had to figure out how to survive while supporting her family. You’ll hear what kept her going, how she managed fear, and 7 cultural “rules” she broke to create the life she has today.

    You’ll also hear the importance of Dr. Kristin Neff’s work on compassion in Errin’s life, and what it was like to have Dr. Neff on the Doctor Me First podcast.


    Buy my Kindle Book, Doctor Me First, on Amazon Sit with me in my Slack Channel.

    Email Errin HERE

  • Welcome to the Doctor Me First Reboot Showcase where we are spotlighting the amazing podcasts and podcasters who have interviewed ME. Over the next several months we will be sprinkling in interviews I’ve done on other shows to highlight other amazing podcasts. This episode is from the Doctor’s Dilemma Podcast.

    Errin Weisman, DO is a life coach, podcaster and fierce advocate for wellness in medicine. She is a graduate of Oakland City University, where she received her Bachelor's Degree in Biology in 2007 and subsequently completed her Medical School Training at Kansas City University of Medicine & Biosciences in 20.

    She faced professional burnout early in her career and speaks openly about her story in order to help others, particularly female physicians and working moms, know they are not alone.

    Dr. Weisman wholeheartedly believes to be a healer, you must first fill your own cup.

    She lives and practices life coaching and medicine in rural Southwestern Indiana, loves her roles as farmer’s wife, athlete and mother of three.

    She is interested in using her medical knowledge beyond the standard outpatient clinical realm through innovative technologies, public speaking, writing and social media as well as utilizing her business skills in organization, team leadership and creative problem solving.


    Buy my Kindle Book, Doctor Me First, on Amazon Sit with me in my Slack Channel.

    Email Errin HERE

  • Welcome to the Doctor Me First Reboot Showcase where we are spotlighting the amazing podcasts and podcasters who have interviewed ME. Over the next several months we will be sprinkling in interviews I’ve done on other shows to highlight other amazing podcasts. This episode is from the Physicians Guide to Better Doctoring Podcast.

    Dr. Errin Weisman is a family physician in rural, southwest Indiana, and a life coach, speaker, blogger, and a podcaster. We talk about three ideas she wishes she could teach her younger self and each has its own actionable steps to help us all live a more fulfilling lives. We also flipped the script on an old formula. In previous episodes, we’ve had specialists discuss what they think all physicians should know about the speciality, but this time, she told us what she wants all specialists to know about being a rural family medicine physician.

    Dr. Weisman faced professional burnout early in her career and speaks openly about her story in order to help others, particularly female physicians and working moms, know they are not alone. She wholeheartedly believes that to be a healer, you must first fill your own cup. She is also a farmer's wife, athlete and mother of three.

    Find this and all episodes on your favorite podcast platform at


    Buy my Kindle Book, Doctor Me First, on Amazon Sit with me in my Slack Channel.

    Email Errin HERE

  • Welcome to the Doctor Me First Reboot Showcase where we are spotlighting the amazing podcasts and podcasters who have interviewed ME. Over the next several months we will be sprinkling in interviews I’ve done on other shows to highlight other amazing podcasts. This episode is from the Fearless Freedom Podcast with Dr. G.

    Dr. Errin Weisman wholeheartedly believes to be a healer, you must first fill your own cup. She has been in the deep, dark abyss that is physician burnout and has emerged victoriously! She is on a mission to help as many women as possible with a lifeline.

    Dr. Weisman is a life coach, speaker and fierce advocate for wellness in medicine. She speaks openly about her own fears and how she is facing them boldly.

    Dr. Weisman's podcast:

    Doctor Me First - Learn More about Dr. Errin Weisman’s life coaching, courses, and podcast.


    Buy my Kindle Book, Doctor Me First, on Amazon Sit with me in my Slack Channel.

    Email Errin HERE

  • Welcome to the Doctor Me First Reboot Showcase where we are spotlighting the amazing podcasts and podcasters who have interviewed ME. Over the next several months we will be sprinkling in interviews I’ve done on other shows to highlight other amazing podcasts. This episode is from the BootstrapMD - Physician Entrepreneurs Podcast.

    “It’s hard to get good help!” Not exactly true. Just like any skill, managing a team to strategically grow your business is something that can be learned.

    Here to help us out is physician coach extraordinaire Dr. Errin Weisman.

    You’ll learn how this burnout coach was nearly burnt out herself when managing her business. She shares how she overcame her struggles managing a team to finally achieve her success.

    Physician Coaching Alliance

    Doctor Me First - Learn More about Dr. Errin Weisman’s life coaching, courses, and podcast.

    Buy my Kindle Book, Doctor Me First, on Amazon
    Sit with me in my Slack Channel

    Email Errin HERE

  • Welcome to the Doctor Me First Reboot Showcase where we are spotlighting the amazing podcasts and podcasters who have interviewed ME. Over the next several months we will be sprinkling in interviews I’ve done on other shows to highlight other amazing podcasts. This episode is from the SurgeonMasters podcast..

    Pump the brakes on your week and take 10 minutes to make your life as a surgeon just a little better…

    Jeff welcomes to the podcast SurgeonMasters collaborator and physician coach, Dr. Errin Weisman.

    On this episode, Errin and Jeff talk about being comfortable with being UNcomfortable.

    Is there a new skill you want to learn or a hobby you want to pick up? Maybe there’s a physical habit you want to make routine, but it just hasn’t happened yet. Is there something you want but haven’t had the nerve to ask for?

    Uncertainty and discomfort can stifle growth and progress. On the flip side, healthy uncertainty with a solid support system can be invigorating and lead to growth.

    Yes, it can feel overwhelming to make even small changes or add anything to our plate when it already feels so full. But we rarely experience progress without some level of uncertainty or unease.

    Errin tells us to embrace these feelings, and to work on gaining perspective and developing a plan to move forward.

    What steps does Errin suggest we take to embrace being uncomfortable and spark growth?

    Step 1 – Awareness – Understand if you are running away from something or moving toward something. What is underlying your desired change?

    Step 2 – Assessment – Find clarity around WHY you feel this way and what has led to this point.

    Step 3 – Action – Take INCREMENTAL steps to start moving forward. Small steps can power SUBSTANTIAL growth.

    Most importantly, embrace the uncomfortable! Growth comes from a place of discomfort, starting with incremental steps.
  • Welcome to the Doctor Me First Reboot Showcase where we are spotlighting the amazing podcasts and podcasters who have interviewed ME. Over the next several months we will be sprinkling in interviews I’ve done on other shows to highlight other amazing podcasts. This episode is from The Doc Lounge Podcast.

    In this episode, we speak with Dr. Errin Weisman, a Board Certified Family Medicine physician currently practicing out of southern Indiana. Aside from all her medical experience, Dr. Weisman is also an entrepreneur and podcaster.

    This episode is part of our Ask the Expert series and Dr. Weisman shares her extensive knowledge of physician burnout and the important balance of being a mother and a physician.


    Buy my Kindle Book,Doctor Me First, on Amazon Sit with me in my Slack Channel.

    Schedule a call with Errin HERE

    Wanna be on this podcast: Schedule HERE

    Email Errin HERE

  • Welcome to the Doctor Me First Reboot Showcase where we are spotlighting the amazing podcasts and podcasters who have interviewed ME. Over the next several months we will be sprinkling in interviews I’ve done on other shows to highlight other amazing podcasts. This episode is from the Productivity Straight Talk Podcast.

    What You'll Discover In This Episode:

    The Contributing Factors To Burnout

    Why You Need To Take Ownership Of Your Hustle-Burnout Mentality

    How Burnout Affects Your Mental Health

    The D’s, E’s, and F’s Of Burnout

    Ways To Apply The Adaptive Energy Theory

    Strategies For Respecting Your Guardrails Warding Off Burnout

    The Super Telling Question You Need To Ask Yourself

    So Much More!

    Crispy around the edges.

    It’s how I prefer some of my favorite breakfast foods. Pancakes. Waffles. Sunny-side up eggs. Hash browns. Bacon. All are extra delicious (and in my opinion cooked to perfection) when their centers are soft and their edges crispy.

    You know what’s not best crispy around the edges?

    You and me.

    It’s a great analogy Doctor Of Osteopathic Medicine Errin Weisman uses to describe people who are headed for burn out.

    She would know. Errin hit rock bottom early in her career and bounced in and out of burn out several times. During those encounters with burnout, she felt empty, exhausted, and cynical about everything and everyone else around her.

    Errin had it all and yet, she was the only one not to see it because she was blinded by the crippling fog of burnout.

    Over time, Errin was able to pull herself up by her own bootstraps by making different choices in her life. She slowed down, prioritized herself, and created a schedule that works for her - one in which she refuses to start work until 10am, even if that means calling in that day.

    Errin took charge of her mental health and is a new person these days. She’s now in the business of coaching others to respect their guardrails so they can prevent burnout, heal, and live fulfilling business and personal lives without overdoing it.

    If you regularly don’t have time for a break, healthy meal, the gym, or quality family time, you’re already crispy around the edges and it’s time to turn off the heat!


    Buy my Kindle Book,Doctor Me First, on Amazon Sit with me in my Slack Channel.

    Schedule a call with Errin HERE

    Wanna be on this podcast: Schedule HERE

    Email Errin HERE

  • Welcome to the Doctor Me First Reboot Showcase where we are spotlighting the amazing podcasts and podcasters who have interviewed ME. Over the next several months we will be sprinkling in interviews I’ve done on other shows to highlight other amazing podcasts. This episode is from The Woman of Value Podcast.

    Dr. Errin Weisman, speaks openly about the professional burnout she experienced early in her family medicine career so no woman feels alone and to prove you can have a joy-filled and sustainable career.

    In this episode of the Woman of Value Podcast:

    Why so many women get burned out

    How to have a joy-filled life

    The true meaning of authentic living

    What it means to know your worth

    How to not get attached to the outcome

    How to let go of perfection

    Please Subscribe/Rate/Review the Woman of Value Podcast!

    ► Apple Podcasts

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    ► Stitcher or wherever you listen to podcasts!


    Buy my Kindle Book,Doctor Me First, on Amazon Sit with me in my Slack Channel.

    Schedule a call with Errin HERE

    Wanna be on this podcast: Schedule HERE

    Email Errin HERE

  • I love talking about money. Not just money, but ways that you can keep your hard earned dollars right where they belong, in your pocket! Joining me for this conversation about paying less taxes is Sugey Piedra. Sugey has been a Certified Tax Preparer for more than 20 years and she now looks at building wealth in a completely different light.

    She is not a “talk once a year” tax preparer. Instead she comes alongside her clients, hears their goals, and works with them to find ways that they can achieve those goals. If you’re worried about the upcoming tax season, listen in because there is still time to make sure more of your money stays with you.

    “What we do have that sometimes a self-employed individual does not have is called purchasing power. The lenders love purchasing power.” - Sugey Piedra

    Links & Resources:

    Episode 382 -Money Series: Why I Fired My Husbands Accountant and Found Dawn Patton

    Connect with Sugey Piedra:

    Prominence Business and Wealth Management Inc.

    Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn

    2 WAYS TO GET INCREDIBLE HELP AT A LOW-COST!!! Buy my Kindle Book,Doctor Me First, on Amazon Come sit with me in the Badass Collective Slack Group.

    Schedule a call with Errin HERE

    Wanna be on this podcast: Schedule HERE

    Email Errin HERE

  • What does it truly mean to be worthy? What does it mean to be a worthy physician? Dr. Sapna Shah-Haque started her podcast The Worthy Physician to remind us all that we too deserve to hear the advice we give to our patients. You deserve grace. You deserve hobbies. You deserve a life. You are worthy of it all.

    Listen in to hear more about living a life that is true to who you are and letting go of the demands of society to remember your worth.

    “I have two resources, time and energy. I have to figure out where I’m going to spend that.” Dr. Sapna Shah-Haque

    Links & Resources:

    Episode 430 - The Strikes Are Coming with Yvonne Ator, MD, MPH

    Connect with Dr. Shah-Haque, DO

    The Worthy Physician

    The Worthy Physician Podcast

    Instagram | LinkedIn | Facebook | Email

    2 WAYS TO GET INCREDIBLE HELP AT A LOW-COST!!! Buy my Kindle Book,Doctor Me First, on Amazon Come sit with me in the Badass Collective Slack Group.

    Schedule a call with Errin HERE

    Wanna be on this podcast: Schedule HERE

    Email Errin HERE

  • Welcome to the Doctor Me First Reboot Showcase where we are spotlighting the amazing podcasts and podcasters who have interviewed ME. Over the next several months we will be sprinkling in interviews I’ve done on other shows to highlight other amazing podcasts. This episode is from the Balance Boldly Podcast for Ambitious Women in Business.

    In this episode of the Balance Boldly Podcast sitting with Naketa Ren Thigpen let’s welcome Dr. Errin Weisman, she is a life coach, speaker, and fierce advocate for wellness in medicine. She faced professional burnout early in her career and speaks openly about her story to help others, particularly female physicians and working moms, know they are not alone.

    What you will learn

    How to give yourself permission to let go of some of those assumptions that you made as a younger person and step into the person that you are meant to be. What burnout is and how to overcome it. Benefits of sabbaticals. How to avoid burnout. To determine that you are burnout and how to get help. How to read the red flags of your life that are taking you into a burnout mode. Have you ever felt that you are in survival mode?

    Contact Dr. Errin Weisman

    You can find out more about Dr. Weisman on her podcast "Doctor Me First," her website, or hang out with her on social media @burntout_to_badass

    If you are willing and ready, let’s shake the shame and spread healing & hope to women ready to get more of what they want.

    Order a copy of my survivor memoir and personal transformational story for yourself or a friend. Selfish: Permission to Pause, Live, Love and Laugh Your Way to Joy at Amazon or anywhere books are found.

    Subscribe, REVIEW, Share & Balance Boldly

    Recently Rated #8 by Feedspot on The Top 35 Women in Business Podcast to Follow in 2020!

    On the Balance Boldly Podcast, host Naketa R. Thigpen talks with ambitious women in business (and a few brave men) from a wide array of industries about their pursuit of success, how they face business burnout and what work/life balance looks like for them. Not your conventional self-help podcast, Balance Boldly uncovers real solutions to real problems afflicting real people at home and in the workplace, daily.

    If you enjoyed this episode, head over to Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeartRadio, or Google Play to subscribe to the show and leave your honest review.

    If you want to dive deeper into topics around work/life (and LOVE), expounding on how to leverage the intimacy advantage in your business join me in our free private group on Facebook: Certified Selfish.

    Connect with me, Naketa R. Thigpen @asknaketa on IG, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube.

    Now Go. Create Your Balance. Create Your Joy. But remember, do it, BOLDLY!

    Thank you for listening!

    Naketa Ren Thigpen is a Balance (and) Relationship Advisor activating power couples (and) potent humans ready to self-actualize wholeness |Architect of Intentionally Selfish Suite Incubator- Training & Certification for Women Entrepreneurs| Podcast Host & Transformational Speaker. Interested in learning more, visit


    Buy my Kindle Book,Doctor Me First, on Amazon Sit with me in my Slack Channel.

    Schedule a call with Errin HERE

    Wanna be on this podcast: Schedule HERE

    Email Errin HERE

  • What’s one thing that none of us learned in medical school? How to build a thriving private practice. Because we learned how to be physicians, we didn’t learn how to run, manage, and grow a business. And what is one of the most frustrating parts of owning your own practice? Accounts receivable.

    Listen as Dr. Heather Signorelli shares why she and her husband saw a dire need in the realm of medical practice and what they’re doing to help physicians get their money.

    “It’s all about process, meaning where are we today, where do we need to be, and how do we get from step a to step z?” Dr. Heather Signorelli

    Links & Resources: Connect with Dr. Signorelli:

    National Revenue Consulting(NRC)

    REVMD podcast

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    2 WAYS TO GET INCREDIBLE HELP AT A LOW-COST!!! Buy my Kindle Book,Doctor Me First, on Amazon Come sit with me in the Badass Collective Slack Group.

    Schedule a call with Errin HERE

    Wanna be on this podcast: Schedule HERE

    Email Errin HERE

  • Welcome to the Doctor Me First Reboot Showcase where we are spotlighting the amazing podcasts and podcasters who have interviewed ME. Over the next several months we will be sprinkling in interviews I’ve done on other shows to highlight other amazing podcasts. This episode is from the Changing The Power of the Purse podcast.

    Today on  Power of the Purse, I’m talking to Errin Weisman, DO, a life coach, podcaster, and fierce wellness advocate who helps inspire female physicians and working moms to do the work they love and absolutely love life. She reminds us that change is possible; the goal is to have a joyful and sustainable career.

    In this breathtaking episode, Errin Weisman, DO reveals how she lost herself in the process of becoming a doctor. After experiencing burnout, Errin realized that she was a completely different person. She used to love going to the library and reading. However, it had been seven years since Errin read a book for pleasure. To be a good doctor, Errin knew that she needed to be herself. So, Errin stepped back and found a life coaching program. Tune in as Errin explains how one-on-one coaching helped transform her entire life and why she is no longer practicing medicine.

    Join us for an inspiring and empowering episode that will give you the confidence to seek more knowledge about your finances. Ladies, we have the power of the purse, so let’s use it!

    In This Episode you will hear:

    [03:55] Errin reveals the moment where she realized that the healthcare system is no longer serving her

    [16:20] Don’t wait; be a happy mom right now – Errin explains how to do this

    [21:30] How to figure out what your perfect life looks like

    [27:35] About Errin’s money mindset

    [32:10] The most influential women in Errin’s life


    There’s no more time for being miserable, hopeless, or feeling helpless. Navigating burnout starts with awareness. We should give our children the happiest versions of ourselves. Find out what your perfect life consists of; that way, you know which direction you need to go.


    Buy my Kindle Book,Doctor Me First, on Amazon Sit with me in my Slack Channel.

    Schedule a call with Errin HERE

    Wanna be on this podcast: Schedule HERE

    Email Errin HERE

  • “The strikes are coming,” and when they do, we’re in for a world of hurt. Joining me today is fellow Physician’s Coaching Alliance member, Yvonne Ator, MD to share her personal experience with doctors on strike and what she’s doing to help support physicians in the U.S.

    Fondly called “The Helper For Helpers and Sheepdog for Sheepdogs”, Dr. Yvonne Ator is deeply passionate about serving those who serve and lead.

    As the Founder of Thriving Physicians and Thriving Idealist, she has spent the past several years coaching mission-driven professionals who desire to serve and lead sustainably and thrive in their personal and professional lives while making their positive impact in the world without succumbing to disillusionment, moral injury, compassion fatigue or burnout.

    Because if we do not support our doctors, the system will come crashing down. (And in some ways, maybe it should.)

    Listen in as Yvonne shares her story and what physicians and professionals need to do to support themselves through times of crisis. It all starts with your values and how you are, or are not, living into them.

    “Everyone’s waiting for the system to change, but power will not be given. It has to be taken.” Ator, MD, MPH

    Links & Resources: Connect with Dr. Ator:

    Yvonne Ator

    Email | Facebook | Pinterest

    2 WAYS TO GET INCREDIBLE HELP AT A LOW-COST!!! Buy my Kindle Book,Doctor Me First, on Amazon Come sit with me in the Badass Collective Slack Group.

    Schedule a call with Errin HERE

    Wanna be on this podcast: Schedule HERE

    Email Errin HERE

  • Welcome to the Doctor Me First Reboot Showcase where we are spotlighting the amazing podcasts and podcasters who have interviewed ME. Over the next several months we will be sprinkling in interviews I’ve done on other shows to highlight other amazing podcasts. This episode is from the Changing The Story with Lana Dingwall podcast.

    This week I want to share a beautiful conversation I had with Errin Weisman about a topic that many of us can relate to and have probably experienced to a certain degree in our business or careers.

    It’s the idea of sacrificing everything in our life to pursue a “good profession” and then once we’ve made it realizing that we actually feel empty and have lost so many years just blindly hustling without stopping to appreciate what’s in front of us. It’s waiting for the delayed gratification to come and realizing that it’s not going to come.

    Errin Weisman is a family physician turned life coach who is all about calling out the bullshit on the hustle culture. She did what many professionals might be afraid to do: moving out of a career that we’re told by society is “good” and that we’ve “made it” - and instead pursuing a career like coaching where there is so much judgment and negativity that it’s not a “real job”.

    If you want to hear more on this topic, check out this week’s podcast episode.

    On the episode, we discuss:

    The cost of security and safety Burnout from being out of alignment Defining success on our own terms

    I believe in you - you are doing way better than you realize!


    If you enjoy these conversations, check outThe Lighthouse Collective. It’s a community for socially and spiritually conscious entrepreneurs building a better world together. We talk about topics like this in even more interactive and supportive ways.

    If you are interested in working 1-on-1 with me to help grow your business, I would love to connect with you on a free strategy call here.Learn more about my coaching services here.


    Buy my Kindle Book,Doctor Me First, on Amazon Sit with me in my Slack Channel.

    Schedule a call with Errin HERE

    Wanna be on this podcast: Schedule HERE

    Email Errin HERE

  • Do you struggle with sleep? If you do, you’re not alone. Thankfully, long time listener and now guest, Val Cacho, MD. is joining me to chat about all things sleep. Listen as she shares about her career journey and why she’s so invested in helping women get more and better sleep.

    Dr. Val Cacho is triple board certified in internal, sleep, and integrative medicine. She is passionate about inspiring her patients to obtain optimal sleep health and wellness through integrative, holistic, and lifestyle medicine approaches. Because your lack of sleep can stem from a wide variety of places.

    In May of 2020 Val had her second baby and soon after returning to work, realized that she couldn’t practice medicine in an institutional environment anymore.

    After being pushed by the universe, friends, family, and colleagues, Val opened her own practice and began creating content to help women around the world get better sleep.

    If you’ve been struggling with sleep, you’ll want to listen in to learn more about Val and what she’s doing to help her patients get more shut eye and make bigger moves in the world.

    “Sleep deprivation is impairment for your brain. It’s almost like being drunk on alcohol… and yet it’s almost the standard for physicians.” Val Cacho, MD

    Links & Resources: Connect with Dr. Cacho:




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    2 WAYS TO GET INCREDIBLE HELP AT A LOW-COST!!! Buy my Kindle Book,Doctor Me First, on Amazon Come sit with me in the Badass Collective Slack Group.

    Schedule a call with Errin HERE

    Wanna be on this podcast: Schedule HERE

    Email Errin HERE