
  • What if you could significantly reduce your dog's anxiety and aggression with just a little help from science? Find out how behavior medications, particularly anxiolytics, can be the game-changer you've been searching for.

    In today's episode of the Grumpy Dogs podcast, I dive into the nuances of how these medications work, why they aren't a one-size-fits-all solution, and how they can play a crucial role in your dog's behavior modification journey.

    You'll learn that these medications can provide about a 20% improvement, but the real magic happens with consistent behavior modification efforts. Tune in to discover how these tools can aid in desensitization and counter-conditioning exercises, helping your dog reveal its true personality by alleviating chronic anxiety.

    As we wrap up the episode, don't forget to stay connected with the Grumpy Dogs community. Subscribe to keep yourself updated on future episodes and visit for more information, to leave messages, and to follow us on social media.

    View this Episode on YouTube:
    Ep. 41 Do Behavior Medications Work for Fearful and Aggressive Dogs?

    Episode Link(s):
    Information about behavior medications:
    1) American Kennel Club
    2) PetMD


    Scott Sheaffer's Free & Premium Training Videos
    Scott Sheaffer's Dog Behavior Articles
    Book an Online or In-Person Session with Scott

    About Scott Sheaffer
    Scott Sheaffer, CCBC-KA, CDBC, CPDT-KA, is a certified dog behavior consultant who has worked with thousands of dog owners and their aggressive dogs. Scott specializes in the assessment and treatment of fear, anxiety, aggression, and phobias in dogs six months and older. For more information about Scott, see

    If you have a dog who is aggressive and dangerous to humans, it is important that you immediately consult directly with an experienced and certified canine behavior consultant who specializes in dog aggression to humans. Take proper measures to ensure that your dog is never in a position to injure anyone. The information presented in this podcast is for educational purposes only and is neither intended nor implied to replace the need for the direct involvement of an experienced and certified canine behavior consultant who specializes in dog aggression to humans. Scott Sheaffer, the Grumpy Dogs podcast and USA Dog Behavior, LLC, are not liable for any incidents or outcomes resulting from following the advice given in this podcast.

  • Does your dog seem to turn into a barking, lunging maniac the moment you clip on the leash and they see another dog? This episode uncovers the mystery behind leash reactivity. We break down how fear often lies at the root of this frustrating behavior. You'll learn the science behind why dogs feel threatened when they can't establish their own safe distance and how being tethered to you can make matters worse.

    In the second part, we shift gears to arm you with practical tips and strategies for managing your dog's reactivity. From subtle environmental adjustments to creating a more secure space for your dog.

    Remember to visit for more resources and join our growing community on social media. Don’t miss out—subscribe today and share the knowledge with fellow dog lovers!

    View this Episode on YouTube:
    Ep. 40 Why Your Dog is Aggressive to Dogs When On-Leash, but Not Off-Leash


    Scott Sheaffer's Free & Premium Training Videos
    Scott Sheaffer's Dog Behavior Articles
    Book an Online or In-Person Session with Scott

    About Scott Sheaffer
    Scott Sheaffer, CCBC-KA, CDBC, CPDT-KA, is a certified dog behavior consultant who has worked with thousands of dog owners and their aggressive dogs. Scott specializes in the assessment and treatment of fear, anxiety, aggression, and phobias in dogs six months and older. For more information about Scott, see

    If you have a dog who is aggressive and dangerous to humans, it is important that you immediately consult directly with an experienced and certified canine behavior consultant who specializes in dog aggression to humans. Take proper measures to ensure that your dog is never in a position to injure anyone. The information presented in this podcast is for educational purposes only and is neither intended nor implied to replace the need for the direct involvement of an experienced and certified canine behavior consultant who specializes in dog aggression to humans. Scott Sheaffer, the Grumpy Dogs podcast and USA Dog Behavior, LLC, are not liable for any incidents or outcomes resulting from following the advice given in this podcast.

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  • Can dogs truly feel remorse after they bite someone, or is it just our interpretation of their behavior? Uncover the reality behind canine emotions as I address common myths about dogs and their reactions to biting incidents. I'll dive into the instinctual behaviors of dogs, shedding light on how they respond to stress and fear.

    Join us for an eye-opening discussion on canine behavior that will change the way you understand your furry friends. I'll share findings from research on dog behavior and offers valuable resources, including a free 49-minute video on reading dog body language.

    Whether you're a dog owner, trainer, or veterinary professional, this episode is packed with insights to help you better interpret your dog's stress signals and improve your approach to managing fear and aggression. Tune in and gain a deeper understanding of the true nature of your dog's emotions.

    View this Episode on YouTube:
    Ep. 39 Are Dogs Remorseful After Biting People?

    Episode Link(s):
    Understanding Dog Body Language


    Scott Sheaffer's Free & Premium Training Videos
    Scott Sheaffer's Dog Behavior Articles
    Book an Online or In-Person Session with Scott

    About Scott Sheaffer
    Scott Sheaffer, CCBC-KA, CDBC, CPDT-KA, is a certified dog behavior consultant who has worked with thousands of dog owners and their aggressive dogs. Scott specializes in the assessment and treatment of fear, anxiety, aggression, and phobias in dogs six months and older. For more information about Scott, see

    If you have a dog who is aggressive and dangerous to humans, it is important that you immediately consult directly with an experienced and certified canine behavior consultant who specializes in dog aggression to humans. Take proper measures to ensure that your dog is never in a position to injure anyone. The information presented in this podcast is for educational purposes only and is neither intended nor implied to replace the need for the direct involvement of an experienced and certified canine behavior consultant who specializes in dog aggression to humans. Scott Sheaffer, the Grumpy Dogs podcast and USA Dog Behavior, LLC, are not liable for any incidents or outcomes resulting from following the advice given in this podcast.

  • How do your properly socialize your fearful or aggressive dog and make them more calm and sociable with other dogs and humans? Find out in this episode of the Grumpy Dogs Podcast with me. We'll explore the critical techniques you need to master for properly socializing dogs with fear and aggression issues.

    I break down common misconceptions and offer five essential pointers, including:

    1) Recognizing dog body language
    2) Picking low-stress environments
    3) Respecting individual fears
    4) Using positive reinforcement
    5) Gradually increasing exposure to triggers

    These steps will help you create a positive and comfortable experience for your dog around unfamiliar people and other dogs.

    View this Episode on YouTube:
    Ep. 38 Dog Socialization, Myths vs. Reality

    Episode Link(s):
    The Truth About Socializing Reactive or Aggressive Dogs at Home Depot
    Understanding Dog Body Language


    Scott Sheaffer's Free & Premium Training Videos
    Scott Sheaffer's Dog Behavior Articles
    Book an Online or In-Person Session with Scott

    About Scott Sheaffer
    Scott Sheaffer, CCBC-KA, CDBC, CPDT-KA, is a certified dog behavior consultant who has worked with thousands of dog owners and their aggressive dogs. Scott specializes in the assessment and treatment of fear, anxiety, aggression, and phobias in dogs six months and older. For more information about Scott, see

    If you have a dog who is aggressive and dangerous to humans, it is important that you immediately consult directly with an experienced and certified canine behavior consultant who specializes in dog aggression to humans. Take proper measures to ensure that your dog is never in a position to injure anyone. The information presented in this podcast is for educational purposes only and is neither intended nor implied to replace the need for the direct involvement of an experienced and certified canine behavior consultant who specializes in dog aggression to humans. Scott Sheaffer, the Grumpy Dogs podcast and USA Dog Behavior, LLC, are not liable for any incidents or outcomes resulting from following the advice given in this podcast.

  • This episode unravels the mystery behind what many term 'dominance aggression' in our canine companions. I'm going to tell you what 'dominance aggression' is, and, what it isn't in this episode. Join me as we navigate the misconceptions surrounding this issue and offer clarity.

    View this Episode on YouTube:
    Ep. 37 What is Dominance Aggression in Dogs?


    Scott Sheaffer's Free & Premium Training Videos
    Scott Sheaffer's Dog Behavior Articles
    Book an Online or In-Person Session with Scott

    About Scott Sheaffer
    Scott Sheaffer, CCBC-KA, CDBC, CPDT-KA, is a certified dog behavior consultant who has worked with thousands of dog owners and their aggressive dogs. Scott specializes in the assessment and treatment of fear, anxiety, aggression, and phobias in dogs six months and older. For more information about Scott, see

    If you have a dog who is aggressive and dangerous to humans, it is important that you immediately consult directly with an experienced and certified canine behavior consultant who specializes in dog aggression to humans. Take proper measures to ensure that your dog is never in a position to injure anyone. The information presented in this podcast is for educational purposes only and is neither intended nor implied to replace the need for the direct involvement of an experienced and certified canine behavior consultant who specializes in dog aggression to humans. Scott Sheaffer, the Grumpy Dogs podcast and USA Dog Behavior, LLC, are not liable for any incidents or outcomes resulting from following the advice given in this podcast.

  • Navigating the choppy waters of canine territorial aggression just got smoother. Our latest discussion zeroes in on the strategies needed to manage dogs with a keen sense of trepidation when it comes to visitors coming into their home.

    You'll discover how to categorize these guests into three distinct camps, and we'll pay special attention to those 'level two' visitors who, with the right approach, could move from unfamiliar to trusted allies in your dog's eyes.

    We'll also cover everything from leveraging a safe space and the benefits of a pre-entry stroll to the favorable non-interactive stance a visitor should maintain upon entering your domain.

    View this Episode on YouTube:
    Ep. 36: Managing Your Dog's Territorial Aggression at the Front Door, Part 2


    Scott Sheaffer's Free & Premium Training Videos
    Scott Sheaffer's Dog Behavior Articles
    Book an Online or In-Person Session with Scott

    About Scott Sheaffer
    Scott Sheaffer, CCBC-KA, CDBC, CPDT-KA, is a certified dog behavior consultant who has worked with thousands of dog owners and their aggressive dogs. Scott specializes in the assessment and treatment of fear, anxiety, aggression, and phobias in dogs six months and older. For more information about Scott, see

    If you have a dog who is aggressive and dangerous to humans, it is important that you immediately consult directly with an experienced and certified canine behavior consultant who specializes in dog aggression to humans. Take proper measures to ensure that your dog is never in a position to injure anyone. The information presented in this podcast is for educational purposes only and is neither intended nor implied to replace the need for the direct involvement of an experienced and certified canine behavior consultant who specializes in dog aggression to humans. Scott Sheaffer, the Grumpy Dogs podcast and USA Dog Behavior, LLC, are not liable for any incidents or outcomes resulting from following the advice given in this podcast.

  • Unlock the mystery behind your dog's sudden growls and watchful eyes when guests arrive. Our latest episode offers a deep dive into the realm of territorial aggression in dogs, and why your four-legged friend might be more on edge in the sanctity of your home than in the great outdoors.

    Explore with us the trifecta of triggers that provoke this: the craving for security, the shock of unexpected visitors, and the perceived lack of escape routes. We don't just lay out the problem; we arm you with strategies. Discover how to modify your home environment, reducing your dog's stress and their need to stand guard against the world.

    View this Episode on YouTube:
    Ep. 35 Complete Video: Why Is Your Dog Aggressive at the Door? Territorial Fear, Part 1

    Episode Link(s):
    Basket Dog Muzzle
    Window Film


    Scott Sheaffer's Free & Premium Training Videos
    Scott Sheaffer's Dog Behavior Articles
    Book an Online or In-Person Session with Scott

    About Scott Sheaffer
    Scott Sheaffer, CCBC-KA, CDBC, CPDT-KA, is a certified dog behavior consultant who has worked with thousands of dog owners and their aggressive dogs. Scott specializes in the assessment and treatment of fear, anxiety, aggression, and phobias in dogs six months and older. For more information about Scott, see

    If you have a dog who is aggressive and dangerous to humans, it is important that you immediately consult directly with an experienced and certified canine behavior consultant who specializes in dog aggression to humans. Take proper measures to ensure that your dog is never in a position to injure anyone. The information presented in this podcast is for educational purposes only and is neither intended nor implied to replace the need for the direct involvement of an experienced and certified canine behavior consultant who specializes in dog aggression to humans. Scott Sheaffer, the Grumpy Dogs podcast and USA Dog Behavior, LLC, are not liable for any incidents or outcomes resulting from following the advice given in this podcast.

  • Are you navigating the challenges of a reactive dog? In this episode, we dissect the misunderstood concept of 'socialization' and reveal humane, controlled methods to help your reactive dog overcome their fears. I'll walk you through a technique that works outside the dog park fence, offering behavior modification opportunities while keeping your canine at a safe distance from their triggers.

    I discuss an axiom of dog behavior when it comes to visual triggers and why walking your reactive dog outside the dog park could be a technique you've been searching for. By the end of our chat, you'll understand why tossing a reactive dog inside a dog park to 'socialize' them isn't just ineffective—it could worsen their anxieties. So gear up and join us; we're sharing practical advice and strategies to turn a dog park into a behavioral tool.

    Episode Link(s):
    Recommended Training Treats and Treat Bag


    Scott Sheaffer's Free & Premium Training Videos
    Scott Sheaffer's Dog Behavior Articles
    Book an Online or In-Person Session with Scott

    About Scott Sheaffer
    Scott Sheaffer, CCBC-KA, CDBC, CPDT-KA, is a certified dog behavior consultant who has worked with thousands of dog owners and their aggressive dogs. Scott specializes in the assessment and treatment of fear, anxiety, aggression, and phobias in dogs six months and older. For more information about Scott, see

    If you have a dog who is aggressive and dangerous to humans, it is important that you immediately consult directly with an experienced and certified canine behavior consultant who specializes in dog aggression to humans. Take proper measures to ensure that your dog is never in a position to injure anyone. The information presented in this podcast is for educational purposes only and is neither intended nor implied to replace the need for the direct involvement of an experienced and certified canine behavior consultant who specializes in dog aggression to humans. Scott Sheaffer, the Grumpy Dogs podcast and USA Dog Behavior, LLC, are not liable for any incidents or outcomes resulting from following the advice given in this podcast.

  • Ever feel like you're at the end of your leash with your reactive dog during walks? I'm Scott Sheaffer, and in today's Grumpy Dogs podcast, I'm going to share the third step in the process that will change the way you and your pooch experience approaching dogs and/or humans while out on a walk that get your dog revved up.

    Get ready to discover how observing your dog's body language, rewarding their calmness, and keeping them moving can transform your tense strolls into much more peaceful jaunts. We'll tackle the approach and detour steps, ensuring you know exactly how to handle those moments when your furry friend starts getting worked up, and I'll show you how the powerful 'circle' technique can help you both navigate the tricky terrains of reactivity.

    This episode isn't just about managing those triggers in the moment; it's about training for a calmer future for you and your dog. By maintaining a safe distance and utilizing positive reinforcement, we'll work on breaking the line of sight to potential triggers and reinforcing your dog's calm behavior. It's all about creating those positive associations and aiming for trigger-free walks. So, leash up and let's turn those growls into grins on another insightful episode of Grumpy Dogs.

    Episode Link(s):
    Scott's Free and Premium Dog Behavior Videos


    Scott Sheaffer's Free & Premium Training Videos
    Scott Sheaffer's Dog Behavior Articles
    Book an Online or In-Person Session with Scott

    About Scott Sheaffer
    Scott Sheaffer, CCBC-KA, CDBC, CPDT-KA, is a certified dog behavior consultant who has worked with thousands of dog owners and their aggressive dogs. Scott specializes in the assessment and treatment of fear, anxiety, aggression, and phobias in dogs six months and older. For more information about Scott, see

    If you have a dog who is aggressive and dangerous to humans, it is important that you immediately consult directly with an experienced and certified canine behavior consultant who specializes in dog aggression to humans. Take proper measures to ensure that your dog is never in a position to injure anyone. The information presented in this podcast is for educational purposes only and is neither intended nor implied to replace the need for the direct involvement of an experienced and certified canine behavior consultant who specializes in dog aggression to humans. Scott Sheaffer, the Grumpy Dogs podcast and USA Dog Behavior, LLC, are not liable for any incidents or outcomes resulting from following the advice given in this podcast.

  • Could deciphering your dog's subtle body twitches and tail wags be the key to addressing their deepest fears and aggression? This episode looks into the language of your loyal companion, giving you the tools to interpret their silent signals that can prepare you to work on your dog's fears and aggression. You'll learn to navigate their emotional landscape and guide them through recovery at their own pace.

    Episode Link(s):
    Understanding Dog Body Language


    Scott Sheaffer's Free & Premium Training Videos
    Scott Sheaffer's Dog Behavior Articles
    Book an Online or In-Person Session with Scott

    About Scott Sheaffer
    Scott Sheaffer, CCBC-KA, CDBC, CPDT-KA, is a certified dog behavior consultant who has worked with thousands of dog owners and their aggressive dogs. Scott specializes in the assessment and treatment of fear, anxiety, aggression, and phobias in dogs six months and older. For more information about Scott, see

    If you have a dog who is aggressive and dangerous to humans, it is important that you immediately consult directly with an experienced and certified canine behavior consultant who specializes in dog aggression to humans. Take proper measures to ensure that your dog is never in a position to injure anyone. The information presented in this podcast is for educational purposes only and is neither intended nor implied to replace the need for the direct involvement of an experienced and certified canine behavior consultant who specializes in dog aggression to humans. Scott Sheaffer, the Grumpy Dogs podcast and USA Dog Behavior, LLC, are not liable for any incidents or outcomes resulting from following the advice given in this podcast.

  • We've changed the name of the Dog Aggression Answers podcast to "Grumpy Dogs: Overcoming Your Dog's Fear and Aggression." In addition to changing the name, we've added a YouTube channel if you'd like to watch me on video. See us at

    Today we are unveiling a transformative 12-part series addressing the fear and aggression your four-legged friend might be grappling with to other dogs or humans. In this first episode I'm going to show you how you can change your dog's daily leash walks into a powerful behavioral therapy session to treat reactivity toward other dogs and/or humans.

    Episode Link(s):
    Watch video on leash skills needed for leash therapy.


    Scott Sheaffer's Free & Premium Training Videos
    Scott Sheaffer's Dog Behavior Articles
    Book an Online or In-Person Session with Scott

    About Scott Sheaffer
    Scott Sheaffer, CCBC-KA, CDBC, CPDT-KA, is a certified dog behavior consultant who has worked with thousands of dog owners and their aggressive dogs. Scott specializes in the assessment and treatment of fear, anxiety, aggression, and phobias in dogs six months and older. For more information about Scott, see

    If you have a dog who is aggressive and dangerous to humans, it is important that you immediately consult directly with an experienced and certified canine behavior consultant who specializes in dog aggression to humans. Take proper measures to ensure that your dog is never in a position to injure anyone. The information presented in this podcast is for educational purposes only and is neither intended nor implied to replace the need for the direct involvement of an experienced and certified canine behavior consultant who specializes in dog aggression to humans. Scott Sheaffer, the Grumpy Dogs podcast and USA Dog Behavior, LLC, are not liable for any incidents or outcomes resulting from following the advice given in this podcast.

  • Can we ever truly "fix" fear and aggression in dogs, or is striving for improvement the best we can do? Join me, Scott Sheaffer, as we navigate the intricate nature of canine aggression and fear issues, dissecting the factors that impact the probable outcome of behavior modification in your dog. I'll unpack the seven crucial elements that can determine the course of your dog's progress, from the commitment of the owner to the challenges that come with the dog's age and history of fear and aggression.

    Did you know there are 7 major types of dog aggression?
    6 Types of Dog Bites


    Scott Sheaffer's Free & Premium Training Videos
    Scott Sheaffer's Dog Behavior Articles
    Book an Online or In-Person Session with Scott

    About Scott Sheaffer
    Scott Sheaffer, CCBC-KA, CDBC, CPDT-KA, is a certified dog behavior consultant who has worked with thousands of dog owners and their aggressive dogs. Scott specializes in the assessment and treatment of fear, anxiety, aggression, and phobias in dogs six months and older. For more information about Scott, see

    If you have a dog who is aggressive and dangerous to humans, it is important that you immediately consult directly with an experienced and certified canine behavior consultant who specializes in dog aggression to humans. Take proper measures to ensure that your dog is never in a position to injure anyone. The information presented in this podcast is for educational purposes only and is neither intended nor implied to replace the need for the direct involvement of an experienced and certified canine behavior consultant who specializes in dog aggression to humans. Scott Sheaffer, the Grumpy Dogs podcast and USA Dog Behavior, LLC, are not liable for any incidents or outcomes resulting from following the advice given in this podcast.

  • As I walked through the aisles of Home Depot recently, I witnessed a dog owner 'correcting' his anxious dog. The realization struck me that so many well-intentioned folks are led astray on how to manage and address their dog's fear and aggression.

    This episode peels back the layers of commonly accepted, but misguided, dog training methods that dominate online forums and the advice from many dog trainers.

    With each pop of the prong collar, it's clear we need to have an urgent discussion about why these punitive measures do more harm than good - and are even dangerous when done in venues like Home Depot.

    Owners of dog that bit customer's face inside Home Depot identified, dog under quarantine


    Scott Sheaffer's Free & Premium Training Videos
    Scott Sheaffer's Dog Behavior Articles
    Book an Online or In-Person Session with Scott

    About Scott Sheaffer
    Scott Sheaffer, CCBC-KA, CDBC, CPDT-KA, is a certified dog behavior consultant who has worked with thousands of dog owners and their aggressive dogs. Scott specializes in the assessment and treatment of fear, anxiety, aggression, and phobias in dogs six months and older. For more information about Scott, see

    If you have a dog who is aggressive and dangerous to humans, it is important that you immediately consult directly with an experienced and certified canine behavior consultant who specializes in dog aggression to humans. Take proper measures to ensure that your dog is never in a position to injure anyone. The information presented in this podcast is for educational purposes only and is neither intended nor implied to replace the need for the direct involvement of an experienced and certified canine behavior consultant who specializes in dog aggression to humans. Scott Sheaffer, the Grumpy Dogs podcast and USA Dog Behavior, LLC, are not liable for any incidents or outcomes resulting from following the advice given in this podcast.

  • When Dogs Roll Over for "Belly Rubs," What Does it Really Mean?

    In my latest episode of Dog Aggression Answers, I delve into the complexities of canine aggression, focusing on the mixed signals dogs exhibit, like rolling over for a belly rub while simultaneously displaying aggression towards certain people. I explain that a dog's decision to roll over is often a sign of fear or submission, not an invitation for affection.

    This behavior, known as 'submissive rolling' is classified as a 'calming signal' or 'appeasing behavior' and is one of the ways dogs indicate discomfort or fear, akin to a human's gesture of raising hands in surrender. This is a misunderstanding where humans interpret this as a desire for physical contact, which can actually exacerbate the dog's fear.

    Further in the podcast, I explore the factors that influence a dog's reaction to strangers, including the size and gender of the person, their movements, and how they engage with the dog. Dogs often find men more intimidating due to their size and their more mechanical types of movements. Interestingly, dogs may react more positively to people who show indifference or less interest in them, as their lack of engagement with the dog can be less threatening.

    My advise to dog owners on how to manage interactions between their anxious dogs and strangers: my key recommendations include instructing people not to look at, touch, or talk to the dog and to maintain a distance, especially if the dog shows signs of fear or stress. This approach can significantly improve the dog's comfort and behavior.

    If Your Dog is Aggressive to People, Never Stop Doing These 2 Things


    Scott Sheaffer's Free & Premium Training Videos
    Scott Sheaffer's Dog Behavior Articles
    Book an Online or In-Person Session with Scott

    About Scott Sheaffer
    Scott Sheaffer, CCBC-KA, CDBC, CPDT-KA, is a certified dog behavior consultant who has worked with thousands of dog owners and their aggressive dogs. Scott specializes in the assessment and treatment of fear, anxiety, aggression, and phobias in dogs six months and older.

    If you have a dog who is aggressive and dangerous to humans, it is important that you immediately consult directly with an experienced and certified canine behavior consultant who specializes in dog aggression to humans. Take proper measures to ensure that your dog is never in a position to injure anyone. The information presented in this podcast is for educational purposes only and is neither intended nor implied to replace the need for the direct involvement of an experienced and certified canine behavior consultant who specializes in dog aggression to humans. Scott Sheaffer, the Grumpy Dogs podcast and USA Dog Behavior, LLC, are not liable for any incidents or outcomes resulting from following the advice given in this podcast.

  • Welcome to Dog Aggression Answers, where we show you how to address your dog’s aggression using scientific and humane methods.

    My name is Scott Sheaffer and it's my mission to help you understand your dog’s aggression and what you can do about it. In today's episode, you'll learn some important basic concepts to make your dog less stressed around strangers. You can implement these concepts with your buddy right now.

    Some dogs seem to go on high alert when a stranger is in sight. On today's episode, I offer valuable insights into the world of canine fear and aggression towards people they don't know. We'll uncover the often-misunderstood signals dogs use to communicate discomfort and the crucial dos and don'ts for humans.

    The revelation that most aggressive dogs only trust a handful of humans will change how you perceive their interactions with the world. Prepare to step into a journey toward creating a more peaceful existence for your four-legged companion and the strangers they meet along the way.


    Scott Sheaffer's Free & Premium Training Videos
    Scott Sheaffer's Dog Behavior Articles
    Book an Online or In-Person Session with Scott

    About Scott Sheaffer
    Scott Sheaffer, CCBC-KA, CDBC, CPDT-KA, is a certified dog behavior consultant who has worked with thousands of dog owners and their aggressive dogs. Scott specializes in the assessment and treatment of fear, anxiety, aggression, and phobias in dogs six months and older.

    If you have a dog who is aggressive and dangerous to humans, it is important that you immediately consult directly with an experienced and certified canine behavior consultant who specializes in dog aggression to humans. Take proper measures to ensure that your dog is never in a position to injure anyone. The information presented in this podcast is for educational purposes only and is neither intended nor implied to replace the need for the direct involvement of an experienced and certified canine behavior consultant who specializes in dog aggression to humans. Scott Sheaffer, the Grumpy Dogs podcast and USA Dog Behavior, LLC, are not liable for any incidents or outcomes resulting from following the advice given in this podcast.

  • Did you know that using shock and prong collars on dogs is banned and illegal in many parts of the world? There's a reason that localities and entire countries have taken this action. This episode will tell you where they are currently banned worldwide and some of the reasons why.

    Ever wonder if the tools you're using to train your dog could be doing more harm than good - especially in the area of behavioral issues like aggression? Prepare to have your views on canine discipline challenged as I, Scott Sheaffer, take you through a thought-provoking journey examining the contentious use of shock and prong collars in dog training.

    This episode ventures beyond the surface of traditional methods and digs into the psychological repercussions that such devices may impose on our dogs. You'll gain insights into the global perspective on these tools and discover where they've been outright banned—a testament to the shifting tides in animal welfare and behavior understanding.

    The conversation doesn't stop at the theoretical; it inludes actionable advice for handling dog aggression. I address a common dilemma many dog owners face: the dreaded 'brakes on' moment when your dog locks eyes with another canine. You'll learn why the conventional approach might not be effective and uncover alternative strategies to maintain peace without instilling fear or pain.

    This is more than just a discussion—it's essential information for any dog owner looking to foster a harmonious relationship with their pet through compassionate, science-based training techniques. So, leash up and prepare to take a walk on the enlightened side of dog training with me as your guide.


    Scott Sheaffer's Free & Premium Training Videos
    Scott Sheaffer's Dog Behavior Articles
    Book an Online or In-Person Session with Scott

    About Scott Sheaffer
    Scott Sheaffer, CCBC-KA, CDBC, CPDT-KA, is a certified dog behavior consultant who has worked with thousands of dog owners and their aggressive dogs. Scott specializes in the assessment and treatment of fear, anxiety, aggression, and phobias in dogs six months and older.

    If you have a dog who is aggressive and dangerous to humans, it is important that you immediately consult directly with an experienced and certified canine behavior consultant who specializes in dog aggression to humans. Take proper measures to ensure that your dog is never in a position to injure anyone. The information presented in this podcast is for educational purposes only and is neither intended nor implied to replace the need for the direct involvement of an experienced and certified canine behavior consultant who specializes in dog aggression to humans. Scott Sheaffer, the Grumpy Dogs podcast and USA Dog Behavior, LLC, are not liable for any incidents or outcomes resulting from following the advice given in this podcast.

  • Ever wonder why some dog bites are more dangerous than others? We've got you covered in this episode. In this intriguing exploration, Scott Sheaffer takes a deep dive into the world of canine aggression and bite analysis. We unravel the layers of the Ian Dunbar dog bite scale, a tool used by behavior professionals to understand the severity of dog bites—from harmless air biting or growling to the most severe types of bites.

    This understanding is crucial for anyone dealing with dogs, as it guides us in shaping the right behavior modification approach and fosters effective communication among dog professionals.

    We further step into the disturbing realm of increasing canine aggression, moving from the initial levels to the more dangerous levels of bites. Level four, five and six bites normally indicate a pattern of intentionally aggressive behavior - meant to harm the victim instead of just warn. These involve deep punctures, potential lacerations, and signify not just a loss of bite inhibition but a clear intent to harm. At times, these can even lead to behavioral euthanasia.

    By the end of our discussion, we leave no stone unturned in making you aware of the seriousness of dog bites, especially those scaling higher levels. So, join us for this insightful episode and transform the way you understand, analyze and manage dog bites.

    Training Videos
    Scott Sheaffer's Dog Behavior Articles

    About Scott Sheaffer
    Scott Sheaffer, CCBC-KA, CDBC, CPDT-KA, is a certified dog behavior consultant who has worked with thousands of dog owners and their aggressive dogs. Scott specializes in the assessment and treatment of fear, anxiety, aggression, and phobias in dogs six months and older.

    If you have a dog who is aggressive and dangerous to humans, it is important that you immediately consult directly with an experienced and certified canine behavior consultant who specializes in dog aggression to humans. Take proper measures to ensure that your dog is never in a position to injure anyone. The information presented in this podcast is for educational purposes only and is neither intended nor implied to replace the need for the direct involvement of an experienced and certified canine behavior consultant who specializes in dog aggression to humans. Scott Sheaffer, the Grumpy Dogs podcast and USA Dog Behavior, LLC, are not liable for any incidents or outcomes resulting from following the advice given in this podcast.

  • Ever wonder why your aggressive dog isn't responding in the way you'd like to traditional shock or prong collars? Maybe it's because they're not the most effective or humane choice. Join us on the Dog Aggression Answers podcast as we set out on a quest to find the ultimate collar that can provide a constructive and humane solution for your dog's aggressive tendencies.

    From shock collars to head halters, we dissect the pros, cons, and hidden truths of each - grading them based on their efficacy and kindness to our canine companions. We also cover the indispensable role of proper collar adjustment and leash control in behavior modification. As we tackle this controversial topic, we debunk the myths surrounding quick fixes and guide you toward a realistic approach to managing your dog's aggression or reactivity.

    Unveiling our top picks for the best collar, we lay out compelling reasons that make certain types of collars the most effective and humane option for aggressive and reactive dogs. No gimmicks or magic, just a conscientious choice of tools to aid in your pet's behavior treatment process.

    So, tune in for insights that could reshape your dog training philosophy and keep your pet's well-being at the forefront. This episode is a must-listen for any dog owner seeking answers to their pet's aggression issues.

    About Scott Sheaffer
    Scott Sheaffer, CCBC-KA, CDBC, CPDT-KA, is a certified dog behavior consultant who has worked with thousands of dog owners and their aggressive dogs. Scott specializes in the assessment and treatment of fear, anxiety, aggression, and phobias in dogs six months and older.

    Social Media and Other Links:
    Understanding Dog Body Language (this is the free video mentioned in the episode on reading dog body language)


    Training Videos
    Scott Sheaffer's Dog Behavior Articles

    If you have a dog who is aggressive and dangerous to humans, it is important that you immediately consult directly with an experienced and certified canine behavior consultant who specializes in dog aggression to humans. Take proper measures to ensure that your dog is never in a position to injure anyone. The information presented in this podcast is for educational purposes only and is neither intended nor implied to replace the need for the direct involvement of an experienced and certified canine behavior consultant who specializes in dog aggression to humans. Scott Sheaffer, the Grumpy Dogs podcast and USA Dog Behavior, LLC, are not liable for any incidents or outcomes resulting from following the advice given in this podcast.

  • Ever felt stumped by a problem that seemed impossible to solve? Let me take you on a rollercoaster story of love, compassion, and ultimately, a triumph of creative problem-solving - it's a story to inspire any heart. Our adventure centers on Mark, an endearing young boy faced with significant mental challenges, and his family's dog, who unfortunately, grew increasingly hostile towards Mark. As a certified expert in canine behavior, I found myself embroiled in the heart of this complex dilemma that involved more than just dog behavior - it was a situation steeped in unique human dynamics as well.

    Against a backdrop of mounting challenges, something extraordinary unfolds - an answer to our seemingly insurmountable problem delivered through the prism of a prayer and a most unexpected source. This episode stands as a testament to the fact that solutions often come from the least expected places.

    Marvel at how, in the end, it all came down to understanding, empathy, and an innovative approach to problem-solving. This is a story that underlines the power of perspective and how sometimes, the simplest solutions might just be the most effective.

    About Scott Sheaffer
    Scott Sheaffer, CCBC-KA, CDBC, CPDT-KA, is a certified dog behavior consultant who has worked with thousands of dog owners and their aggressive dogs. Scott specializes in the assessment and treatment of fear, anxiety, aggression, and phobias in dogs six months and older.

    Training Videos
    Scott Sheaffer's Dog Behavior Articles

    If you have a dog who is aggressive and dangerous to humans, it is important that you immediately consult directly with an experienced and certified canine behavior consultant who specializes in dog aggression to humans. Take proper measures to ensure that your dog is never in a position to injure anyone. The information presented in this podcast is for educational purposes only and is neither intended nor implied to replace the need for the direct involvement of an experienced and certified canine behavior consultant who specializes in dog aggression to humans. Scott Sheaffer, the Grumpy Dogs podcast and USA Dog Behavior, LLC, are not liable for any incidents or outcomes resulting from following the advice given in this podcast.

  • Are you scratching your head, wondering why your dog turns into a ball of fury with strangers, while being a cuddly teddy with the family? Prepare yourself for a truth bomb - your furry friend is not protecting you or your family, but it's fear that triggers such aggression. Join me, Scott Sheaffer, in an enlightening discussion that uncovers the mystery behind dogs' aggressive behavior towards people outside your family.

    In this episode, we dive into the world of canine fear, the role of negative reinforcement, and the concept of social learning in escalating your dog's aggression.

    Contrary to popular beliefs, larger breeds can also fear the most harmless humans, and we'll explore the reasons behind this fear. We also delve into the topic of dogs' friendly behavior with family members and the concept of distance-decreasing behaviors.

    We also touch upon whether this fear-driven aggression can be treated. So, tune in to understand your furry friend better and make your dog ownership experience more rewarding.

    About Scott Sheaffer
    Scott Sheaffer, CCBC-KA, CDBC, CPDT-KA, is a certified dog behavior consultant who has worked with thousands of dog owners and their aggressive dogs. Scott specializes in the assessment and treatment of fear, anxiety, aggression, and phobias in dogs six months and older.

    Training Videos
    Scott Sheaffer's Dog Behavior Articles

    If you have a dog who is aggressive and dangerous to humans, it is important that you immediately consult directly with an experienced and certified canine behavior consultant who specializes in dog aggression to humans. Take proper measures to ensure that your dog is never in a position to injure anyone. The information presented in this podcast is for educational purposes only and is neither intended nor implied to replace the need for the direct involvement of an experienced and certified canine behavior consultant who specializes in dog aggression to humans. Scott Sheaffer, the Grumpy Dogs podcast and USA Dog Behavior, LLC, are not liable for any incidents or outcomes resulting from following the advice given in this podcast.