
  • Tonight's guest has had a life full of encounters with cryptids and paranormal experiences. If you were to ask him which one of his experiences was most memorable, there’s a good chance he’d say it was the encounter, with a Dogman, he’s going to talk about on tonight’s livestream episode of the show. You see, the Dogman he saw beared a strong resemblance to the Werewolf from a popular Werewolf movie. That movie would be “An American Werewolf in London.” What happened? Where was tonight’s guest when he saw that Dogman? How did the encounter affect him? We hope you’ll tune in and find out the answers to those questions.

    Premium memberships are now available! If you’d like to be able to listen to the show without ads and have full access to premium content, please go to to find out how to become a premium member.

    If you’d like to help support the show, by buying your own Dogman Encounters t-shirt, sweatshirt, tank top, or coffee mug, please visit the Dogman Encounters Show Store, by going to

    If you've had a Dogman encounter and would like to speak with me about it, whether you'd like to keep your encounter confidential or be interviewed on a show, please go to and submit a report.

    If you've had a Sasquatch sighting and would like to be a guest on My Bigfoot Sighting, please go to and submit a report.

    I produce 3 other podcasts. Below, you’ll find links to them.

    My Bigfoot Sighting...
    Bigfoot Eyewitness Radio...
    My Paranormal Experience

    Thanks for listening!

  • Tonight's guest, Dana, isn’t the first eyewitness to come on the show and talk about a Dogman encounter she had while lying in what’s supposed to be the safety of her own bed. Every time such an eyewitness comes on the show, however, it tugs at certain strings that just aren’t comfortable to have pulled. After all, that’s one of the most traumatic places to encounter one of these things. We hope you’ll tune in and listen to Dana share the details of that encounter and another she had, after she had that first one.

    Premium memberships are now available! If you’d like to be able to listen to the show without ads and have full access to premium content, please go to to find out how to become a premium member.

    If you’d like to help support the show, by buying your own Dogman Encounters t-shirt, sweatshirt, tank top, or coffee mug, please visit the Dogman Encounters Show Store, by going to

    If you've had a Dogman encounter and would like to speak with me about it, whether you'd like to keep your encounter confidential or be interviewed on a show, please go to and submit a report.

    If you've had a Sasquatch sighting and would like to be a guest on My Bigfoot Sighting, please go to and submit a report.

    I produce 3 other podcasts. Below, you’ll find links to them.

    My Bigfoot Sighting...
    Bigfoot Eyewitness Radio...
    My Paranormal Experience

    Thanks for listening!

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  • Tonight's guest works as a security guard supervisor at a casino, in Ottawa County, Oklahoma. Late one night, last summer, while he was doing a foot patrol across the road from the casino, something happened to him that will forever change the way he feels outside after the sun goes down. He never used to fear the dark, but now that he knows what's out there, in the dark, the comfort level he once had has left him. We hope you'll join us for tonight's livestream and find out what happened to cause his paradigm shift.

    Premium memberships are now available! If you’d like to be able to listen to the show without ads and have full access to premium content, please go to to find out how to become a premium member.

    If you’d like to help support the show, by buying your own Dogman Encounters t-shirt, sweatshirt, tank top, or coffee mug, please visit the Dogman Encounters Show Store, by going to

    If you've had a Dogman encounter and would like to speak with me about it, whether you'd like to keep your encounter confidential or be interviewed on a show, please go to and submit a report.

    If you've had a Sasquatch sighting and would like to be a guest on My Bigfoot Sighting, please go to and submit a report.

    I produce 3 other podcasts. Below, you’ll find links to them.

    My Bigfoot Sighting...
    Bigfoot Eyewitness Radio...
    My Paranormal Experience

    Thanks for listening!

  • Tonight's guest, Donna Hough, came on last week’s show and shared the details of a terrifying Dogman encounter she had when a Dogman reached through the bathroom window, she was standing in front of, as if it was going to grab her. On tonight’s livestream show, I’m going to be asking her questions about that experience and I’ll also be asking her questions from listeners in the Live Chat. We hope you’ll have plenty of questions for her because she’ll be on hand to answer them.

    Premium memberships are now available! If you’d like to be able to listen to the show without ads and have full access to premium content, please go to to find out how to become a premium member.

    If you’d like to help support the show, by buying your own Dogman Encounters t-shirt, sweatshirt, tank top, or coffee mug, please visit the Dogman Encounters Show Store, by going to

    If you've had a Dogman encounter and would like to speak with me about it, whether you'd like to keep your encounter confidential or be interviewed on a show, please go to and submit a report.

    If you've had a Sasquatch sighting and would like to be a guest on My Bigfoot Sighting, please go to and submit a report.

    I produce 3 other podcasts. Below, you’ll find links to them.

    My Bigfoot Sighting...
    Bigfoot Eyewitness Radio...
    My Paranormal Experience

    Thanks for listening!


    If you normally allow your children to listen to the show, please be sure to listen to first, and then decide whether you think they’d be able to handle listening to it. The circumstance behind Donna’s encounter are too frightening for most kids to handle.

    Tonight's guest, Donna Hough, has been having paranormal experiences for as long as she can remember. They stretch all the way back into her early childhood. Due to having so many experiences with the paranormal, she’d become almost indifferent to them. While it’s true that disembodied voices and unseen entities touching someone would send most people running away, in sheer terror, that’s not the case with Donna. You see, when she has experiences, like that, she rolls over and goes back to sleep. She DID have an experience, in the year 2000, however, that terrified her to her core. In fact, it frightened her so much that, for years, she struggled to come to terms with it. If you listen to her share the details of her experience, I’m pretty sure you’ll understand why. After all, the only thing worse than having a Werewolf staring you, in your face, is having one reaching out for you, from behind, inside your home.

    Premium memberships are now available! If you’d like to be able to listen to the show without ads and have full access to premium content, please go to to find out how to become a premium member.

    If you’d like to help support the show, by buying your own Dogman Encounters t-shirt, sweatshirt, tank top, or coffee mug, please visit the Dogman Encounters Show Store, by going to

    If you've had a Dogman encounter and would like to speak with me about it, whether you'd like to keep your encounter confidential or be interviewed on a show, please go to and submit a report.

    If you've had a Sasquatch sighting and would like to be a guest on My Bigfoot Sighting, please go to and submit a report.

    I produce 3 other podcasts. Below, you’ll find links to them.

    My Bigfoot Sighting...
    Bigfoot Eyewitness Radio...
    My Paranormal Experience

    Thanks for listening!

  • If you've been following the Dogman phenomenon for any length of time, it would be natural for you to wonder if Dogmen are supernatural beings from the ether, rather than flesh and blood creatures. Tonight's guest, David Westbrooks, says he started having encounters with Dogmen when he was just a kid. The place where he says that he had his first experiences with them will probably surprise you. We hope you'll tune in and listen to him share his experiences.

    Premium memberships are now available! If you’d like to be able to listen to the show without ads and have full access to premium content, please go to to find out how to become a premium member.

    If you’d like to help support the show, by buying your own Dogman Encounters t-shirt, sweatshirt, tank top, or coffee mug, please visit the Dogman Encounters Show Store, by going to

    If you've had a Dogman encounter and would like to speak with me about it, whether you'd like to keep your encounter confidential or be interviewed on a show, please go to and submit a report.

    If you've had a Sasquatch sighting and would like to be a guest on My Bigfoot Sighting, please go to and submit a report.

    I produce 3 other podcasts. Below, you’ll find links to them.

    My Bigfoot Sighting...
    Bigfoot Eyewitness Radio...
    My Paranormal Experience

    Thanks for listening!

  • Tonight's guests, Rovin and Brenda Rhodes, spend a lot of time beating the bushes hoping to catch Sasquatch on film. They've had very good luck getting photos of them, using various techniques they've learned, over the years. While they've been out doing that, Sasquatch isn't the only kind of cryptid they've taken photos of. Brenda has taken several pictures of Dogmen too, while they've been in the field. On tonight's show, Rovin and Brenda are not only going to talk about those pictures they've taken and share experiences they've had, in the field, with you, they're also going to answer questions listeners have in the Live chat. We hope you'll join us for tonight's livestream and that you'll have plenty of questions for Rovin and Brenda.

    To find out more about Rovin and Brenda's research, please visit their website by going to...

    Premium memberships are now available! If you’d like to be able to listen to the show without ads and have full access to premium content, please go to to find out how to become a premium member.

    If you’d like to help support the show, by buying your own Dogman Encounters t-shirt, sweatshirt, tank top, or coffee mug, please visit the Dogman Encounters Show Store, by going to

    If you've had a Dogman encounter and would like to speak with me about it, whether you'd like to keep your encounter confidential or be interviewed on a show, please go to and submit a report.

    If you've had a Sasquatch sighting and would like to be a guest on My Bigfoot Sighting, please go to and submit a report.

    I produce 3 other podcasts. Below, you’ll find links to them.

    My Bigfoot Sighting...
    Bigfoot Eyewitness Radio...
    My Paranormal Experience

    Thanks for listening!

  • In October of 2017, tonight’s guest, Ethan, decided to check out a place, in the woods near where he lived, that locals claimed was haunted. He didn’t go there alone. He had a friend with him. It was a fairly calm night but there wasn’t much of a moon out. That made it pretty dark in the woods. Even though Ethan was only 17, at the time, he still had more than enough experience in the woods to have a good idea what kinds of animals he might see that night and what kinds he wasn’t likely to see. That brought him a certain level of comfort. That comfort was shattered, however, when a deep growl broke the silence. The sound of that growl shook Ethan to his core. Seconds later, a dark figure stepped into view, on all fours, and then rose to its full, 7-foot height, on its back legs. Then, Ethan did something he wishes he never would have done…

    Premium memberships are now available! If you’d like to be able to listen to the show without ads and have full access to premium content, please go to to find out how to become a premium member.

    If you’d like to help support the show, by buying your own Dogman Encounters t-shirt, sweatshirt, tank top, or coffee mug, please visit the Dogman Encounters Show Store, by going to

    If you've had a Dogman encounter and would like to speak with me about it, whether you'd like to keep your encounter confidential or be interviewed on a show, please go to and submit a report.

    If you've had a Sasquatch sighting and would like to be a guest on My Bigfoot Sighting, please go to and submit a report.

    I produce 3 other podcasts. Below, you’ll find links to them.

    My Bigfoot Sighting...
    Bigfoot Eyewitness Radio...
    My Paranormal Experience

    Thanks for listening!

  • Tonight’s guest, Dwayne, was featured on Episode 409, and on that show, he told us about the Dogman encounter he had in 2012, while deer hunting in Michigan's Lower Peninsula. Well, this last January, he had another encounter and that's what he's going to be talking about on tonight's livestream episode of the show. He'll also be answering listener questions that are posted in the live chat. We hope you'll join us in the live chat and that you'll have plenty of questions for Dwayne.

    Premium memberships are now available! If you’d like to be able to listen to the show without ads and have full access to premium content, please go to to find out how to become a premium member.

    If you’d like to help support the show, by buying your own Dogman Encounters t-shirt, sweatshirt, tank top, or coffee mug, please visit the Dogman Encounters Show Store, by going to

    If you've had a Dogman encounter and would like to speak with me about it, whether you'd like to keep your encounter confidential or be interviewed on a show, please go to and submit a report.

    If you've had a Sasquatch sighting and would like to be a guest on My Bigfoot Sighting, please go to and submit a report.

    I produce 3 other podcasts. Below, you’ll find links to them.

    My Bigfoot Sighting...
    Bigfoot Eyewitness Radio...
    My Paranormal Experience

    Thanks for listening!

  • Tonight's guest, Bridgett, lives in an apartment complex that’s next to a forest. For most people, that would add to the appeal of living where she does. For Bridgett, however, that’s not a good thing. It’s a drawback for her. You see, on more than one occasion, while taking her dog, Maggie, out for her last bathroom break of the night, she’s had terrifying encounters with something that seems to be hanging around her apartment complex. Bridgett doesn’t understand how, but she can sense when it’s around. On tonight’s livestream episode of the show, Bridgett will be telling us about the frightening encounters she’s been made to bear, and she’ll be ready to answer any questions listeners in the live chat might have for her. We hope you’ll join us.

    Premium memberships are now available! If you’d like to be able to listen to the show without ads and have full access to premium content, please go to to find out how to become a premium member.

    If you’d like to help support the show, by buying your own Dogman Encounters t-shirt, sweatshirt, tank top, or coffee mug, please visit the Dogman Encounters Show Store, by going to

    If you've had a Dogman encounter and would like to speak with me about it, whether you'd like to keep your encounter confidential or be interviewed on a show, please go to and submit a report.

    If you've had a Sasquatch sighting and would like to be a guest on My Bigfoot Sighting, please go to and submit a report.

    I produce 3 other podcasts. Below, you’ll find links to them.

    My Bigfoot Sighting...
    Bigfoot Eyewitness Radio...
    My Paranormal Experience

    Thanks for listening!

  • Tonight's guest, Lisa, has been researching Sasquatch for 23 years now. While researching her favorite cryptid, she's spent untold hours in some of the most remote forests in the Lower 48. Sure. She had heard people talk about Dogmen, but she didn't believe, for a second, that they were actually out there. She figured they were just figments of so-called eyewitnesses' imaginations. She and some of the other researchers she knows have even made fun of a woman she knows, after that woman tried to tell them about a Dogman encounter she'd had. Well, less than a week ago, the topic of Dogmen lost all of its humor to Lisa and 3 other Sasquatch researchers, late one night. That was the night the 4 of them had a Dogman encounter of their own.

    Lisa is featured, as the guest, on two of my shows tonight. Of course, she's tonight's guest on Dogman Encounters. She's also tonight's guest on My Bigfoot Sighting. On tonight's episode of My Bigfoot Sighting, she talks about the Bigfoot that paid her a visit, late one night, when she was 10 years old. She was in bed when it paid her that visit, and that experience is why she's a Sasquatch researcher present day. If you'd like to listen to Lisa's episode of My Bigfoot Sighting, please go to...

    Lisa has her own YouTube Channel. It’s called “Cryptids Unlimited.” If you’d like to check out her channel, which we hope you will, please go to… Premium memberships are now available! If you’d like to be able to listen to the show without ads and have full access to premium content, please go to to find out how to become a premium member.

    If you’d like to help support the show, by buying your own Dogman Encounters t-shirt, sweatshirt, tank top, or coffee mug, please visit the Dogman Encounters Show Store, by going to

    If you've had a Dogman encounter and would like to speak with me about it, whether you'd like to keep your encounter confidential or be interviewed on a show, please go to and submit a report.

    If you've had a Sasquatch sighting and would like to be a guest on My Bigfoot Sighting, please go to and submit a report.

    I produce 3 other podcasts. Below, you’ll find links to them.

    My Bigfoot Sighting...
    Bigfoot Eyewitness Radio...
    My Paranormal Experience

    Thanks for listening!

  • Tonight’s guest, Mike, was featured on Episode 504 and on that show, he told us about an extremely traumatic Dogman encounter he had on Bear Mountain, in Connecticut. We ran out of time before Mike could answer any questions about his encounter, so he’ll be back to answer your questions on tonight’s, special, livestream episode. We hope you’ll join us, in the live chat, and that you’ll have plenty of questions ready for Mike. In addition to answering your questions, Mike's going to update on on what's been happening, in his life, since Episode 504 aired. Unfortunately, he's been dealing with very unfortunate things.

    If you have housing you’d be interested in allowing Mike to rent, please contact him at [email protected] and let him know. Thank you! We can't thank you enough for helping him.
    Due to Mike being homeless now and having the income he can count on cut in half, that’s put him in a very bad position. If you’d be willing to make a donation, to help Mike get his feet back under him, it would be most appreciated! To make such a donation, here’s a link to the GoFundMe Page I created for him…

    Thanks, so much, for any help you can give him!

  • Tonight’s guest wishes to remain anonymous, so I just called her “Dixie” in tonight’s show. Dixie knows more about wolves than most people. She used to raise wolves, in Northern Minnesota, so it’s safe to say that she knows a thing or two about them. One night, at the beginning of August, in 1995, Dixie was driving home down Highway 23, with her two youngest children. It was about 10:30 PM and they were heading home, through a remote area, after visiting Dixie’s mother. It was a very dark night, due to there being no moon out. Suddenly, something caught her eye off to the right side of the road…

    Premium memberships are now available! If you’d like to be able to listen to the show without ads and have full access to premium content, please go to to find out how to become a premium member.

    If you’d like to help support the show, by buying your own Dogman Encounters t-shirt, sweatshirt, tank top, or coffee mug, please visit the Dogman Encounters Show Store, by going to

    If you've had a Dogman encounter and would like to speak with me about it, whether you'd like to keep your encounter confidential or be interviewed on a show, please go to and submit a report.

    If you've had a Sasquatch sighting and would like to be a guest on My Bigfoot Sighting, please go to and submit a report.

    I produce 3 other podcasts. Below, you’ll find links to them.

    My Bigfoot Sighting...
    Bigfoot Eyewitness Radio...
    My Paranormal Experience

    Thanks for listening!

  • Tonight’s guest, Jaime Smith, grew up in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and as a kid, he spent more time in the woods than you could shake a stick at. Spending so much time out there, the way he did, gave him a familiarity with the woods that made him very comfortable out there. Fast forward 30 years. Jaime services casinos, in the U.P. of Michigan and in Wisconsin, for a living. That means he’s required to spend untold hours driving down lonely country roads to get from casino to casino. When you spend that much time driving through remote wooded areas of Michigan and Wisconsin, how could that be exciting? If you listen to tonight’s show, you’ll find out and we hope you’ll do that.

    Premium memberships are now available! If you’d like to be able to listen to the show without ads and have full access to premium content, please go to to find out how to become a premium member.

    If you’d like to help support the show, by buying your own Dogman Encounters t-shirt, sweatshirt, tank top, or coffee mug, please visit the Dogman Encounters Show Store, by going to

    If you've had a Dogman encounter and would like to speak with me about it, whether you'd like to keep your encounter confidential or be interviewed on a show, please go to and submit a report.

    If you've had a Sasquatch sighting and would like to be a guest on My Bigfoot Sighting, please go to and submit a report.

    I produce 3 other podcasts. Below, you’ll find links to them.

    My Bigfoot Sighting...
    Bigfoot Eyewitness Radio...
    My Paranormal Experience

    Thanks for listening!

  • Robin was featured on Episodes 139, 280, 398, & 399. On those shows, she told us about the Dogman-related experiences she's had and continues to have on her remote, Montana, property. Well, she's come back to update us and answer questions, for listeners in the live chat. We hope you'll join us and have plenty of questions ready for her.

    Premium memberships are now available! If you’d like to be able to listen to the show without ads and have full access to premium content, please go to to find out how to become a premium member.

    If you’d like to help support the show, by buying your own Dogman Encounters t-shirt, sweatshirt, tank top, or coffee mug, please visit the Dogman Encounters Show Store, by going to

    If you've had a Dogman encounter and would like to speak with me about it, whether you'd like to keep your encounter confidential or be interviewed on a show, please go to and submit a report.

    If you've had a Sasquatch sighting and would like to be a guest on My Bigfoot Sighting, please go to and submit a report.

    I produce 3 other podcasts. Below, you’ll find links to them.

    My Bigfoot Sighting...
    Bigfoot Eyewitness Radio...
    My Paranormal Experience

    Thanks for listening!

  • If you’re ever in Connecticut and find yourself thinking about taking a trip to Bear Mountain, tonight’s guest would recommend going elsewhere. That’s because he had a very traumatic experience on Bear Mountain two days ago, with a Dogman, that left him horrified. It's understandable why his encounter frightened him so much. Most people would have been frightened to within an inch of their lives too, if they had experienced what he did. If you listen to tonight’s show, you’ll understand why, and we hope you’ll do that. Premium memberships are now available!

    If you’d like to be able to listen to the show without ads and have full access to premium content, please go to to find out how to become a premium member.

    If you’d like to help support the show, by buying your own Dogman Encounters t-shirt, sweatshirt, tank top, or coffee mug, please visit the Dogman Encounters Show Store, by going to

    If you've had a Dogman encounter and would like to speak with me about it, whether you'd like to keep your encounter confidential or be interviewed on a show, please go to and submit a report.

    If you've had a Sasquatch sighting and would like to be a guest on My Bigfoot Sighting, please go to and submit a report.

    I produce 3 other podcasts. Below, you’ll find links to them.

    My Bigfoot Sighting...
    Bigfoot Eyewitness Radio...
    My Paranormal Experience

    Thanks for listening!

  • If you’ve been listening to the show, for any length of time, the name Werewolf Mike should stand out in your mind. That’s because he’s been on the show multiple times, sharing the amazing Dogman-related experiences he’s had in the U.K. On today’s special livestream episode, Werewolf Mike came back to share more experiences. In addition to sharing more experiences, he answered questions from listeners in the live chat.

    If you’d like to visit Werewolf Mike’s YouTube Channel, which we hope you would, please go to…

    Premium memberships are now available! If you’d like to be able to listen to the show without ads and have full access to premium content, please go to to find out how to become a premium member.

    If you’d like to help support the show, by buying your own Dogman Encounters t-shirt, sweatshirt, tank top, or coffee mug, please visit the Dogman Encounters Show Store, by going to

    If you've had a Dogman encounter and would like to speak with me about it, whether you'd like to keep your encounter confidential or be interviewed on a show, please go to and submit a report.

    If you've had a Sasquatch sighting and would like to be a guest on My Bigfoot Sighting, please go to and submit a report.

    I produce 3 other podcasts. Below, you’ll find links to them.

    My Bigfoot Sighting...
    Bigfoot Eyewitness Radio...
    My Paranormal Experience

    Thanks for listening!

  • Tonight’s guest, Cody, was featured on Episode 497 and on that show, he told us about the injured, juvenile, Dogman he helped, when he was a kid. After that show aired, a lot of listeners made it clear that they wanted to know if Cody ever has another encounter. Most of the listeners were of the opinion that if Cody ever did have another encounter, it would be a good one, just like all of his prior encounters. Well, last Saturday night, he did have another encounter, but it was anything but good. On tonight’s show, Cody’s going to come back to share the details of that encounter, as well as answer your questions about it. We hope you’ll tune in and listen to him do that.

    Premium memberships are now available! If you’d like to be able to listen to the show without ads and have full access to premium content, please go to to find out how to become a premium member.

    If you’d like to help support the show, by buying your own Dogman Encounters t-shirt, sweatshirt, tank top, or coffee mug, please visit the Dogman Encounters Show Store, by going to

    If you've had a Dogman encounter and would like to speak with me about it, whether you'd like to keep your encounter confidential or be interviewed on a show, please go to and submit a report.

    If you've had a Sasquatch sighting and would like to be a guest on My Bigfoot Sighting, please go to and submit a report.

    I produce 3 other podcasts. Below, you’ll find links to them.

    My Bigfoot Sighting...
    Bigfoot Eyewitness Radio...
    My Paranormal Experience

    Thanks for listening!

  • Tonight's livestream show will be the first one dedicated to answering your general questions about Dogmen. With that in mind, I’ve invited two Dogman researchers, Paul Chafin, and Mike Colontonio, on to do that. Paul Chafin has a YouTube Channel, called "The Kentucky Dogman Project, and on his channel, he has a lot of videos showing him researching Dogmen, in the field. Mike Colontonio has a YouTube Channel called "Long Island Bigfoot," but don't let the name fool you. He's put a good amount of field research into Dogmen too. We hope you have a lot of questions for these gentlemen because they’re going to be ready to answer them for you.

    To visit Paul's Kentucky Dogman Project YouTube Channel, please go to...

    To visit Mike Colontonio's Long Island Bigfoot YouTube Channel, please go to...

    Premium memberships are now available! If you’d like to be able to listen to the show without ads and have full access to premium content, please go to to find out how to become a premium member.

    If you’d like to help support the show, by buying your own Dogman Encounters t-shirt, sweatshirt, tank top, or coffee mug, please visit the Dogman Encounters Show Store, by going to

    If you've had a Dogman encounter and would like to speak with me about it, whether you'd like to keep your encounter confidential or be interviewed on a show, please go to and submit a report.

    If you've had a Sasquatch sighting and would like to be a guest on My Bigfoot Sighting, please go to and submit a report.

    I produce 3 other podcasts. Below, you’ll find links to them.

    My Bigfoot Sighting...
    Bigfoot Eyewitness Radio...
    My Paranormal Experience

    Thanks for listening!

  • Tonight's show marks the 500th episode of Dogman Encounters. Thank you, so much, for supporting the show, the way so many of you have. You’ll never know how many Dogman eyewitnesses you’ve helped, by showing them the support you have.

    For tonight’s show, we’re going to welcome an eyewitness on the show, Matt, who just might have had some of the most intense encounters with a Dogman, ever. When he experienced the multiple encounters he’s going to tell you about, on tonight’s livestream episode, you’ll notice that two Dogmen kept making their presence known to him. A small Dogman that seemed to have Matt’s best interest in mind, by displaying what could almost be considered altruistic behavior and a huge, black, one that gave almost every indication it was out to get Matt. We hope you’ll tune in and listen to Matt walk you through the incredibly intense encounters he’s had with those two Dogmen. If you do, you’ll be able to form your own opinion regarding the mindset of both Dogmen.

    Premium memberships are now available! If you’d like to be able to listen to the show without ads and have full access to premium content, please go to to find out how to become a premium member.

    If you’d like to help support the show, by buying your own Dogman Encounters t-shirt, sweatshirt, tank top, or coffee mug, please visit the Dogman Encounters Show Store, by going to

    If you've had a Dogman encounter and would like to speak with me about it, whether you'd like to keep your encounter confidential or be interviewed on a show, please go to and submit a report.

    If you've had a Sasquatch sighting and would like to be a guest on My Bigfoot Sighting, please go to and submit a report.

    I produce 3 other podcasts. Below, you’ll find links to them.

    My Bigfoot Sighting...
    Bigfoot Eyewitness Radio...
    My Paranormal Experience

    Thanks for listening!